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发布时间:2022-10-23 22:18:34

『壹』 看英文电影,对学英语有没有帮助看很多呢


『贰』 看电影的好处 英语

First, it could realax and kill time. Second, we culd learn alot of things through documents, war movies and stories. Third, You culd keep up with the flow and add more topics in the conversations with you friends.

『叁』 “你应该多看英语电视剧和电影,这样有助于提高你的英语学习”翻译是什么


You should watch more English TV dramas and films ,which will help you improve your English study.

『肆』 看英文电影有什么好处

5、能让你学到最鲜活的词汇和表达!这是非常重要的,因为我们平常背的句子其实有很多都是已经过时的或者在口语中不常用的句子,但通过看英文原版电影我们可以学到很多最时髦、最鲜活的词汇和表达法,比如昨天我看老友记时学到了一个地道的表达法,叫Have you put your foot down?(你已经决定好了吗?)还好很多很多好的地道表达等着你去学习和吸收!

『伍』 英语电影给我们学习英语口语带来的好处吗


『陆』 多看些英语电影对英语有好处么


Good luck to u!

『柒』 一篇关于去电影院看电影的优点,英语作文怎么写,十句话之内

First, it could realax and kill time. Second, we culd learn alot of things through documents, war movies and stories. Third, You culd keep up with the flow and add more topics in the conversations with you friends.

『捌』 在家看电影的好处英语


『玖』 “我觉得看电影的好处有”翻译成英语

I think the benefits of watching movies is that....

『拾』 看英文电影对学习英语的作用 英文1000字作文

Movies and Television do influence people's behavior. Violence is a special concern for both children and alts watching movies and television. But in my opinion, watching television and movies has an influence both for the better and for the worse on the people's behavior.

Movies showing violent acts make people violent too. The more we see the violence the less we become sensitive. Then the violence doesn't seem wrong and make us to commit it. We have come across several incidents of school boys carrying weapons and committing violent acts. We should realize that the consequences of the acts of killing is something permanenet. In movies, actors can be killed and still appear in other movies, which makes us bewildered in understanding the consequences and relating it to reality.

Movies and Television brings out a negative inflence on health. Watching TV is a passive avctivity. It makes us less active. If we watch too much, we become lazy both physically and mentally. Eventually, we become unhealthy. We stop using our own imagination. We would rather watch a sports event than play it. We would rather visit characters on the TV sitcoms like friends and Seinfeld than chat with our own friends. Won't it be exciting when we bring our own imagination into our lives?

Movies and Television also benefit us by providing a source of vast knowledge. Television broadens the window of the world by showing research advances in various fields of study. Watching TV shows and movies expose us to diverse cultures and races. We can overcome the inner prejudice easily. Besides, war movies like Gladiator and Pearl harbor emphasises the historical aspects of Greek and world politics. Movies like Harry potter and Lord of the rings, which were the movie makes of the books written by famous writers shows the extent of writer's imagination on supernatural powers.

The best influence of watching TV is that it relieves much of our stress. TV and movies makes us to escape from our own problems even for a little while. Sometimes they may even show a positive way to solve our problems we all face. They can help us to cope up with our problems not to hide away from our life.

It is true that Television and Movies can influence on our behaviour negatively, but they also brings positive changes in our lives. The influence on the behavior depends on how much you watch, what you watch and how you respond to what you watched.



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