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㈠ 电影《肖申克的救赎》主要讲了什么它告诉了我们什么道理最好用英文+翻译


㈡ 肖申克的救赎英文简介

In 1947, banker Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, based on circumstantial evidence, and is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary. Andy quickly befriendscontraband smuggler Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman), an inmate serving a life sentence. Red procures a rock hammer for Andy, allowing him to create small stone chess pieces. He obtains a large poster of Rita Hayworth for Andy, followed in later years by images of Marilyn Monroe and Raquel Welch. Andy works in the prison laundry, but is regularly assaulted by "the Sisters" and their leader Bogs (Mark Rolston).
In 1949, Andy overhears the brutal chief guard Byron Hadley (Clancy Brown) complaining about taxes on a forthcoming inheritance, and informs him about a financial loophole. After another vicious assault by the Sisters nearly kills Andy, Bogs is beaten and crippled by Hadley. Bogs is sent to another prison and Andy is not attacked again. Later, under the pretense of a cell inspection, Warden Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton) meets with Andy and reassigns him to the prison library, to assist elderly inmate Brooks Hatlen (James Whitmore); a pretext for Andy to manage financial ties for the prison. His advice and expertise are soon sought by other guards at Shawshank and from nearby prisons. Andy begins writing weekly letters to the state government for funds to improve the decrepit library.
In 1954, Brooks is freed on parole, but unable to adjust to the outside world after 50 years in prison, he hangs himself. Andy receives a library donation that includes a recording of The Marriage of Figaro. He plays an excerpt over the public address system, resulting in him receiving solitary confinement. After his release, Andy explains that he holds onto hope as something that the prison cannot take from him, but Red dismisses the idea. In 1963, Norton begins exploiting prison labor for public works, undercutting the cost of skilled labor by skimming the profits and receiving kickbacks. He has Andy launder the money using the alias "Randall Stevens".
In 1965, Tommy Williams (Gil Bellows) is incarcerated for robbery. He joins Andy and Red's circle of friends, and Andy assists him in getting his GED. In 1966, after hearing the details of Andy's case, Tommy reveals that an inmate at another prison claimed responsibility for an identical murder, suggesting Andy's innocence. Andy approaches Norton with this information, but the warden refuses to listen. Norton places Andy in solitary confinement and has Tommy murdered by Hadley under the guise of an escape attempt. Andy refuses to continue with the scam, but Norton threatens to destroy the library and take away his protection and preferential treatment. After Andy is released from solitary he tells Red of his dream of living in Zihuatanejo, a Mexican Pacific coastal town. While Red shrugs it off as unrealistic, Andy instructs him, should he ever be freed, to visit a specific hayfield near Buxton to retrieve a package.
The next day at roll call, Andy's cell is empty. Enraged, Norton throws one of Andy's rocks at the poster of Raquel Welch which tears through, revealing a tunnel that Andy had g with his rock hammer over the previous two decades. The previous night, Andy escaped through the tunnel and the prison's sewage pipe with Norton's ledger, containing details of the money laundering. While guards search for him the following morning, Andy, posing as Randall Stevens, visits several banks to withdraw the laundered money. Finally, he sends the ledger and evidence of the corruption and murders at Shawshank to a local newspaper. The police arrive at Shawshank and take Hadley into custody, but Norton commits suicide to avoid arrest.
After serving 40 years Red receives parole. He struggles to adapt to life outside prison and fears he never will. Remembering his promise to Andy, he visits Buxton and finds a cache containing money and a letter, asking him to come to Zihuatanejo. Red violates his parole and travels to Fort Hancock, Texas to cross the border to Mexico, admitting he finally feels hope. On a beach in Zihuatanejo, he finds Andy, and the two friends are happily reunited.

㈢ 肖申克救赎观后感英语

Today i saw a very shocking film ((Shawshank Redemption)), andy deeply by the strong conviction in the face of the cruel reality of the spirit is still harbor dreams, as well as superhuman intelligence and wisdom. Reid liked monologue of that sentence: "I had to remind myself that some birds can not be locked up in cages, and their feathers are too beautiful, and when they fly away, you will find them locked up is an appreciation evil. "Yes, that is andy. Sometimes reality is so cruel, bankers andy being wronged killed his wife and his lover. Had been tortured physically and mentally,Prison others were harassed and beaten, and even more painful in the wall's mental torture, as well as the tom know know the truth about the case can not reverse the verdict. But he is still so full of hope. . . . Workers in their fight for the beer, but also an opportunity to fight for their own ---- close to the governor to help him money. The last 20 years through the efforts of the hands of Reid with a buy from a small hammer to dig out of a prison outside the channel. So that it can not think of one. I think magic is more the spirit of andy appeal, he can always practice, he is encouraged by the people around, even for the time being that the spirit of freedom,As he put in the governor's Office of the plate to the music people listen to the same prison, and later released from prison so that the re-Reid to find a life of hope. . . There are even more amazing is the creative director ----- has escaped through a story has brought us so much inspiration and shock.

今天看了一部很震撼的电影((肖申克的救赎)),深深地被andy的坚定不移的信念、面对残酷现实依然心怀 梦想的精神以及超人的聪明才智。很喜欢瑞德独白的那句话:“我不得不提醒自己有些鸟是不能关在笼子里的,它们的羽毛太漂亮了,当它们飞走的时候,你会觉得把它们关起来欣赏是种罪恶。”是的说的就是andy.有时候现实就是那么残酷,银行家andy被冤枉杀死了他的老婆及其情人。身心受尽折磨,被监狱里其他人的骚扰和殴打,而更痛苦的是在高墙里的精神折磨,以及知道tom知道自己的案件的真相却不能翻案。但是他依然是那么充满希望。。。。为工友争取啤酒,也为自己争取到了机会----接近典狱长帮他洗黑钱。最后通过20年的努力用一把从瑞德手中买来的小锤子挖出一条通向狱外的通道。令谁也想不到。我觉得更神奇的是andy的精神号召力,他的做法总是能给他周围的人一点鼓舞,哪怕是暂时的一点精神自由,像他在典狱长 的办公室放音乐碟子给监狱的人听一样,以及后来让出狱的瑞德重新找到生活的希望。。。


㈣ 肖申克的救赎观后感英文


I have always heard that "The Shawshank Redemption" is a very good film, when I have watched it; I thought the film is very successful.

In Shawshank prison, there was a man called Andy. He was innocent .So he was always looking for opportunities to jail. He and Reed were good friends. One day, he asked Reed to give him a small hammer. In the night, he began to burrow in the wall, trying to escape from the prison.

After nineteen years, he finally escaped.Later, Reed was released from the prison, and they lived a life of freedom.

In the film, Andy was free finally in 19 years because of maintaining a persistent heart. Andy told us what the hope of life was. As what was said in the film: Everyone has their own God, if you have to give up yourself, who will save you!

This film gave me a lot of touch and enlightenment, in real life, everyone will encounter many setbacks, at this time, what should we do? We need to be looking for hope, overcome difficulties and continue to move forward. In conclusion: As long as there is hope, we should expand the bright wings, flying in the vast sky.







㈤ 电影《肖申克的救赎》的英文观后感

Atonement,是救赎之义。at one,指的是由一人所带来的救赎,在基督教中指的是耶稣基督的犠牲,为人类带来的救恩。而在肖申克的电影之中,主角最后的成功逃狱之前,为狱友带来了各种恩惠,而他的逃狱也来自于多人的帮助,彼此为彼此在一群有罪之人聚集之地,成为了彼此的救赎。


㈥ 肖申克的救赎英文影评


好莱坞是不是总是以商业目的来制造事物或艺术?若要创造一件真实自然的事物,一个导演就必须以一丝不苟的态度来接近事物本生,这归功于完美的过程。这样一件容易令人退缩的任务,要求绝对卓越的艺术家,他必须拥有无可置疑的管理能力和对于电影艺术中每一个元素精确的敏感度,无论是在音乐、视觉、剧情和表演上。每一种元素都是同等重要的,不仅个体而言能够保证成功,而且整体上来看,也要求和谐并成为一个整体。之所以如此,是因为这些都决定着艺术家的作品的命运。虽然Frank Darabont已经在他的业界内以他在编剧和导演方面已非常有名,但是,肖申克救赎却仍是他的处女作。虽然他以身为编剧的主要负责人,但Darabont仍竭力创作了最为收到认可的个体解放的实例在好莱坞的历史上。肖申克救赎确立了它自己的风格,否定了突变,激励了情感,把一个有艺术性有影响力的新纪元重新带回了好莱坞。

故事于一个年轻的银行家的审判开始,Andy Dufrense,被所谓“充分的证据”指控,最终定罪为谋杀妻子和她的情人。在快速的审讯之后,Andy意识到他将在肖申克监狱服终身监禁,没有任何的假释的机会,于是,他假装表面上仍存在于监狱中,但他的心已经飞出监狱。他的能力是他获得身边囚犯朋友们的信任,尤其是Ellis Redding。Ellis,也就是说是Red,因能够给牢内的其他囚犯提供违禁物品而发现他本身的价值,而Andy的行为和无可置否的对希望的信念使得Red开始重新审视他自己,以及他身边周围的世界。Andy向Red和其他囚犯证明,肖申克监狱的大墙内是找不到他们这辈子自己的家的。



㈦ 肖申克的救赎英语观后感70词左右


This film is based on Stephen King's novella rita hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption. It is a simple story of hope, and it is noticeable by the interaction between the two protagonists.


Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman have done a good job in making their characters real and attractive, and the way they work together is also very good.


The value of the whole proction is outstanding, but this is not a "fancy" movie. On the contrary, it insists on telling its own story, instead of resorting to flashy skills to attract the attention of the audience.


Although there is violence, some of which are extreme, it is necessary to show what kind of prison is, and it is certainly not without reason.


The theme is hope, not despair, and violence is only the background of this message. A movie that feels good, in the end, people only hope that it will last for a few more minutes.


㈧ 肖申克的救赎影评英文100字左右


was wrongfully convicted in court, Xiao Shenke prison. Andy every hour and moment not longing for freedom and hope, faith that he spent 29 years of time. When he escaped, hope and freedom of the distillation. " I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying." this is Andy impresses me saying," Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." it tells us that important.







㈨ 高分跪求肖申克救赎英文影评!

片中,瑞德曾这样说道:“体制化是这样一种东西,一开始你排斥它,后来你习惯它,直到最后你离不开它。想想看,我们的身体已经有多大一部分被体制化了? ”

瑞德心中早已没有了希望,那图书馆管理员老布,居然会对希望充满恐惧,而安迪却始终心怀希望,那怕 “用这样的小锤挖洞,至少需要600年。”安迪最能打动人心的品质,恰恰是这种看似对眼前现实平和接受,而心中希望却永不不磨灭的精神。

“体制化是这样一种东西,一开始你排斥它,后来你习惯它,直到最后你离不开它。”这是其中的一句台词,但说的不正是我们嘛,当我们被人为划定的圈子的固步自封,以为这就是我们所希望的生活,就象电影中的BROOKS,在监狱待了50年,入狱前就只见过一次汽车,出狱后面对熙熙攘攘的车流,那种茫然,那种无所适从,心里唯一的想法竟然是回到那个万恶的监狱,长期的没有希望的生活已让他失去了面对新生活的勇气,他最后也选择了自杀,也只能是他唯一的结局.记得那句刻在木廊上的字嘛?"BROOKS WAS HERE."
"hope is a good thing,maybe the best thing!Busy for living or busyfor death!"Andy在狱中对Read说的一句话,换来了Read诧异的目光,在他看来自己已经在监狱待了40年,已经"习惯"这里的一切,谈希望未免太可笑.他已经习惯了体制化的生活,若不是遇见Andy,他的下场应该是与Brooks是一样的,出来后看着陌生的世界,也就只有一死了之.所以在监狱里,Andy并不是进行的自我救赎,而是感染了身边的一切,也就是带来了希望,导演把 Andy戏耍典狱长的情节一笔代过,并没有着重描述,其实凭借他的才能,有这样的结果是可以预见的,虽然有点出乎意料,但让在可以接受的范围内.但对于Read,影片中曾不只一次的突出的叙述他对这种生活的满意以及对未来自由生活的胆怯,在他心里,现在这种状态才是最好的。Andy改变了他,与其说是改变,不如说在生死关头给他指引了一条生路,给他带来了勇气与希望.当看到Read拿起那把小刀,心里为之一震,还好,他在Brooks刻字的旁边写下了这么一句:”Me too."同样的遭遇,同样的地点,不一样的结局,这就是Andy出现多带来的改变.

Shawshank redeems Hollywood

Can Hollywood, usually creating things for entertainment purposes only, create art? To create something of this nature, a director must approach it in a most meticulous manner, e to the delicacy of the process. Such a daunting task requires an extremely capable artist with an undeniable managerial capacity and an acutely developed awareness of each element of art in their films, the most prominent; music, visuals, script, and acting. These elements, each equally important, must succeed independently, yet still form a harmonious union, because this mixture determines the fate of the artist's opus. Though already well known amongst his colleagues for his notable skills at writing and directing, Frank Darabont emerges with his feature film directorial debut, The Shawshank Redemption. Proving himself already a master of the craft, Darabont managed to create one of the most recognizable independent releases in the history of Hollywood. The Shawshank Redemption defines a genre, defies the odds, compels the emotions, and brings an era of artistically influential films back to Hollywood.

The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy's demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle.

By creating the film's firm foundation, the meticulously chiseled screenplay paved the way for this film's success. Frank Darabont outdoes himself with the phenomenal adaptation of Stephen King's equally noteworthy novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. In this novella, King demonstrates that he can break free from the genre he dominates and still create a marvelous piece of modern literature. Though the film mirrors the novella in many ways, Darabont illustrates a focused objective of improving upon the areas where the novella came up short, resulting in one of the best book to film transitions ever.

While maintaining some of the poetic and moving dialogue of the novella, Darabont also proves that a film's score can generate a great deal of emotional response from its audience, as dialogue does. He employs the cunning Thomas Newman, son of the legendary Hollywood composer, Alfred Newman. Darabont shows recognition for the film's needs by employing Newman, who makes the gentle piano chords whisper softly to the viewer, as if a part of the scripted dialogue. Newman lends himself to indivialism and tends to drive more towards the unique in the realm of score composition. His effort in Shawshank did not go unnoticed, as his score received an Oscar nomination in 1995. While unique and independent, Newman's score never once intrudes on your concentration or distracts from the film.

With work from vast array of talented scene designers, costume designers, composers, cinematographers, and various other Hollywood artists, the cast of The Shawshank Redemption had a strong foundation to work with. The marvelous cast of this film will dazzle you with some of the most convincing performances you will witness in a film. While both Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman shine as Andy and Red, respectively, the true spectacle of acting lies within the plethora of amazing supporting actors who easily disappear into their roles. Most noticeable of these, the veteran film star James Whitmore, who portrays the elderly Brooks Hatlen. Brooks, a man incarcerated for an unmentioned crime for so long that he finds himself attached to the Shawshank and the daily life he has lead. Each of these actors show a true dedication to their art, and a focused purpose in their motivations, creating a convincing setting that never once caters to anything unbelievable.

With all of the aesthetic touches and attention to cinematic detail, the most beautiful part of the film lies within its thematic material, such as its focus on the human desires for the most abstract concepts, like hope and freedom. These themes, which concern things the human spirit undoubtedly yearns for, seem so intricately woven into the plot that it easily draws its audience in to its story. Though full of hardened criminals, your heart will go out to these men as they display the most basic of human emotions, and deliver some of the most quotable lines in a film to date. Like a great novel, this film manages to succeed at greater things than simply entertaining an audience. Darabont tells his story most masterfully, illustrating principles and inspiring his audience to think. He leaves us a poignant film with a powerful message of hope, and redemption, something we all seek.

This film manages to redeem Hollywood in the eyes of people who feared it long lost in a dark sea of clichés and predictability. Darabont shows us that artists still work in the Hollywood studios and proction facilities. These artists show their capability to proce art; real art that inspires you to look at the deeper aspects of life and the world around you. The Shawshank Redemption delivers much-needed breath of fresh air for anyone who realizes the capability of film. It proves that masters of the craft still live on this earth, and still bless us with timeless masterpieces that we will never forget.

㈩ 肖申克的救赎 影评,英文,200字

肖申克的救赎 影评:

Shawshank Redemption is one of the most exciting and morally satisfactory films in the 1990s. This is not just because it contains religious factors. God never cares for Shawshank, but because it is a story of looking for hope in the unshakable friendship between two people.

Crucially, as an age film based on a non horror short story by Stephen King, the film has never grown old. It is a moral fable about maintaining one's integrity and personal freedom, regardless of the environment. This is also true in real life, just as in this fictional fable.






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