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发布时间:2022-11-22 18:30:27

A. 丧尸电影 有两个男的开的凯迪拉克后来被两个女的用技骗走了后来他们又找到一辆悍马又被那辆个女人骗去


B. 求外国僵尸喜剧电影名字

杰西·艾森伯格注意的僵尸之地 也叫僵尸游乐场 我看过

C. 最近有什么好看的英文电影,推荐一下吧

2009年10月好莱坞新片推荐列表 剧情简介

严肃的男人 A Serious Man (2009)
资本主义:爱情故事 Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
不只是比赛 More Than a Game (2008)
轮滑女郎 Whip It! (2009)
僵尸之地 Zombieland (2009)
伴侣度假村 Couples Retreat (2009)
好发型 Good Hair (2009)
成长教育 An Ecation (2009)
布朗森 Bronson (2009)
继父 The Stepfather (2009)
守法公民 Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
纽约,我爱你 New York, I Love You (2009)
野兽家园 Where the Wild Things Are (2009)
母性 Motherhood (2009)
报仇 The Ministers (2009)
阿童木 Astro Boy (2009)
电锯惊魂6 Saw VI (2009)
反基督者 Antichrist (2009)
艾米莉亚 Amelia (2009)
吸血鬼助手 Cirque Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)
盗佛线2 Ong bak 2 (2008)
最后的舞台 This Is It (2009)
青春大反抗 Youth in Revolt (2009)
处刑人2 Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009)
绅士布朗科 Gentlemen Broncos (2009)


2009年9月好莱坞新片推荐列表 剧情简介

真人游戏 Gamer (2009)
压榨 Extract (2009)
关于史蒂夫的一切 All About Steve (2009)
携带者 Carriers (2009)
9 Nine (2009)
高度怀疑 Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (2009)
黑疯婆子做恶人 I Can Do Bad All by Myself (2009)
姐妹联谊会惊魂 Sorority Row (2009)
雪盲 Whiteout (2009)
九月刊 The September Issue (2009)
迪斯尼与萨尔瓦多集团 Walt & El Grupo (2008)
美食从天而降 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)
詹妮弗的肉体 Jennifer's Body (2009)
告密者 The Informant! (2009)
爱不胜防 Love Happens (2009)
明亮的星 Bright Star (2009)
巴黎 Paris (2008)
深空失忆 Pandorum (2009)
人兽杂交 Splice (2009)
远离网络的人 No Impact Man (2009)
未来战警 The Surrogates (2009)
名扬四海 Fame (2009)
谎言的诞生 The Invention of Lying (2009)
时尚先锋香奈儿 Coco avant Chanel (2009)
男孩归来 The Boys Are Back (2009)

D. 有关僵尸的电影,喜剧,不是中国的,是英文的,叫僵尸花园,不过没搜到,叫什么。

看过了 不是那么搞笑的 不过他会教你逃避僵尸和杀死僵尸的方法 好像全城市只剩下4个主角的 2男2女 不说那么多了...费事搞到你没有看的兴趣

E. 最近什么时候会出鬼片~~什么时候电影院会放啊啊


F. 找一部国外僵尸的电影!你肯定看过!帮帮忙!急!


G. 关于一个游乐园的美国丧尸新片叫什么

能进入上乘的作品绝对少不了《28天之后》和续集《28周之后》,又译作《惊变28天》和《惊变28周》,英文名分别是28 days later和28 weeks later,明年还是后年将出第三部28 months later,惊变28月。

H. 求外国僵尸喜剧电影名字


I. 美国动作电影 特种部队2的英文介绍

G.I. Joe: Retaliation is a 2013 American military science fiction action film directed by Jon M. Chu, based onHasbro's G.I. Joe toy, comic and media franchises. It was written by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and serves as both a sequel to 2009's G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra,and as a reboot of the franchise.G.I. Joe: Retaliation features an ensemble cast, with Channing Tatum, Arnold Vosloo, Ray Park, Jonathan Pryce and Byung-hun Leereprising their roles from the first film. Dwayne Johnson, Adrianne Palicki, D.J. Cotrona, and Bruce Willis as General Joseph Colton round out the principal cast.
In the film, the Joes are framed as traitors by Zartan, who is still impersonating the President of the United States, and Cobra Commander now has all the world leaders under Cobra's control, with their advanced warheads aimed at innocent populaces around the world. Outnumbered and out gunned, the Joes form a plan with the original G.I. Joe Joseph Colton, to overthrow the Cobra Commander and his allies Zartan, Storm Shadow and Firefly.
Originally slated for release in June 2012, the film was delayed in order to convert the movie to 3D and boost interest in international markets. It was released in North America on March 28, 2013, and received generally negative reviews,but was a box office success, grossing over $375 million worldwide.




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