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发布时间:2022-10-16 07:02:12

1. 求10部英文电影的简介 简介字要少。

Film 1 THE BOUNDARY Fiction (12:00) USA Director: Julius Onah Once we cross, there is no return… A family on its way home is forced to deal with circumstances they would never hope for. 一旦越界,则无法回头。一个寻常家庭在回家的路上,遭遇了意料不及的经历…… ===================== Film 2 LOVE CHILD Fiction (6:00) Sweden Director: Daniel Wirtberg A young girl enjoys the perfect life of being the only child, when one day a new family member arrives. 一个年轻的女孩享受着完美的独生女生活,直到一个家庭新成员的来临打破了宁静…… ========================== Film 3 MOZAMBIQUE Documentary (13:30) Mozambique Director: Alcides Soares Sixteen-year-old Alcides Soares is one of a half a million AIDS orphans living in Mozambique today. American television writer Neal Baer and movie director Chris Zalla gave Alcides a movie camera and taught him how to shoot. The result is “Mozambique” a moving chronicle directed by Alcides himself, which details his journey to find his family and make a new life in his country. 非洲的莫桑比克有接近50万患艾滋病孤儿,16岁的Alcides Soares就是其中一员。美国电视做着Neal Baer和电影导演Chris Zalla给Alcides一台摄影机,并教会他如何使用。这部影片则由他自己导演,记录了他寻找自己的家庭,并在他的国家建立新生活的旅程。 =========================== Film 4 SKHIZEIN Animation (14:00) France Director: Jérémy Clapin After being struck by a 150-ton meteorite, Henry has to adapt to living precisely 91 centimeters from himself. Henry被一个150吨的陨石撞了一下,导致他不得不适应91厘米的生活。 =============================== Film 5 PARKING Fiction (11:00) Spain Director: Jorge Molina An executive goes to get his car…when he discovers that someone else has beaten him to it. 一个经理正要去停车场开他的车,却发现遭到了别人的袭击。 ================================ Film 6 A’MARE Fiction (15:00) Italy Director: Martina Amati Andrea and Felice are two kids whose lives centre around the sea. One ring a fishing excursion their usual routine is disturbed when something unexpected appears from the water. Will their friendship survive the turbulent events that follow? Andrea和Felice是生活在海边的两个小孩子。这天,从水里出现的奇怪事物打破了他们有序的玩乐生活。他们的友谊是否能够支持他们度过难关? ================================ Film 7 PLASTIC Fiction (7:30) Australia Director: Sandy Widyanata Whilst Anna is preparing for a first date with Henry, a man she has secretly loved for years, everything goes wrong until she discovers the impossible – to sculpt her appearance like clay to any shape she desires. Anna深爱着Henry,终于迎来了和他约会的一天。可是一切都乱套了,Anna却惊讶的发现自己能够像陶艺一样随意改变自己的外貌…… ============================== Film 8 MIENTE Fiction (15:00) Spain Director: Isabel De Ocampo Doina wants to make a birthday present to her young sister, but it isn’t easy to get it. Doina不过是想给自己的妹妹制作一个生日礼物,没想到事情远不是那么简单。 =============================== Film 9 LASHABIYA Fiction (6:00) Israel Director: Yehezkel Lazarov In an elementary school courtyard, a young Palestinian man plays a dangerous game with an armed squad of Israeli soldiers. 在一个小学的操场上,一个年轻的巴勒斯坦人和一个全副武装的以色列士兵进行了一场危险游戏。 ==================================== Film 10 HAMMERHEAD Fiction (14:00) UK Director: Sam Donovan Boris tries to reunite his separated parents on a shark-spotting trip. The only problem is, his biggest enemy is along for the ride: his mother’s new girlfriend. Boris想要通过一次观赏鲨鱼的旅程来撮合他离异的父母。可问题是,这次旅程的最大困难,是母亲带来了一个她的女朋友。

2. 用简短的英语概括下阿甘正传的电影内容


"Forrest Gump" is a film directed by Robert Zemigis, starring Tom Hanks, Robin White and others, and released in the United States on July 6, 1994.


The film is adapted from the novel of the same name published by the American writer Winston Glum in 1986.


It depicts the boy of the innate mental retardation, Forrest Gan, who is self-improving, and finally "stupid people have stupid blessings" to get the favor of God. Inspirational stories that create miracles in multiple fields.


After the film was released, he won 6 awards such as the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor Award and Best Director Award in 1995.


On September 5, 2014, on the 20th anniversary of the film's release, the IMAX version of Forrest Gump began to be released nationwide.




拍摄时Gary Sinise(丹中尉)的腿是用蓝布包着的,这样在后期制作时可以用电脑去除。



“Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don't go home at all. That's a bad thing. That's all I have to say about that.”

汤姆·汉克斯演阿甘时模仿了饰演小阿甘的Michael Conner Humphreys的口音。

3. 美国电影《弱点》的英文影评和梗概


The film tells of a homeless African American boy, Michael och, who was an orphan since childhood and met the kind Mrs. Taoxi. With the help of the latter, he finally became the first selected player of the American National Football League.



This is a typical American theme film. Although it has its hypocritical side, it really moves people's hearts. It uses an ordinary person's personalized road of success to interpret the level of social development and national feelings.







4. 英语作文写一篇电影的概要,要求带翻译100字


昔日校花秋雅(王智 饰)的婚礼正在隆重举行,学生时代暗恋秋雅的夏洛(沈腾 饰)看着周围事业成功的老同学,心中泛起酸味,借着七分醉意大闹婚礼现场,甚至惹得妻子马冬梅(马丽 饰)现场发飙,而他发泄过后却在马桶上睡着了。梦里他重回校园,追求到他心爱的女孩、让失望的母亲重展笑颜、甚至成为无所不能的流行乐坛巨星…… 醉生梦死中,他发现身边人都在利用自己,只有马冬梅是最值得珍惜的。

Old school beauty autumn ya (Wang Zhi decoration) the wedding is held, the student love autumn Ya Charlotte (Shen Teng ornaments) looking around the career success of old classmates, heart start to be suffused with sour, by seven tipsy havoc in the wedding scene, and even provoked wife Ma Dongmei (Mary). Shebeginstofall spot freak, and he vent after but on the toilet, asleep. Dream him to return to the campus, the pursuit to his beloved girl, let the disappointed mother re show smile, even as omnipotent the pop star... Here, he found the people around are making use of their own, only Ma Dongmei is the most cherished

5. 英文电影《百万英镑》的主要内容概括 要用英文概括 30个词左右

At first,Adams is mistaken for an eccentric millionaire and hasnotrouble getting food,clothes and a hotel suite on credit .

just by showinghisnote,The story of the note is reported in the newspapers,Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles.

首先,一对富豪兄弟用一张面值百万英镑的现钞打赌 ,看这张钞票究竟会给人带来无尽的财富还是只是一张一文不值的“小纸片”。





6. 求150字英文电影梗概

A Tale of Two Cities
The two cities in the story are Paris and London.
France was a great and rich city, but some parts were very poor. People there were very poor, hungry and sorrowful. The poorest part was St.Antoine, and Defarge was the owner of a wine shop in St.Antoine in Paris. One day, two strangers came, one was an English old man, and the other was a young lady. The man’s name was Lorry, and the lady’s name was Lucie. They were Dr.Manette’s friend and daughter. Dr.Manette had been put into the prison for 18 years. Now, he was in Defarge’s house. They went to Mr.Defarge’s house, and saw Dr.Manette, but he was nearly mad, he didn’t remember anything. Mr.Lorry, Lucie and Mr.Defarge wanted to take him to England at once. After a few days, they took Dr.Manette to England successfully. A year later, Dr.Manette became normal.
One day in 1780, they met Mr.Darnay and Mr.Carton in a trial in London. Soon they became good friends. Darney was saved by Carton. Then, Darnay married Lucie. The Marquis of Evrémonde, Darnay’s uncle, was a really bad guy. He didn’t want anyone to be healthy, especially Darnay. He had killed many people. Now, he was murdered by the poor. A few years later, many poor people charged at the Bastille. Defarge found a letter where Manette had been imprisoned.
Now the poor everywhere cheered that they killed rich nobles, and the servant of Darnay had been arrested. Darnay had to go to France to save his old servant’s life. But Darnay was soon arrested, so Carton and his friends had to go to save him. Darnay became free because Manette had been a prisoner of the Bastille. But Darnay wasn’t free for long, he was arrested again. He was accused by Manette’s letter, Mr. and Mrs. Defarge. He didn’t have any hopes. He had to be killed. But Carton had appeared before Darnay’s death. They changed each other’s clothes, Carton stayed in the Bastille instead of Darnay, and Darnay got out. Manette’s family returned to London, and Carton died for Darnay.
I like Carton very much, even though he stood for sorrow and misfortune, but he could die for his friend, this is real friendship. He’s really very kind. He wasn’t afraid of dying. He loved Lucie very much, but he didn’t let her know it, because he didn’t want her to be hurt. I think it is the most sincere love in the world. Defarge wasn’t a good person. He was very kind in the beginning, but he wanted his friend’s son-in-law to die, he was very cruel, I hate him. Carton had to die for his friend, because Defarge made him die. I think the characters written by Charles Dickens were diverse. I like this book very much.

7. 英文电影简介50字

第一部《哈利波特与魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
11-year old Harry, mistreated by his heartless relatives, realizes that he is, in fact, a wizard. Led by the friendly giant Hagrid, he goes to the famous Howarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to start his 7 year long wizard ecation. But someone is up to something bad in the Dark forest outside the school...

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter's adventures continue...Harry Potter begins his second year at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, but is warned by a mysterious creature that danger awaits him at the school. Malevolent voices whisper from the walls. Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival, as dreadful things begin to happen at Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
"He's at Hogwarts. He's at Hogwarts." The infamous Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban Prison and all sources believe he's after Harry Potter's life. What connection could there be between Harry's past and this crazed murderer? Can Harry figure it out before Black gets to him? And why does Mr. Weasley think Harry may want to find Black first? A shocking insight to a night 12 years ago.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire takes us deeper into the characters' minds and the darkness of the Wizarding World. At the Quidditch World Cup, Voldemort's followers gather and wreak havoc. Then, at Hogwarts, a legendary event takes place. The Triwizard Tournament! The Goblet of Fire judges who gets in and who doesn't. On the fateful night, three champions are selected. But then the Goblet spits out one other. Harry's. These two major events point to the return of Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore and the other teachers sense it, but it is inevitable. And Harry is no longer safe at Hogwarts. This fourth installment is the most dramatic, and also the scariest. Let me just say that all does not necessarily end well...

8. 求英语电影内容简介


This is a Disney Channel Original Movie.While on a New Year's Eve vacation,high school hoops star Troy and brainy Gabriella - two teens who are worlds apart - meet. During a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and an interest in each other.After vacation,Troy finds out that Gabriella is the new girl at his school.Troy and Gabriella decide to audition for the upcoming high school musical.Troy's new friend Chad and Gabriella's new friend Taylor discourage them from moving forward with their plans.But it's Ryan and his sister Sharpay - who really try to thwart their efforts.Find out how Gabriella and Troy's decision to audition turns their world and their school upside down!

9. 用英文概括一部英文电影以及其精彩对白

英文剧情介绍:Andy Dufresne is a young and successful banker whose life changes drastically when he is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. Set in the 1940's, the film shows how Andy, with the help of his friend Red, the prison entrepreneur, turns out to be a most unconventional prisoner.




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