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发布时间:2022-11-29 11:22:47

『壹』 《Planet 51》(51号星球) 英文简介

《第51号星球》是一部以银河系为背景的外星人动画冒险喜剧。故事围绕着一个美国宇航员Charles Chuck Baker船长(德韦恩·约翰逊 配音)展开。Chuck在第51号星球上着陆,他本以为自己是第一个踏足该星球的人类。结果他吃惊地发现,这颗行星上早就存在着居民。这些小绿人幸福地生活在白色木栅栏围起的家园里,他们的世界令人联想起美国快乐纯真的五十年代。他们唯一的担忧就是像Chuck一样的外星人入侵他们的星球。在机器人伙伴Rover和新朋友Lem的帮助下,Chuck必须穿越51号星球上令人目眩神迷的景色,以避免成为该星球外星入侵者博物馆的永久性展品。

Planet 51 is a galactic-sized animated alien adventure comedy revolving around American astronaut Captain Charles Chuck Baker (voiced by Dwayne Johnson), who lands on Planet 51 thinking he's the first person to step foot on it. To his surprise, he finds that this planet is inhabited by little green people who are happily living in a white picket fence world reminiscent of a cheerfully innocent 1950s America, and whose only fear is that it will be overrun by alien invaders...like Chuck! With the help of his robot companion "Rover" and his new friend Lem, Chuck must navigate his way through the dazzling, but bewildering, landscape of Planet 51 in order to escape becoming a permanent part of the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum

Lem(贾斯汀·朗 配音)只是一个普普通通的少年,整天忙于追求女孩和进一步发展自己在当地天文馆的工作;唯一不寻常之处在于,他是个外星人。51号星球上的媒体将宇航员描述成吸食脑浆并制造僵尸的可怕怪物,Chuck只得逃命,结果闯进了Lem的家里。赶在军事独裁者Grawl将军和疯狂科学家Kipple教授赶来消灭地球来访者之前,只能靠这个绿皮肤的本地人帮助笨手笨脚的宇航员回到他的宇宙飞船上。

Lem (voiced by Justin Long) is just an average teenager working on getting the girl and furthering his career at the local planetarium -- except that he's an alien. The media on this planet has tagged spacemen as brain-eating, zombie-creating monsters, causing Chuck to run for his life and into Lem's house. Now it's up to the green native to get the clumsy astronaut back to his spaceship before military dictator General Grawl and mad scientist Professor Kipple manage to exterminate the Earthly visitor.


At great peril to himself, Lem continues to try and help Chuck. With the help of a few of Lem's friends and Chuck's trusty pal Rover, they just might succeed, and if Chuck can put aside his grand vision of himself, he just might be able to teach the inhabitants of Planet 51 a thing or two about what lies beyond.

『贰』 九大行星的英文单词速记谁知开头好象是my ...morther...

在英语国家里,小孩子们用这句话来记住太阳系九大行星的名字,以及它们距离太阳远近的顺序。你看太阳在这个位置。这句话是这样说的:My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas.如果你仔细看一下这句话中每个单词打头的字母,你就会发现,这句话的确可以帮助你来记住九大行星的名字和它们距离太阳远近的顺序。离太阳最近的行星叫做Mercury 水星,V是Venus 金星,E是Earth 地球,M是Mars 火星,J是Jupiter 木星,S是Saturn 土星,U是Uranus 天王星,N是Neptune 海王星,最后P是Pluto 冥王星,非常可爱的Pluto。

『叁』 关于行星的英文诗句

1. 关于行星的英语文章

In our solar system has eight planets, from the distance from the sun in childhood for mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Pluto has been delimited dwarf planets.Mercury is the most close to the sun, in the solar system. The most light planet minimum Mercury in diameter less than IO sanhe Titan on.。

2. 关于天文的一些英文词2

Gemini 双子座

Pyxis 天平座

Canis Major 大犬座

Canis Minor 小犬座

Orion 猎户座

Cepheus 仙王座

Perseus 英仙座

Hydra 长蛇座

Corvus 乌鸦座




水星 Mercury

金星 Venus

地球 Earth

火星 Mars

木星 Jupiter

土星 Saturn

天王星 Uranus

海王星 Neptune

还有一个,冥王星 Pluto ,但是现在已经不能算作九大行星了。








3. 宇宙行星英语作文


球是我们的家园;而地球仅是太阳系的第三颗行星;而太阳系又仅仅定居于银河系巨大旋臂的一侧;而银河系,在宇宙所有星系中,也许很不起眼…… 这一切,组成了我们的宇宙: 宇宙,是所有天体共同的家园。宇宙,又是我们所在的时间,“宙”的本意就是指“古往今来”。



科学家发现,宇宙正在膨胀着,星体之间的距离越来越大。 宇宙的明天会怎样?许多的科学家正为此辛勤工作着。

这也许永远是一个谜,一个令人无限神往的谜 加上这些 太阳离我们究竟有多远?宇宙到底有多大?外星人真的光临过地球吗?……面对广阔,美丽而又神秘的宇宙空间,我带着好奇的渴望,提出了一个又一个被我困扰已久的问题。 自从读了这本《千万个为什么》以后,我的脑海里失去了许多问号。


,你也可以投稿 外星人是否存在?是我觉得最有趣儿的问题,现在,这个迷团终于解开了。答案是:外星人存在。



4. 我要一篇关于宇宙几个行星的英文作文,初一水平就好

Our universe, mysterious, in our solar system, the study of value, as the universe. Now, let's see, members of the solar system. The planet mercury, a phrase, nor, even a drop of surface temperature is quite large, if you put in the daytime is a pig, KaoRuZhu, night is frozen pork. Venus, and mercury, on the contrary, it is extremely thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect, his temperature is extremely high, up to a maximum of 4.8 even more degrees Celsius, aircraft cannot landed in the above, but he is very much like earth initial state, is very good study materials. Mars, earth and can be "sister planet", because the planet, or because sandstorm of iron, he's surface is red, this small planet to show the different side with Venus, st storms, drought, and perhaps a human and tens of thousands of years. Jupiter, this planet, such as wood of the solar system's brother, his biggest characteristic is to see the great red spot, tornadoes, and that is the storm, it is the power of our big typhoon on thousands of times. Saturn and Neptune, first, Uranus, we known after a planet, I'm afraid you can't imagine how he turn, you dare to turn the circle go a little, though, but dare you forever are rolling walking, Uranus is outstanding. As a famous Neptune, he, he is not observed, but calculate out of 19th century, astronomers have discovered some rules of operation Uranus, they suspect a planet in "time", continuously, people finally got this planet Neptune. As to Pluto, in 2006 the international astronomical joint conference has revoked the planet Pluto, became a dwarf planet, nonetheless, for his desire to explore, even more than other planets.汉语翻译:我们的宇宙,神秘莫测,在我们的太阳系中,其所研究的价值,不亚于宇宙。





5. 用英文介绍八大行星

Jupiter Jupiter (5.2 AU), at 318 Earth masses, masses 2.5 times all the other planets put together. It is composed largely of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter's strong internal heat creates a number of semi-permanent features in its atmosphere, such as cloud bands and the Great Red Spot. Jupiter has sixty-three known satellites. The four largest, Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa, show similarities to the terrestrial planets, such as volcanism and internal heating.Ganymede, the largest satellite in the Solar System, is larger than Mercury. Saturn Saturn (9.5 AU), famous for its extensive ring system, has similarities to Jupiter, such as its atmospheric composition. Saturn is far less massive, being only 95 Earth masses. Saturn has sixty known satellites (and 3 unconfirmed); two of which, Titan and Encelas, show signs of geological activity, though they are largely made of ice.Titan is larger than Mercury and the only satellite in the Solar System with a substantial atmosphere. Uranus Uranus (19.6 AU), at 14 Earth masses, is the lightest of the outer planets. Uniquely among the planets, it orbits the Sun on its side; its axial tilt is over ninety degrees to the ecliptic. It has a much colder core than the other gas giants, and radiates very little heat into space.Uranus has twenty-seven known satellites, the largest ones being Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel and Miranda. Mercury Mercury (0.4 AU) is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest planet (0.055 Earth masses). Mercury has no natural satellites, and its only known geological features besides impact craters are "wrinkle-ridges", probably proced by a period of contraction early in its history.Mercury's almost negligible atmosphere consists of atoms blasted off its surface by the solar wind.Its relatively large iron core and thin mantle have not yet been adequately explained. Hypotheses include that its outer layers were stripped off by a giant impact, and that it was prevented from fully accreting by the young Sun's energy. Venus Venus (0.7 AU) is close in size to Earth (0.815 Earth masses) and, like Earth, has a thick silicate mantle around an iron core, a substantial atmosphere and evidence of internal geological activity. However, it is much drier than Earth and its atmosphere is ninety times as dense. Venus has no natural satellites. It is the hottest planet, with surface temperatures over 400 °C, most likely e to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.No definitive evidence of current geological activity has been detected on Venus, but it has no magnetic field that would prevent depletion of its substantial atmosphere, which suggests that its atmosphere is regularly replenished by volcanic eruptions.Earth Earth (1 AU) is the largest and densest of the inner planets, the only one known to have current geological activity, and the only planet known to have life. Its liquid hydrosphere is unique among the terrestrial planets, and it is also the only planet where plate tectonics has been observed. Earth's atmosphere is radically different from those of the other planets, having been altered by the presence of life to contain 21% free oxygen.It has one satellite, the Moon, the only large satellite of a terrestrial planet in the Solar System. Mars Mars (1.5 AU) is smaller than Earth and Venus (0.107 Earth masses). It possesses a tenuous atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide. Its surface, peppered with vast volcanoes such as Olympus Mons and rift valleys such as Valles Marineris, shows geological activity that may have persisted until very recently.Mars has two tiny natural satellites (Deimos and Phobos) thought to be captured asteroids.Neptune Neptune (30 AU), though slightly smaller than Uranus, is more massive (equivalent to 17 Earths) and therefore denser. It radiates more internal heat, but not as much as Jupiter or Saturn.Neptune has thirteen known satellites. The largest, Triton, is geologically active, with geysers of liquid nitrogen.Triton is the only large satellite with a retrograde orbit. Neptune is accompanied in its orbit by a number of minor planets in a 1:1 resonance with it, termed Neptune Trojans.。

6. 太阳系九大行星的英文


离太阳较近的水星、金星、地球及火星称为类地行星(terrestrial planets)。 离太阳较远的木星、土星、天王星、海王星及冥王星称为类木行星(jovian planets)。


『肆』 八大行星知识(英文版)

The Planets
Our solar system consists of the sun, eight planets and a dwarf planet (and their moons), an asteroid belt, and many comets and meteors. The sun is the center of our solar system; the planets, their moons, the asteroids, comets, and other rocks and gas all orbit the sun.

The eight planets that orbit the sun are (in order from the sun): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. A belt of asteroids (minor planets made of rock and metal) lies between Mars and Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.Another name for the earth is the blue planet. There used to be nine planets. Pluto was kicked off.

『伍』 求八大行星的英文简洁介绍

Mercury (水星) Venus (金星) Earth (地球) Mars (火星) Jupiter (木星) Saturn (土星) Uranus(天王星) Neptune (海王星) Pluto(冥王星) Sedna(第10大行星)

『陆』 英文影片《星球大战》中10句经典的台词

  1. Do or do not, there is no try. Yoda

  2. May the force be with you

  3. "It's a trap!”——Admiral Ackbar

  4. You fail your highness I am a Jedi, like my Father used to be.

  5. I want to be the first one who see them all.

  6. you have allowed this dark Lord to twist your mind, until now, until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

  7. Train Yourself to let go.

  8. Not too worry. We are still flying half a ship.

  9. I don't think so. No one can kill a Jedi!

  10. I hate you!
    You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you!


『柒』 电影星球大战经典台词对白摘抄

那些经典的台词,很多都对星球迷有着很深的影响,现在我们再来回味一下其中的精华吧。以下是我为你精心整理的星球大战 经典台词 摘抄,希望你喜欢。

1) 永远别跟我说几率。——汉·索洛 Never tell me the odds.– Han Solo

2) 无与伦比的女孩,我要么就杀了她,要么就开始喜欢她。 wonderful girl. either i'm going to kill her or i'm beginning to like her. han solo

3) 我不再认识你了,阿纳金,你让我的心碎了,你走向了一条我无法跟随的道路。i don't know you anymore. anakin,you're breaking my heart!you're going down a path i can't follow. padme

4) 所以自由就是这样消逝的,伴随着雷鸣般的掌声。——帕德梅·阿米达拉 So this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause. – PadméAmidala

5) 你的眼睛会骗你。别信它们。——欧比-旺·克诺比 Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them. – Obi-Wan Kenobi

6) 你的生活重心决定你的生活现状。——奎-冈·金 Your focus determines your reality. – Qui-Gon Jinn

7) 控心术对我无效。——沃图Mind tricks don't work on me. – Watto

8) 恐惧是通向黑暗之路。恐惧导致愤怒。愤怒引发仇恨。仇恨造成痛苦。--Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

9) You... you're afraid... that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader!你……你在害怕……你害怕自己永远不会想达斯·维德一样强大。

10) you must unlearn what you have learned. yoda你要忘掉以前所学。
1) You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it when you left.你知道,虽然我们总是吵架,但我还是讨厌你不辞而别。

2) Who can doubt the commitment of such a promising young cadet?"谁能怀疑这样一个有前途的年轻人的承诺吗?

3) wars not make one great. yoda战争不会令一个人变得伟大

4) There are some things far more frightening than death.有些事远比死亡更可怕

5) Rey, may the force be with you.蕾伊,原力与你同在。

6) Live long and prosper.生生不息繁荣昌盛

7) Leia: You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it whenyou left.莱娅:你知道,虽然我们总是吵架,但我还是讨厌你不辞而别。

8) It's true. All of it. The Dark Side, the Jedi. They're real.是真的,都是真的。黑暗面,绝地武士,他们活生生存在。

9) I was raised to do one thing... but I've got nothing to fight for.费恩:我只为一件事而生……但我却没有奋斗的目标

10) Fear is the path to the darkside.恐惧是黑暗的道路。

11) do or do not. there's no try. yoda只有做与不做,没有试一下

12) .Intensify forward firepower.加强火力向前

13) Intensify forward firepower.加强火力向前

14) 如果我有时间和精力,我一定会用锤子把世界上所有假日特辑的DVD敲个粉碎。————乔治卢卡斯

15) 帕德梅说:"阿那金,你变了很的多" 阿纳金说:"你一点也没变"

16) I'm a jedi,like my father before me. 我是个哲达武士,我像我的父亲一样。

17) It leads you so powerful as the emperor has expected you are...已经记不太清楚了,大概是的...

18) I'm a jedi,like my father before me. 我是jedi,就像我从前的父亲

19) .Leia: You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it whenyou left.莱娅:你知道,虽然我们总是吵架,但我还是讨厌你不辞而别。

20) Han Solo: I've got a bad feeling about this.汉•索洛:对这件事我感觉很不好。

21) I have a bad feeling about this.我有种不祥的预感。

22) Here's where the fun begins. 好戏要上场了。








主要剧情:为了救出被碳凝的汉·索洛,莱娅公主、兰多·卡瑞辛和丘巴卡分别以各种 方法 渗透进赫特人贾巴的宫殿。阿纳金因在与皇帝的战斗中受了致命伤而死在卢克面前,融入了原力。在庆功宴上,卢克看见了克诺比、尤达和父亲阿纳金的原力英灵。同时,银河各地庆祝皇帝殒命。






主要剧情:银河共和国陷入动荡,数千个星系表达了他们想脱离共和国的意向。把这一惊人发现 报告 绝地委员会后,克诺比尾随费特至吉奥诺西斯星系。时任最高议长的希夫·帕尔帕廷在首都科洛桑检阅了这支初次经历战火洗礼的军队,满载着克隆士兵们的欢呼者强袭登陆舰群随即驶向太空深处……






主要剧情:这是动画片《星球大战2:克隆人的进攻》与《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》之间 安纳金·天行者和他的学徒阿索卡·塔诺踏上一次危险重重的旅程,他们要与犯罪头子贾巴正面交锋。不过杜库伯爵和他邪恶的爪牙无论如何也会设法阻挠天行者和阿索卡的使命。






主要剧情:自帕尔帕廷以所谓的新秩序将银河共和国改组为银河帝国之后,在银河帝国的高压统治下,人民的起义增多并形成各类起义组织,这其中就有蒙·莫思马领导下的义军同盟。而这其中最暴力最铁血的方式就是战斗空间站死星。蒙·莫思马看中了琴·厄索,并将其选做偷取死星设计图的人选,于是她集结了一支小组,共同执行这次特别任务 。


1. 电影优美的英文经典台词

2. 电影《大话西游》经典台词摘抄

3. 谢文东经典霸气台词精选

4. 星际旅行经典台词语录

5. 电影《叶问》经典台词摘抄

『捌』 求《2012》电影英语经典句子!!!急



Man on TV: This mass suicide was actually discovered by a documentary crew here in the ancient Mayan city of Takal. Now the victims, and we've seen many, are said to have adhered to the Mayan-Quiche calender, which predicts the end of time to occur on the 21st December of this year, e to the sun's destructive forces.

Woman on TV: Thank you, Mark. Strangely enough, scientific records do support the fact that we are heading for the biggest solar climax in recorded history. Many people believe that the Mayan Calender predicts that there's supposed to be a galactic alignment...

Jackson: I'm a dead man. Hey, Kate, I'm practically on the freeway right now. Yes, I'm rolling towards you as we speak. Would you relax? I'll be there any second. You know it's a vacation and not a doctors appointment, right? It's supposed to be fun. You remember fun, don't you Kate? Do you remember where you were when it stopped being fun for you? Got it. Bug spray? Oh yeah, cause it's mosquito season in Yellowstone. I got a whole bunch. I gotta go, I'm in a bad reception area.

Man: Woah, man. Would you look at that? Sick

Woman: Merrill, I told you. We have to move back to Wisconsin.

Woman on radio: These little mini-quakes are really getting on my nerves, Randy.

Randy: Come on, a little surface crack, you're not gonna be inconvenienced by that

Woman on radio: Right. Surface cracks, I've got a plastic surgeon for that

Randy: No kidding. Thank God for those shake-proof coffee mugs. They show the true nature of us Californians. We'll not bow to these little inconvenient things like surface quakes. Do you have a funny mini-quake story and want to share it? Call Lisa & Randy at 555...

Girl: Hi daddy!

Jackson: Hi baby How are you sweety?

Girl: Good? Okay, great. What happened to your temp job?

Jackson: Oh, Better hours, more time to write.

Kate: What about sleeping, have you been doing that lately?

Gorden: I've said it a thousand times. No lipo on Fridays. It's too messy. Hold on. Morning Jackson.

Jackson: Hi

Gorden: Nice ride.

Jackson: Thanks.

Groden: Guys, Have a nice trip. Remember, watch out for the bears.

Boy: Bye, Gordon

Gorden: Love you, Honey.

Boy: Bye

Kate: Okay, so...

Girl: You tell him.

Jackson: Tell me what?

Kate: She needs to put these on every night before she goes to sleep.

Jackson: Still?

Boy: Jackson, what is this?

Jackson: Please don't call me that. I'm your dad.

Kate: Taking them camping in a limoKate: Yes. Your 7 year old daughter still wets her bed. Maybe that's something you should know. Love you

Girl: Love you, Mom. They really were looking forward to spending some time with you

Jackson: I know.

Kate: So don't be on your computer all the time.

Jackson: Got it.

Kate: Love you!

Harry: So this time we'll hit Japan.

Tony: So?

Harry: Now you can visit your boy, Will.

Tony: Afternoon, ladies!

Harry: Are you even listening to me?

Tony: Unfortunately I am, Harry.

Harry: I heard from Audrey you're a grandpa now.

Tony: Would you mind keeping your nose out of my family? You're cramping my style, baby. There we are.

Harry: So he married a Japanese girl, how's that the end of the world? Come on Tony, you should at least go see him.

Tony: You see your boy?

Harry: Not as much as I'd like DC is a long way, but at least we talk

Tony: About what?

Harry: Life. And how short it is. What the hell was that?

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. Mayan:玛雅人的。玛雅人是中美洲地区和墨西哥印第安人的一支。公元前约2500年就已定居今墨西哥南部、危地马拉、伯利兹以及萨尔瓦多和洪都拉斯的部分地区。约有200万人,使用玛雅语。

2.galactic:银河系的。这里的galactic alignment的意思是说,在当天,银河系的九大行星会连成一线。银河系则称为galaxy。

3. I’m a dead man:我死定了。杰克逊睡醒后发现自己迟到很久了,所以说“我死定了”。此外,dead man还可以指“冗员”或者“酒席上的空瓶子”。

4. mini-quake:小型地震。

『玖』 英语高手来!!!!用英语简短的介绍一下八大行星

Mercury (水星):
——The Mercury is the smallest of the planets and the one nearest the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 88 days (水星是行星中最小且离太阳最近的星,围绕太阳公转所需的周期为88天。)

Mars (火星):
——The Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 687 days. (火星是距太阳距离居第四位的行星,绕太阳公转周期为687天,).

Venus (金星):
——The Hesper is the planet Venus in its appearance. The Venus is the second planet from the sun, having a mass 0.815 times that of Earth, and a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 224.7 days. When appearing as the evening star, it can be called Hesper/Hesperus. (金星是离太阳第二远的行星,它的质量是地球质量的0.815倍,绕太阳转的公转周期为224.7天。傍晚出现时称作长庚星)

Saturn (土星):
It is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest in the solar system, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 29.5 years and a mass 95 times that of Earth. (土星是距太阳第六远的行星,是太阳系中第二大行星,绕日公转周期29.5年,质量是地球的95倍。)

Jupiter (木星):
The Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, the largest and most massive in the solar system, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 11.86 years. (木星是靠近太阳的第5颗行星,也是太阳系中最大的行星,绕太阳公转的恒星期为11.86年。)

Uranus (天王星):
The Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, revolving about it every 84.07 years. (是离太阳第七近的行星,每绕太阳一周为84.07年。)

Neptune (海王星):
The Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution around the sun of 164.8 years.(是太阳的第八颗行星。围绕太阳公转的恒星周期为164.8年)

Pluto (冥王星):
The Pluto used to be the ninth planet in the solar system, but now it is listed as the Dwarf Planet. (冥王星曾经是太阳系的第九颗行星,但是现在被列为矮行星。)

『拾』 八大行星英文







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