导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 父母一起去看电影很开心的英语


发布时间:2022-09-29 10:53:56

1. 我打算和我的父母一起去看电影英语

I'm going to the cinema with my parents.

2. 我很高兴我的父母一点也不不反对周末去看电影的英语这么写

I am very glad that my parents didn't opposed to see a movie on weekends.

3. 空闲的时间,和父母一起去看电影和购物的英语

I went shopping and watched a movie with my parents ring my free time.

4. 我和父母一起去看电影英语

I went to the cinema with my parents。

5. 如果你想回答“我的父母去看电影了”你可以说英文回答:


My parents went to watch/see a film.
My parents went to the cinema.



6. 父母和我经常一起看电影.(三种回答) 翻译

I often watch movies with my parents.
My parents and I often watch movies together.
Movies are often watched with my parents.

7. 我和父母一起去看电影英语作文

Last weekend, the weather was sunny I went to a movie with my parents. We went to the cinema by bus . We started at 1:00 in the afternoon .The name of the film is Avatar.We all enjoyed ourselves in the cinema.We went home at five in the afternoon.



8. 父母和我经常一起看电影。(三种回答) 翻译

I often watch movies with my parents.
My parents and I often watch movies together.
Movies are often watched with my parents.

9. 英语翻译 我和我的父母每个月都去看电影,我们一家人都很喜欢看。

My parents and I go to see a film every month,my family all like seeing films

10. 我和父母一起去看电影英语作文 天气晴天交通工具公共汽车下午一点出发,五点回家

Last weekend,the weather was sunny I went to a movie with my parents.We went to the cinema by bus .We started at 1:00 in the afternoon .The name of the film is Avatar.We all enjoyed ourselves in the cinema.We went home at five in the afternoon.



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