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发布时间:2022-10-07 07:31:31

A. 泰坦尼克号的英文简介(最好有中文翻译)

84 years later, a 101-year-old woman named Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story to her granddaughter Lizzy Calvert, Brock Lovett, Lewis Bodine, Bobby Buell and Anatoly Mikailavich on the Keldysh about her life set in April 10th 1912, on a ship called Titanic when young Rose boards the departing ship with the upper-class passengers and her mother, Ruth DeWitt Bukater, and her fiancé, Caledon Hockley. Meanwhile, a drifter and artist named Jack Dawson and his best friend Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets to the ship in a game. And she explains the whole story from departure until the death of Titanic on its first and last voyage April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in the morning.


B. 用英语简述泰坦尼克号故事并带中文翻译

The RMS Titanic, an Olympic cruise ship, sank on an iceberg ring her maiden voyage in April 1912.

泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)是一艘奥林匹克级邮轮,于1912年4月处女航时遇上冰山沉没。

The Titanic was built by Harland and Wolf shipyards in Belfast, Ireland, and was the largest passenger ship of the time.


During her maiden voyage, the Titanic set out from Southampton, England, and passed through Cherbourg-Oaketville, France, and Queenstown, Ireland. The planned destination was New York, USA. It sank ring the voyage.







C. 泰坦尼克号的英文简介

The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.

Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic, huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense walk of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives were lost.

D. 求电影泰坦尼克号英文介绍

Titanic is a 1997 American disaster/romantic/drama film directed, written, co-proced, and co-edited by James Cameron about the sinking of the RMS Titanic. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson and Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater, two members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ill-fated maiden voyage of the ship. The main characters and the central love story are fictional, but some characters (such as members of the ship's passengers and crew) are based on historical figures. Gloria Stuart portrays the elderly Rose, who narrates the film in a modern day framing device, and Billy Zane stars as Cal Hockley, the overbearing fiancé of Rose's younger self.

E. 泰坦尼克号电影故事梗概是什么





泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)

Titanic 导演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆

编剧: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆

主演: 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 / 凯特·温丝莱特 / 比利·赞恩 / 凯西·贝茨 / 弗兰西丝·费舍 / 更多...

类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 灾难

制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语 / 意大利语 / 德语 / 俄语

上映日期: 1998-04-03(中国大陆) / 1997-11-01(东京电影节) / 1997-12-19(美国)

片长: 194分钟

又名: 铁达尼号(港/台)

《泰坦尼克号》电影英文版简介:1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth. One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900's, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.

F. 泰坦尼克电影 英文简介

Titanic is a romantic film proced by 20th century fox pictures and Paramount pictures.


Directed by James Cameron and starring leonardo dicaprio and Kate winslet.


The film is set in 1912 when the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage.


It tells the story of two people from different classes, jack and Ruth, who abandon their worldly prejudices and fall in love.


Jack finally gives up his life to Ruth's touching story.



《泰坦尼克号》剧情介绍:1912年4月10日,号称 “世界工业史上的奇迹”的豪华客轮泰坦尼克号开始了自己的处女航,从英国的南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约。




G. 泰坦尼克号的英文简介(最好有中文翻译)

简介Titanic is a 1997 American disaster/romantic/drama film directed, written, co-proced, and co-edited by James Cameron about the sinking of the RMS Titanic. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson and Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater, two members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ill-fated maiden voyage of the ship. The main characters and the central love story are fictional, but some characters (such as members of the ship's passengers and crew) are based on historical figures. Gloria Stuart portrays the elderly Rose, who narrates the film in a modern day framing device, and Billy Zane stars as Cal Hockley, the overbearing fiancé of Rose's younger self.Proction of the film began in 1995, when Cameron shot footage of the real wreck of the RMS Titanic. He envisioned the love story as a means to engage the audience with the real-life tragedy. Shooting took place on board the Akademik Mstislav Keldysh – which aided Cameron in filming the real wreck – for the modern scenes, and a reconstruction of the ship was built at Playas de Rosarito, Baja California. Cameron also used scale models and computer-generated imagery to recreate the sinking. Titanic, at the time, became the most expensive film ever made, costing approximately US$200 million with funding from Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox.The film was originally to be released on July 2, 1997, but post-proction delays pushed back the film's release to December 19, 1997. The film turned out to be an enormous critical and commercial success, winning eleven Academy Awards, including Best Picture. It became the highest-grossing film of all time, (even surpassing Jurassic Park (film), with a worldwide total of over $1.8 billion, and remained so for twelve years until Cameron's directorial follow-up, Avatar, surpassed it in 2010. The film is e to be re-released in theatres in 2011 after Cameron completes its 3-D transformation.Plot 剧情In 1996, treasure hunter Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton) and his team explore the wreck of the RMS Titanic, searching for a necklace set with a valuable blue diamond called the Heart of the Ocean. They believe the diamond is in Caledon "Cal" Hockley's safe, which they recover. They do not find the diamond, but a sketch of a nude woman wearing the diamond. The drawing is dated April 14, 1912, the night the Titanic hit the iceberg. One-hundred-year-old Rose Dawson Calvert (Gloria Stuart) learns of the drawing and contacts Lovett, informing him that she is the woman in the drawing. She and her granddaughter Elizabeth "Lizzy" Calvert (Suzy Amis) visit Lovett and his team on his salvage ship. When asked if she knew the whereabouts of the necklace, Rose recalls her memories aboard the Titanic, revealing that she is Rose DeWitt Bukater, a passenger believed to have died in the sinking.In 1912, the upper class 17-year-old Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslet) boards the ship in Southampton, England with her 30-something fiancé Caledon "Cal" Hockley (Billy Zane), the son of a Pittsburgh steel tycoon, and her mother, Ruth DeWitt Bukater (Frances Fisher). Cal and Ruth stress the importance of Rose's engagement, since the marriage will mean the eradication of the Dewitt-Bukater debts; while they appear upper-class, Rose and her mother are experiencing severe financial troubles. Distraught and frustrated by her engagement to the controlling Cal and the pressure her mother is putting on her, Rose attempts suicide by jumping from the stern. Before she leaps, a drifter and artist named Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) intervenes. Cal, his friends and the sailors, overhearing Rose's screams, believe Jack attempted to rape her. She explains that Jack saved her life, hiding her suicide attempt by claiming she slipped while trying to see the propellers. Jack supports Rose's story, though Hockley's manservant, former Pinkerton agent Spicer Lovejoy (David Warner), is unconvinced. Jack and Rose develop a tentative friendship. Their bond deepens when they leave a stuffy first-class formal dinner of the rapport-building wealthy for a much livelier gathering in third-class.Lovejoy informs Cal of Rose's partying, and ring breakfast the following morning Cal and Ruth forbid her to see Jack again. After witnessing a woman encouraging her young daughter to behave like a "proper lady" at tea, Rose defies them and meets Jack at the bow of the ship. She has decided she would rather be with him than with Cal, and the two share a passionate kiss. They go to Rose's stateroom, where she asks Jack to sketch her wearing nothing but the Heart of the Ocean, an engagement present from Cal. Afterwards, the two run from Lovejoy, going into the ship's cargo hold. They enter William Carter's Renault and make love in the backseat before moving to the ship's forward well deck. After witnessing the ship's collision with an iceberg and overhearing the ship's lookouts discussing how serious it is, Rose tells Jack they should warn her mother and Cal. Cal has discovered Rose's drawing and her taunting note in his safe, so he frames Jack for stealing the Heart of the Ocean by having Lovejoy plant it in Jack's pocket. Jack is arrested, taken down to the Master-at-arms's office and handcuffed to a pipe. Rose runs away from Cal and her mother (who has boarded a lifeboat) to rescue Jack from imprisonment. She frees him with an axe.After much turmoil, Jack and Rose return to the boat deck. Cal and Jack want Rose safe, so they persuade her to board a lifeboat, Cal claiming that he has an arrangement that will allow him and Jack to get off safely. After Rose is out of earshot, Cal admits that there is an arrangement, but he will not use it to help Jack. Realizing that she cannot leave Jack, Rose jumps back on the ship and reunites with him at the ship's first-class staircase. Infuriated, Cal takes Lovejoy's pistol and chases Jack and Rose into the flooding first-class dining saloon. When Cal runs out of ammunition, he sarcastically wishes them well, then realizes he left the Heart of the Ocean in Rose's overcoat. Cal abandons Lovejoy and returns to the boat deck, where he boards a lifeboat by pretending to look after an abandoned child. Jack and Rose go through grueling struggles just to return to the top deck. By the time they do, people everywhere are falling to their deaths and the lifeboats have gone. The ship begins to quickly sink as the first class staircase is destroyed and the ship becomes more steep. Jack and Rose take refuge on the now-vertical stern, which washes them into the Atlantic Ocean. They grab hold of a door that only supports one person. Jack remains in the water, clinging to the door. As Rose accepts their fate, Jack assures her that she will live to have a long, happy life; when she dies, it will be then while warm in her bed. As they await rescue, Jack freezes to death.When a lifeboat finally returns to the site of the sinking, Rose is thinking of staying put and dying with Jack, but is then inspired by Jack's words and determined to live. She blows a whistle taken from a nearby frozen crew member, and is taken by the RMS Carpathia to New York, where she gives her name as Rose Dawson. She sees Cal for the last time on Carpathia's deck, looking for her. It is revealed that Cal commits suicide after losing his fortune in the Crash of 1929.Having completed her story, the elderly Rose goes alone to the stern of Lovett's ship. There, she pulls out the Heart of the Ocean, revealing that she had it all along, and drops it into the water. As she sleeps in her bed, around her are pictures of her doing everything she said she would do with Jack throughout her life. The final shot of the film is of young Rose being reunited with Jack at the Grand Staircase of the Titanic, surrounded and applauded by those who perished on the ship; it is deliberately unclear if this is a conscious dream, or if Rose has died in her sleep.虽然有点长,但很全面的,希望帮到你啦,望采纳耶~

H. 用英文介绍泰坦尼克号


April 14, 1912, a calm night, not even a bit of wind. If there were any, the crew would find the waves lapping at the tip of the iceberg. The Titanic was traveling at an extreme speed of 22.3 knots across the dark, icy surface of the ocean. Captain Smith ordered the watchman to observe carefully after receiving reports of ice from many ships nearby.

It was a warm winter, and the icebergs were farther south than usual. But the crew of the Titanic could not find the binoculars (the only binoculars were locked in the cabinet by the second officer, who did not end up on board), and the watchmen had to watch them with the naked eye.

It was 23 o 'clock and that man Frederick fry, who was found to survive, found a dark photo of a "two table" at a distance which quickly became high. He knocks three off the bridge and grabs the phone. "there's an iceberg right ahead!" . The six people who answered the phone, moody, informed the one next to murdoch.

Murdoch immediately ordered the bell to be fired: "all engines slow down! !! Reverse propeller no. 3. It was only 37 seconds before the lookout spotted the iceberg hitting the ship's starboard side.The first command was proved to be a fatal error. Just 37 seconds later, the Titanic was too big and moving too fast to stop and hit the iceberg.







1912年4月10日,世界最大的客运轮船“泰坦尼克号”从英国南安普顿出发,开始了它的首航。“快乐的乘客根本没有意识到,他们刚刚登上了一座浮动的坟墓。” 四天后,号称“永不沉没”的巨轮撞上冰山,沉入大西洋,1500多人葬身海底。


I. 泰坦尼克的英文简介

"Titanic" is USA twentieth Century Fawkes and Paramount Pictures co financed, photographed in 1994 an epic romantic disaster movie,written by James Cameron, editing, proction, director and procer, Hollywood actor Leonardo Dicaprio, starring Kate Winsleet.In the 1912 film Titanic cruise ship set sail in the virgin of the rocks an iceberg and sank events as the background, describes in thedifferent segments of the two people -- poor painter Jack and noble women abandon Ruth crashed into the secular bias in love, Jack finally put the life of opportunity to give Ruth's story. The filmpremiered in Tokyo in November 1, 1997.
The film premiered at the global box office of more than $1800000000 between 1997 and 2010, is the highest grossing film,and won the seventieth Oscar Award for best film, best director award11 prizes. "Titanic" was released again in April 4, 2012 to 3D version,commemorating the 100 anniversary of the Titanic disaster, 3Dedition after the release China box office is 987000000 yuan, the North American box office of $57000000, $344000000 in global box office, has grossed $2187000000.


J. 泰坦尼克号的英文梗概

84 years later a 100-year-old woman named Rose DeWitt Bukator tells the story to her granddaughter Lizzy Calvert, Brock Lovett, Lewis Bodine, Bobby Buell, and Anatoly Mikailavich on the Keldysh about her life set in April 10th 1912, on a ship called Titanic when young Rose boards the departing ship with the upper-class passengers and her mother, Ruth DeWitt Bukater, and her fiancé, Caledon Cal Hockley. Meanwhile, a drifter and artist named Jack Dawson and his best friend Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets to the ship in a game. And she explains the whole story from departure until the death of Titanic on its first and last voyage April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in the morning.



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