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发布时间:2022-09-29 07:02:52

『壹』 年轻人到底该怎么奋斗6分钟热血短片《坚不可摧》你一定要看看!求英文原文!

You can't put a bit of contact with the future, only through the review to see. So you have to believe in the future of the click to be able to. You must have faith, regardless of the things you but, destiny, life or karma, because the past bit in series, in order to have beliefs being true to yourself. Even if your choice is different from others, it will make you different.
Your time is limited, don't Waste in other people's lives, don't be bound by dogma, don't live in other people's expectations, don't let criticism erase your inner voice. You'll have to find what you love, including the cause of your love and your partner. Your work will occupy most of your life, and I believe that the work you do is right, and you can get satisfaction from your heart. And only love you all the things, to achieve the extraordinary. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't be so easy Come down. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. You know your future.
But It's impossible for you to be successful, most people simply give up, but do you know how strong the people will be? Will is an unparalleled strong and capricious! Any person in the financial, emotional life, a healthy environment can be Feel free and anyone can contented man. Anyone can have great ideals, any person in any environment can have faith. True test of your faith, faith and will, is when you are knocked down. Go up and go Need courage, be knocked down still can be modest, need to have the courage to put down and start again.但是你不可能一帆风顺,大多数人轻易放弃,但你知道人的意志有多强大吗?意志是无可比拟的坚强又富有任性的!任何人在财务、感情生活、健康良好的环境中都能感到自由,任何人都能自得其满,任何人都能有伟大的理想,任何人在任何的环境下都能有信念。真正试验你的信念、信仰和意志,是当你被击倒的时候。起身而行需要勇气,被击倒仍能谦虚,需要有勇气放下并重新开始。
Each mood ups and downs, still a no The. But each principle is a commitment to self. You may not end the passions, what. But every time, it's a commitment. Some of you have not been successful, and that is because you are too emotional Of. You are dominated by emotions, like in the morning in a bad mood, do not want to get up? Who would like to? Every day you don't face your dreams, you may have to postpone the goal for six months, or a year! Is not to get up to spur their own Instantaneous You don't know how much you stand back!每个情绪起伏,仍然一无所成。但是每个原则,是自我的承诺。你的喜怒哀乐,最后也许什么都没有。但是每次下决心,都是一种承诺。你们有些人,至今尚未成功,那是因为你们过于情绪化。你被情绪所主导,像是早上心情不好,不想起床?谁想?每天你不面对自己的梦想,你也许会把目标延后整整六个月,或是一年!就是没有起身鞭策自己的那一瞬间。你不晓得自己退后了多少!
Don't let your emotions control you! We are emotional animals, but you have to manage your own emotions! If you can't manage your emotions, you will be swallowed up! You have to go all out, not to keep. When you want to change, it won't be easy, if it's easy.Then, everybody does it! But you're serious, go all out! I am the leader, the master of self. I'm not by external things against me, destroy me, I stood up again, and I will become stronger, reagan. You have to It's your sense to make a decision. If you want this dream, whether it is healthy or take full responsibility to achieve success and win recognition, your life. Accept yourself and believe that you can do it better. You can put everyOne day as the last day in! Live your passion! Come up to! Push yourself to do better every day! The last chapter of life has not yet been written, all the things of yesterday are not important, you have nothing to do.The Department of. What's important, what do you do?I want to make my dream a reality this year! I don't even want to talk about it anymore. I can! I can! I can别让你的情感控制你!我们是情感的动物,但是你必须管理你自己的情感!你要是不能管理情感,你将会被吞噬!你要全力以赴,毫不保留。当你想改变的时候,不会很容易,如果很容易的话,每个人都做到啦!但是你认真,全力以赴!我是主导者,主宰着自我。我不会被外在事物打击我,摧毁我,我重新站起来,而我会变得根号、更加坚强。你必须下定决心,这是你的意义。如果这时你想要的梦,不论那是健康或是功成名就,对你的人生负完全的责任。接受现在的自己,并且相信自己能做的更好。你可以把每一天当做最后一天在过!活出你的激情来!拿出魄力来!每天不断鞭策自己做的更好!人生的最后一章尚未写下,昨日种种的事情并不重要,你发生了什么也没关系。重要的是,你要怎么做?今年我要使梦想成为现实!我甚至不想再讲了。我可以的!我可以的!我可以的

『贰』 布鲁斯威利斯的所有电影及详细介绍


本名:Walter Bruce Willis
教育: Montclair大学
前妻: 黛米-摩尔,1987-1998
女儿:Rumer Glenn, Scout LaRue, Tallulah Belle
1986/87--艾美奖最佳男主角 (《蓝色月光》)

布鲁斯-威利斯于1955年3月19日出生于美军在西德的一个军事基地,2岁后移居美国新泽西州,并在那里度过了他的童年生涯。步入青年之后,他有了一个口吃的毛病。不可思议的是,这个毛病在他参加演出的时候居然会消失。到了高中以后,他开始陆续的参加了一些演出,主要是演丑角。由于卷入了学校的种族冲突,他被学校开除了。后来,他的父亲雇用了一个律师出面解决,布鲁斯-威利斯才得以毕业。毕业后,布鲁斯-威利斯一开始打了几份零工,后来在一个名叫Loose Goose布鲁士乐队作口琴伴奏。在蒙特克莱尔大学就学期间,他参加了一次演出,此时,他表现出了对表演的极大热情。他花了大量的时间去纽约寻找非百老汇戏剧界作品中的各种角色。在1977年他终于有了机会,他离开了学校去参加舞台剧《天与地》("Heaven and Earth")的演出工作。但是随后,他的演出并没有走上正轨,东拍一部商业片,西演一场舞台剧。
1984年,布鲁斯-威利斯在非百老汇戏剧界的一场《爱情傻瓜》(“Fool for Love”)的演出中脱颖而出。在随后到洛杉矶的旅途中,他从3000名试镜者中被选中,在西比尔-谢泼德的浪漫喜剧《月光侦探所》("Moonlighting")中饰演一位逛妄、自负的私人侦探大卫-艾迪生。虽然该片有许多鲜为人知的内幕,这主要是由于威利斯、谢泼德和该片的制作格伦-戈登-卡伦之间的长期冲突引起的,但这是在他85到89年这段时间所演的作品中比较成功的一部。在80年代初,威利斯在2部大片中出演过小角色,直到1987年在布莱克-爱德沃兹的荒诞喜剧《盲目约会》(“Blind Date”)中与金-贝辛格演对手戏才真正走到台前。1988年,他再度与爱德沃兹合作,和杰姆斯-加纳的怀亚特-厄普在西部片《日落》(“Sunset”)出演牛仔明星汤姆-米克斯。这二部影片都获得了不错的票房收入,但并没有让布鲁斯-威利斯成为一个炙手可热的大明星。
1989年,布鲁斯-威利斯得以在《虎胆龙威》(第一集)(“Die Hard”)中出演纽约的一个不如意的警察。片中一群国际恐怖分子绑架了一个公司正在参加圣诞节晚会的全体员工,这个警察的不和睦的妻子也在其中。布鲁斯-威利斯与这群国际恐慌分子展开了机智灵活的斗争,这部电影取得了极大的成功。影片节奏明快,并充斥着许多惊人之举,影片上演后广受欢迎,布鲁斯-威利斯也在好莱坞众多明星中被列入A级。
就在人们普遍以为布鲁斯-威利斯会马上推出其第二部"重磅炸弹"之际,他出演了诺曼-朱维逊的一部喜剧《冷暖天涯》(“In Country”),在片中扮演一位心灵受创的越南老兵,孤身一人抚养着他的侄子----一个孤儿。同年,布鲁斯-威利斯又接下了新作《看谁在说话》(“Look Who's Talking”)系列片的第一部,1990年又出演了其第二部《看谁在说话II》(“Look Who's Talking Too”)。后来,他又继续在2部《虎胆龙威》系列电影中饰演警察的角色。1991年,他第一次出演自己编写的剧本《哈德逊之鹰》(“Hudson Hawk”),获得了极大的成功。此后,虽然他继续保持着多产,但一路走来极不平坦。拍摄的《夜色》(“The Color of Night”)和《疯狂终级者》(“Four Rooms”)不是很成功,但也拍摄了诸如《低俗小说》(“Pulp Fiction”)和《十二只猴子》(“12 Monkeys”)这样的好片。
1998年,布鲁斯-威利斯出演了斥巨资拍摄的《世界末日》(“Armageddon”),这部电影取得了较高的票房收入,并使他作为动作明星的声望达到了巅峰。这以后,布鲁斯-威利斯选择了一部规模较小的影片,1999年他出演了库尔特-冯内格特的筹划已久的《冠军的早餐》(“Breakfast of Champions”)。同年,他主演的低成本影片《第六感》成为当年票房和影评的双料大赢家。他2000年最新的影片包括《整九码》《小孩》和正在拍摄的《坚不可摧》等。

1.《虎胆龙威4:虚拟危机》Live Free or Die Hard AS …… John McClane (2007)
2.《农民宇航员》The Astronaut Farmer (2007)
3.《完美陌生人》Perfect Stranger AS …… Harrison Hill (2007)
4.Morgan's Summit AS …… (attached) (2007)
5.《篱笆墙外》Over the Hedge AS …… RJ (voice) (2006)
6.《勇闯16街区》16 Blocks AS …… Jack Mosley (2006)
7.HBO First Look Over the Hedge: Off the Strip & Onto the Screen AS …… Himself (2006)
8.Friday Night with Jonathan Ross Episode #10.13 AS …… Himself (2006)
9.Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2006)
10.Late Show with David Letterman Episode dated 17 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
11.The Early Show Episode dated 22 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
12.Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2006)
13.Grand journal de Canal+, Le Episode dated 20 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
14.Black Water Transit AS …… Earl Pike (2006)
15.《火线对峙》Hostage AS …… Jeff Talley (2005)
16.《罪恶之城》Sin City AS …… Hartigan (2005)
17.Wildwood Days AS …… Himself (2005)
18.Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope AS …… Himself (2005)
19.《阿尔法狗》Alpha Dog AS …… Sonny Truelove (2005)
20.《幸运数字斯莱文》Lucky Number Slevin AS …… Mr. Goodkat (2005)
21.Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast AS …… Himself (2005)
22.《十二罗汉》Ocean's Twelve AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2004)
23.《整十码》The Whole Ten Yards AS …… Jimmy (2004)
24."Retrosexual: The 80's" AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004)
25.Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die AS …… (archive footage) (2004)
26.MTV Video Music Awards 2004 AS …… Himself (2004)
27.'Pulp Fiction' on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect AS …… (archive footage) (2004)
28.Genius: A Night for Ray Charles AS …… Himself (2004)
29.《太阳之泪》Tears of the Sun AS …… Lt. A.K. Waters (2003)
30.《原野小兵兵》Rugrats Go Wild! AS …… Spike (voice) (2003)
31.《霹雳娇娃2》Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle AS …… William Rose Bailey (uncredited) (2003)
32.Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2003)
33.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)
34.True West AS …… Lee (2002)
35.《完美盗贼》Bandits AS …… Joseph 'Joe' Blake (2001)
36.《哈特之战》Hart's War AS …… Col. William A. McNamara (2001)
37.Grand Champion AS …… CEO (2001)
38.《扭转未来》The Kid AS …… Russell Duritz (2000)
39.《整九码》The Whole Nine Yards AS …… Jimmy \'The Tulip\' Tudeski (2000)
40.《惊心动魄》Unbreakable AS …… David Dunn (2000)
41.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (Presenter) (uncredited) (2000)
42.Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2000)
43.Entertainment Tonight Presents: 'Moonlighting' Exposed AS …… Himself (2000)
44.《我们的故事》The Story of Us AS …… Ben Jordan (1999)
45.《灵异第六感》The Sixth Sense AS …… Malcolm Crowe (1999)
46.《冠军的早餐》Breakfast of Champions AS …… Dwayne Hoover (1999)
47.Franky Goes to Hollywood AS …… Himself (1999)
48.《紧急动员》The Siege AS …… Major General William Devereaux (1998)
49.《绝世天劫》Armageddon AS …… Harry S. Stamper (1998)
50.《成龙的传奇》Jackie Chan: My Story AS …… Himself (1998)
51.《终极密码战》Mercury Rising AS …… Art Jeffries (1998)
52.The Fifth Element (1998) (VG) AS …… Korben Dallas (1998)
53.《狙击职业杀手》The Jackal AS …… The Jackal (1997)
54.《第五元素》The Fifth Element AS …… Major Korben Dallas (1997)
55.《瘟四与大头蛋》Beavis and Butt-Head Do America AS …… Muddy Grimes (voice) (1996)
56.《终极悍将》Last Man Standing AS …… John Smith (1996)
57."Bruno the Kid" AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice) (1996)
58.《疯狂终结者》Four Rooms AS …… Leo (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (uncredited) (1995)
59.《十二只猴子》Twelve Monkeys AS …… James Cole (1995)
60.A Night to Die for AS …… Himself (1995)
61.《大智若愚》Nobody's Fool AS …… Carl Roebuck (1994)
62.《低俗小说》Pulp Fiction AS …… Butch Coolidge (1994)
63.《浪子保镖》North AS …… Narrator (1994)
64.《夜色》Color of Night AS …… Dr. Bill Capa (1994)
65.《致命距离》Striking Distance AS …… Tom Hardy (1993)
66.《重装武器》Loaded Weapon 1 AS …… John McClane, 814 Pacific Coast Highway (uncredited) (1993)
67.《飞越长生》Death Becomes Her AS …… Dr. Ernest Menville (1992)
68.《超级大玩家》The Player AS …… Himself (1992)
69.《义胆风云》Billy Bathgate AS …… Bo Weinberg (1991)
70.《最后战士》The Last Boy Scout AS …… Joseph Cornelius 'Joe' Hallenbeck (1991)
71.《致命思想》Mortal Thoughts AS …… James Urbanski (1991)
72.《虚荣的篝火》The Bonfire of the Vanities AS …… Peter Fallow (1990)
73.《看谁又在说话》Look Who's Talking Too AS …… Mikey (voice) (1990)
74.Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come AS …… Himself (1990)
75.Die Harder: The Making of 'Die Hard 2' AS …… Himself (1990)
76.《看谁在说话》Look Who's Talking AS …… Mikey (voice) (1989)
77.《冷暖天涯》In Country AS …… Emmett Smith (1989)
78.Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1989)
79.《第61届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 61st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography (1989)
80.That's Adequate AS …… Himself (1989)
81.Saturday Night Live Episode #15.1 AS …… Himself - Host (1989)
82.《落日》Sunset AS …… Tom Mix (1988)
83.《虎胆龙威》Die Hard AS …… John McClane (1988)
84.The Return of Bruno AS …… Bruno Radolini (1988)
85.《醉酒俏佳人》Blind Date AS …… Walter Davis (1987)
86.The Pointer Sisters: Up All Nite AS …… Himself (1987)
87.The 44th Annual Golden Globe Awards AS …… Himself (1987)
88.《蓝色月光》Moonlighting AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)
89."Moonlighting" AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)
90.《大审判》The Verdict AS …… Courtroom Observer (uncredited) (1982)
91.Guru kommt, Ein AS …… Extra (uncredited) (1980)
92.The First Deadly Sin AS …… Man Entering Diner as Delaney Leaves (uncredited) (1980)
93.The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys (1997) AS …… Himself (uncredited)
94.Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996) AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice)
95.Pulp Fiction: The Facts (2002) AS …… Himself
96.Apocalypse (1998) AS …… Trey Kincaid
97.Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith (2000) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
98.Inside 'Bandits' (2001) AS …… Himself
99.Journey to Safety: Making 'Tears of the Sun' (2003) AS …… Himself
100.Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto (2000) AS …… Himself
101.Conversations with Jon Turteltaub (2000) AS …… Himself
102.Scene 71 Filmmakers Workshop (2003) AS …… Himself
103.The Making of 'The Jackal' (1998) AS …… Himself
104.'The Sixth Sense': Reflections from the Set (2002) AS …… Himself
105.Watch the Mercury Rising (1999) AS …… Himself
106.A Kid Becomes the Kid AS …… Himself
107.Telling the Story of Us AS …… Himself
108.1st Annual Mystery Science Theater 3000 Summer Blockbuster Review AS …… Himself (archive footage)
109.Siskel & Ebert: Actors on Acting AS …… Himself

『叁』 有谁记得一部前几年的科幻电影

<THRILL SEEKERS> 中文名:K-02灾难制造者:
ISRC CN E26-02-268-00/V.J9
主要演员:Casper Van Dien Catherine Bell


『肆』 《坚不可摧》电影,看后感,英语翻译


Lunar New Year's day watch a movie or is feeling, but to see the movie. In fact, to say it is bad or not, scenes are also good, after all, is Julie's first movie (a lot of people are for the name to it), but is not! Good! See!
This is a plot together, but is the movie touch not the point. Chinese film, no matter how hard, in the last 7 is very difficult, and this film, when I see even as high as 7.7, is really unparalleled disappointed. Do not know is to China disappointed, disappointed or to judge people by outward appearance to the world down (Julie).
Briefly describe the plot is good, is a man who, when he was a small hun hun, began running in his brother's encouragement, and then ran to the olympic...... (there are inspirational story do not know how to go about) later joined the war with America, the aircraft accident out at sea, survived after drifting at sea, while drifting more than 40 or 50 days (here with a large space to describe, but only the sea and hardships. No prominent hero character, super boring), was finally found, it is Japanese, so captured. The protagonist begins to kill with the Japanese love, boo. Prisoner of the Japanese officers do not know how to see him, his heart began to abuse. Cruel cruel ah ah war finished, he went home, over. At the end of the beginning words chose to forgive his Japanese abuse.
Throughout all the performance of ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah who live very hard he had managed to ah ah ah he experienced so much worried about ah ah he was abused... Then the hero's emotional rendering less special, no struggle or something, as if you saw a cockroach, but you don't know Jack Bauer have wood has wood with pain sad with wood to ma. Actually all hero experience can be said to be: hard, but why would he be consistent from beginning to end, why choose to forgive, what faith sustained him, he had to struggle without or with a pen!!!!!!!! The movie is a documentary style, background music are automatically changed into the animal world have!!! The climax of the play theory is abnormal Japanese officers called him a pole lift killed (really weak burst, before the abnormal officers all abuse than this really is too small), the male hum hum rip rip up the officer went mad after metamorphosis (...... I really think the officer if the psychological ability to bear so fragile, has long been crazy, especially the male master to give up lucrative life back......) After watching the film's plot is a good feeling, not to poke, see my heart itch and scratch - but not too noisy!!!!!
I think as an inspirational film, should have a theme, this film is a pile of plot, after watching the sea, do not know is to show the male strong (kill) or his beliefs or what? Even if is the male the kind, is also the one he chose to forgive...... Why! Turning is not really a good thing!
总之希望各路观影人士擦亮眼睛,认真评价这部片子 褪茱莉的光环的话,真的有很好吗?
In the hope that each viewing people keep their eyes open, a careful assessment of the film Julie's aura faded, really good?


『伍』 坚不可摧的英文怎么说

[释义] 坚:坚固;摧:摧毁;破坏。非常坚固;摧毁不了。
[语出] 清·叶燮《原诗·内篇上》:“惟力大而才能坚;故至坚而不可摧也。”
[正音] 不;不能读作“bú”。
[辨形] 摧;不能写作“催”。
[近义] 牢不可破
[反义] 不堪一击 一触即溃
[用法] 多用于形容建筑、力量等十分坚固强大。一般作谓语、宾语、定语。
[结构] 偏正式。
[辨析] ~和“牢不可破”;都表示十分坚固;不可摧毁。不同在于:“牢不可破”的搭配对象多为抽象的;并含有“十分顽固;不可改变”的意思;而~的搭配对象多为具体的;如“国家”、“铜墙铁壁”等。
[例句] 中国人民解放军是一支~的武装力量。
[英译] indestructible

『陆』 坚不可摧是什么短语类型



【拼音】: jiān bù kě cuī

【解释】: 坚:坚固;摧:摧毁。非常坚固,摧毁不了。

【出处】: 清·叶燮《原诗·内篇上》:“惟力大而才能坚,故至坚而不可摧也。”

【举例造句】: 二十年闺阁,养成拘墟笃时之见,牢不可破,坚不可摧。 ★清·李绿园《歧路灯》第八十二回

【拼音代码】: jbkc



【用法】: 作谓语、宾语、定语;指非常坚固

【英文】: indestructible

『柒』 电影《触不可及》为什么叫《触不可及》

个人理解 仅供参考
电影英文为 Intouchables

『捌』 停止!没那么坚不可摧。的英文


Stop! Not so impregnable.

坚不可摧[jiān bù kě cuī]
indestructible; impregnable

Its indestructible, victorious, eternal and unchangeable character of perseverance quality is the goal pursued by mankind forever.



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