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发布时间:2022-10-23 23:37:30

① 有谁可以告诉我哪里有法国电影《蝴蝶》的英语简介啊..急用。谢谢

Julien (Michel Serrault) is a bitter old man in the midst of an emotional desert. His collection of butterflies constitutes his sole passion. One day, he makes his new little neighbor's acquaintance, Elsa (Claire Bouanich), visibly neglected by her mother but looks unfavorably on her intrusion in his life. One day, he's going to the Alps to try to find a rare species of butterfly, the Isabelle and for his greatest pleasure, Elsa invited herself to the trip...

If you ever want to spend an evening in front of a DVD and if you search for originality, then this Philippe Muyl's flick hasn't your name on it. How many times have we seen the eternal recipe of a friendship story between a grumpy old man and a little girl as fresh as a daisy? Making Julien and Elsa go into the Alps to try to discover the Isabelle is a pretext to bring them together and make them know each other. At first, it's hostility. At the end, complicity prevails. Between the two poles, a scheled psychological evolution. In short, on the surface "the Butterfly" (2002) smells the reheated. However, although Muyl has limited talents as a film-maker (the success of "Cooking and Dependences" 1993 is to be attributed to the tandem Jean-Pierre Bacri/Agnès Jaoui), there's something warm in his work. The presence of the little Claire Bouanich is partly responsible of it. She's so gorgeous of freshness and spontaneity that it would take a heart of stone to resist her. Definitely no Shirley Temple. She sees in Julien, the grandfather she would have liked to have and especially an experienced person to take care of her. Getting in contact with him, she learns life with its joys and sorrows and her hill-walking is rich in learning lessons so that it's nearly an initiatory travel for her. Beside her, Michel Serrault is excellent as usual.

Tenderness for his two main characters, preposterous explications but adapted to a child's faculties of understanding to bring touches of humor (did you know that shooting stars are locks of hair God loses?). Philippe Muyl mixes these two things and by letting oneself slip into this touching story, one just has to be charmed along the way and the work is done. And it works rather well. There's a feel-good factor that dominates our minds throughout the projection and sometimes it's comforting to feel this. Moreover, the wild beauty of the Alpin countryside is highlighted to add a decent amount of poetry.

But probably to avoid a break of tone, the director erased as much as possible dramatic sides of the story, particularly the hateful misunderstanding according which Julien is suspected to have kidnapped Elsa when she left of her own free will. During the time the two protagonists are in the mountains, this point is taken to the back seat and after Elsa fell into the hole and help rescue her, Julien is taken to the police station but we can watch him leaving it rather freely without any trouble. Philippe Muyl glossed over this point. Fortunately, that doesn't muck up the bliss of the projection but beware Mr Muyl! You came close to disaster! At the end of the road, the most cynical ones will only probably see a simpering flick without any real depth and tailor made to furnish an evening in front of the telly. As for the others: if you are sick of watching violent or bloody movies à la "Kill Bill" (2003/2004), why not having a break with this certainly stereotyped proct but so cute which surfs on the wave of unexpected popular movies like "une hirondelle a fait le printemps" (2001) through the simple philosophy it brings out: earth connection, a return to the basic pleasures of life.

② 关于蝴蝶的一个外国电影

别名:The Butterfly
导 演: Philippe Muyl
主 演: Alain Bert Alain Blazquez Magali Bonat Christiane Bopp Jacques Bouanich Fabien Béhar Armand Chagot Laurent Chouteau
上 映: 2002年12月18日 ( 法国 )
地 区: 法国 ( 拍摄地 )

③ 求小时候看过的一部有关蝴蝶电影的名子

《童年记趣》Motýlí cas (1990)
十一岁的阿历克是个性格孤僻的孩子,他白天的时候总是很想念当随船大夫的父亲,希望像父亲一样四海为家,到处去旅行……有一天,一位陌生人给阿历克带来他父亲送他的礼物。这是一包他父亲搜集的「蝶蛹」卡通画。 第二天清晨醒来,阿历克发现满屋子飞舞著五颜六色的蝴蝶,其中之一不同寻常,大大的双眼,长长的头发,她是一个「蝶仙」小精灵,阿历克称她为《乌鲁咕》,她有著神奇的力量,能使任何东西飞起来,阿历克和她形影不离,上学、睡觉都带著她。

④ 法国电影《蝴蝶》的主题曲

歌名:《Le Papillon》

演唱:Michel Serrault/Claire Bouanich

作词:Nicolas Errèra

作曲:Nicolas Errèra


Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs(为什么鸡会下蛋?)

Pour que les oeufs fassent des poules(因为让蛋孵出小鸡)

Pourquoi les amoureux s'embrassent(为什么情侣们要亲吻?)

C'est pour que les pigeons roucoulent(因为鸽子们咕咕叫)

Pourquoi les jolies fleurs se fanent(为什么漂亮的花会凋谢?)

Parce qu’il a fait partie charme(因为那是魅力的一部分)

Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu(为什么会有魔鬼又会有上帝?)

C'est pour faire parler les curieux(是为了让好奇的人有话可说)

Pourquoi le feu br le le bois(为什么木头会在火里燃烧?)

C'est pour bien réchauffer nos corps(是为了温暖我们的心)

Pourquoi la mer se retire(为什么大海会退潮?)

C'est pour qu'on lui dise "Encore "(是为了让人们说再来)

Pourquoi le soleil dispara t(为什么太阳会消失?)

Pour l'autre partie décor(为了装饰地球的另一边)

Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu(为什么会有魔鬼又会有上帝?)

C'est pour faire parler les curieux(是为了让好奇的人有话可说)

Pourquoi le loup mange l'agneau(为什么狼要吃小羊?)

Parce qu'il faut bien se nourrir(因为要好好汲取养料)

Pourquoi le lièvre et la tortue(为什么有龟兔赛跑?)

Parce que rien ne sert de courir(因为光跑没什么用)

Pourquoi les anges ont-ils des ailes(为什么天使会有翅膀?)

Pour nous faire croire au Père No l(为了让我们相信有圣诞老人)

Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu(为什么会有魔鬼又会有上帝?)

C'est pour faire parler les curieux(是为了让好奇的人有话可说)

Ca t'a plu le petit voyage(你喜欢我们的旅行吗?)

Ah oui beaucoup(非常喜欢)

Vous avez vu des belles choses(我们看到了很多漂亮的东西,不是吗?)

J'aurais bien voulu voir des sauterelles(可惜我没能看到蟋蟀)

Des sauterelles Pourquoi des sauterelles(为什么是蟋蟀?)

Et des libellules aussi(还有蜻蜓)

A la prochaine fois d'accord(也许下一次吧)


Je peux te demander quelque chose(我能问你点事情吗?)

Quoi encore(又有什么事?)

On continue mais cette fois-ci c'est toi qui chantes(我们继续,不过由你来唱?)

Pas question(绝对不可以)

S'il te plait(来吧)

Non mais non(不不不)

Allez c'est le dernier couplet(这是最后一段了)

Tu ne crois pas que tu pousses un peu le bouchon(你是不是有点得寸进尺了呢?)

Pourquoi notre c ur fait tic-tac(为什么我们的心会滴答?)

Parce que la pluie fait flic flac(因为雨会发出淅沥声)

Pourquoi le temps passe si vite(为什么时间会跑得这么快?)

Parce que le vent lui rend visite(是风把它都吹跑了)

Pourquoi tu me prends par la main(为什么你要我握着你的手?)

Parce qu'avec toi je suis bien(因为和你在一起,我感觉很温暖)

Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu(为什么会有魔鬼又会有上帝?)

C'est pour faire parler les curieux(是为了让好奇的人有话可说)



《Le Papillon》(又名“蝴蝶”)是2002年12月18日上映的法国电影《蝴蝶》的主题曲,收录于专辑《Le Papillon》,该歌曲由Michel Serrault 和Claire Bouanich演唱,Nicolas Errèra作词作曲。

专辑曲目:《Le Papillon》、《Generique》、《La Grande Ourse》、《Thene Vercors》、《Thene De Julien》、《Le Magasin De Disque》、《La Grande Ourse (part 2)》、《L'ultime Voyage》、《La Petite Fille Dans La Rue》、《Generique (part 2)》、《La Petite Ourse》、《Thene Vercors (part 2)》、《La Grande Ourse (part 3)》、《La Metamorphose》、《Le Papillon Et La Flute》。




⑤ 关于《Le Papillon》(法国电影《蝴蝶》)的结局和剧情


⑥ 法国电影<蝴蝶>是哪年的电影


⑦ Le Papillon 法国电影蝴蝶英文简介

She does not have father, only when mother , she are not afraid of a stranger. Her curiosity is bigger than elephant Huan Yao , she is called Lisha , 8-year-old this year. Noon has left school , mother has forgot meeting her going home , Lisha cannot cry and scream , sits to be member of coffee shop, grandfather is discovered by the neighbour. The strange grandfather of temperament, has collected the beautiful various variegated butterfly , has wanted to go to look for "Isabella on the mountain too, that "he criticizes that is the rarest butterfly of Europe. The little girl is unable to find mother , easy to perhaps the orphanage is delivered to! Lisha also wants to look at a butterfly flying , can go to together with the grandfather? A solemn old people, a lively child , two people answers each question successively , temperament and interest is exuberant , have a dialogue concise but deep, layer-upon-layer being accompanying music goes deep into, the old and the young two people questions and answers are quick-witted , each other move harmony. Final song ending makes person feel this once becoming old in opening and enlightening mutually , showing loving care for mutually middle having become once for a short time already the amusing partner ,route having stepped on trend nature. Tneme song in film , the humour being that this is taking the risk of on the way once always once for a short time have a dialogue. The neighbour grandfather is in cold blood solemn , reserved , young Lisha is lively lovable , always have asking no complete topic of conversation. The "butterfly" looks like movies of children , script writes in fact intelligently ingeniously, with profundity and an easy-to-understand approach, weight lifting if light, behind the back of every problem, all implication the life philosophic theory. These come from the French "intelligent problem " , may let the important friend go and think deeply that studying in spare time of smiling a smile of understanding. Little girl fervency in slicing is lively , grandpa is in cold blood solemn, two people indiviality is quite different. They resemble two children but , are able to bicker with each other each other , mock and confute but as for some's about tier of face. Being the same as the caterpillar meeting exactly as becomes a butterfly slowly , this amusement once very once small cooperates with, once having stepped on the nature route, mutuality experiencing the different stage opens and enlightens, concern the delicate change also beginning to have had, ... . This genius underage film star she , the cameraman are fond of her making the director delighted , are audience in severe middle natural pure behaviour, you, also are sure to be fond of her! Able important moment of beautiful butterfly changing qualitatively is about to come ", this film is able to help you to break a pupa but goes out of "butterfly", come into being brand-new life!

⑧ 能说一下法国电影《蝴蝶》的简介嘛..

【领衔主演】: 米歇尔塞侯 (MichelSerrault) 柯莱儿布翁尼许 (ClaireBouanich)
【导演】: 菲利浦慕勒 (PhilippeMuyl)
【上映时间】: 2002
【制片国家】: 法国
【影片类别】: 喜剧/生活
【语言】: 法语

脾气怪怪的爷爷,搜集了各种美丽花蝴蝶, 还要去山上找“伊莎贝拉“,他说那是欧洲最稀有蝴蝶。





Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs?
Pour que les oeufs fassent des poules.
Pourquoi les amoureux s\'\'embrassent?
C\'\'est pour que les pigeons roucoulent.
Pourquoi les jolies fleurs se fanent?
Parce que ca fait partie charme.
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?
C\'\'est pour faire parler les curieux.
Pourquoi le feu brule le bois?
C\'\'est pour bien rechauffer nos coeurs or.
Pourquoi la mer se retire?
C\'\'est pour qu\'\'on lui dise "Encore."
Pourquoi le soleil disparait?
Pour l\'\'autre partie decor.
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?
C\'\'est pour faire parler les curieux.
Pourquoi le loup mange l\'\'agneau?
Parce qu\'\'il faut bien se nourrir.
Pourquoi le lievre et la tortue?
Parce que rien ne sert de courir.
Pourquoi les anges ont-ils des ailes?
Pour nous faire croire au Pere Noel.
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?
C\'\'est pour faire parler les curieux.
ca t\'\'a plu, le petit voyage?
Ah oui, beaucoup.
On a vu de belles choses, hein ?
J\'\'aurais bien voulu voir les sauterelles.
Sauterelles? Pourquoi des sauterelles ?
Et des libellules aussi.
A la prochaine fois, d\'\'accord? D\'\'accord.
也许下一次吧 ,好吗?好
Je peux te demander quelque chose?
Quoi encore?
On continue mais cette fois-ci c\'\'est toi qui chantes.
Pas question.
Tu te pleures.
Non non, mais non.
Alors, c\'\'est le dernier couplet.
Tu ne crois pas que tu pousses un peu le pourchas?
Pourquoi notre coeur fait tic-tac?
Parce que la pluie fait flic flac.
Pourquoi le temps passe si vite?
Parce que le vent lui rend visite.
Pourquoi tu me prends par la main?
Parce qu\'\'avec toi je suis bien.
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?
C\'\'est pour faire parler les curieux.


⑨ 法国02年电影《蝴蝶(Le Papillon)》


⑩ 法国电影 《蝴蝶》百度云 中法双语字幕 谢谢




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