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发布时间:2022-10-24 10:56:18

㈠ 花木兰英文版动画片的 台词

look at me
i will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter
can it be im not ment to play this part
now i see that if i were truely to be myself
i would break my familys heart

Who is that girl I see
staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone i dont know
some how i can not hide
who i am, though i've tried
when will my reflection show who i am inside
when will my reflection show who i am inside


㈡ 电影《花木兰》中比较好的10台词 (中英文都要有)


㈢ 花木兰说过的名言名句


㈣ 请从以下电影中抄10个经典句子和20个单词

run away and never return.

Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom. Simba:Wow! Mufasa:A king's time is ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and and rise with you as the new king. Simba:And this will all of mine? Mufasa:Everything! Simba:Everything the light touches! What about that shadowy place? Mufasa:That's beyond our borders, you must never go there, Simba. Simba:But I thought a king can do whatever he want. Mufasa:Oh, there's more to being a king than getting your way all the time. Simba:There's more? Mufasa:Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Simba:But dad, don't we eat the antelope? Mufasa:Yes, Simba. But let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelopes eat the grass, and so we are all connected in a great circle of life. Simba, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars the great kings of the past look down on us from those stars. Simba:Really? Mufasa:Yes, so whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you , and so will I.

Simba:Kiara, what you think you were doing? You might be kill today.
Kiara:Daddy, I... I didn't mean to diso...
Simba:It just because I love you, I don't want to lose you.
Kiara:I know.
Simba:If something happen to you I don't know what I'm going to do. Oneday, I not be here, I have you to take my place. You're a part of this...
Kiara:Circle of life, I know.
Simba:Exactly. Then you must to be careful. As the future queen...
Kiara:If I don't wanna be queen? That's no fun.
Simba:It just like you said you don't wanna be a lion. It is your blood, so am I. We are part of each other.

丁满和彭彭唱的Ha Ku Na Ma Ta Ta

Simba:I know he is following Scar's pawprints.And I'm following my father's.
Kiara:You will never be Mufasa!

MUFASA的灵魂对SIMBA说 Remember Who You Are…You Are My Son And The One True King.


㈤ 关于花木兰名言名句。


题木兰庙 【唐】杜牧 弯弓征战作男儿,梦里曾经与画眉。


木兰祠赛神曲【明】何出光 汉家事业拓雄图,勇健娇娇媲丈夫。





木兰歌 作者:韦元甫 唐 木兰抱杼嗟,借问复为谁。






















《木兰词 拟古决绝词柬友》清.纳兰性德【原文】





和花木兰有关的名言 歇后语 谚语






㈥ 关于花木兰的名句有哪些



弯弓征战作男儿, 梦里曾经与画眉。

几度思归还把酒, 佛云堆上祝明妃。

㈦ 花木兰英文台词片段

One beautiful spring morning I was alone in my room, reading. Suddenly a wonderful smell in the air made me get up and put out my hands . The spirit of spring seemed to be passing in my room. "What is it?"I asked. The next minute I knew it was coming from mimosa tree outside. I walked outside to the edge of the garden, toward the tree. There it was, shaking in the warm sunshine. Its long branches, so heavy with flowers, almost touched the ground. I walked through the flowers to the tree itself and then just stood silent. Then I put my foot on the tree and pulled myself up into it. I climbed higher and higher until I reached a little seat. Long ago someone had put it there. I sat for a long time... Nothing in all the world was like this.这是海伦凯勒

㈧ 求动画片《花木兰》英语影评

I really held back from Disney's later animated features, most of them started to slid down hill after The Lion King, excluding The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but it seemed like Mulan was going to be a disappointment for Disney. It turned out to be an actual pleasure watching this film. It had great animation, a good soundtrack, and a wonderful story about courage and strength.

Mulan is a girl in China who is ready for marriage but seems like she isn't ready to settle down in this man's world where she must have permission to speak and only cook and please her husband. When her father is called to war, she fears for his life and dresses like him and fights in his place disguised as him. Mushu, her "guardian" dragon per say, comes to help her out and make sure she doesn't get herself killed out there in battle. She also falls for the captain that doesn't kill her when he finds out her secret.

It is a visually stunning masterpiece that I am glad that I had a chance to watch. It had great morals and values for children, even if it was a bit unrealistic, we have to let go. Still, I don't think a film will compare yet to The Lion King or Beauty and The Beast, but Mulan is a treasure of it's own.


㈨ 美国版花木兰英文经典片段

Mulan: Father, you can't go
Fa Zhou: Mulan!
Mulan: Please sir, my father has already fought bravely--
Chi Fu: Silence! You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue
in a man's presence.
Fa Zhou: Mulan, you dishonor me.
Chi Fu: Report tomorrow at the WuShu camp.
Fa Zhou: Yes, sir.
Chi Fu: The Chu family. The Wen family.
The Chang family. The...
Mulan: You shouldn't have to go.
Fa Li: Mulan!
Mulan: There are plenty of young men to fight for China.
Fa Zhou: It is an honor to protect my country and my family.
Mulan: So you'll die for honor!
Fa Zhou: I will DIE doing what's right.
Mulan: But if you--
Fa Zhou: I know my place, it is time you learned yours.
Grandma Fa: Mulan is gone.
Fa Zhou: What? It can't be. Mulan! No.
Fa Li: You must go after her. She could be killed!
Fa Zhou: If I reveal her, she will be. [Fa Zhou embraces Fa Li]
Grandma Fa: Ancestors, hear our prayer: Watch over Mulan.

First Ancestor: Mushu, awaken!

Mushu: I live! So tell me what mortal needs my protection Great Ancestor. You just say the
word and I'm there.

First Ancestor: Mushu!

Mushu: Hey, let me say something. Anybody who is foolish enough to threaten
our family, vengeance will be MINE. Hrrrrr.

First Ancestor: Mushu! These are the family guardians.

Mushu [dejectedly]: Protect the family.

First Ancestor: And you, oh demoted one.

Mushu: I...ring the gong.

First Ancestor: That's right, now, wake up the ancestors.

Mushu: One family reunion coming right up. Okay people,
people look alive, lets go! C'mon get up. Let's move it, rise and shine.
You're way past the beauty sleep thing now trust me!
Ancestor 1: I knew it, I knew it. That Mulan was a trouble maker from the start.

Ancestor 3: Don't look at me, she gets it from your side of the family.

Ancestor 2: She's just trying to help her father.

Ancestor 4: But, if she is discovered, Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.
Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate.
Ancestor 5: Not to mention they'll lose the farm.
Ancestor 1: My children never caused such trouble. They all became
Ancestor 3: Well, We can't all be acupuncturists.
Ancestor 6: No, your great granddaughter had to be cross-dresser!
Ancestor 7: Let a guardian bring her back.
Ancestor 8: Yeah, awaken the most cunning.
Ancestor 4: No, the swiftest.
Ancestor 9: No, send the wisest.
First Ancestor: Silence! We must send the most powerful of all
Mushu: Ho, ho, heh, heh. Okay,okay, I get the drift, I'll go. You all don't think I can do it.
Watch this here. Ah, ha, Jump back, I'm prettyhot huh.
Don't make me have to singe nobody to prove no point.

㈩ 求:《花木兰1.2》《狮子王》《鲨鱼黑帮》《汽车总动员》这四部电影的英语经典句子各10个,较难单词各20个




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