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发布时间:2022-10-31 06:45:13

『壹』 《复仇者联盟》电影英文故事简介

A sudden strong evil cause deadly threat to the earth, without any a super hero alone could resist. Long-term commitment to protect global security.

Aegis board feel unprepared, and its commander "one-eyed man" Nick, Fred realized he must create a "in the history of the strongest alliance, gathered the parties.

Outbursts, together with the super hero can save the world from hot water and resist the invasion of the forces of the dark.

So by six big super hero - iron man, captain America, thor, green giant, black widow and hawkeye man of "avengers alliance" came into being they.

Demonstrated together, finally win over evil, to ensure the safety of the earth.


突如其来的强烈邪恶会对地球造成致命威胁,没有任何一个超级英雄可以抵抗。 长期致力于保护全球安全。



因此,由六位超级英雄 - 铁人,美国队长,托尔,绿巨人,黑寡妇和“复仇者联盟”的鹰眼男人组成了他们。




由六大超级英雄—钢铁侠、美国队长、雷神、绿巨人、黑寡妇和鹰眼侠组成的 “复仇者联盟”应运而生。他们各显神通,团结一心,终于战胜了邪恶势力,保证了地球的安全。

影片讲述了神盾局指挥官尼克·弗瑞为了对付《雷神》中被流放的洛基,积极奔走寻找最强者,在神盾局斡旋下将钢铁侠、 美国队长、 雷神托尔、绿巨人、黑寡妇和 鹰眼侠六位超级英雄集结在一起,组成了复仇者联盟,共同携手应对邪神洛基和故事。



『贰』 用英文简单介绍一下蜘蛛侠这部电影

Spider-man is a superhero film directed by American director Sam raimi.


Based on marvel comics, it stars tobey maguire and kirsten nst.


It premiered in the United States on May 3, 2002.


The film focuses on a student named Peter parker who is bitten by a genetically modified spider.


Armed with superhuman powers, he vows to fight crime with his superpowers.



《蜘蛛侠》剧情介绍:彼得帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)只是美国一个平凡的高中生,当一次他被蜘蛛博物馆偷跑出来的变种蜘蛛咬了一口之后,彼得的生活彻底改变了。


彼得好友哈利的父亲诺曼(威廉•达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)是一家生物科技公司的老板,因自己公司生产的飞行器没得到军方首脑赏识而苦恼不堪。


『叁』 用英语介绍漫威的电影

如果通过了英语六级考试,说明你的英语水平已经很不错了,基本的英文沟通、阅读通俗文章等都没有太大的问题。 通常说的英语六级考试指的是笔试考试,通过笔试以后可以考虑口语考试。根据教育部规定只要六级英语成绩在425分以上就可以进行口语

『肆』 求一篇《超凡蜘蛛侠1》的电影英文简介,任务的介绍也可以,要做一个Presentation,求英语好的人帮个忙。

「你好,很高兴能助你成风破浪,如果是大学英语演讲presentation用的PPT话,就要自已再简单组织一下喔!(下配有中文,助你了解。)」 Plot: Tells the story of the orphan Peter parker (Andrew Garfield ornaments>from MeiYi sojourn in tertiary (Sally field) and class (Ma Dingxin) home, introverted shy he was often bullied at school, but along with the fall in love with a person of the school, Gwen stacy, parker decoration><Emma stone, innocent playmates pure first love let his lonely life find hope. Class when parker in uncle's home found father left behind a mystery bag after, he began to search for clues to the mysterious disappearance of parents, and thus find father lab partner Dr. Connor (, Ivan). After an accident was a spider bite, parker suddenly different from ordinary people have of flying climbing ability, become the media and society discuss the dropping of the mysterious figure: spiderman. Secret let parker spiderman must be in front of his girlfriend and she served as police chief father hide identity, and when he found Dr Connors's true identity is actually the villain lizards Dr. Connors, parker, how to face the outside world for spiderman identity and ability question, desperate to save New York citizens from disaster? Chinese name: spider-man Foreign names: The backpacks Spider - Man Other name: new spider-man, the amazing spider-man, spider-man 4 and spider-man prequel, spider-man: surprise again Proction time: July 3, 2012 Proction company: Columbia company Proction areas: the United States Director: marc webb Writer: Steve dieter Type: action, science fiction, thriller Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma stone Running time: 136 min Release time: 2012-07-03 Rating: pg-13 剧情: 讲述了孤儿彼得·帕克〈安德鲁加菲尔德 饰〉从小寄居在梅姨(莎莉费尔德 饰)与班叔(马丁辛 饰)家中,内向害羞的他在校里虽常被欺负,但随著帕克爱上学校的风云人物格温·史黛西〈艾玛斯通 饰〉后,两小无猜的纯纯初恋让他孤独的生命找到希望。当帕克在班叔家中发现父亲留下的一个神秘包包后,他开始寻找当年双亲离奇失踪的线索,并因此找上父亲当年实验室的伙伴康纳博士(瑞斯伊凡饰)。在一次意外遭蜘蛛咬伤后,帕克突然拥有异于常人的飞天攀爬能力,成为媒体与社会讨论挞伐的神秘人物:蜘蛛人。蜘蛛人的秘密让帕克必须在女友及她担任警察局长的父亲面前隐藏身分,而当他发现康纳斯博士的真实身份其实是大反派蜥蜴博士康纳斯,帕克该如何面对外界对蜘蛛人身份与能力的质疑,不顾一切挺身而出,拯救纽约市民免于灾难呢? 中文名: 超凡蜘蛛侠 外文名: The Amazing Spider-Man 其它译名: 新蜘蛛侠、神奇蜘蛛侠、蜘蛛侠4、蜘蛛侠前传、蜘蛛人:惊奇再起 出品时间: 2012年07月03日 出品公司: 美国哥伦比亚公司 制片地区: 美国 导演: 马克·韦布 编剧: 史蒂夫·迪特寇 类型: 动作,科幻,惊悚 主演: 安德鲁·加菲尔德,艾玛·斯通 片长: 136min 上映时间: 2012-07-03

『伍』 急求漫威漫画宇宙的复仇者联盟英文介绍(带中文翻译)

Nick Fury is director of S.H.I.E.L.D, an international peace keeping agency. The agency is a who's who of Marvel Super Heroes, with Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When global security is threatened by Loki and his cohorts, Nick Fury and his team will need all their powers to save the world from disaster. Written by WellardRockard

Loki, the stepbrother of Thor, teams-up with the Chitauri Army and uses the Tesseract power to travel from Asgard to Earth to plot the invasion of Earth by the Chitauri and become the king of Earth. The director of the agency S.H.I.E.L.D Nick Fury sets in motion the project The Avengers, joining Tony Stark a.k.a. the Iron Man; Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America; Bruce Banner, a.k.a. The Hulk; Thor; Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. Black Widow; and Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, to save the world from the powerful Loki and the alien invasion. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

After Loki steals the infinitely powerful Tesseract from Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. puts together the group that he's had in the works for years. Gathering Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow, the team of "Lost Creatures" takes on Loki and his army to save the world. Written by TravisSR
度娘翻译太蛋疼了凑合一下吧= =!

『陆』 英语课要用ppt介绍一部电影,要怎么做













『柒』 求关于漫威电影宇宙的英文介绍,300字左右,十万火急,急急急!!!


『捌』 谁有漫威电影人物的英语ppt介绍,跪求




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