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发布时间:2022-11-20 17:49:28

『壹』 电影《乔布斯传》最后一段话的英文翻译

We gonna put a dent in the universe
Here’s to the Crazy Ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things diifferently.
They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing that you can’t do, is ignore them.
Because they change things. They push the human race forward.
While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the
ones who do.
How's that?


『贰』 乔布斯经典语录中英文版

引导语:最近苹果7出来了,让我们又想起了乔布斯,那么关于乔布斯有哪些经典中英文语录呢?以下是 我为你精心整理的乔布斯经典语录中英文版,希望你喜欢。


1) become the pronoun of not because of his remarkable how clever, but that he is how diligent。成为卓越的代名词并不是因为他有多么聪明,而在于他有多么勤劳。

2) let team for those who say“impossible” people feel not achieve them is shameful。让团队中那些说“不可能”的人感到实现不了是可耻的。

3) I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates。我愿意用我所有的科技去换取和苏格拉底相处的一个下午。

4) do not according to user bad habits to design, also do not according to programmers thinking design!不要按照用户的坏习惯去设计,也不要按照程序员的思维去设计!

5) Quality is more important than quantity。 One home run is better than two doubles。质重于量,一支全垒打比两支安打好多了。

6) Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life。帮我做出重大决定的最好工具,就是知道自己快死了。

7) Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose。谨记自己总会死去,是让自己避免陷入“人生有所失”思考的最佳方法。

8) any proct are not should bring a BUG to meet users, that is afraid to betray media postpone the release of time。任何一款产品都不应该带着BUG去见用户,那怕失信于媒体推迟发布时间。

9) You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them。 By the time you get it built, they'll want something new。你不能只问顾客要什么,然后想法子给他们做什么。等你做出来,他们已经另有新欢了。

10) Stay hungry, stay foolish。求知若饥,虚心若愚。

11) Life is brief, and then you die, you know?人生短暂,过着过着你就没了,明白嚒?

12) I want to put a ding in the universe。我要在宇宙中留下痕迹。

13) Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower。创新决定你是领袖还是跟随者。

14) Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life。你的时间有限,所以不要浪费时间去过别人的生活。

15) We're here to put a dent in the universe。 Otherwise why else even be here?活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗?

16) Be a yardstick of quality。 Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected。成为卓越的代名词,很多人并不能适合需要杰出素质的环境。

17) Design is not just what it looks like and feels like。 Design is how it works。设计不只是外表和感觉,设计是产品如何运作。

18) There's a phrase in Buddhism, 'Beginner's mind。' It's wonderful to have a beginner's mind。佛教中有一句话:初学者的心态;拥有初学者的心态是件了不起的事情。

19) Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?你想用卖糖水来度过余生,还是想要一个机会来改变世界?

20) team of people who want to use Keynote to prove themselves only shows that you can, please take out the solution。团队中那些想用Keynote(苹果的PPT)来证明自己的人只能说明你不行,请拿出解决方案。


1) proct design all the functions are a whole, should not have any reason to cut function, destroy unity。产品设计时的所有功能都是一个整体,不应该有任何理由去砍功能,破坏整体性。

2) procts must be feeling letting a person, but resolute don't do new mice to try an unprecedented new proct。产品一定是让人感觉最新,但坚决不做小白鼠去尝试前无古人的新产品。

3) less than others with a line acquire lower process cost more than others, and provide a kind of value identification and obtain more profits, this is an apple。比别人少用一条线获得更低的工艺成本,比别人提供多一种价值认同并获得更高的利润,这就是苹果。

4) Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me …… Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful…… that's what matters to me。当墓地里最有钱的人对我并不重要。对我来说,重要的是夜晚入睡前能为自己达到的成就喝采。

5) don't lived for others, also don't live for today's themselves, to do good work today, tomorrow natural belong to you, high salary nature than others。不要为别人而活,也不要为今天的自己而活,把今天的工作做好了,明天自然属于你,薪水自然比别人高。

6) all procts will leave apple store but cannot leave apple system,we have to help customers continued use of apple procts, until died。所有的产品一定会离开苹果商店但不能离开苹果系统,我们要帮助客户持续使用苹果产品,直到寿终正寝。

7) I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year…… It's very character-building。我是我所知道的唯一一个在一年中失去亿美元的人……这对我的成长很有帮助。

8) brand is not playing apple logo is an apple quality, hit the apple logo also need confidence and commitment to customers。品牌不是打上苹果的标志就是苹果的品质,打上苹果的`标志也需要信心和对客户的承诺。

9) The only way to do great work is to love what you do。 If you haven't found it yet, keep looking。 Don't settle。成就的唯一途径是热爱自己的事业,如果你还没找到的话,继续寻找,不要屈就。

10) We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on。我们认为看电视的时候,人的大脑基本停止工作,打开电脑的时候,大脑才开始运转。

11) Death is very likely the single best invention of Life。 It is Life’s change agent。 It clears out the old to make way for the new。死亡很可能是唯一的、最好的生命创造。它是生命的促变者。它送走老一代,给新一代开出道路。

12) the sign painting so big? Apple procts will at any time those who make a person recognized apple's procts rather than is the apple logo。把标志画那么大干吗?苹果的产品要在任何时候都让人一眼认出是苹果的产品而非是苹果的标志。

13) Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition。 They somehow already know what you truly want to become。 Everything else is secondary。要有勇气追随心声,听从直觉--它们在某种程度上知道你想成为的样子。其他事情都是其次的。

14) Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life。…Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice。你的时间有限,不要浪费于重复别人的生活。不要让别人的观点淹没了你内心的声音。

15) a leader and a follower innovation distinguishes between,your time is limited, so don't like asians that,wasted in imitate others this kind of things。领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新,你的时间有限,所以不要像亚洲人那样,浪费在模仿别人这种事上。

16) Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me …… Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful…… that's what matters to me。是否能成为墓地里最富有的人,对我而言无足轻重。重要的是,当我晚上睡觉时,我可以说:我们今天完成了一些美妙的事。

17) have good ideas are going to insist, don't be others' opinion noise drown out your own inner voice。 When your ideas stand, immediately magnanimous discard it is, and it is also a kind of persistence。有好的想法要坚持,不要被其他人的观点的噪声掩盖你真正的内心的声音。当你的想法站不住时,立即大度的丢弃,这其实是更是一种坚持。

18) don't look down upon a single button on the ipod, it and others are different is that we did scheme, times test, times improvement, the satisfaction of customers from unnecessary insists。不要小看ipod上的一颗按钮,它和别人不一样的是我们做了个方案、次测试、次改进,用户的满意源于不必要的坚持。

19) If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long。 Just figure out what’s next。你如果出色地完成了某件事,那你应该再做一些其他的精彩事儿。不要在前一件事上徘徊太久,想想接下来该做什么。

20) IBM Thinkpad if not a little red dot, it isn't Thinkpad。 MACBook if added little red dots, that it is not IBM Thinkpad nor apple MACBook。IBM Thinkpad如果没了小红点,那它就不是Thinkpad。MACBook如果加了小红点,那它即不是IBM Thinkpad也不是苹果MACBook了。

21) The only way to do great work is to love what you do。 If you haven't found it yet, keep looking。 Don't settle。 As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it。成就一番伟业的唯一途径就是热爱自己的事业。如果你还没能找到让自己热爱的事业,继续寻找,不要放弃。跟随自己的心,总有一天你会找到的。

22) You know, we don't grow most of the food we eat。 We wear clothes other people make。 We speak a language that other people developed。 We use a mathematics that other people evolved…… I mean, we're constantly taking things。 It's a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge。并不是每个人都需要种植自己的粮食,也不是每个人都需要做自己穿的衣服,我们说着别人发明的语言,使用别人发明的数学……我们一直在使用别人的成果。使用人类的已有经验和知识来进行发明创造是一件很了不起的事情。

23) Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life。 Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking。 Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice。 And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition。 They somehow already know what you truly want to become。 Everything else is secondary。你的时间有限,所以不要为别人而活。不要被教条所限,不要活在别人的观念里。不要让别人的意见左右自己内心的声音。最重要的是,勇敢的去追随自己的心灵和直觉,只有自己的心灵和直觉才知道你自己的真实想法,其他一切都是次要。

『叁』 乔布斯经典语录中英文


1. We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?


2. Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.


3. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


4. You know, we don't grow most of the food we eat. We wear clothes other people make. We speak a language that other people developed. We use a mathematics that other people evolved... I mean, we're constantly taking things. It's a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge.


5. There's a phrase in Buddhism, 'Beginner's mind.' It's wonderful to have a beginner's mind.


6. We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.


7. I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year... It's very character-building.


8. I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.



9. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.


10. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.


11.Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new。


12.If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next。


13.Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me。


14.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose。


15.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.…Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice。


16.Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary。


17.Life is brief, and then you die, you know?


18.You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new。


『肆』 乔布斯英文名言名句


We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?以下是我整理的乔布斯英文名言名句,欢迎阅读!

1.Stay hungry, stay foolish.


2.Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


3.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.


4.Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.


5.We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?


6.The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.


7.Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.


8.I want to put a ding in the universe.


9.Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is better than two doubles.


10.Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.








































『伍』 求乔布斯10句名言英文原话

1、Your customers don't care about you. They don't care about your proct or service.They care about themselves, their dreams, their goals. Now, they will care much more if you help them reach their goals, and to do that, you must understand their goals, as well as their needs and deepest desires.


2、Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves


3、It's not the consumers' job to figure out what they want


4、You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By thetime you get it built, they'll want something new.


5、Marketing is about values. It's a complicated and noisy world, and we're not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us. No company is. So we have to be really clear about what we want them to know about us.


6、You can't look at the competition and say you're going to doit better. You have to look at the competition and say you're going to do itdifferently.


7、Most people do not ever pick up the phone and call. They never ask, and that is what separates the people that do things from the people that just dream about them.You have to act, and you have to be willing to fail. You have to be willing to crash and burn, because if you are afraid of failing, you will not get very far.


8、One way to drive fear out of a relationship is to realize that your partner's values are the same as yours, that what you care about is exactly what they care about. In my opinion, that drives fear out and makes for a great partnership,whether it's a corporate partnership or a marriage.


9、A brand is simply trust.


10、Everything is based on a simple rule: Quality is the best business plan.


『陆』 乔布斯名言英文


Stay hungry, stay foolish.


Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.


Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.


We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?


The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.


Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.


I want to put a ding in the universe.


Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is better than two doubles.


Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.


『柒』 乔布斯的名言英文版



You only live once. Make it meaningful.


The artist creates, YuMang would crowd!


You must find what you love, and to watch it.


Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


Innovation is to make all sorts of things together.


It is a great thing to have a beginner's mind.


If you can bypass the experience, will have the innovation.


Remember that you are about to die! Don't live for others!


Don't let the noise of others' opinions annihilation of the voice in your heart.


You will have nothing, you have no reason not to follow your heart.


Your time is limited, don't waste it to repeat someone else's life.


Don't deceive others, can be you cheat to is a lot of people who believe in you.


To live is to change the world, is there any other reason?


You must try to straighten out your thinking to make it simple and clear.


Great art don't have to follow the trend, he alone can lead.


Instant want to reach the heaven, also don't want to reach heaven through death.


The people who crazy enough to think they can change the world has changed the world.


Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.


Take each day as the last day of life, you will be at ease.


Everything is simplified, it is just what I pursue, focus, and simple.


Time is limited, so don't waste time on others on the way.


The most important decisions in life is not what you do, but what you do.


Death is very likely is the greatest invention in my life, is life of alternating medium.


Sometimes life's going picked up a brick to you in the head fierce clap.


Please follow your own inner voice, they already know what you want to be.


Your time is limited, so don't waste your time living in someone else's life.


Do you want to sell sugar water to spend the rest of their lives, or want to have a chance to change the world?


If today is the last day of your life, what do you want to do what are you doing today?


Only crazy enough to think they can change the world, can really change the world.


Common artists imitate others works, great artists steal other people's ideas.



We think watching TV, people's brains basic stop work, open the computer, the brain began to run.


The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they may already know what you want to be a man.


No experience, you will never know the value of experience, or could never know how to properly keep created the wealth of experience.


You can't put together dribs and drabs in advance; Only when you review in the future, you are will understand how those little drops together.


Don't let others noisy chaos opinions drown out your own inner voice, the most important thing is that we have the courage to chase your heart, follow your intuition.


Most of the time, really it is important to follow your intuition and courage, which often determine how we become, and the other is secondary.


Asceticism and minimalist let a person more sensitive, lack is rich, self-discipline to proce joy! To understand a truth: most people don't know too much!


Remember you will always die, this is I know that the best way to prevent be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. Naked will no CARES, and what is the reason not to follow your heart?


Sometimes life's going to smash your head with plank brick. Don't lose faith. I know, the only thing that support me is: I love what I do.


To become the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Said the night to go to bed we have done a great thing... It is important for me.


1 "Stay hungry, stay foolish"其“求知若渴,虚心若愚。”

2 Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.是否能成为墓地里最富有的人,对我而言无足轻重。重要的是,当我晚上睡觉时,我可以说:我们今天完成了一些美妙的事。

3 我愿意用我所有的科技去换取与苏格拉底相处的一个下午。 乔布斯真是哲人、智者!古希腊的哲学真令人神往!古希腊的哲学家真值得崇拜。可当今的哲学怎么啦?

4 Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?


5 If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next。


6 Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose。


7 Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.…Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice。


8 Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary。


9 Life is brief, and then you die, you know?


10 You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new。

『捌』 乔布斯经典语录中英文




1) proct design all the functions are a whole, should not have any reason to cut function, destroy unity。产品设计时的所有功能都是一个整体,不应该有任何理由去砍功能,破坏整体性。

2) procts must be feeling letting a person, but resolute don't do new mice to try an unprecedented new proct。产品一定是让人感觉最新,但坚决不做小白鼠去尝试前无古人的新产品。

3) less than others with a line acquire lower process cost more than others, and provide a kind of value identification and obtain more profits, this is an apple。比别人少用一条线获得更低的工艺成本,比别人提供多一种价值认同并获得更高的利润,这就是苹果。

4) Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me …… Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful…… that's what matters to me。当墓地里最有钱的人对我并不重要。对我来说,重要的是夜晚入睡前能为自己达到的成就喝采。

5) don't lived for others, also don't live for today's themselves, to do good work today, tomorrow natural belong to you, high salary nature than others。不要为别人而活,也不要为今天的自己而活,把今天的工作做好了,明天自然属于你,薪水自然比别人高。

6) all procts will leave apple store but cannot leave apple system,we have to help customers continued use of apple procts, until died。所有的产品一定会离开苹果商店但不能离开苹果系统,我们要帮助客户持续使用苹果产品,直到寿终正寝。

7) I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year…… It's very character-building。我是我所知道的唯一一个在一年中失去亿美元的人……这对我的成长很有帮助。

8) brand is not playing apple logo is an apple quality, hit the apple logo also need confidence and commitment to customers。品牌不是打上苹果的标志就是苹果的品质,打上苹果的标志也需要信心和对客户的承诺。

9) The only way to do great work is to love what you do。 If you haven't found it yet, keep looking。 Don't settle。成就的唯一途径是热爱自己的事业,如果你还没找到的话,继续寻找,不要屈就。

10) We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on。我们认为看电视的时候,人的大脑基本停止工作,打开电脑的时候,大脑才开始运转。

11) Death is very likely the single best invention of Life。 It is Life’s change agent。 It clears out the old to make way for the new。死亡很可能是唯一的、最好的生命创造。它是生命的促变者。它送走老一代,给新一代开出道路。

12) the sign painting so big? Apple procts will at any time those who make a person recognized apple's procts rather than is the apple logo。把标志画那么大干吗?苹果的产品要在任何时候都让人一眼认出是苹果的产品而非是苹果的标志。

13) Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition。 They somehow already know what you truly want to become。 Everything else is secondary。要有勇气追随心声,听从直觉--它们在某种程度上知道你想成为的样子。其他事情都是其次的。

14) Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life。…Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice。你的时间有限,不要浪费于重复别人的生活。不要让别人的观点淹没了你内心的声音。

15) a leader and a follower innovation distinguishes between,your time is limited, so don't like asians that,wasted in imitate others this kind of things。领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新,你的时间有限,所以不要像亚洲人那样,浪费在模仿别人这种事上。

16) Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me …… Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful…… that's what matters to me。是否能成为墓地里最富有的人,对我而言无足轻重。重要的是,当我晚上睡觉时,我可以说:我们今天完成了一些美妙的事。

17) have good ideas are going to insist, don't be others' opinion noise drown out your own inner voice。 When your ideas stand, immediately magnanimous discard it is, and it is also a kind of persistence。有好的想法要坚持,不要被其他人的观点的噪声掩盖你真正的内心的声音。当你的想法站不住时,立即大度的.丢弃,这其实是更是一种坚持。

18) don't look down upon a single button on the ipod, it and others are different is that we did scheme, times test, times improvement, the satisfaction of customers from unnecessary insists。不要小看ipod上的一颗按钮,它和别人不一样的是我们做了个方案、次测试、次改进,用户的满意源于不必要的坚持。

19) If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long。 Just figure out what’s next。你如果出色地完成了某件事,那你应该再做一些其他的精彩事儿。不要在前一件事上徘徊太久,想想接下来该做什么。

20) IBM Thinkpad if not a little red dot, it isn't Thinkpad。 MACBook if added little red dots, that it is not IBM Thinkpad nor apple MACBook。IBM Thinkpad如果没了小红点,那它就不是Thinkpad。MACBook如果加了小红点,那它即不是IBM Thinkpad也不是苹果MACBook了。

21) The only way to do great work is to love what you do。 If you haven't found it yet, keep looking。 Don't settle。 As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it。成就一番伟业的唯一途径就是热爱自己的事业。如果你还没能找到让自己热爱的事业,继续寻找,不要放弃。跟随自己的心,总有一天你会找到的。

22) You know, we don't grow most of the food we eat。 We wear clothes other people make。 We speak a language that other people developed。 We use a mathematics that other people evolved…… I mean, we're constantly taking things。 It's a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge。并不是每个人都需要种植自己的粮食,也不是每个人都需要做自己穿的衣服,我们说着别人发明的语言,使用别人发明的数学……我们一直在使用别人的成果。使用人类的已有经验和知识来进行发明创造是一件很了不起的事情。

23) Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life。 Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking。 Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice。 And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition。 They somehow already know what you truly want to become。 Everything else is secondary。你的时间有限,所以不要为别人而活。不要被教条所限,不要活在别人的观念里。不要让别人的意见左右自己内心的声音。最重要的是,勇敢的去追随自己的心灵和直觉,只有自己的心灵和直觉才知道你自己的真实想法,其他一切都是次要。


1、stay hungry, stay foolish。求知若饥,虚心若愚。

2、life is brief, and then you die, you know?人生短暂,过着过着你就没了,明白么?

3、i want to put a ding in the universe。我要在宇宙中留下痕迹。

4、innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower。创新决定你是领袖还是跟随者。

5、your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life。你的时间有限,所以不要浪费时间去过别人的生活。

6、we're here to put a dent in the universe。 otherwise why else even be here?活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗?

7、be a yardstick of quality。 some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected。成为卓越的代名词,很多人并不能适合需要杰出素质的环境。

8、design is not just what it looks like and feels like。 design is how it works。设计不只是外表和感觉,设计是产品如何运作。

9、there's a phrase in buddhism, 'beginner's mind。' it's wonderful to have a beginner's mind。佛教中有一句话:初学者的心态;拥有初学者的心态是件了不起的事情。

10、do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?你想用卖糖水来度过余生,还是想要一个机会来改变世界?

11、become the pronoun of not because of his remarkable how clever, but that he is how diligent。成为卓越的代名词并不是因为他有多么聪明,而在于他有多么勤劳。

12、let team for those who say“impossible” people feel not achieve them is shameful。让团队中那些说“不可能”的人感到实现不了是可耻的。

13、i would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with socrates。我愿意用我所有的科技去换取和苏格拉底相处的一个下午。

14、do not according to user bad habits to design, also do not according to programmers thinking design!不要按照用户的坏习惯去设计,也不要按照程序员的思维去设计!

15、quality is more important than quantity。 one home run is better than two doubles。质重于量,一支全垒打比两支安打好多了。

16、remembering that i'll be dead soon is the most important tool i've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life。帮我做出重大决定的最好工具,就是知道自己快死了。

17、remembering that you are going to die is the best way i know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose。谨记自己总会死去,是让自己避免陷入“人生有所失”思考的最佳方法。

18、any proct are not should bring a bug to meet users, that is afraid to betray media postpone the release of time。任何一款产品都不应该带着bug去见用户,那怕失信于媒体推迟发布时间。

19、you can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them。 by the time you get it built, they'll want something new。你不能只问顾客要什么,然后想法子给他们做什么。等你做出来,他们已经另有新欢了。

20、team of people who want to use keynote to prove themselves only shows that you can, please take out the solution。团队中那些想用keynote(苹果的ppt)来证明自己的人只能说明你不行,请拿出解决方案。

21、proct design all the functions are a whole, should not have any reason to cut function, destroy unity。产品设计时的所有功能都是一个整体,不应该有任何理由去砍功能,破坏整体性。

22、procts must be feeling letting a person, but resolute don't do new mice to try an unprecedented new proct。产品一定是让人感觉最新,但坚决不做小白鼠去尝试前无古人的新产品。

23、less than others with a line acquire lower process cost more than others, and provide a kind of value identification and obtain more profits, this is an apple。比别人少用一条线获得更低的工艺成本,比别人提供多一种价值认同并获得更高的利润,这就是苹果。

24、being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me …… going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful…… that's what matters to me。当墓地里最有钱的人对我并不重要。对我来说,重要的是夜晚入睡前能为自己达到的成就喝采。

25、don't lived for others, also don't live for today's themselves, to do good work today, tomorrow natural belong to you, high salary nature than others。不要为别人而活,也不要为今天的自己而活,把今天的工作做好了,明天自然属于你,薪水自然比别人高。

26、all procts will leave apple store but cannot leave apple system,we have to help customers continued use of apple procts, until died。所有的产品一定会离开苹果商店但不能离开苹果系统,我们要帮助客户持续使用苹果产品,直到寿终正寝。

27、i'm the only person i know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year…… it's very character-building。我是我所知道的唯一一个在一年中失去5亿美元的人……这对我的成长很有帮助。

28、brand is not playing apple logo is an apple quality, hit the apple logo also need confidence and commitment to customers。品牌不是打上苹果的标志就是苹果的品质,打上苹果的标志也需要信心和对客户的承诺。

29、the only way to do great work is to love what you do。 if you haven't found it yet, keep looking。 don't settle。成就的唯一途径是热爱自己的事业,如果你还没找到的话,继续寻找,不要屈就。

30、we think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on。我们认为看电视的时候,人的大脑基本停止工作,打开电脑的时候,大脑才开始运转。


『玖』 乔布斯英文名言句子摘录

I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.以下是我整理的乔布斯英文名言句子,欢迎阅读!


1. We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?


2. Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.


3. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


4. You know, we don't grow most of the food we eat. We wear clothes other people make. We speak a language that other people developed. We use a mathematics that other people evolved... I mean, we're constantly taking things. It's a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge.


5. There's a phrase in Buddhism, 'Beginner's mind.' It's wonderful to have a beginner's mind.


6. We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.


7. I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year... It's very character-building.


8. I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.


9. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.


10. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.


11.Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new。


12.If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next。


13.Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me。


14.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose。


15.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.…Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice。


16.Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary。


17.Life is brief, and then you die, you know?


18.You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new。

































31. 你的时间有限,不要浪费于重复别人的生活。不要让别人的观点淹没了你内心的声音。——乔布斯

32. 专注和简单一直是我的秘诀之一。简单可能比复杂更难做到:你必须努力思路理清,从而使其变得简单。但最终这是值得的,因为一旦你做到了,便可以创造奇迹。——乔布斯

33. 领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新。——乔布斯

34. 我坚信,区分成功与不成功,一半的因素就是纯粹的毅力差别。——乔布斯

35. 如果你很忙,除了你真的很重要以外,更可能的原因是:你很弱,你没有什么更好的事情去做,你生活太差不得不努力来弥补,或者你装作你很忙,让自己显得很重要。——乔布斯

36. 成为墓地里最富有的人对我来说并不重要……夜晚上床时说我们做了件很棒的事情……这对我来说才是重要的。——乔布斯

37. 普通的艺术家模仿别人的作品,伟大的艺术家窃取别人的灵感。——乔布斯

38. 我们不做市场调查。我们不招收顾问……我们只想做出伟大的产品。——乔布斯

39. 你唯一要做的是,把你的特质发挥的淋漓尽致,把对手远远的抛在后面。——乔布斯

40. 不要欺骗别人,能被你骗到的都是相信你的人。——乔布斯

41. 我们不是要比竞争对手做的好,而是要与竞争对手做的不同!——乔布斯

42. 自由从何而来?从自信来,而自信则是从自律来!先学会克制自己,用严格的日程表控制生活,才能在这种自律中不断磨练出自信。自信是对事情的控制能力,如果你连最基本的时间都做控制不了,还谈什么自信?——乔布斯

43. 在你生命的最初30年中,你养成习惯;在你生命的最后30年中,你的习惯决定了你。——乔布斯

44. 领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新。

45. 成为卓越的代名词,很多人并不能适合需要杰出素质的环境。

46. 成就一番伟业的唯一途径就是热爱自己的事业。如果你还没能找到让自己热爱的事业,继续寻找,不要放弃。跟随自己的心,总有一天你会找到的。

47. 并不是每个人都需要种植自己的粮食,也不是每个人都需要做自己穿的衣服,我们说着别人发明的语言,使用别人发明的数学…我们一直在使用别人的成果。使用人类的已有经验和知识来进行发明创造是一件很了不起的事情。

48. 佛教中有一句话:初学者的心态;拥有初学者的心态是件了不起的事情。

49. 我们认为看电视的时候,人的大脑基本停止工作,打开电脑的时候,大脑才开始运转。

50. 我是我所知唯一一个在一年中失去2.5亿美元的人…这对我的成长很有帮助。

『拾』 乔布斯经典语录英文大全精选44句

一.There"s a phrase in Buddhism, "Beginner"s mind。" It"s wonderful to have a beginner"s mind。 佛教中有一句话:初学者的心态;拥有初学者的心态是件了不起的事情。

二.IBM Thinkpad if not a little red dot, it isn"t Thinkpad。 MACBook if added little red dots, that it is not IBM Thinkpad nor apple MACBook。IBM Thinkpad如果没了小红点,那它就不是Thinkpad。MACBook如果加了小红点,那它即不是IBM Thinkpad也不是苹果MACBook了。

三.brand is not playing apple logo is an apple quality, hit the apple logo also need confidence and commitment to customers。品牌不是打上苹果的标志就是苹果的品质,打上苹果的标志也需要信心和对客户的承诺。

四.less than others with a line acquire lower process cost more than others, and provide a kind of value identification and obtain more profits, this is an apple。比别人少用一条线获得更低的工艺成本,比别人提供多一种价值认同并获得更高的利润,这就是苹果。

五.procts must be feeling letting a person, but resolute don"t do new mice to try an unprecedented new proct。产品一定是让人感觉最新,但坚决不做小白鼠去尝试前无古人的新产品。

六.I want to put a ding in the universe。我要在宇宙中留下痕迹。

七.I"m the only person I know that"s lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year…… It"s very character-building。我我知道失去了四分之一的十亿美元在一年中唯一的人……这是很有性格的建设。

八.Your time is limited, so don"t waste it living someone else"s life。你的时间有限,所以不要浪费时间去过别人的生活。

九.We"re here to put a dent in the universe。 Otherwise why else even be here?活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗?

十.Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower。创新决定你是领袖还是跟随者。

十一.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose。谨记自己总会死去,是让自己避免陷入“人生有所失”思考的最佳方法。

十二.proct design all the functions are a whole, should not have any reason to cut function, destroy unity。产品设计时的所有功能都是一个整体,不应该有任何理由去砍功能,破坏整体性。

十三.The only way to do great work is to love what you do。 If you haven"t found it yet, keep looking。 Don"t settle。成就的唯一途径是热爱自己的事业,如果你还没找到的话,继续寻找,不要屈就。

十四.Life is brief, and then you die, you know?人生短暂,过着过着你就没了,明白嚒?

十五.Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower。领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新。

十六.Quality is more important than quantity。 One home run is better than two doubles。质重于量,一支全垒打比两支安打好多了。

十七.Remembering that I"ll be dead soon is the most important tool I"ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life。帮我做出重大决定的最好工具,就是知道自己快死了。

十八.Stay hungry, stay foolish。求知若饥,虚心若愚。

十九.Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn"t matter to me …… Going to bed at night saying we"ve done something wonderful…… that"s what matters to me。当墓地里最有钱的人对我并不重要。对我来说,重要的是夜晚入睡前能为自己达到的成就喝采。

二十.become the pronoun of not because of his remarkable how clever, but that he is how diligent。成为卓越的代名词并不是因为他有多么聪明,而在于他有多么勤劳。

二十一.have good ideas are going to insist, don"t be others" opinion noise drown out your own inner voice。 When your ideas stand, immediately magnanimous discard it is, and it is also a kind of persistence。有好的想法要坚持,不要被其他人的观点的噪声掩盖你真正的内心的声音。当你的想法站不住时,立即大度的丢弃,这其实是更是一种坚持。

二十二.Design is not just what it looks like and feels like。 Design is how it works。设计不只是外表和感觉,设计是产品如何运作。

二十三.a leader and a follower innovation distinguishes between,your time is limited, so don"t like asians that,wasted in imitate others this kind of things。领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新,你的时间有限,所以不要像亚洲人那样,浪费在模仿别人这种事上。

二十四.Death is very likely the single best invention of Life。 It is Life’s change agent。 It clears out the old to make way for the new。死亡很可能是唯一的、最好的生命创造。它是生命的促变者。它送走老一代,给新一代开出道路。

二十五.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose。谨记自己总会死去,是让自己避免陷入“人生有所失”思考的最佳方法。

二十六.don"t look down upon a single button on the ipod, it and others are different is that we did 21 scheme, 000 times test, 57 times improvement, the satisfaction of customers from unnecessary insists。不要小看ipod上的一颗按钮,它和别人不一样的是我们做了21个方案、84000次测试、57次改进,用户的满意源于不必要的坚持。

二十七.You can"t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them。 By the time you get it built, they"ll want something new。你不能只问顾客要什么,然后想法子给他们做什么。等你做出来,他们已经另有新欢了。

二十八.There"s a phrase in Buddhism, "Beginner"s mind。" It"s wonderful to have a beginner"s mind。佛教中有一句话:初学者的心态;拥有初学者的心态是件了不起的事情。

二十九.all procts will leave apple store but cannot leave apple system,we have to help customers continued use of apple procts, until died。所有的产品一定会离开苹果商店但不能离开苹果系统,我们要帮助客户持续使用苹果产品,直到寿终正寝。

三十.Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition。 They somehow already know what you truly want to become。 Everything else is secondary。要有勇气追随心声,听从直觉--它们在某种程度上知道你想成为的样子。其他事情都是其次的。

三十一.any proct are not should bring a BUG to meet users, that is afraid to betray media postpone the release of time。任何一款产品都不应该带着BUG去见用户,那怕失信于媒体推迟发布时间。

三十二.If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long。 Just figure out what’s next。你如果出色地完成了某件事,那你应该再做一些其他的精彩事儿。不要在前一件事上徘徊太久,想想接下来该做什么。

三十三.team of people who want to use Keynote to prove themselves only shows that you can, please take out the solution。团队中那些想用Keynote(苹果的PPT)来证明自己的人只能说明你不行,请拿出解决方案。

三十四.Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn"t matter to me …… Going to bed at night saying we"ve done something wonderful…… that"s what matters to me。是否能成为墓地里最富有的人,对我而言无足轻重。重要的是,当我晚上睡觉时,我可以说:我们今天完成了一些美妙的事。

三十五.the sign painting so big? Apple procts will at any time those who make a person recognized apple"s procts rather than is the apple logo。把标志画那么大干吗?苹果的产品要在任何时候都让人一眼认出是苹果的产品而非是苹果的标志。

三十六.Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?你想用卖糖水来度过余生,还是想要一个机会来改变世界?

三十七.We"re here to put a dent in the universe。 Otherwise why else even be here?活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗?

三十八.Be a yardstick of quality。 Some people aren"t used to an environment where excellence is expected。成为卓越的代名词,很多人并不能适合需要杰出素质的环境。

三十九.East: “there"s a phrase in Buddhism,"beginner"s never keep Have a beginner"s mind is a wonderful thing。东方佛学中有一句话:永远保持初学者的心态;拥有初学者的心态是件了不起的事情。

四十.don"t lived for others, also don"t live for today"s themselves, to do good work today, tomorrow natural belong to you, high salary nature than others。不要为别人而活,也不要为今天的自己而活,把今天的工作做好了,明天自然属于你,薪水自然比别人高。

四十一.let team for those who say“impossible” people feel not achieve them is shameful。让团队中那些说“不可能”的人感到实现不了是可耻的。

四十二.do not according to user bad habits to design, also do not according to programmers thinking design!不要按照用户的坏习惯去设计,也不要按照程序员的思维去设计!

四十三.Your time is limited, so don"t waste it living someone else"s life。…Don"t let the noise of others" opinions drown out your own inner voice。你的时间有限,不要浪费于重复别人的生活。不要让别人的观点淹没了你内心的声音。

四十四.I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates。我愿意用我所有的科技去换取和苏格拉底相处的一个下午。



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