导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 我下午去看了一场电影的英文


发布时间:2022-09-24 11:05:39

㈠ 我们下午看了一部刚刚上映的电影,英语怎么说

e. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the

㈡ 今天下午我们去看电影吧。翻译成英语

Let's go to the cinema this afternoon.

㈢ 我昨天下午去看电影的英文翻译

I went to the cinema yesterday afternoon.
看电影可以用go to the cinema或者是watch the movie


㈣ 英语翻译 在一个下雨的午后,我俩去看了场电影。

We went to a movie on a raining afternoon.

㈤ 今天下午我看了一场电影。它很有趣。的英文

I saw a movie this afternoon. It's very interesting.

㈥ 我昨天下午去看电影的英文翻译

I went to the cinema yesterday afternoon.
看电影可以用go to the cinema或者是watch the movie


㈦ 昨天下午,我看了一场电影的英语

Yesterday afternoon, I saw a movie.
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the cinema.

㈧ 周六的下午我们去看了一场电影 用英语怎么

we saw a movie at Saturday afternoon

㈨ 在周六下午,我打算与我的父亲一起去看一场电影用英语怎么说

I'am intend to see a film with my father at Saturday afternoon.

㈩ 下午我和妈妈骑自行车去电影院,看了一场很有趣的电影。翻成英文

Afternoon ,I went to the cinema with my mother that see a very interesting film by bicycle .好久没搞英语了,汗...



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