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发布时间:2022-09-20 07:51:23

㈠ 火星救援观后感英文100词

Ridley Scott goes back to the future, a familiar destination for him, and returns in fine shape in The Martian. Although technically science fiction by virtue of its being largely set on a neighboring planet, this smartly made adaptation of Andy Weir’s best-selling novel is more realistic in its attention to detail than many films set in the present, giving the story the feel of an adventure that could happen the day after tomorrow.
Scott has famously been up in space before, thrillingly in Alien, far less so in Prometheus (a sequel to which he is currently preparing). This time, he’s telling a survival story, pure and simple, of an American astronaut named Mark Watney, thought to be dead, who’s left behind on Mars when an enormous storm compels his five fellow crew members to hastily cut short their extra-planetary visit. It’s Robinson Crusoe on Mars, but without the monkey and aliens.
When Mark Watney (Matt Damon) regains consciousness, he quickly assesses the situation: He’s millions of miles from home and, based on the food supply, concludes that he’s got a month to live.
Ultimately it comes down to the willingness of Mark’s astronaut colleagues to place themselves atgreat risk by attempting a rescue attempt, a decision that raises the provocative moral dilemma of whether it’s correct to put five lives at great risk for saving one life. The director and screenwriter downplay the conventional melodrama inherent in the situation in favor of emphasizing how practical problems should be addressed with rational responses.
There is also a insinuation that the meticulous sense of resourcefulness. In significant measure e to his character’s mordant humor, Damon provides comfortable company ring the long stretches when he’s onscreen alone, and the actor’s physicality makes Mark’s capability entirely credible.

㈡ 奇异博士英文观后感

Imagine in a Marvel movie, the *protagonist is a rich, *arrogant and selfish genius who suddenly encounters a life-changing accident. As a result, he develops super powers, before realizing the value of helping others and saving Earth. This isn’t Iron Man, however.

The titular character of Doctor Strange begins his story as a regular human being, *albeit the world’s most skilled *neurosurgeon, before a car accident leads him on a journey to discovering Earth-saving super powers.

Looking for ways to heal himself after his accident puts an end to his *illustrious surgical career, Strange travels to the East. His discoveries unlock powers that transform him into a master of a mystical magic intended to protect Earth from supernatural enemies.

But despite being gifted with superpowers, Doctor Strange is different from other comic book heroes.

“He doesn’t have super strength. You can still *poke him with a knife or shoot him with a gun,” says US screenwriter Jon Spaihts, who co-wrote the movie’s script. “Despite all his magical gifts, he often plays a desperate game of ‘stay alive’, fighting enemies far bigger than he is.”

At a time when Marvel is procing increasingly *psychedelic work, Doctor Strange is probably the studio’s craziest yet.

Rather than present generic superhero scenes, the film shows audiences something a bit different, including Strange being forced to run on the sides of buildings and jump between skyscrapers to escape an enemy who has the ability to bend reality.

And while Marvel’s other *eccentric superhero Iron Man is very much one who lives in the spotlight–a genius, billionaire playboy who’s involved in cutting-edge technology projects–Doctor Strange is not, choosing rather to live in his bizarre *abode, the Sanctum Sanctorum, while spending his free time fighting mystical enemies in other dimensions.

“It’s obvious why they hired a big time star like Cumberbatch, because Doctor Strange is here to guide us through the next decade of Marvel movies, just like Downey did in the last decade,” Uproxx’s Mike Ryan wrote. “Doctor Strange is basically a *reboot of Iron Man, only with a lot more prettier things to look at. It’s a good strategy. And it works.”

㈢ 猩球崛起的英语影评

Among the trillions of binary digits skittering across screens this summer, a vibrant minority have been gathered into a shrewd, coherent, and fully felt movie. I’m speaking of the expertly crafted “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” by far the best spectacle movie of the season, and one of the few films to use digital technology for nuanced dramatic effect.
“Planet,” of course, draws on the old species-reversal conceit worked out by Pierre Boulle in his 1963 novel, “La Planète des Singes,”a book that launched a cluster of movies and television shows, most notably Franklin J. Schaffner’s “Planet of the Apes” (1968). In that mock epic, the manacled, nearly naked Charlton Heston is rated an interesting specimen by a variety of simian overlords.
如你所想,“星球”一词是援引于Pierre Boulle 在1963年写的小说《人猿星球》,它讲述了由于人类自负导致物种的逆向进化。这本小说被改编成一系列的电影和电视节目,其中最著名 的是Franklin J. Schaffner于1968年执导的《人猿星球》。电影中,Charlton Heston 被种类繁多、济济为患的猿猴们俘虏,他戴着脚镣,近乎赤裸,并被看作是一个有趣的外物种标本。
The new movie draws not only on Boulle’s outrageous idea but on some of the most enringly suggestive fables we know. It begins as a benevolent version of the Frankenstein story. Will (James Franco, trying harder than usual), a young genetic engineer working for a San Francisco biotech company, creates a serum that reverses brain damage. (He wants to treat his father, Charles—played movingly by John Lithgow—who has Alzheimer’s。) The company tests the serum on apes, one of which goes mad and has to be destroyed. But Will takes home the ape’s baby, Caesar, who has inherited his mom’s supercharged gray matter, and he and Charles raise him as a pet.
而今年的新作不仅传承了Boulle 奇异骇人的思路,也融入了我们熟悉的,最久为流传、引人联想的传奇故事。电影以一个和谐的弗兰肯斯坦式的场景开始。Will (James Franco饰演,这次他表演得更卖力),是一位年轻的基因工程师,在旧金山的一家生物科技公司工作。他发明了一种可以逆转人脑损伤的血清。(他的父亲Chales,由John Lithgow 精彩饰演,患有阿尔茨海默氏病,Will想治愈父亲的病)。公司用这种血清在猿猴身上做实验,而其中的一只疯掉了,必须处死。好心的Will 将它的孩子Caesar带回了家,和父亲Chales一起把他当成宠物养了起来。
Caesar swings through the house, leaping up and down stairs and throwing himself in and out of the attic, but he sits quietly at the dinner table, too. He listens, he grunts, he eats, he makes signs. He’s a darling little ape.But there’s a joke buried in our wonderment: we all anthropomorphize our pets, finding spirit, even conscience, in beautiful collies, in cool, blue-eyed Siamese cats, in potbellied pigs. Out of affection, we see what we want to see of ourselves.But Caesar really is like us, in many ways.
Caesar继承了他母亲的强健的运动体质,活动能力很强。他在屋里乱窜,在楼梯上跳上跳下,在阁楼里蹦进蹦出,但在餐桌边还是会安静的坐着。他听人讲话,发出叫声,吃喝东西,还会做肢体语言,是一只可爱的小猿猴。在我们惊叹于它的灵活的背后却有些讽刺:我们都将宠物拟人化——我们在漂亮的牧羊犬,蓝眼睛的暹罗猫,胖肚皮的小猪身上寻找某种精神,甚至是良心,而不是在人群中感受到这些。出于喜爱,我们从他们身上看到了一些在人类社会中想看到的东西。但是,Caesar 确实在很多方面与我们很像。
He plays and chatters like a chimp, but, like a child, he needs protection and reassurance, and then—a fellow-primate to the rescue—he rushes to the defense of Charles, his ailing “grandfather,” when he’s attacked by a neighbor. An empathic ape! The screenwriters, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, and the director, Rupert Wyatt, create many small gestures, glances, and pauses that anchor the improbable turns of the story.At one point, Charles, confused, holds a fork by the wrong end, and Caesar slowly, gently takes it out of his hand and turns it around. The scene is ineffably, absurdly touching, the sweetest expression of family love seen in recent films.Pierre Boulle’s novel was sardonic, even maliciously satirical—science fiction with a tickle. But “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” discovers a new emotion: what you’d have to call interspecies pathos.
他像黑猩猩一样地玩耍、喃喃自语,又像小孩子一样需要保护和安慰,他还是一个能提供援助的灵长类同胞——在他生病的“祖父”Chales受到邻居攻击的时候,他迅速冲出来保护Chales。真是一只富有感情的猿猴!电影编剧Rick Jaffa 和Amanda Silver,以及导演Rupert Wyatt为人物设计了许多细微的言行、眼神以及停顿来锁定故事的进展(虽在真实生活中不太可能发生)。一天,Chales犯病了,他拿起叉子吃饭却将叉尖朝着自己。这时Caesar 慢慢地轻轻地地将叉子从他手里拿过来,反过头去,再放回他手心。这个场景是无法言喻的感人至深,它对家庭之爱的表达是最近所有电影中最贴心的。Pierre Boulle 的原著有些嘲讽,甚至是恶意的讽刺,有一点科幻小说的味道。而《人猿星球的兴起》则揭示了一种新的感情:物种间的同情爱怜。
Andy Serkis, who was the emaciated, depraved, ground-hugging Gollum in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, plays Caesar—that is, he lends his body and face, covered with reflective markers, to image-makers who then, employing the techniques of motion capture, create a digitized simulacrum of an ape, but an ape that has unrivalled flexibility and expressiveness. The filmmakers have pulled off a stunning paradox: Caesar is much more human than an entirely digitized creation, and much more apish than an actual ape—faster, stronger, more exuberant in his knuckle-dragging, chin-thrusting, lunging glory. Caesar becomes an adolescent; hormones kick in, and he turns violent, doing bongo numbers on his enemies with his fists. At last, digital fantasy means something: we are not watching a ll-brained superhero banging off walls like a fly in a bottle; we are watching an animal with suddenly enhanced powers who still behaves recognizably like an animal. But a juiced-up ape can become something more than fun for us—he can shock us with his power, even inspire terror.There’s a premonition early in the film: when a leashed German shepherd barks at Caesar, he roars back at the dog, and then, climbing into Will’s car, surly and sad, he signs with his hands that he feels like a pet—it’s a complaint, a question, and a challenge.
Andy Serkis,就是《指环王》三部曲中那个消瘦憔悴、腐化堕落、生活在社会底层的Gollum,在本剧中扮演Caesar。形象设计师用具有猿猴特征的行头从头到脚装扮Andy,然后采用动作捕捉技术制作出一电子模拟猿猴,这只猿猴行动非常灵活,亦善于表达。电影制作人成功设计出了Caeser这个引人入胜的矛盾形象:与纯粹的电子制作物相比,他更富人性;而与真实的猿猴相比,他更富物种特性——指关节拖动力与咀嚼能力更强大,而且精力充沛,进攻性强。很快,Caesar 长成了青少年,由于体内激素的作用,他变得暴力起来,拳头像敲小鼓似的打在敌人身上。这些奇妙的数字化影像最终是想揭示一些道理:我们不是在观看一个木脑袋的超级英雄像没头苍蝇一样在瓶子里乱撞,而是一只忽然获得巨大力量的猿猴,却仍表现的像个动物。一只给电影倍添精彩的猿猴可不仅仅是个笑料,想想看:他力大无比,足以震慑我们,甚至能够挑起暴动。其实,在电影开头就由一个不太好的预兆:当一支被拴着的德国牧羊犬朝Caesar狂吠的时候,Caesar反咬回去,然后上了Will的车。他粗鲁打着手势,对自己是宠物的身份很不满意——这是抱怨,是疑惑,也是挑战。
A second fable moves into place. The violent Caesar gets sent to an ape compound, where he’s forced through steel mazes, prodded, and stun-gunned. The imprisonment is unbearable: he experiences the humiliation that a mere mb animal would never feel.Gorillas, orangutans, and other chimps live with him in the compound, and Caesar quickly becomes a leader of apes. For a while, the movie turns into the latest version of “Escape from Alcatraz,” reaching its climax in a single syllable, a roaring “No!”—Caesar’s first word, a refusal that caused the audience when I saw the movie to go ape.

㈣ 求钢铁侠任意一部的影评英文200字(说明是那一部。)


If "Iron Man 3" as Robert Downey Jr. version of iron man's closing work can be described as satisfactory.Unlike Nolan, who brings the heavy dark side of reality into comics, the super hero's tall, rich, and handsome play is cool.Tony stark, a veteran technology guru, not only hammered out a heinous 42-piece "steel suit" in his basement, but even in a tense, stifling crisis. After playing a somatosensory game, he completed the "aerial continuous viewing" and easily rescued all the crew members of air force one on a yacht.In the final decisive battle, he left behind the heroic all-powerful play of "going to Longtan alone" to save the world and left 42 pieces of steel lumps flying all over the sky. Seeing this, I was wondering if "Gundam" could not replace Stark's procts if it continues to develop in this way.

So the question of who the iron man Tony Stark will face for the rest of his life is once again before his eyes.Then we see Tony Stark most of the time in flesh in Iron Man 3, and the villains are fighting to tell the audience "iron suit" how fragile the battle suit is.The same suit, worn by gay friends as a clown-like steel patriot, was used directly as a conveyance by the villain. Teenagers can break it without electricity, except for Tony Stark.If Batman's soul is a Bushido spirit that punishes evil and self-sacrifice, Iron Man's soul is Tony Stark's endless creativity.Just like Huigen in the martial arts novels, Huigen’s swordsmanship is becoming more and more sophisticated, and there is no Huigen who cuts the firewood. At the end of the film Tony Stark finally realized the highest realm, no sword wins the sword, and the sword is one.

But in the middle of the film, a role that is almost indispensable in the first two parts - jarvis has shown an extreme effect, it is estimated that most of the audience is also found at the time of the three Iron Man Tonys Almost all of Tucker’s actions are inextricably linked to jarvis.If the steel battle suit is compared to the sword in the hands of the heroes, then jarvis is the hands of the heroes, if it is offline, it is estimated that the heroes can only retouch the shadowless legs. . .

In addition, the most interesting bridge section of this film should be regarded as the mysterious beard of the film in the first half of the film. In the end, it turned out to be a dragon, and it ridiculed an American war on terror.Everything is nothing more than the self-directed performance of other people's pictures, coupled with the skillful broadcast techniques of Dr. Kelian's technique, and humiliating the style of the new media in the Internet era.

Let's talk about the unsatisfactory part of the film. First of all, the role of female botanist has always made me feel incredible. For a while, I was an academic scientist. After turning my face into a devil who was good at calculation, I turned to another inexplicable death. Forcing me to finally get what I want, this character is so confused that I am dead in her For a while, I suspect that she will also inject some magical drugs and then turn around and start to jump.

Iron man became the most flesh and blood of the superheroes adapted into movies through the portrayal of Robert Downey Jr. in three films. However, in "Iron Man 3" can be vaguely seen in the role has been g to the extreme, cynical nature, he can not be like Batman once the second righteousness is the words ground to torture oneself of heart. The anxiety passages were half earnest, half laughing, and half cursing, and I saw them with a great deal of anxiety, and I feared that if he should break down, the cynicism which had preceded him when he rose again will become a mask, then the true character of the superhero image will be destroyed overnight.


㈤ 求一篇150字左右的英文影评

the movie is about Forrest Gump (Hanks), named after a civil war hero, grows up in Greenbow, Alabama, where his mother (Sally Field) runs a boarding house. Although Forrest is a little "slow" (his IQ is 75, 5 below the state's definition of "normal"), his mental impairment doesn't seem to bother him, his mother, or his best (and only) friend, Jenny Curran (played as an alt by Robin Wright). In fact, the naivete that comes through a limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective of life.

Through the miracle of visual effects, Forrest meets his fair share of famous people - George Wallace, Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, and John Lennon. While mixing the real footage of these notables with new images featuring Hanks is not a seamless process, the result is nevertheless effective.

Ultimately, however, any gripes about Forrest Gump are minor. This is a marvelous motion picture -- a mint julep on a hot summer's afternoon.

㈥ 机器人瓦力的英文影评及英文介绍

机器人总动员/瓦力 Wall-E 导演:Andrew Stanton (I) 主演:弗莱特.维拉德 杰夫.加林 本.伯特 类型:动画,家庭,科幻 地区:美国 片长:90分钟 首映:2008-06-27 配音:国语 http://bt.ximeitu.com/movie/39934 《WALL-E》是《海底总动员》(Finding Nemo)导演安德鲁·斯坦顿(Andrew Stanton)执导的第二部动画片,计划于2008年6月27日上映。 影片故事发生在2700年,由于人类无度的破坏环境,地球此时已经成为漂浮在太空中的一个大垃圾球,人类不得已移居到太空船上,并且聘请Buynlarge公司清除地球上的垃圾,等待着有一天垃圾清理完重新回到地球上。 于是Buynlarge公司向地球运送了大量机器人来捡垃圾,但是这种机器人并不适合地球的环境,渐渐的都坏掉了,最后只剩下一个机器人还在日复一日的按照预定程序捡垃圾。显然这是个不可能完成的任务。就这么过了几百年,机器人收集了不少人造的物品,其中最让它喜欢的是一盒录像带——芭芭拉·史翠珊主演的歌舞片《你好,多莉!》(Hello, Dolly !)! 随着时间的流逝,这个孤独的机器人开始有了自我意识,它渴望有人来陪陪它。有一天一艘飞船差点落在它头顶,一个漂亮的女机器人Eve来到地球负责搜索一些东西,捡垃圾的机器人“爱”上了Eve,但是它面临着抉择,是随着Eve和飞船离开地球,还是继续按照预设的指令把垃圾捡下去。当然它最后选择和Eve一起离开,飞向太空,不过好戏才刚刚开始…… 影片片名“WALL-E”是一个缩写,全称为“Waste Allocation Load Lifters - Earth”,就是Buynlarge公司派往地球捡垃圾的那些机器人的官方称呼。另外这部影片中还会出现真人演员佛莱德·威拉德(Fred Willard),他将扮演Buynlarge公司总裁,在动画片中出现真人,这在皮克斯也是首次。参考资料: http://bt.ximeitu.com/movie/39934

㈦ 2000年的科幻和惊悚电影《隐形人》英文影评,150词左右,很急,谢谢啦。。。。。

《透明人》又名《隐形人》(Hollow Man)是一部2000年的科幻和惊悚电影,由保罗·范赫文(Paul Verhoeven)执导,凯文·贝肯、伊丽莎白·苏(Elisabeth Shue

㈧ 求大白鲨英文影评~100字左右谢谢~

Universal Studio is the place where films are made by using high techniques.In
"Back to the Futuren, we rode the super light speed car into the time
tunnel, passing through many clashes and dangers, flying over the
surface of stars and encountering a lot of dinosaurs.We were shakened by the dinosaur and then engulfed by him in one swallow. It was fun. And I screamed in fear.
宇宙舱是运用高科技拍摄电影的地方。在《回到未来》影片中,我们乘坐“超光速”车进入了时间隧道。 经过许多碰撞和危险之后而飞过星球表面,我们遇到了许多恐龙,并被恐龙一口吞下。很有趣,但我被吓得尖叫起来。
"E. T","Jaws","Earthquake", and "Terminator" are all such films made by hi-tech. We rode with ET into space and saw ET's family.We came across a big white shark. The tank exploded and flames of fire spread on the surface of the water.The film is made in such an easy way.
《外星人》、《鲨鱼》、《地震》和《Terminator》都是利用高科技制作的电影, 在《外星人》中,我们与外星人一道进入太空,看到外星人家族。在《鲨鱼》中,我们遇到一条大白鲨,并看到坦克在水面上爆炸,火焰在水面上燃烧。原来电影制作竟是如此容易。
carthquake is made really true to life. The earth shakes and the
subways are distorted, The ground sinks and water pipes break. The
wires catch fire and the flood rushes in. It is amusing.
"Terminator" puts you into a mixed fight in science fiction.All wore so fightened. They sereamed.I
shrank under the chair. Wearing the three-dimensional glasses, I saw
everything clearly and true to life and got even more frightened by the
laser guns, the smoke, the fogete.
Hi-tech in the United States is very advanced, This is not an ordinary playground. It has many elements of science.

㈨ 英文影评《星际穿越》120个单词左右

英文影评《星际穿越》:Star Trek is one of the best works of director Christopher Nolan. It is more important than the chronicle he created in memory fragments, more impressive than the distorted plot in inception, and more daunting than re imagining Batman in Batman: the mystery of the Xia shadow as the most unique superhero Series in the 21st century.

The film is not only a high-cost science fiction, but also a simple story about love and sacrifice. It includes impatience, adventure, hope and heartbreak. The creation of the film is an amazing achievement, which is worth watching on the largest screen and using the best sound system.






㈩ 用英语描述一部科幻电影


Star Wars some movies will be doomed not only the film. George Lucas's" Star Wars" in the advent of 1977, created a modern myth. Because of the hitherto unknown space scenes, the complicated struggle galaxies, it was called" the Mose opened the Red Sea after 120 minutes of the most magnificent". " Star Wars" Trilogy (1977 ~ 1983) is" in the history of film, milepost twentieth Century 's most important cultural events of." Its influence spread to the whole world. " Star Wars" series is also set the American cultural expansion and infiltration capability of the Encyclopaedia of the film. " Star Wars" film series on the use of the most advanced high-tech and digital means of proction, creating a hitherto unknown space world. Its variety of galaxies in the universe, civilization, biological description, it has created all kinds of odd shape aliens and space, the performance of surge high and sweep forward space scenes and scenes of star wars, beyond the ordinary people think, a general science and technology best performance, cannot saying is not a kind of fantastic visual spectacle. It is in the whole world record unbelievable box-office receipts, marking the films from the silent era into the sound era, and from black and white to enter the era of color film era, with breathtaking speed, entered the digital age.



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