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发布时间:2021-07-10 10:46:54

❶ 关于芭比电影英文名字的问题

芭比娃娃之真假公主 Barbie as the Princess And Pauper
芭比娃娃之森林公主 Barbie as the island Princess
芭比娃娃之长发公主 Barbie as Rapunzel
芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅 Barbie in the Nutcracker
芭比与魔幻飞马之旅 Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus
天鹅湖公主芭比 Barbie of Swan Lake

❷ 求芭比电影资源,要英文版的,带有中文字幕的!!!越全越好!!

仙子的秘密、公主力量(这个我在B站找到的)、姐妹与小马(华数的)时尚奇迹、真假公主、钻石城堡、蝴蝶仙子(第1部) 这些是网上直接搜就有的,你用这些名字后面加中英双字就有 如果你不反感中英双字的话……
神秘之门也是有中英双字的 不过目前我看到的都是下载资源orz 如果不反感下载观看的话这个也好找
中英双字的还有花仙子、美人鱼历险记2 前者貌似搜不到了,后者还可以
胡桃夹子和长发公主这两部都快接近珍惜资源了,目前全网中文版泛滥 目前我找到的英文版也只有无字幕的……
华数貌似有很多不错的资源 中文版也有 英文版也有…… 虽然不是很全 芭比目前总共出了29部【貌似 起底这个数吧
下面丢一部分链接,验证过内容的我才会丢 都是来自华数的 空格亲自己去一下 防吞
http://www. wasu. cn/Play/show/id/4441176?refer=ald..com 珍珠公主
http://www. wasu .cn/Play/show/id/2911442 完美圣诞
http://www. wasu. cn/Play/show/id/4504378 圣诞颂歌
http://www. wasu. cn/Play/show/id/2911210 三剑客
http://www. wasu. cn/Play/show/id/1701949 魔法彩虹
http://www. wasu. cn/Play/show/id/1643401 歌星公主
http://www. wasu. cn/Play/show/id/1488331 蝴蝶仙子2

华数的人鱼公主、天鹅湖、奇幻日记和梦幻仙境没有标国语版 但它就是中文版的摔 长发公主和胡桃夹子更不用说了…… 我感到了深深的欺骗=_=


AND!: 芭比电影吧诚挚地邀请您的到来~欢迎芭比电影同好者的加入!!【吧内时不时会有大神发各种资源哦~ 当然啦~ 期待更多大神加入唔 -w- 比如亲~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

❸ 芭比系列电影的英文简介!!!

Barbie in A Christmas Carol

❹ 有没有芭比系列电影 ,英语


❺ 每部芭比电影里男主角的英文名是什么

《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》(2001年) 王子叫胡桃夹子Nutcracker prince
《芭比之真假公主》(2004年)王子叫杜明尼克DuMing Nick
只找到这么多 希望能帮得上你

❻ 求芭比系列电影的英文歌曲

已发送.我叫 ♪ 年少.人轻狂... 满意请好评哟

❼ 芭比所有电影的英文简介

《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》:In the film, Bobbi plays the heroine Jana, on Christmas Eve from Aunt Elizabeth's gift - the nutcracker. In the evening to sleep, the evil king rat to garner the evil spell, put the Jana becomes and the Nutcracker. In order to solve the nutcracker and Jana spell, together they embark on a search for the candied princess fantasy magic.
《芭比之长发公主》:Tells the story of Rapunzel Libao Shakespeare change destiny in the two friends Peng Nilu and rabbit than under the support of the story. In the film, her pursuit of freedom and love and dreams, but the devil has locked in the enchanted tower, but with courage, wisdom and imagination, with mom and dad and the love of the prince, after several twists and turns finally change danger into safety, for which I have been longing for freedom.
《芭比之天鹅湖》:Clever and beautiful a civilian girl Odette (Barbie) accidentally came to a beautiful but cursed forest, found the good queen and the elves. The Queen's cousin to queen for forest the elves into the small animal, they only after sunset and sunrise by the Queen's magic to restore. Who can save the forest? Nature is Odette. Unfortunately, before Odette to face the task in energy, was the Queen's cousin magic into a beautiful swan. Save the road becomes difficult.
《芭比之真假公主》:Alice Princess and the poor country girl to the Ritz Carlton although the identity of the gap, the appearance was as like as two peas. Alice was the evil prince princess first kidnapping, the Ritz Carlton happened to pass by, stand for. Handsome monarch Du Mingli mistakenly to the Ritz Carlton as Alice, the Ritz Carlton love at first sight.

❽ 哪位有芭比的英文电影重金悬赏!!

《芭比之仙子的秘密》(Barbie a Fairy Secret)

❾ 谁能告诉我所有芭比电影的英文名和年份,有用,谢谢























芭比的处女作《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》 (Barbie in the Nutcracker)



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