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发布时间:2022-11-18 21:22:14

① 英语:同学们正在谈论他们最喜欢的电影明星

The classmates are talking about their favoriate film stars 。
Jack's grandmother often takes care of his little sister.

② 求一段我最喜欢的明星的对话(英文

hi.long time never see
yeah.what are you doing this days?
i watched a Thai movie,it's so addorableand i am so mad about it.
i like the leading man specially
what's the name of the movie?and what's the leading man's name?
Z:它名字叫"暹罗之恋",男主角是MARIO MAURER.他在2008年亚洲电影大奖中获得最近男配角提名.娱乐明星颁奖典礼上获得最佳男主角提名.他很酷又很帅.歌也很好听. 你呢?
it's called "love of Siaw" and the leading man is MARIO MAURER.he was nominated for the best supporting actor and best actor in Asian Film Awards 2008.he is some cool and handsome.and his songs really sound good.how about you?
L:喔?是吗 ,我也非常喜欢他,他和他哥哥组成了嘻哈组合"PsychoLil'Mario",并在2007年10月31日推出首张HIP-HOP专辑"Dem Crazy Boyz"
wow,it is?i like him too.he formed a Hip-hop team "PsychoLil'Mario"with his brother.and they launched their first Hip-Hop album at 31st Oct2007,which named "Dem Crazy Boyz"
yes.i know that.and i look the gift in the movie which he gave to Mew in their younger days.it's so cute
yes.and i brought the magazine of him in HongKong.ther are many detailed presentations Oh
Z;真的么?我不知道. 你在哪买的.赶快带我呿买....
really?i don't know about it.where you brought that?takek me to buy quickly
He visited China recently and he was a half-breed of German and Chinese

③ English:2人情景对话(讨论名人)……

Talking About Movie Stars关于电影明星的英语情景对话

SHARON: Did you see the new Nicolas Cage movie?
DEREK: Which one?
SHARON: "Snake Eyes". I just saw it last night with my friend Sarah.
DEREK: No, I haven't seen it yet. But I saw "Con Air". I thought that was good.
SHARON: I think Nicolas Cage is great.
DEREK: Really? Why? He isn't very handsome.
SHARON: No, but he's got character. He can act with a lot of depth.
DEREK: It's interesting you like him so much.
Usually I think women don't like him. They like more handsome actors.
SHARON: That's not always true.
But I like some very handsome actors. Like Alec Baldwin.
But I don't like an actor just because he is handsome.
DEREK: Do you like Keanu Reeves?
SHARON: No, not at all.
DEREK: Why not?
SHARON: I just think he is a bad person. He seems very arrogant.
DEREK: Maybe it's the characters he plays. Maybe in real life he's a good guy.
SHARON: No, I think an actor often plays characters that match his real personality.
They are naturally better at such characters.
And I can sense something about Keanu Reeves. I don't like it. He seems like a jerk.
DEREK: Hmm. Maybe. So who is your favorite then?
SHARON: Nicolas Cage.
DEREK: I used to like Nicolas Cage more than I do now.
He used to play more interesting roles.
SHARON: What do you mean? What movies?
DEREK: Oh, my favorite Nicolas Cage movie was Wild at Heart.
He was perfect for that role.
SHARON: I saw "Wild at Heart". It was disgusting. I almost couldn't watch it.
DEREK: It was a kind of movie that they call black humor.
SHARON: Yes, I know.
Black humor is humor with a lot of violence or horrible things in it.
I don't like black humor.
DEREK: What about "Raising Arizona"? Did you see that?
DEREK: You must see it.
To me, that is the classic Nicolas Cage movie. He is perfect for it.
SHARON: I like his new movies.
DEREK: Well, I know he is more popular since he started doing action movies.
But I always think he should be a comic actor. That is what he does best.


看有什么地方或者语句不太合适的,或是太长了,你可以适当的修改或删除,希望能够帮上你,Good Luck!

④ 跪求英语口语考试的情景对话稿(关于名人的,例如姚明)最好意思点··4分钟左右·急急急急急·!

Yao Ming, born September 12, 1980,is a professional basketball player who plays for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He is currently the tallest player in the NBA。He is one of China's best-known athletes, with sponsorships with several major companies, and he has been the richest celebrity in China for six straight years.

After having surgery to repair his fractured foot, Yao said that if he could not play in the Olympics, "It would be the biggest loss in my career to right now". However, he returned to play with the Chinese national team on July 17, 2008.

Yao is married to Ye Li, a women's basketball player for China, whom he met when he was 17. Ye was not fond of Yao at first, but finally accepted him after he gave her the team pins he had collected ring the 2000 Summer Olympics. Their relationship was first made public when they appeared together ring the 2004 Olympics closing ceremony,and on August 6, 2007, Yao married Ye in a ceremony attended by close friends and family that was closed to the media.


⑤ 关于电影英语对话精选



Nitiya: OK, so something about fun, actually what kind of movies do you like?

Todd: Um, well, let's see, I like. I love comedy movies, and for me the most important thing about a movie is, does it have good dialog, does it have good writing, so I don't care about special effects, and stuff like that. It just doesn't interest me, and actually I don't like big Hollywood movies I think they're terrible.

Nitiya: Terrible!

Todd: Yeah. What kind of movies do you like?

Nitiya: I guess a lot of adventure, like the movie like "Star Gate" and The beach" and, and "The Beach" was not good but, I like something which is so different, something which is about the universe, or something which is about rockets and stuff like that.

Todd: So you like movies that re quire... ... and what?

Nitiya: Detective.

Todd: Oh, detective movies. So you like movies that require imagination?

Nitiya: Exactly.

Todd: Now, since we're talking about movies, India has a very big movie instry, Bollywood, do you like the Bollywood movies?

Nitiya: It's great. Awesome. Yeah. I guess a lot of people in the whole world like it a lot.

Todd: Bollywood, they always have so many people, like the thing is, where do they get all those actors?

Nitiya: Lots of actors, so much drama, and I guess a lot of music and dancing and it's just so different from Hollywood movies, so I guess for the reality, I prefer the Hollywood movie and if you just want to have some fun, it would be Bollywood movies.

Todd: So, how often would you watch Bollywood and how often do you watch English?

Nitiya: Whatever I get.

Todd: whatever you get.

Nitiya: I just love movies. I'm crazy behind movies.

Todd: You're addicted to movies?

Nitiya: Very much.

Todd: OK, you know in the states when you go to the movies, it's always coke, popcorn, hot dog. When you go to movies in India, what's the food that you eat?

Nitiya: Ok, coke is always there.

Todd: Right.

Nitiya: And yeah, something like chips or potato chips or anything you get in your hands. Basically I don't like getting disturbed when I'm watching a movie. I'm a person who likes watching a movie very quietly. I don't like watching with friends. I mean, I prefer going who also like watching movies quietly. I mean there are some people in the world, they sit for the movie and they go, oh, this is going to happen next and things like that. I get so irritated. Let me watch it, concentrately.

Todd: Right, I hate that.

Nitiya: I really want to do it quietly, peacefully. I just want to watch the movie. Not talk to the person sitting behind me.

Todd: Ah, I totally agree. And I want to see the beginning, and I want to see the end.

Nitiya: Exactly.

Todd: And no interruptions

Nitiya: Once I begin I really want to go till the end. I can't stop it in the middle and say, "Oh, oh."

Todd: Yeah, which do you prefer, watching it at the cinema, or on DVD at home?

Nitiya: At home.

Todd: At home. So nobody bothers you?

Nitiya: Yep.

Todd: Right. Yeah, same thing. OK, thanks, Natiya.



Hi,what are you doing?



Nothing special,just watching the movie.



What movie are you watching?



The Speed. Have you seen that?



Yeah,The movie Speed is the most exciting film I've ever seen.



I feel the same way.



In this movie,I like Jack,he is a resourceful man.



Anyway, Dennis Hopper's character is somewhat complex and his performance is excellent.



I heard he started in filmdom when he was 19 years old.



Yes,he is a good actor.



Henry: Hey, Kathy, how about getting together for a movie tonight?

Kathy: Sure. What's playing?

Henry: Well, let me check the newspaper. We've got Quantum Apocalypse, The Graves, and The Bounty Hunter.

Kathy: The Graves sounds great. I love horror movies.

Henry: No way. I don't want to be scared out of my wits.

Kathy: OK. How about Quantum Apocalypse?

Henry: I'm not in the mood for science fiction.

Kathy: How come?

Henry: I saw the trailer the other day. I don't recommend seeing it.

Kathy: It seems we don't see eye to eye with each other. i

Henry: How about The Bounty Hunter? I think you'd like it. It is a romantic comedy.

Kathy: Is this the Jennifer Aniston's movie?

Henry: Yes. I heard that it is Aniston's best movie so far.















⑥ 关于讨论电影的英语对话



Todd: Alright, Tennessee, you were talking about how you like movies.

Tenn: Yes, I'm a big movie buff(超级电影迷).

Todd: OK. What kind of movies do you like?

Tenn: I kind of like, I kind of like most genres of movies, it's just, what I look for is a good story and good characters is the main thing...so even if I like the genre, if like wether it be science fiction or historical drama, if the, if the story isn't good then, then I, I don't like it at all.

Todd: OK. Off the top of your head, what's a movie that you really liked?

Tenn: Well, the Lord Of the Rings they've been doing, I really have enjoyed.

Todd: Uh-huh.

Tenn: They did a good job.

Todd: Did you read the books?

Tenn: Oh, yes! It was one of the first alt books I read when I was in elementary school.

Todd: OK, well, what is the last movie you saw?

Tenn: The last movie I saw, Pirates of the Carribean.

Todd: OK. Was it any good?

Tenn: Ah, it wasn't bad.

Todd: It wasn't bad.

Tenn: Yeah !

Todd: Alright, thanks a lot.

Tenn: I like pirates.

Todd: You like pirates. What? You like pirates!

Tenn: Oh, yeah! You know, when you're a kid, pirates is the thing to be.

Todd: Yeah!

Tenn: "Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!"

Todd: OK. Alright. Thanks Tennessee.

Tenn: OK.



Hi,what are you doing?



Nothing special,just watching the movie.



What movie are you watching?



The Speed. Have you seen that?



Yeah,The movie Speed is the most exciting film I've ever seen.



I feel the same way.



In this movie,I like Jack,he is a resourceful man.



Anyway, Dennis Hopper's character is somewhat complex and his performance is excellent.



I heard he started in filmdom when he was 19 years old.



Yes,he is a good actor.



A:Which movie won the Best Foreign Language Film at the oscars?


B:Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


Can you watch the movie without reading the Chinese subtitles?


A:Can you watch the movie without reading the Chinese subtitles?


B:I could,but I just can't help it.


Are you going to the movie premiere?


A: Are you going to the movie premiere?


B: Do you think we'll see Tom Cruise?


Chinese directors are highly respected at major international movie festivals


A: Chinese directors are highly respected at major international movie festivals


B: Yes.Just take a look at the awards they've won so far


We're going to Hollywood


A: Yeah!We're going to Hollywood


B: We can see the Hand and foot prints of the movies stars


Why do you like to go to second run movie theaters?


A: Why do you like to go to second run movie theaters?


B: Because you can see two movies at a very cheap price.


⑦ 求一篇英语两个人的对话问,需要简单,主题是谈论一个女明星,然后我需要这篇对话文翻译

lisa:嗯 从小就开始喜欢了,她的一首歌吸引了我
lili:是么 是什么歌曲呢 能和我分享一下吗
lisa:好啊 我很高兴能和你分享,是。。。
lili:这首我听过 的确很不错。
lisa:我唱给你听一下吧 我学会了
lili: 嗯 好
Lili: do you like the female star how long
Lisa: I began to love, her song attract me.
Lili: what is what song can share with me please
Lisa: Well I'm glad to share with you, is the...
Lili: this song I heard very good indeed.
Lisa: I sing to you once I learned
Lili: well good

⑧ 跪求一段英文对话,15句左右,主题是我最喜爱的电影角色

A: Hi, come on! 嗨,快过来!
B:what? 什么事?
A: Listen to this music.听听这首歌
B: Wow!
A: How do you like the rock concert?你认为这次的摇滚音乐会如何?
B: I thought it was great! Madonn is my favorite rock star. 我认为棒极了!麦当娜是我最喜欢的 明星。
A: Oh, yes, her costumes are so unique and she performs with so much energy. 她的服装真独 特,而且表演充满活力。
B: What about her songs? They're so upbeat and easy to dance to.她的歌呢?她唱的歌很轻快 而且容易合着节拍跳。
A: But I can't understand a single word she sings. 但是我一个字也听不清她在唱什么。
B: That's funny. Neither can I.真好笑。我也是。

SHARON: Did you see the new Nicolas Cage movie?DEREK: Which one?SHARON: "Snake Eyes". I just saw it last night with my friend Sarah.DEREK: No, I haven't seen it yet. But I saw "Con Air". I thought that was good.SHARON: I think Nicolas Cage is great.DEREK: Really? Why? He isn't very handsome.SHARON: No, but he's got character. He can act with a lot of depth.DEREK: It's interesting you like him so much. Usually I think women don't like him. They like more handsome actors.SHARON: That's not always true. But I like some very handsome actors. Like Alec Baldwin. But I don't like an actor just because he is handsome.DEREK: Do you like Keanu Reeves?SHARON: No, not at all.DEREK: Why not?SHARON: I just think he is a bad person. He seems very arrogant.DEREK: Maybe it's the characters he plays. Maybe in real life he's a good guy.SHARON: No, I think an actor often plays characters that match his real personality. They are naturally better at such characters. And I can sense something about Keanu Reeves. I don't like it. He seems like a jerk.DEREK: Hmm. Maybe. So who is your favorite then?SHARON: Nicolas Cage.DEREK: I used to like Nicolas Cage more than I do now. He used to play more interesting roles.SHARON: What do you mean? What movies?DEREK: Oh, my favorite Nicolas Cage movie was Wild at Heart. He was perfect for that role.SHARON: I saw "Wild at Heart". It was disgusting. I almost couldn't watch it. DEREK: It was a kind of movie that they call black humor. SHARON: Yes, I know. Black humor is humor with a lot of violence or horrible things in it. I don't like black humor.DEREK: What about "Raising Arizona"? Did you see that?SHARON: No.DEREK: You must see it. To me, that is the classic Nicolas Cage movie. He is perfect for it.SHARON: I like his new movies.DEREK: Well, I know he is more popular since he started doing action movies. But I always think he should be a comic actor. That is what he does best.

雪伦:你看过尼可拉斯·凯吉的新电影吗?狄瑞克:哪一部?雪伦:《蛇眼》。昨晚我和我的朋友莎拉去看了。狄瑞克:我还没去看,不过我看过《空中监狱》,觉得不错。雪伦:我觉得尼可拉斯·凯吉很棒。狄瑞克:真的啊?为什么?他又不是很帅。雪伦:不过他很有个性,演得很有深度。狄瑞克:你这么喜欢他,实在是太有趣了。 我觉得通常女生不喜欢他,他们喜欢帅的男演员。雪伦:不全是如此。雪伦:不全是如此。我也喜欢一些非常帅的演员,像是亚历·鲍德温。 不过我不会只是因为一个男演员帅就喜欢他。狄瑞克:你喜欢基努·李维斯吗?雪伦:一点都不喜欢。狄瑞克:为什么?雪伦:我觉得他是个坏人,他看上去很自大。狄瑞克:那也许是戏中人物的个性吧,现实生活中的他可能是个好人。雪伦:不,我认为演员演的角色常常和他本人的个性应该差不多。 这样演起来比较像。 从基努·李维斯饰演的角色里我能感觉到一些我不喜欢的东西,他看起来像痞子。狄瑞克:唔,也许吧。那么你最喜欢的演员是谁?雪伦:尼可拉斯·凯吉。狄瑞克:我以前比现在更喜欢尼可拉斯·凯吉。他以前演的角色都比较有趣。雪伦:怎么说呢?哪部电影?狄瑞克:噢,我最喜欢的尼可拉斯·凯吉的电影,就是那部《我心狂野》。他演得太棒了。雪伦:我看过《我心狂野》,好恶心喔,我几乎看不下去。狄瑞克:那是他们所说的黑色幽默。雪伦:是的,我知道。黑色幽默就是充满暴力与恐怖。我不喜欢黑色幽默。狄瑞克:那么《抚养亚历桑纳》呢?你看过吗?雪伦:没有。狄瑞克:你一定要看。我觉得那是尼可拉斯·凯吉的经典之作,他演得很棒。雪伦:我喜欢他的新电影。狄瑞克:唔,我知道自从他开始拍动作片后就更受欢迎了。但我总认为他应该演喜剧片,那是他最擅长的角色。

⑨ 采访电影明星的英语对话



You:Hi,Kobe!Congratulations on winning the game of the LAL to OKC.It is beautiful.

Kobe:Thank you!I think so.This is the sixth victory of our team. I really enjoy this game.

You:Well,can I ask you some questions?


You:Although you won, but it's also a narrow victory of 113-110, where do you think you still need to improve? Such as?

Kobe:Yes.I thinkI think our team has a lot of problems.Rival attack, our team getting too late, or interior defense is not tight, however our offense, seems a bit "in the coarse fine"。And another problem is the average age of our team slants big, make our team strength is groaning.

You:Your first game, I remember is it is against the chinese team, was not easy because they are at home, your expectations?

Kobe :Yeah, I expected to be the environment for us is special. i think we have no experience. such a game of the environment. the atmosphere would be very eager, but someone must go to the host country. we turn, we are very exciting, this is a very good opportunity to the stage show.

You : Have you heard that yao ming said about the first game.

Kobe:Haven't heard bryant.

You : He said that if the chinese team won the United States, he will retire.

Kobe : Oh.

You :Because of this is the climax of his career, do you think he have a chance?

Kobe : Opportunities is certainly yes. but i thought i heard him say that chinese fans will not be willing to see his retirement, who was willing to retire.

You: So you have to win.

Kobe: Therefore be clearly china, don't let him to have retired.


Today, we had the great pleasure and honor to interview Mr 黄, famous singer in the world. She showed genius when she was young and her song shows everyone that she is the best! Now, let’s welcome Mr 黄!

雷:Oh, so many fans of yours here today, is it your dream to be a famous singer?

黄: Yes, it makes me happy to be a singer,especially when my fans enjoy my music.

雷: Did you have a very good voice when you was young?

黄: Yes, I did.

雷:And how many concerts have made yet?

黄: I have made a lots of concerts around the world, to be honest, I can’t remember!

雷: Your last outdoor concert was a great success, has it encouraged you a lot?

黄: Yes, and I think it would not be successful wihtout my fans’ support, so I want to say thinks to my fans here.

雷: Everyone knows that you are also a good dancer as well as, you dancing always makes fans crazy, do you think you may can be professional dancer?

黄: Sure, if I have enough time to be both singer and dancer.

雷: At last, I heard your recent albums were pretty nice, can we sing one of your song together? And cheers for your new coming album!

黄: Absolutly, I’m quite happy to do that.



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