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发布时间:2022-11-28 22:31:17

① 冰河世纪内容简介



In the ice age, a wild age full of surprises and dangers, three animals with different personalities had to come together because of a sudden human abandoned baby.

The sour mammoth, the rude giant sloth and the crafty saber toothed tiger. These three prehistoric animals not only served as baby sitters, He has to go through all kinds of surprises and dangers of glaciers and icebergs to escort him home.





② 请问谁能详细介绍一下《冰河世纪》(ICE AGE)的剧情啊


冰河期使得动物们纷纷迁移寻找食物。心地善良的长毛象--曼菲德、嗜食的树獭--希德、狡猾的剑齿虎--迭哥,这三只性格迥异的动物为了使一个人类的小孩重返家园,竟然聚在了一起,组成了一只临时护送队,踏上了漫漫寻亲路。一路上这三只动物矛盾重生,迭哥心生毒计,想诱领队伍踏入自己族类设下的致命伏击,但在他们共同经历了雪崩、饥荒等无数险境之后,这些与严酷环境抗争的经历使迭哥开始对自己的计划动摇了…… 后来他成了一只好老虎,离开了虎群跟另外两个朋友结伴同行......



③ 冰河世纪观后感英文30词内


The movie was totally funny and the graphics was superb.Especially,Sid the Sloth was the funniest of all and his voice was also funny.

My favorite characters were Diego and Soto because of their Saber tooth and they were so superb in the movie.Manny and Scrat were also funny.

All the Scrat scenes were so funny.The last scene was also cool.The baby was very cute and that is also favorite character.





④ 冰河世纪简介

Ice Ages are intervals of time when large areas of the surface of the earth are covered with ice sheets (large continental glaciers).

The term is used to describe time intervals on two very different scales. It describes long, generally cool intervals of Earth history (tens to hundreds of millions of years) ring which glaciers advanced and
receded. The term also describes shorter time periods (tens of thousands of years) ring which glaciers were near their maximum extent. These shorter intervals are also known as "glaciations."

In addition, the term "Ice Age" is sometimes used to refer to the last major glaciation that occurred in North America and Eurasia. When used in this way, the first letters of both words are often capitalized. This is the way the term Ice Age is used in the Midwestern U.S. 16,000 Years Ago exhibit.
冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age: The Meltdown(2006)


While Skrat the Saber Toothed Squirrel is still ineffectually trying to regain his precious acorn, the misfit trio of Manny the Mammoth, Sid the Sloth and Diego the Sabretooth Tiger have settled down in an isolated valley with numerous other animals. However, the trio discover that the ice wall surrounding the valley is barely holding back a massive body of water behind it and it's melting state threatens to break and flood the valley. With their one chance of survival being a boat at the other end of the valley, the trio follow the desperate exos there. Along the way, they meet Ellie, a female mammoth who is convinced she's a opossum like her brothers. While the strange group continues the trek, they must learn to get along even as Manny struggles to find some connection to this strange female who may be the only other one of his kind.


⑤ 求电影《冰河世纪》英文简介

20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby.


⑥ 求冰河世纪1电影的英语故事梗概

<冰河世纪1>两万年以前,地球上到处都覆盖着冰川,无论何处的动物都在四处逃窜,躲避着新的冰河世纪的冲击。 在这一危急时刻,我们遇见了任何时代都不曾见过最怪异的群体:一个说话很快、浑身没有光泽的树懒锡德(Sid,约翰-莱奎扎莫配音,John Leguizamo),一头喜怒无常的长毛象曼尼(Manny,雷-罗马诺配音,Ray Romano),一只凶暴的剑齿虎迪亚戈(Diego,丹尼斯-利里配音,Denis Leary),这三只格格不入的动物出乎意料地,而且是非常不情愿地走到了一起,只因为他们希望将一名人类婴儿交还到他父亲的身边。他们勇敢地面对沸腾的熔岩坑、暗藏的冰穴、严寒的天气,以及一个秘密,甚至是邪恶的阴谋。这些“亚零度”的动物们成了这个世界上最早的英雄们!
曼尼、希德和迭哥警觉到天气正在剧烈变化,巨大的天然冰山正发生着大规模的崩解。三兄弟毅然挥军南征,沿途经历诸多危险,最终到达安全的彼岸。在旅途过程中,经常逗嘴的三兄弟互相扶持,有难同当。同时,一直认为自己是最后一头猛犸象的曼尼在旅途中遇到了爱丽(奎因·拉蒂法 配音)--世界最后一头雌性猛犸象。第一次看到好兄弟陷入情网,迭哥和希德也完全无能为力,帮不上忙。其实曼尼也很头疼,美丽的爱丽从小被负鼠家族收养,浸染了所有负鼠的习性,爬树,钻墙角等。而更夸张的是,爱丽打从骨子里认为自己是一只负鼠,所以根本无法接收曼尼。再加上与爱丽同行的一对活宝负鼠兄弟,个性鲜明,唧唧喳喳。吵的我们的长毛英雄在面对一筹莫展的爱情和恶劣的天气条件下一时完全没有了对策。而偏偏这场破冰之旅还万万少不了爱丽……

⑦ 用英语介绍一下动画片电影《冰河世纪》,100-200个字,初一水平

Ice Age is a 2002 American computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film proced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by20th Century Fox.
The film begins with a saber-toothed squirrel (known as Scrat) who is trying to find somewhere to store his prized acorn. Eventually, as he tries to stomp it into the ground, he causes a large crack in the ground that extends for miles and miles and sets off a large avalanche. He barely escapes, but finds himself stepped on by a herd of prehistoric animals. The animals are trying to avoid the ice age by migrating south, except for Manfred, an agitated mammoth who is heading north. Sid, a clumsy Megalonyx sloth left behind by his family, decides to go on by himself and angers Carl and Frank, two Brontops by ruining their salad and is attacked. Sid is soon saved by Manfred, who fights them off. Not wanting to be alone and unprotected, Sid follows Manfred.
Meanwhile, Soto, the leader of a Smilodon pride wants revenge on a group of humans by eating the chief's baby son, Roshan, alive. Soto leads a raid on the human camp, ring which Roshan's mother is separated from the rest and jumps down a waterfall when cornered by Soto's lieutenant, Diego. For his failure, Diego is sent to find and retrieve the baby. Sid and Manfred spot Roshan and his mother near the lake, having survived her plunge. The mother only has enough strength to trust her baby to Manfred before she disappears. After much persuasion by Sid, they decide to return Roshan but when they reach the human settlement, they find it deserted. They meet up with Diego, who convinces the pair to let him help by tracking the humans. The four travel on, with Diego secretly leading them to his pack for an ambush.
While having small adventures on their way, they reach a cave with several drawings, drawn by humans where Sid and Diego learn about Manfred's past and his previous interactions with the humans, in which his wife and son were killed, leaving Manfred a cynical loner. Later Manfred, Sid, Diego and Roshan were almost to Half-Peak, but encounter a river of lava. Manfred and Sid, along with Roshan, make it safely but Diego struggles, about to fall into the lava. Manfred rescues him narrowly missing a fall into the lava himself. The herd takes a break for the night and Roshan takes his first walking steps to Diego.
The next day the herd approach the ambush, causing Diego to confess to Manfred and Sid about the ambush, and tells them to trust him. The herd battles Soto's pack and a short fight ensues. As Soto closes in for the kill on Manfred, Diego leaps and stops Soto, who wounds Diego in the process. Manfred knocks Soto into a rock wall, causing several sharp icicles to fall on Soto, killing him. Manfred and Sid leave Diego on his insistence and take Roshan back to his tribe. So Manfred and Sid manage to return Roshan to his father, and Diego rejoins them. The group begins to head off to warmer climates.
20,000 years later Scrat is frozen in an ice cube that washes up on the shore of a tropical island. The sun slowly melts the cube, bringing Scrat back to life but the acorn, which is just out of his reach, ends up being washed away by the tide. Scrat then explodes out of the ice cube in anger and hits his head repetitively on a tree, which drops a coconut. Believing it to be a giant acorn, Scrat's anger immediately turns to glee at this new find. He tries to pack it into the ground as he did previously with his other acorns, but in the process causes a large crack in the ground that makes its way up the side of a volcano and causes it to erupt.

⑧ 冰河世纪简介,英文

要电影《冰河世纪1》的英文简介 不要剧情的介绍 要电影出品公司 导演 编剧 Ice Age (film) Theatrical release poster Directed by : Chris Wedge

⑨ 冰河世纪英文影评

20th Century Fox's film, a cartoon, in the 2000 exhibition of investment and issue 5 million dollars in 1000 cartoon "frozen planet AE (Titan AE)." The film lost in a rigidly playing stereotypical myth of the heroic old routines, whether it is the story or script style screen, "Frozen planet AE" failed to keep up with a new era, the box office only Qianqiancancan more than 1,000 2 million. This almost makes Fox the same period were a number of large proction of a new style cartoon film distribution companies, such as Disney, DreamWorks and SONY, completely expelled from the millennium cartoon film market.

But 20th Century Fox is not fuel-efficient lights. Two years of meticulous planning, "Ice Age" will be in March 2002, leading the company to return to Fox Lung Poon Huju cartoon film market. In order to not repeat the "frozen planet AE" mistake at the same time, avoid overcharging floating in the stunt effects, 20th Century Fox drastic rection in the "frozen planet AE" unsatisfactory performance of the Fox CG proction group, in turn won 99 opening of the Academy Awards best cartoon film director Chris--(Chris Wedge), and its outstanding proction team - blue sky studio (Blue Sky Studios). Such great abolition of its own subsidiaries, the Fox It is a "burn his bridges, and determined to win."

July 2000, "Ice Age" major animation proction in New York, started work indoors. July 2001 "Ice Age" trailers to the release of the film become the focus of Hollywood films. In this short notice for a few seconds the screen, showing an appearance not cheap to the strange squirrel to a hiding in the ice on the pineal, has led to the avalanche tragedy, in the face of icicle and ice bombarded RUF murder and folders thrilling scenes, the strange squirrel bring it had not forgotten the pineal fled, Enron is not easy landing, as it ran Jiaotu Mammoth to be a giant foot pressure top! Although this film trailers and the story has nothing to do with the main theme, but one vivid cartoon image exaggerated by the greatly appreciated. Trailers success proves that director Chris. Wei blue sky with the success of the proction group portfolio, but also to Fox once again become the focus of observers, strengthened them to return cartoon market confidence. The integration of the proction team, its strength should not be denied small

感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 20th Century Fox's film, a cartoon, in the 2000 exhibition of investment and issue 5 million dollars in 1000 cartoon "frozen planet AE (Titan AE)." The film lost in a rigidly playing stereotypical myth of the heroic old routines, whether it is the story or script style screen, "Frozen planet AE" failed to keep up with a new era, the box office only Qianqiancancan more than 1,000 2 million. This almost makes Fox the same period were a number of large proction of a new style cartoon film distribution companies, such as Disney, DreamWorks and SONY, completely expelled from the millennium cartoon film market.

But 20th Century Fox is not fuel-efficient lights. Two years of meticulous planning, "Ice Age" will be in March 2002, leading the company to return to Fox Lung Poon Huju cartoon film market. In order to not repeat the "frozen planet AE" mistake at the same time, avoid overcharging floating in the stunt effects, 20th Century Fox drastic rection in the "frozen planet AE" unsatisfactory performance of the Fox CG proction group, in turn won 99 opening of the Academy Awards best cartoon film director Chris--(Chris Wedge), and its outstanding proction team - blue sky studio (Blue Sky Studios). Such great abolition of its own subsidiaries, the Fox It is a "burn his bridges, and determined to win."

July 2000, "Ice Age" major animation proction in New York, started work indoors. July 2001 "Ice Age" trailers to the release of the film become the focus of Hollywood films. In this short notice for a few seconds the screen, showing an appearance not cheap to the strange squirrel to a hiding in the ice on the pineal, has led to the avalanche tragedy, in the face of icicle and ice bombarded RUF murder and folders thrilling scenes, the strange squirrel bring it had not forgotten the pineal fled, Enron is not easy landing, as it ran Jiaotu Mammoth to be a giant foot pressure top! Although this film trailers and the story has nothing to do with the main theme, but one vivid cartoon image exaggerated by the greatly appreciated. Trailers success proves that director Chris. Wei blue sky with the success of the proction group portfolio, but also to Fox once again become the focus of observers, strengthened them to return cartoon market confidence. The integration of the proction team, its strength should not be denied small

⑩ 《冰河世纪》电影简介

Twenty thousand years ago, the face of the earth covered with glaciers everywhere, regardless of where the animals are in the run, to avoid a new Ice Age impact.
In this critical moment, we have not met any of the times have seen the most bizarre group?: One to speak very quickly, all the blame does not shine? Sid (Sid, John - voice莱奎Leguizamo, John Leguizamo), a Manny the Mammoth moody (Manny, Ray - bbing Romano, Ray Romano), a violent Diego the saber-toothed tiger (Diego, Dennis - Leary
Dubbing, Denis Leary) and the fruit of the oak has a particularly well-known hobby斯科莱特canine squirrel (Scrat).
This is incompatible with the four animals unexpectedly, but is reluctant to come together just because they want to return a human infant to his father's side. They bravely face boiling lava pits, hidden ice cave, cold weather, as well as a secret, and even evil conspiracy. These "sub-zero" strange? Who has become the world's first heroes!
"Ice Age" is the last Oscar for best animated short film "Barney" the creative team to launch a computer animated feature film.



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