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发布时间:2022-09-26 17:33:20

① 电影珍珠港的英文介绍

The movie begins on a Tennessee farm in the late 1920s as two kids, Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker, play in a pretend fighter plane they made, pretending to be shooting down German planes. As they are playing, Rafe's dad is out sting the fields in his old cropster. When he lands and goes into his tractor, the two boys sneak into his plane and keep the pretend fight going. They accidentally start the plane and "fly" it down the runway, almost crashing it until it finally stops. Danny's father, who still suffers the effects of fighting in World War One, (William Fichtner) comes out and starts screaming at them and smacking Danny. Rafe grabs a board and whacks him to stop the beating, protecting his best friend. This snaps him out of his funk, and he tells Danny he only wants to ensure he doesn't go to war someday like how he "fought 'em in the trenches."

Years later, Rafe (Ben Affleck) and Danny (Josh Hartnett), both in their early twenties and First Lieutenants in the U.S. Army, are at a U.S. Army Air Corps training field commanded by Major Jimmy Doolittle (Alec Baldwin). Rafe is very cocky as he and Danny do a particularly dangerous stunt (a game of chicken) that almost kills them (and more importantly to the brass, almost damages the planes). They are called into Doolittle's office where they are reprimanded, but Doolittle is actually quite impressed with Rafe as he reminds him of himself when he was young. Later, Doolittle tells Rafe that he has been accepted to go to Britain and join Eagle Squadron, a squadron of volunteer American pilots serving with the Royal Air Force in the fight against the Germans. It is strictly a volunteer assignment, and Doolittle tells him it's his ty to talk him out of it. Rafe asks Doolittle what he would do, and Doolittle says he would go, so Rafe agrees to go as well.

Prior to Rafe leaving, there is a big dance in New York, and many nurses are coming to the event. Some of the nurses are traveling there by train, and one of them, Evelyn Johnson (Kate Beckinsale), is telling the other nurses how she first met Rafe while assessing his fitness to fly. Although his eyesight did not fit the standard requirement, she felt sorry and passed him anyway. During his flu shots, she first agreed to go out with him, and they have been going out now for four weeks and two days. At the dance, Rafe tells Evelyn that in the morning he is headed off to Europe. They have a tearful good-bye, and Rafe tells her not to come to the train station to see him off. He goes to Europe, and Evelyn and Danny get transferred to Pearl Harbor.

While in Europe, the squadron Rafe is a member and is scrambled to intercept a formation of Heinkel He 111 bombers, but Rafe's fighter is attacked by a Messerschmitt Bf 109 escort. His oil line is ruptured, and his canopy jams. His aircraft crashes into the sea. In Hawaii, Evelyn is informed that Rafe is missing presumed killed.

Three months later while separately going to the same movie, Danny and Evelyn see a newsreel that shows British fighters being shot down by the Germans. Thinking of Rafe, both Danny and Evelyn leave the theater and by accident meet each other out front of the building. They strike up a friendship again which eventually leads to a romantic after-hours flight and a sexual encounter in a parachute storage room.

Evelyn has stopped mourning Rafe, but one morning she discovers she's pregnant, she is stunned to find Rafe. As it turned out, after he crashed into the English Channel, the impact meant he could escape, and he was rescued by a French fishing boat and returned to occupied France for three months where he couldn't get word out to them that he was alive. Suddenly Danny appears, holding a telegram that Rafe is alive. Somehow, Rafe instantly realizes that Danny and Evelyn are now together and leaves the room, refusing to talk to Danny.

After a barfight, Danny and Rafe argue and eventually drive to a hillside to discuss what they are going to do about their situation. They have been drinking and fall asleep in their convertible under the stars, after Rafe says there must be a way to work this out. They are awakened the next morning by Japanese Zero fighters, Val dive bombers and Kate torpedo bombers flying overhead. The barely-awake pilots think it is the U.S. Navy performing exercises.

The Japanese attack catches the U.S. fleet largely unaware, despite Admiral Kimmel having been informed of a Japanese midget submarine destroyed near the entrance to the harbor. Much of the surprise came not from a lack of awareness of the planes, but a radar station dismissing the large number of contacts as a flight of B-17s. A bomb dropped from a Kate bomber ruptures the forward part of the USS Arizona's ammunition magazine, literally splitting the ship in half and sending it to the bottom. Meanwhile, Japanese fighters are attacking the airstrips present on the island to prevent any attempt to intercept the attack aircraft. Petty Officer Doris "Dorie" Miller (Cuba Gooding Jr.), a cook on the USS West Virginia, mans an antiaircraft gun and manages to shoot down a Japanese plane. Around the same time, Evelyn, Sandra, Betty and the other nurses head towards the hospital to help injured people. On their way they are strafed, and many people flee into the hospital while some are killed. The gunfire forces Evelyn and Sandra to hide behind a fountain. Suddenly, a plane drops a bomb, and Betty is killed while the other women hide in the hospital.

Later, Evelyn and the other nurses are working frantically with masses of incoming casualties, having to prioritize which lives can be saved and who receives priority care. Rafe and Danny make it to their Army auxiliary airfield, and together with another pilot manage to get their planes moving, though the other pilot is destroyed before getting off the ground. The two of them shoot down seven Japanese planes over the Harbor. They even use the same maneuver that got them into trouble at Doolittle's school to force four Zeros to crash into each other.

The attack finally ends, and because of their heroism, Rafe and Danny are both promoted to Captain and assigned to Doolittle (now promoted to Lt. Col) for a top secret mission. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Jon Voight) wants to send a message that the Japanese homeland is not immune from bombing. They are going to put Army Air Corp B-25 Mitchell bombers onto the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (instead of the usual light naval assault bombers), sail out close to Japan, take off a few hundred miles offshore, bomb Tokyo and land in China. Prior to leaving, a heartbroken Rafe apologizes to Evelyn for leaving her, and asks why she wants to see him. She reveals that she is pregnant, but has not yet told Danny so he can focus on his mission. She also says that she is going to go with Danny, but deep down inside she will always love Rafe just as much. When Rafe and Danny leave, Evelyn tells Danny that she loves him and she will be waiting for him.

② 我们的少年时代的英文字是什么

Our boyhood

③ 各位大神,求boyhood少年时代的资源,最好是中英双字幕的,超清的,谢谢!!❤❤

④ 跪求少年时代2014年百度云资源,埃拉·科尔特兰主演的

《少年时代 Boyhood 2014 》网络网盘资源在线播放



导演: 理查德·林克莱特 编剧: 理查德·林克莱特 主演: 埃拉·科尔特兰、帕特丽夏·阿奎特、伊桑·霍克、罗蕾莱·林克莱特、史蒂芬·切斯特·普林斯、利比·维拉利、马可·佩雷拉、杰米·霍华德、安德鲁·维拉利尔、谢恩·格雷厄姆、苔丝·艾伦、戴维·布莱克维尔、塔玛拉·若兰恩、埃薇·汤普森、布拉德·霍金斯、尼克·克劳斯、梅根·迪瓦恩、詹妮·图利、理查德·琼斯、山姆·狄龙、佐伊·格瑞艾姆、理查德·罗比查乌克斯、克里斯·杜贝克、安德里亚·陈、莫娜·李·富尔茨、比尔·怀斯、马克西米利安·麦克纳马拉、泰勒·韦弗、杰西·梅希勒 类型: 剧情、家庭 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语、西班牙语 上映日期: 2014-01-19(圣丹斯电影节)、2014-08-15(美国) 片长: 165分钟 又名: 我们都是这样长大的(港)、年少时代(台)、少年12年、十二年、The 12-Year Movie、Growing Up 本片讲述一个男孩从6岁到18岁的成长历程,导演理查德·林克莱特花了12年时间来完成这部作品。它仔细描画了孩子的成长过程,及其父母亲各个方面的变化,可以让观众细致入微地体会岁月流逝的痕迹。为了不打扰主演艾拉·萨尔蒙的正常生活,拍摄均在他暑假期间的简短时间内完成。

⑤ 好看的青春电影(这27部青春题材的电影)

1. Flipped 怦然心动



现在想起来,小女孩一开始还真是“死缠烂打”,喜欢小男孩的眼睛,他的气味,真的是特别主动的 那种 ,可是就像俗话说的,坚持久了却迟迟得不到回应,谁都会放弃吧。不过最后的结果应该还是圆满的吧。还是挺值得推荐的,那种喜欢一个人,初恋的感觉, 那种 无法自拔,哈哈,值得好好回味!

2. Love Actually 真爱至上


3. The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet 少年斯派维的奇异旅行


“经典大角”,海伦娜,演一个潜心做研究的博士,男孩的母亲,看她记录的家庭日记真是蛮有趣的,最后在演播室带孩子回家,真是大爱。不知道是什么把她和一个一心想做牛仔的父亲连接在了一起,也许是爱情,不是 那种 如胶似漆的爱情,各自有自己的事业,不过多干涉对方,互相注视着,也就够了。画面也是美美的~

4. 初恋这件小事


5. The Fault in Our Stars 星运里的错


喜欢上里面的歌《BOOM CLAP》,觉得好动感~~

6. Boyhood 少年时代


《somebody that I used to konw》是一首插曲,在他们打台球那段,喜欢了很久的一首歌。

7. The Perks of Being a Wallflower 壁花少年

艾玛和罗根主演,还穿插着不被理解的同性恋,主角我都比较喜欢哈!那段他们几人在昏黄灯光下,音乐声中,穿越隧道,感觉好好。“We accept the love we think we deserve.”是最好的解释吧。只是男主的姨妈,一开始以为是个很好的角色,呵呵,真是看到后来才知道原来。。。

8. The Reader 生死朗读



9. 阿黛尔的生活


10. 两小无猜


11. 天使爱美丽


12. Dead Poets Society 死亡诗社

主演罗宾·威廉姆斯,他逗笑了全世界的人,却不能快乐自己,真的很遗憾。看到后来他们站到桌子上说着“Oh, Captain, my captain.”都感动地哭了,即使离开了,他的自由精神也将永存。虽然不是讲青春期的情啊爱啊什么的,但是有这么一群青春期的小伙子,也是蛮不错的,非常推荐!

13. Good Will Hunting 心灵捕手




14. Becoming Jane 成为简·奥斯汀


15. One Day 一天


16. 初雪


17. 还有其他耳熟能详的就不贴图了,有些相关度不高,感觉已然偏题了,但都是我觉得好看的电影~~


















18. Bridge to Terabithia 仙境之桥

评论里的Sylvain Yan推荐的哈!


19. The Social Network 社交网络


看到网友说:如果引进《The Social Network》的话,对白应该怎么翻译呢?“那一年,我开创了一个叫404无法访问的网站”?还是干脆说“那年,我抄袭中国人的创意,开了一个美国的人人网”?万分纠结。。。

20. American History X 美国X档案


21. 3 idiots 三傻大闹宝莱坞


抛开男主 阿米尔·汗 的“身世之谜”。




22. American dreams in China 中国合伙人


23. Front of the class 叫我第一名


24. Coach Carter 铁血教练




25. Accepted 录取通知书


26. 属于你的我的初恋






全韩有史以来最卖座爱情电影,总观影人次超过 410 万人次,票房超越同期所有好莱坞强片,带动怀旧纯爱热潮,宛如韩国版《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》。


⑥ 英文翻译!! 尽管他表现出色,但他未能在英语演讲比赛获得第一名despite 那位决心致力于

Despite excellent performances, he failed to win the English speech contest.
The student who is determined to devote himself into the study of chemistry is faced with some difficulties in studying the chemistry.
It is not so easy to persuade him to keep from the temtation of internet games.
With 12 years of filming, the film entitled Boyhood depicts the story of a boy called Mason about his experiences starting at age of 6 and ending with a fresh student at the university to remind us of a short span of the life.

⑦ 求boyhood少年时代的英文字幕



⑧ 《追风筝的人》的英文简介是什么


The Kite Runner is the first novel written by an Afghan writer, Karard Husseini.

Its translator, Li Jihong, was published by Shanghai People's Publishing House in 2003 and ranked the third best seller in the United States in 2005.

The whole book revolves around the kite and two Afghan teenagers, a rich teenager and his servant about the kite story, about the betrayal and redemption of human nature.


《追风筝的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡赛尼(Khaled Hosseini)的第一部长篇小说,译者李继宏,上海人民出版社于2003年出版,是美国2005年的排名第三的畅销书。









⑨ 《蝴蝶效应》的英文介绍!!!

《The Butterfly Effect》

Evan Treborn has lost track of time. From an early age, crucial moments of his life have disappeared into a black hole of forgetting, his boyhood marred by a series of terrifying events he can’t remember. What remains is the ghost of memory and the broken lives around him--the lives of his childhood friends, Kayleigh, Lenny and Tommy. Throughout his childhood, Evan was under the care of a psychologist who encouraged him to keep a journal, detailing the events of his day-to-day life. Now in college, Evan reads from one of his journals and finds himself thrust suddenly, inexplicably back in time. He comes to realize that the notebooks he keeps under his bed are a vehicle by which he can return to the past and reclaim his memories. But these recollections only leave Evan feeling responsible for the damaged lives of his friends, most crucially that of Kayleigh, his childhood sweetheart who he continued to love into althood.Determined to do something now that he was incapable of doing then, Evan purposely travels back in time, his present-day mind occupying his childhood body, in an attempt to re-write history and spare his friends and loved ones these traumatic experiences.

Proction Status: Released

Genres: Science Fiction/Fantasy and Thriller

Running Time: 1 hr. 53 min.

Release Date: January 23rd, 2004 (wide)

MPAA Rating: R for violence, sexual content, language, and brief drug use.

Distributors: New Line Cinema

Proction Co.: Benderspink, Dogwood Pictures, Katalyst Films, FilmEngine

Studios: New Line Cinema

Financiers: FilmEngine

U.S. Box Office: $57,650,876

Filming Locations: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Proced in: United States

⑩ 2部欧美电影的百度云资源




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