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发布时间:2022-09-20 04:03:30

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但瑞恩这种“在路上”的生活方式却受到了新人的威胁,一个名叫娜塔莉(安娜·肯德里克 饰)的大学毕业新生发明了一种互联网远程会议系统,让裁员变得轻松省事,也让瑞恩的工作显得毫无必要。正所谓不是冤家不聚头,瑞恩的新任务竟然是带领娜塔莉熟悉工作环境,他的飞行之旅终于有了个不那么和谐的伙伴……
电影还有另一条线索,瑞恩在机场邂逅了他梦中情人、同是空中飞人的亚历克斯(维拉·法梅加 饰),他们之间的浪漫关系在机场的一次次偶遇中慢慢展开。

George clooney plays a named Ryan bingham company layoffs experts, his work is flying around for companies to solve problems, and his life's goal is flying saved reached 10 million miles, which promoted to platinum membership.
But Ryan this "on the road" way of life is threatened by a new one, called Anna KenDeLiKe Natalie (the) university freshman invented a kind of Internet teleconferencing systems, make lay-offs easier convenient, also let Ryan appears necessary job. So-called is JuTou, Ryan's new task is familiar with the work environment, Natalie led his flight trip finally had a not so harmonious partner...
Movies have another clue, Ryan met him at the airport, with dreams are frequent flyers alex (villa, may add), the romantic relationship between them in the airport and slowly. Encounter
Ryan advocate the unrestrained life by alex will appear changed? By way of network video conferencing system can solve some jobs, let the air out of the air Ryan's life? ... Let us find answers in the movie.


2. 在云端电影想讲什么

在云端的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
本片改编自美国作家沃尔特•肯的同名小说。瑞恩•布林厄姆(乔治•克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)供职于美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈市一家专为其他公司提供裁员服务的公司,一年有300多天辗转于全国各地解雇他人,几乎以机场为家。在一次例行裁员旅行中,瑞恩遇到了商务美女亚历克斯(维拉•法梅加 Vera Farmiga 饰),二人一见钟情,却都满足于维系随意的性伴侣关系。与此同时,瑞恩公司的大学生新人娜塔莉(安娜•肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 饰)得到了公司总裁的青睐,竭力推广通过网络视频会议远程裁员的改革。瑞恩反对变革,却不得不带娜塔莉四处实习熟悉业务……

3. 电影《在云端》的结局是什么










4. 求电影《在云端》英文简介

George clooney plays a named Ryan bingham company layoffs experts, his work is flying around for companies to solve problems, and his life's goal is flying saved reached 10 million miles, which promoted to platinum membership.
But Ryan this "on the road" way of life is threatened by a new one, called Anna KenDeLiKe Natalie (the) university freshman invented a kind of Internet teleconferencing systems, make lay-offs easier convenient, also let Ryan appears necessary job. So-called is JuTou, Ryan's new task is familiar with the work environment, Natalie led his flight trip finally had a not so harmonious partner...
Movies have another clue, Ryan met him at the airport, with dreams are frequent flyers alex (villa, may add), the romantic relationship between them in the airport and slowly. Encounter
Ryan advocate the unrestrained life by alex will appear changed? By way of network video conferencing system can solve some jobs, let the air out of the air Ryan's life? ... Let us find answers in the movie.

In the name of the clouds in the sky "), the actor and director George clooney Jason ray gathers for our new a nightmare - modern economic collapse, brokenhearted, various entitlement-exploding layoffs, film's protagonist Ryan bingham's this heap era under the proct has problems. Ryan bingham (George clooney) is a professional consultants, after all, is conversion downsizing experts. This job calls for him to numb even callous and also asked him to become "frequent flyers". Ryan has most part of the time spent in the clouds, which he will achieve American airlines flight mileage, flight - 10 million milestone in history of only a few indivials such achievements.

5. 在云端的影片评价

《在云端》是一部很朴实很简单的电影,但这样的透彻和浑然,这才应该是让那些以艺术的名义玩弄观众的导演感到羞耻的电影,因为这里有人生活过的痕迹和烟火气。导演贾森·雷特曼此前最著名的作品是那部技惊四座的《朱诺》,他总是擅长用戏谑的方式直抵观众心中最柔软最不希望暴露在众人面前的寂寥心绪,让人在影片面前有一种顾影自怜的愁肠百结 。(出自《成都晚报》)
《在云端》这类文艺小片最终的价值取向,实际上是非常传统的,只是美国众多“文艺小片”当中的一部,普通人的普通故事一样值得讲述,但影片就能将这样的故事讲得如此引人注目,没有刺激的追车镜头,也不是滥洒狗血式的手绢故事,用流行的说法来讲,算作“治愈系”电影 。(出自《第一财经日报》)

6. 有部欧美电影开头是全球各地高空航拍画面拼接,求电影名


7. 电影《在云端》的主要内容是什么

瑞恩(乔治·克鲁尼George Clooney 饰)是一家大公司的裁员专家,他的工作就是每天飞来飞去到各地解雇员工。他一年有300多天在飞机上度过,因此他的人生目标是乘飞机积攒的英里数达到1000万,从而晋升为白金会员。可是没多久,他的这种生活方式就遭受到了挑战,一个刚大学毕业的新人娜塔莉(安娜·肯德里克Anna Kendrick饰)发明了一种互联网远程会议系统,让裁员变得轻松省事。为了让这个小女生知道了裁员并不是这么简单的事,他带着娜塔莉开始熟悉工作环境。这样,他的飞行之旅多了个不和谐的伙伴。工作一段时间后,当娜塔莉意识到自己的职业是非常的令人沮丧时,瑞恩也开始质疑自己的生活方式……

8. 《在云端》英文 简介

Ryan Bingham: How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life... you start with the little things. The shelves, the drawers, the knickknacks, then you start adding larger stuff. Clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, your TV... the backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. You go bigger. Your couch, your car, your home... I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now I want you to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office... and then you move into the people you trust with your most intimate secrets. Your brothers, your sisters, your children, your parents and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend. You get them into that backpack, feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. All those negotiations and arguments and secrets, the compromises. The slower we move the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. Some animals were meant to carry each other to live symbiotically over a lifetime. Star crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not swans. We are sharks.
Ryan Bingham: How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life... you start with the little things. The shelves, the drawers, the knickknacks, then you start adding larger stuff. Clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, your TV... the backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. You go bigger. Your couch, your car, your home... I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now I want you to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office... and then you move into the people you trust with your most intimate secrets. Your brothers, your sisters, your children, your parents and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend. You get them into that backpack, feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. All those negotiations and arguments and secrets, the compromises. The slower we move the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. Some animals were meant to carry each other to live symbiotically over a lifetime. Star crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not swans. We are sharks.

Ryan Bingham: [End of closing monologue] The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places; and one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.

9. 求电影在云端的英文影评 100多字简单点就可以 十分感谢

The genius of this film lies in its ality. Yes, George Clooney's character is self-centered, irresponsible and at times shallow. But he also makes many good points about how we don't all have to follow one singular path. He chooses to live a life different from the mainstream, and while most people (understandably) may think this is a shallow decision, he's proving that we shouldn't feel like there's only one way we can "live" this life here on earth. Not everyone wants to have kids, get married, buy a house, and live a sedentary, domesticated life. Yet, all the while throughout the film (though obviously a bit contrived) he comes to see that it's maybe he himself who is narrow-minded about the way one should live their life (and that a human connection is likely one of the most fulfilling things we can accomplish). That's why I loved this movie. It allows you to take many different messages from it, without shoving one down your throat, right down to the harshly ambiguous ending.

10. 求《在云端》英文简介 800字··800字啊··

Ryan Bingham (Clooney) is a man who makes his living traveling to workplaces around the United States and concting layoffs for bosses too cowardly to do it themselves. Ryan also delivers motivational speeches, using the analogy "What's In Your Backpack?" to extol the virtues of a life free of relationships with people and things. For example, he criticizes those indivials who constantly try to carry a lot of photos from the past. He says that those attachments drag you and you cannot move forward with them. Ryan relishes the comfort of anonymity ring his perpetual travels. His personal goal for his life is to achieve ten million frequent flyer miles with American Airlines (a feat managed only six times previously, according to Bingham, that will result in his receiving a card granting him lifetime Executive Platinum status with the airline and his name being imprinted on the side of an aircraft). While traveling, he meets another frequent flyer named Alex (Vera Farmiga) and they begin a casual relationship.
Ryan is called back to his company's offices in Omaha, Nebraska, where he finds out that an ambitious, freshly graated young coworker from Cornell named Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick) is promoting a plan to cut costs by having employees stay grounded and conct layoffs over the internet. Ryan argues that Natalie knows nothing about the process of firing people, and his boss (Jason Bateman) assigns him to take Natalie with him on his upcoming travels to show her what it's like. As they travel together and become better acquainted, Natalie questions Ryan's philosophy, but Ryan is happy to remain in his niche and continue avoiding serious relationships. During their travels, Natalie finds the layoffs to be an eye opening experience, albeit a negative one, as it's devastating for those being fired.
While on the road, Natalie's boyfriend mps her by text message, leaving her shattered. Ryan and Alex take her with them to crash a tech-conference party at their hotel in Miami, which has her finally cut loose. When Natalie talks to Ryan the next day about his refusal to consider a commitment to Alex in spite of their obvious compatibility as a couple, she becomes infuriated; she apologizes later, but soon afterwards they are both called back to Omaha to begin using Natalie's remote-layoff program instead of firing people face-to-face.
Instead of returning to Omaha, Ryan invites Alex to accompany him to his sister's wedding in northern Wisconsin, and she accepts. He introces her to his older sister Kara (Amy Morton) and his younger sister Julie (Melanie Lynskey), who explains that she and her fiancé Jim (Danny McBride) didn't have the money for a honeymoon; instead, they asked friends across the nation to take cardboard cutouts of the couple to different places and take pictures of them with touristy backgrounds, so "at least we have the photos." At the family meeting, Ryan is politely criticized by Kara for having been too distant with them. He awkwardly tries to resume his "man in the family" role by asking Julie about who will escort her down the aisle, but the sisters answer that they have already solved that by relying on Jim's uncle. Before the wedding, Ryan shows Alex his old high school. Their date is cut short when Kara calls with urgent news; Jim has cold feet, and Bingham must use his motivational skills to persuade him to go through with the wedding. Although this runs counter to all of Ryan's personal ideals, he successfully argues that the important moments in life are seldom alone; Jim apologizes to Julie and the wedding proceeds as planned. Ryan and Alex enjoy attending the wedding together, but afterward Ryan finds that he is once again alone as Alex departs back to resume her own life.
In Omaha, Ryan is less than thrilled to learn more about the online firing program and its systematic precision. He goes to deliver his "What's In Your Backpack?" speech at a prestigious convention in Las Vegas, but is unable to continue and walks out shortly after taking the stage. He hurriedly flies to Alex's home in Chicago. When she opens the door, it's apparent that she's a married woman with young children; stunned, Ryan leaves without saying a word. She later tells him on the phone that her family is her real life and he is simply an escape.
On the flight home, the crew announces that Ryan has just crossed his ten million miles mark and the airline's chief pilot (Sam Elliott) comes out of the cockpit to meet Ryan, and the two have a conversation. The captain notices that Ryan is so young to have traveled that impressive amount of miles, and then asks him where is he from. Ryan ponders the question for a moment and then answers: "I'm from here", meaning that indeed he has spent his entire alt life en route with no place to call home.
Back in his office, Ryan calls the airline to transfer half a million miles each to his sister and brother-in-law so that they'll be able to fly around the world, but this generous action is temporarily delayed by his boss, who comes in and tells Ryan that one of the employees he and Natalie fired has killed herself. Natalie has already quit in shock and the company has put the remote-layoff program on indefinite hold. Now Ryan is back onto the road.
Ryan writes a glowing letter of recommendation for Natalie that helps her get a new job in San Francisco. The interviewer asks her why such an obviously brilliant professional as she had previously passed up a number of more prestigious jobs at top firms to do some shady job in Nebraska. She finally acknowledges that she had done that career move just in order to be closer to a boyfriend.
The film concludes with Ryan giving this speech via voice over to a backdrop of clouds. "Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids. Their spouses will ask about their day. Tonight they'll sleep. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places, and one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over."



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