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发布时间:2022-09-27 15:56:50

① 卡萨布兰卡是什么意思








② 《卡萨布兰卡》由谁主演

英文名:(Casablanca) 导演:迈克尔·寇蒂斯主演:英格丽·褒曼(饰伊尔莎) 享弗莱·鲍嘉(饰里克) 保尔·亨莱德(饰维克多)
经典英文歌曲《卡萨布兰卡》(casablanca)并不是电影《卡萨布兰卡》(又名《北非谍影》)里的插曲。,而是上世纪70年代由著名音乐人 B ertie Higgins(贝特·希金斯)在看完这部电影后有感而写出的,用的是电影的名字,后来成为爱情电影《广岛之恋》的插曲。

享弗莱·鲍嘉(饰 里克)

里克夜总会的老板里克是位神秘的男子。 一日,捷克反纳粹领袖维克多拉斯洛和妻子伊尔莎来到李克夜总会,希望通过里克获得通行证。里克发现伊尔莎正是自己的昔日恋人,过去的误解解开后,伊尔莎徘徊在丈夫与情人间,而仍深爱着她的里克,却大度地决定护送伊尔莎和她的丈夫离开萨布兰卡。在机场,里克开枪射杀了打电话阻止飞机起飞的德军少校后,目送着心爱的女人离开……


虽然被叫做“拼盘导演”,然而他所拍摄的类型片,许多被认为是好莱坞的重大作品:如《蜡像馆的秘密》(1933)、《胜利之歌》(Yankee Doodle Dandy)(1954)等。


1941年,华纳公司让鲍嘉担任一个他最初并不喜欢的角色,然而制片公司却坚持让他来扮演。鲍嘉显示出了他从影以来最杰出的表演,在这部经典侦探片《马耳他之鹰》中扮演了私人侦探山姆·斯派德。1946年,他又一次穿上胶皮雨衣,在莱蒙德·钱德勒的《沉睡》(The Big Sleep)中再次扮演了私人侦探的形象。随后,1947年,在《黑暗的通道》中,他和贝蒂·戴维斯联袂演出。1948年,他又和劳伦·芭考尔联袂出演了经典片《关键的慢板》。


在混合着危险的异国情调的浪漫中,男女主角在乱世重逢,亨佛莱·鲍嘉硬汉式的沧桑,和英格丽·褒曼沉默中的娇柔,各自都有着身不由己的无奈和矛盾。插曲“时光飞逝”《As Times Goes By》原是1931年一出音乐剧中的配乐,在影片中由黑人歌星杜利·威尔森配唱,更是极为成功,被视为电影插曲的典范。

歌手:Bertie Higgins
《Casablanca 》

Sung By "Bertie Higgins"

I fell in love with you
Watching Casablanca
Back row at the driven show
In the flickering light
Pop-corn and cokes beneath the stars
Became champagne and caviare
Making love on the long hot summer’s night

I thought you fell in love with me
Watching Casablanca
Holding hand beneath the paddle fan
In Rick’s candle lit cafe
Hiding in the shadows from the spots
A rocky moon light in your arms
Making magic in the movies
In your old Chevrolet

Oh’a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
A kiss in not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day
As time goes by

I guess there are many broken hearts
In Casablanca
You know I’ve really been there
So I don’t know
I guess our love story will never be seen
On the big wide silver screen
But it hurt as bad
When I had to watch you go

③ 求卡萨布兰卡 英文简介 三十秒

Plot overview 1941. Casablanca. In the iron heel of the Nazis, fled to Europe from the United States, must pass through northern Morocco city of casablanca. The city in the form of abnormal tension. Rick's Cafe boss Rick is a mysterious man. This partial
Secluded town now suddenly becomes lively. People from the fascist boots under European countries come here, because here to get the exit visas to the United States, via Lisbon to. However, high price. In order to exit permit, it happens every day in tragedy. A plane carrying the secret police chief secretary traas major landing at casablanca. The local French police chief captain Renault to meet. Originally, not long ago, two German courier was killed, their body with two German President Hitler Autographed passport had been removed. Division of Tesla this behavior case tracing; at the same time, there are more important tasks: tracking a Czech left-wing movement leaders -- Victor laszlo. Reynolds reported to him, who have been identified, tonight will be in a hotel to arrest him. Zafirlukast Russ ordered Reynolds never made Laszlo leave Casablanca, the German government is the most important thing. Casablanca airport near, deluxe Cafe shop. Customers door, European, African, Asian turks. Black musicians Sam sat down at the piano, sing while playing the guitar. Pursue pleasure who comment center is still a passport. A beautiful woman: "in the past I want a villa in Cannes, now I just want a exit visas." A man:" can't get my passport, only to die in casablanca." Only the owner of the restaurant Rick, so calm indifference, sitting alone at the table. Specializes in selling exit visas as garter to Rick and removed, with the two pass envelope, to Rick for safekeeping. He told Rick, two German messenger is murder. Today, selling, and make money, he will leave here. Rick doesn't like him though, but still allowed the generation of his custody, and to pass on Sam 's piano cover. And he just left, Reynolds. He told Rick, Laszlo has came to Casablanca, to Rick do emotionalist. Zafirlukast Russ know Rick in Europe and North Africa participated in the anti-fascist war. He wants to Rick this can stand on the German side, prevent Laszlo left here to the United States. Rick refused: " your occupation is political, my occupation is a hotel." And taken away by the police after he killed, on his body, no search to the two passport. Laszlo and his wife Ilsa entered the hotel. Ilsa found playing the piano in Sam's familiar face, Sam carefully looked at it for a while before the recovery of gaze. A man followed, in order to Laszlo bought a ring for cover, and Laszlo connected to the head, an appointment place. Then, the special division Russ and Reynolds also comes to their table. Laszlo declined with zafirlukast rasteau, Reynolds had to local police bureau name invites him to a police station. The two men were gone, Laszlo invited to sell the ring, know as he is dead, passport without hope. Ilsa was alone in the restaurant, Sam listening to music. Finally, determined to greet Sam. Sam didn't expect here met ilsa. In Ilsa 's request, Sam and Ilsa together to sing while playing the guitar on" time". Rick found El sand, become with different. Late at night, the dark restaurant, customers have gone. Sam gently with" time", Rick in the past: Paris, Rick and Ilsa snuggle up to, in the street, in the Seine River, in the luxury hotel. Ke Xingfu smiled:" why am I so lucky, will you?" Ilsa tells Rick, she once loved a man, but he is dead. Later, she met Rick, fell in love with him. A propaganda car broke the lovers whisper. The German army was to advance to the Paris, a few days will be occupied Paris. The hotel, Sam on the piano on" time", the street speakers in broadcast Gestapo noise noise. Sam and Ilsa knows Rick is a reward for the capture of Nazi Germany, advised him to leave Paris, Rick suggested that three people walking together. Speak at the train station. When they parted, Ilsa to Rick said, no matter what, she loved him very much. Train station, Rick and Ilsa anxiously. Sam is coming. Gives Rick a letter of Ilsa 's letter. Rick is unable to hold oneself back to open, wrote:" I can't be with you together, you can not meet again, you don 't ask why. Just believe that I love you." The rain beat on the paper, illegible ... ... Ilsa appears in the recollection of Rick before being. Rick found this, Sam is ready to go home. He coldly to Ilsa said: " we have to stop operating." Ilsa to find Rick about something, but Rick has questioned why she wants to Casablanca, also told her, his heart has been high heels kick. Ilsa to explain, Rick won't listen. Laszlo and Ilsa was invited to come to the police station, division of Tesla to Laszlo for European underground resistance leader, promised to send them a passport. Laszlo answered very clever:" in a concentration camp". Laszlo and Ilsa find black protagonist Larry, wants to buy two passport, Larry told them, can only sell a, because Laszlo is the German authorities control object, no one dared to sell the passport to him. Larry also told them, as he that two special permits estimation in Rick there, although the police had to search for, but never found. He suggested that Laszlo to Rick. But Rick was very cold. Laszlo asked him the reason, Rick wants him to ask his wife. Are talking, hotel Germans sang the fascist anthem. Laszlo to band prior to direct the Marseillaise, everyone sang, pressing down on the German song. Zafirlukast Russ get desperation, ordered Reynolds immediately seized Rick hotel. Night, Ilsa came to Rick, asked him to proce pass, Rick refused to. Ilsa and asked him to come, but he ignored. Ilsa helpless, pulled out the revolver. Rick is taken out of the pass, then shot and killed him, only to do. Ilsa guns down. She talk to Rick that left him reason. She and Laszlo married just three weeks, he went to Prague, soon, came the news of the death of his arrest. Later, she and Rick is in love to meet. But just before she and Rick, Sam left Paris, the departing train station, suddenly received Laszlo calls from friends, that Laszlo was still alive, and just outside Paris, was ill. Although she loves Rick, but cannot throw down win no matter. Rick knows, decided to help pull
The rugby. Renault because Laszlo attended secret meetings, the decision to arrest him, Rick knows helps him give an idea: to Laszlo got the go-ahead to arrest him. The Renault can shoot two hawks with one arrow meritorious, Rick can also take pretty Ilsa to the United States. Reynolds agreed. Laszlo before the plane took off a few minutes into the hotel, to get a permit. He will give one hundred thousand francs to Rick, Rick not, said he went to the United States. Just then, Reynolds appeared suddenly, announced the arrest of laszlo. Laszlo surprised, Rick has pulled a gun on Reynolds, he should call the airport: not much Laszlo and ilsa. Reynolds was called to the German Consulate, despite the inconvenience clear division, Tesla had understood that something was wrong with the police, headed for the airport. Rick forcing Renault in the pass signed Laszlo and Ilsa 's name, Renault and Ilsa was very surprised. Rick on Ilsa said:" we'll always have Paris. You came to Casablanca before, our sweet memory disappeared, last night we got it back." Aircraft motors launched. Division of Tesla into the airport. When he knew Laszlo was on the plane, he tried to stop the flight call. Rick gun pointed at him, montelukast Russ still picked up the telephone and dial telephone, Rick shot, killed and zafirlukast russ. Follow the gendarmerie just arrived, Reynolds ordered gendarmerie to the usual suspects are arrested. The plane took off. Renault to Rick said:" don't you but emotionalist, you become a patriot." Rick says this is the opportunity to begin. Reynolds expressed the hope that Rick leave Casablanca, latent period, traffic he arranged, Rick about $100000 bet, Reynolds says that they immediately required.

④ 谁有电影—卡萨布兰卡Casablanca的英文版影评

Many people think that "Shadow Spy Who Came in North Africa" ( "Casablanca") is proced by Hollywood's greatest films, although an exaggeration, but it reflects the film's classic status, and to create the classic film is film Members of the stars, you will be starring in all of the penetrating portrait of the interpretation of the role, and his impressive acting Tianzaodishe character for the match left us with a Lectra, Lisa worked, such as the classic image of the screen. Humphrey Bogart's determination and the indifference of the speech Lectra character in the cynical sense of honor and the temperament to the perfect balance. Cool as the strong appearance of the full conversation with the fear of Jay Chou is also difficult to hold a candle, and under the hot tip of the inner feelings through the Humphrey Bogart knit the brows a smile to the fans to show the general public. After a fairly long period of time Lectra million women are fans of the idol, until now, his presence in the film is still sufficient for the girls worked captivated. And Ingrid Bergman also themselves the most glamorous side to stay in the film, is her beautiful contrast of the shine out of the final Lectra tolerance and magnanimity, it is precisely because her interpretation of a man in the world The American role was mped before the film has to watch the drama, and Lisa has become a black-and-white images of Princess Diana and famous lover of classic public.
Henry Paul is also excellent as to a Lisa to attract such a woman's man, maturity and idealism of his temperament is the portrait of Victor has a hard to resist the charm. Supporting role is spangled with stars, is different, Pitelaoer, such as Conrad Devitt worked at the time of the red angle for the film are presented wonderful performances. The film's story has been hovering on the brink of conventional, but the fluctuations in the amount of turn and save the entire script, and the film's dialogue is also quite good, it still would like to commend the superb acting of several stars. In addition, Michael Curtis mood for a good grasp of the mobilization is a major highlight film, he knows how to make sensational time of sorrow and select the right atmosphere strengths being. In this way, great actors, great director, good script together to create a fusion of this romance, suspense, humor, patriotism and a good film. Although more than half a century has passed, but the film's classic status is growing.

⑤ 关于卡撒布兰卡的资料





亨弗莱·鲍嘉(饰 里克)







里克夜总会的老板里克是位神秘的男子。 一日,捷克反纳粹领袖维克多拉斯洛和妻子伊尔莎来到李克夜总会,希望通过里克获得通行证。里克发现伊尔莎正是自己的昔日恋人,过去的误解解开后,伊尔莎徘徊在丈夫与情人间,而仍深爱着她的里克,却决定护送伊尔莎和她的丈夫离开萨布兰卡。在机场,里克开枪射杀了打电话阻止飞机起飞的德军少校后,目送着心爱的女人离开…







虽然被叫做“拼盘导演”,然而他所拍摄的类型片,许多被认为是好莱坞的重大作品:如《蜡像馆的秘密》(1933)、《胜利之歌》(Yankee Doodle Dandy)(1954)等。…











⑥ 求电影卡萨布兰卡的英语介绍

The story happened ring the Second World War. Rick worked for American Intelligence Agency[1] in Paris. One day he met with Ilsa in Paris. They soon fell in love and planned to marry. However, with the German's march into Paris, they had to give up the plan and wished to get to Marseilles by train and married there. But just before the leaving by train, Rick received a letter from Ilsa, saying that she couldn't go with him. So he had to pass through many places to Casablanca and runs a Cafe[2] there. One night, he met Ilsa at his Cafe, who escaped with her husband to Casablanca. They hoped to obtain exit visas here and escaped to the New World At first, Rick can't forgive that Ilsa's gone back on[3] her word. At first he refuses to help them get the exit visas. Learning this Ilsa determines to go alone to see Rick.
Then Ilsa tells Rick that why she had to leave him without any explanation. In fact when Ilsa met Rick, she had married Laszlo, one of the leaders of French underground Party organization. Shortly after their marriage, Laszlo was apprehended by Gestapo[4]. Soon the word came that Laszlo was shot to death when trying to escape the concentration camp[5]. When she met Rick, she found he is her true love. But when she planed to leave Paris with Rick, her friend came to tell her that Laszlo was alive. He was very sick and needed her. She had no choice but left without saying goodbye. Another important reason is that she dared not tell anybody she had married Laszlo, an important leader of the French Resistance. If Gestapo found out she was Laszlo's wife, it would be dangerous for her and Rick. Learning this Rick forgives Ilsa. When Rick see that Laszlo also loves Ilsa deeply, and for their more important cause, he decided to sacrifice his love. Rick takes a risk to[6] help the Laszlos get the exit visas. At the airport Rick see off[7] his loved women and her husband leave Casablanca。
1. Intelligence Agency:情报局。美国鼎鼎大名的中央情报局CIA就是Central Intelligence Agency的缩写。
2. run a cafe经营一家咖啡店。run不仅有“跑”的意思,还有“使…跑起来、动起来”的意思,比如:使船、车跑起来,就是“开船”“开车”,使牛羊跑起来就是“放牧”,使商店运转起来就是“经营商店”等等。
3. go back on:背叛;go back on one's word:违背诺言。
4. Gestapo:盖世太保,纳粹德国的秘密警察。
5. the concentra-
tion camp:集中营。 6. takes a risk to do ...:冒着风险做某事。另外risk本身还是及物动词,我们也可以直接说risk doing...,也是冒险做某事的意思。
7. see off:送行,告别。
故事发生在二战期间。力克是前美国驻巴黎情报员。在巴黎和伊尔莎相遇,他们很快坠入爱河并计划结婚。但由于德军攻入巴黎,他们只好改变计划,决定乘火车到马赛再结婚。然而就在登车前,力克收到伊尔莎的字条,说她无法跟随力克而去。力克只好辗转来到卡萨布兰卡,并在那里经营了一家咖啡店。一天晚上,他在自己的咖啡店里遇到了和丈夫逃离到卡萨布兰卡的伊尔莎。他们希望能在这里得到出境证后逃离到美洲新大陆去。开始,力克无法原谅伊尔莎当初违背誓言的行为,拒绝帮助他们得到出境证。听到这个消息,伊尔莎决定单独找力克谈一次…… 然后伊尔莎告诉力克为什么会不辞而别。事实上,在遇见力克前,她已经嫁给了法国地下军领袖拉兹洛。但婚后不久,拉兹洛就被盖世太保抓走了。很快有消息说拉兹洛在逃离集中营的时候被枪杀了。当伊尔莎遇到力克时,发现他才是自己的所爱。但当他们计划离开巴黎时,有个朋友告诉他拉兹洛还活着而且病得很严重,非常需要她。所以她没有别的选择,只好和力克不辞而别。另外一个重要的原因就是她不敢告诉任何人自己嫁给了拉兹洛,一个重要的法国反抗军领袖。如果盖世太保知道她是拉兹洛的妻子,那对她自己和力克来说都是相当危险的。知道了这些后,力克原谅了伊尔莎。看到拉兹洛也是深深爱着伊尔莎,也为了他们更重要的事业,力克决定牺牲自己的爱情。他冒险帮助拉兹洛夫妇搞到出境证。在飞机场,力克目送自己心爱的人和她的丈夫离开卡萨布兰卡……

⑦ 卡萨布兰卡这部电影当中,三位主角叫什么名字呀剧情大概是怎样子的

Rick Blaine ————亨弗莱·鲍嘉/Humphrey Bogart 饰
Ilsa Lund ————英格丽·褒曼/Ingrid Bergman 饰
Captain Renault ————克劳德·雷恩斯/Claude Rains 饰

二战期间,卡萨布兰卡是欧洲逃往美国的必经之地,那里鱼龙混杂,局势紧张。里克(亨佛莱•鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)是一个神秘的商人,他在卡萨布兰卡开了一家人气很旺的夜总会,并拥有两张宝贵的通行证。一天,反纳粹人士维克多和妻子伊尔莎(英格丽•褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)来到夜总会,原来他们正在逃避纳粹的追捕。碰巧的是,里克发现,伊尔莎竟然是他的旧日情人。那段爱曾经刻骨铭心,却因为一个误会而终止。而当误会消解时,伊尔莎和里克的感情还是不可避免的重燃了。里克手上的两张通行证能帮助维克多度过难关,但这样一来,伊尔莎是决定留下,还是离去,他们的爱情在政治和伦理的推波逐流中走向何方

⑧ 《卡萨布兰卡》讲的是什么故事呢


⑨ 求电影《卡萨布兰卡》的英文故事简介和英文经典对白

During World War II, Europeans who were fleeing from the Germans, sought refuge in America. But to get there they would first have to go Casablanca and once they get there, they have to obtain exit visas which are not very easy to come by. Now the hottest spot in all of Casablanca is Rick's Cafe which is operated by Rick Blaine, an American expatriate, who for some reason can't return there, and he is also extremely cynical. Now it seems that two German couriers were killed and the documents they were carrying were taken. Now one of Rick's regulars, Ugarte entrusts to him some letters of transit, which he intends to sell but before he does he is arrested for killing the couriers. Captain Renault, the Chief of Police, who is neutral in his political views, informs Rick that Victor Laszlo, the European Resistance leader, is in Casablanca and will do anything to get an exit visa but Renault has been "told" by Major Strasser of the Gestapo, to keep Laszlo in Casablanca. Laszlo goes to Rick's to meet Ugarte, because he was the one Ugarte was going to sell the letters to. But since Ugarte was arrested he has to find another way. Accompanying him is Ilsa Lund, who knew Rick when he was in Paris, and when they meet some of Rick's old wounds reopen. It is obvious that Rick's stone heart was because of her leaving him. And when they learn that Rick has the letters, he refuses to give them to him, because "he doesn't stick his neck out for anyone".



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