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发布时间:2022-09-24 05:57:40

❶ “小黄人poopaye”是什么意思




小黄人的现任主人是格鲁和纳瓦利欧,他们主要为纳瓦利欧建造工程、充当格鲁的试验品,或者格鲁三个可爱的女儿表演没人看时,数量庞大的小黄人可以充当观众。 小黄人爱闹内讧,如果打起架来,轻则十几个对打,重则动用火箭筒,小黄人的语言通常为各种语言的混杂。

但是电影表述的中心思想还是正义最终一定会打败恶势力,主人公格鲁在小黄人的帮助下,最终战胜了恶势力! 小黄人的形象一出来,就受到很多观众的好评,很多电影周边系列产品相继制作销售,小黄人的经典话语也被观众争相模仿,掀起一阵狂热。

❷ 急需一份 关于小黄人这部电影的英语介绍词

您说的应该是今年上映的 Despicable Me 2,以下为英文介绍,望采纳

Description :
Despicable Me 2 is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated family action comedy film and the sequel to the 2010 animated film Despicable Me.Steve Carell, Russell Brand, and Miranda Cosgrove reprise their roles. Kristen Wiig, who played Miss Hattie in the first film, voices agent Lucy Wilde. Ken Jeong, who played Talk Show Host, voices Floyd Eagle-san.

Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud

Ken Daurio (screenplay), Cinco Paul (screenplay)

Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Benjamin Bratt | See full cast and crew


While Gru, the ex-supervillain is adjusting to family life and an attempted honest living in the jam business, a secret Arctic laboratory is stolen. The Anti-Villain League decides it needs an insider's help and recruits Gru in the investigation. Together with the eccentric AVL agent, Lucy Wilde, Gru concludes that his prime suspect is the presumed dead supervillain, El Macho, whose his teenage son is also making the moves on his eldest daughter, Margo. Seemingly blinded by his overprotectiveness of his children and his growing mutual attraction to Lucy, Gru seems on the wrong track even as his minions are being quietly kidnapped en masse for some malevolent purpose.

Box Office

$76,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:
$83,517,315 (USA) (5 July 2013)

$357,558,315 (USA) (6 September 2013)


Gru's tiny, yellow, loyal yet childish and funny, genetically-mutated henchmen. The Minions mostly speak their own gobbledygook-like language called "Minionese", although they do appear to understand English. They have existed since the beginning of time, evolving from single yellow cell organisms into beings, who have only one purpose - "to seek out and serve the most despicable master they can find."[12] In the short film Banana, the Minions are revealed to have an uncontrolable craving for fruits, especially apples and bananas (especially the latter). They also appear to have a strange obsession with butts (evident by photoing their own butts in the first film, then laughing at Silas Ramsbottom's surname in the second).

The Minions have standard English-style names. Mentioned in the films and other media are Dave,[13] Stuart,[14] Kevin,[14] Jerry,[15] Carl,[14] Phil,[14] Paul, Jorge,[16] Tim,[14] Donny, Mark, Lance, Tom,[15] John, Steve, Frank and Bob.

下面介绍的是影片中注射了 PX-41 血清后变坏的 Minion

The Evil Minions are characters that appear in Despicable Me 2. Orginally Gru's Minions, these purple creatures are the proct of the extreme mutation caused by the PX-41 serum entering their bloodstream.

When the Minions were mutated by the PX-41, they were transformed into vicious, mindless, destructive monsters; that are completely indestructible, and will eat anything in their path.
The Evil Minions are very different from regular Minions, having purple skin, long arms, wild bushy purple hair, and crooked teeth. They are also wild, and don't usually speak, as much as they scream most of the time.
Fortunately, Dr. Nefario created an antidote (PX-47) and mixed it in with the awful-tasting jelly Gru was developing, and utilizing a rapid fire delivery system, returning all the transformed Minions to normal. Even so, a single Evil Minion roars in front of the camera just before the credits roll.
The Purple Minions, are, for all intents and purposes, indestructible, as Kevin (as a evil minion) was hit with a flame thrower and a gun, and was unharmed, struck with an axe and a police car, with no damage, (even eating the axe and car), and even swallowing a bomb and containing the explosion with no problem at all.


Not all minions were under the PX-41, some of the minions include Lance, Dave and Stuart, Tim, Carl, Jorge and 2 other minions
Some evil minions have more hair than others.
Phil is the first minion to be mutated into an evil minion and then he was turned back to normal last.
Ironically the minion were referred to as Gru's evil minions in the first film.
All the Evil Minions change their uniform, except Phil who was still on his maid uniform instead of a black overall with a white "M" as a logo.
Added by Cutepogiamhermosa

❸ 小黄人最经典的一句话 小黄人中有哪些经典台词









❹ 小黄人的口头禅是什么


2、 我爱你说的是Ti amo,冰激凌是Gelato是意大利语。

3、小黄人给Agnes独角兽玩具时说了Para tu 是西班牙语。

4、数一二三说了Hana Tu Sae是韩语。

5、格鲁划船时候小黄人一个说了Hayaku,一起喝酒的时候说了Kanpai 是日语。

6、I hate you说的是Tatata bala tu是葡萄牙语。







❺ 小黄人 minions 2015中的经典台词

They're all different. But they all share the same goal.

To serve the most despicable master they could find.
Making their master happy was the tribe's very reason for existence.
But that's not to say that they didn't have other passions.
Poor man. So trusting, so fragile, so-so delicious.

The dark ages were actually fun times.
Look at all those faces out there, we are all so different.

We have big dreams, and we will do anything to make them come true.

And everyone whoever doubted me
Would be watching and they would be crying.
But, I'm so very polite, that I shall keep my mouth shut.

And you have stolen not just England,but my heart.

I thought I could get over what you did.

❻ 小黄人卑鄙的我里好句子英文的

1.who are you texting? 你在给谁发短信? No one! Just my friend Avery. 没谁!只是一个叫Avery的朋友 Avery... Eh? Avery? Avery……呃?Avery? Is that a girl's nameabcor a boy's name? 这是一个男名还是女名? Does it matter? 有什么关系吗? No! No, it doesn't matter, 不!不 没关系 unless it's a boy! 除非 是个男孩! I know what makes you a boy. 我知道是什么使你成为男孩的 Uhh, you do? 呃……你……懂? Your bald head. 你的秃头 Ohh. Yes. 哦 是啊 It's really smooth. 它好光滑 Sometimes I stare at it, 有时候我看着它 and imagine a littleabcchick popping out. 然后想象一只小鸡蹦出来 Peep-peep-peep! 哔哔哔 Goodnight, Agnes. 晚安Agnes Never get older. 永远不要长大 Hey, yo! 嗨 哟! Hey, Tim, nice haircut! 嘿Tim 发型不错! Tommy, hang in there, baby! Tommy 加油 宝贝!
2.We are the Anti-Villain League. 我们是除恶联盟 An ultra secret organization dedicatedabcto fighting crime on a global scale. 旨在全球范围内对抗犯罪的绝密组织 Rob a bank, we're not interested.abcKill someone, not our deal. 抢银行?我们不感兴趣 杀人?关我们屁事 But you were to melt the polarabcice caps, or vaporize Mount Fuji, 但是 如果你想融化极地冰盖 或者蒸发富士山 or even, 甚至 Steal the moon... 盗窃月亮…… Then, we notice. 那就会引起我们注意了
3.And that's where you come in. As an ex-villain,abcyou know how a villain thinks, and acts. 于是就轮到你商场了 作为一个前恶人 你了解恶人的思维以及行为
4.I know someone whoabccan fix that for you. 我知道有人能改变你 And you'll be talkingabcnormal in no time! 你再也不会显得平庸!
5.all too well. It is theabclook of a broken heart. 你装过头了 其实内在是一颗破碎的心
6.Okay! I see whereabcthis is going! 够了 这下我懂了 impossible stuff, 就是《碟中谍》的那一套嘛 But no, no. 但是 不 不行 I'm a father now. And,abca legitimate businessman. 我现在是一个父亲 一个守法的商人 I am developing a line ofabcdelicious jams and jellies. 我正在开发一条美味(www.mcqyy.com)果酱果冻的生产线 "Jams and jellies". “果酱果冻” Oh, attitude! 哦 真有礼貌哦!
7.And my new Mom Lucy is beyond compare 而我的新妈妈Lucy 是世界上最好的妈妈
8.I enjoyed that. Every second of it,abcGave me bit of a buzz, actually... 我享受整个过程的每一秒钟 说实话 我都快high起来了!
9.I really like the wayabcyou smiled at the end. 我真喜欢结尾处你那个微笑 Let's try this one more time butabca tinsy-bit less like a zombie. 下面我们再试一次 注意不要弄得像僵尸一样
10.And sometimes, I eat insteadabcof facing my problems! 而且有时候 什么东西烦我 我就把什么给吃了
11.So, you're saving the worldabcin a garbage can? 所以说 你就在垃圾箱里拯救世界?
12.And my dream, is to one day,abcplay video games for a living. 我的梦想就是以打游戏为生
13.You never know what kind ofabcbooby traps this guy could've set. 你永远不会知道这个家伙会使什么鬼点子
14.These are sordid lies.abcI don't even like her. 蹩脚的谎话 我甚至都不喜欢她
15.You just officially hadabcthe worst date ever. 你圆满完成了史上最糟糕约会
16.When someone moves into theabcmall who is follically challenged, 当具有极大挑战性的人走进商场 I make it my businessabcto know all about them. 我的任务就是去了解他
17.Are you reallyabcgonna save the world? 你真的要拯救世界吗? Yes. Yes, I am. 是的是的 没错

❼ 小黄人3经典台词 小黄人3经典台词有哪些

1、I was thinking you two could get some grub。我觉得你们俩可以出去吃个饭。

2、Are you out of your gourd?你疯了吗?

3、Well, it seems that because of your checkered past, everyone else refused to work with you。好像是由于你背景复杂,所以没人愿你和你共事。

4、Does it matter? 有什么关系吗?

5、Yeah, well, she is a nut job, and Im not going on any date。是的,不过她的脑袋有点不正常,而且我才不会去相亲。

6、Go about your business。回去干活吧。

7、who are you texting? 你在给谁发短信?

8、You never know what kind of booby traps this guy could have set。你永远猜不到这家伙可能会设下什么样的陷阱。

9、The kid gives me the creeps!那孩子让我毛骨悚然!

10、No one! Just my friend Avery。 没谁!只是一个叫Avery的朋友。

11、Wow,looks like your dates out for the count。哇,你的约会对象好像不省人事了呢。

12、I just need to get some things off my plate before we start taking over the world, thats all。只不过在我们开始征服世界前,我得先把一些事情处理完。

13、But not me。 I stepped up。但我愿意,我毛遂自荐的。

❽ 小黄人经典语录

4、别看我疯疯 颠颠,其实我也会伤心,我也会不高兴,我也会失落。

❾ 小黄人电影的经典语句

  1. 对他们来说确实很不容易,但他们从未放弃。

  2. 我们都会犯错

  3. 这不邪恶,也根本不是才能

  4. 对这个看脸的世界绝望了

  5. 即使不快乐,也要记得哈哈大笑

  6. 绅士是不会偷女王的王冠的!

  7. 我们要永远永远在一起,不分离。即使你变了,我也会陪伴你,让你回到从前。

  8. 兄弟有难,奋不顾身!

  9. 别看我疯疯颠颠,其实我也会伤心,我也会不高兴,我也会失落。

❿ 小黄人10句经典英语台词

Hello!=Bello!;Goodbye!=Poopaye!;Thank you!=Tank yu!;Ugly!=Bananonina!;I hate you!=Tatata bala tu!;We love you!=Tulaliloo ti amo!



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