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发布时间:2022-09-19 03:40:33



Ⅱ 电影《长城》简介





该片于2016年12月15日晚19点在中国350家IMAX影院超前上映,16日以3D、IMAX3D、中国巨幕3D、杜比视界、杜比全景声、Auro格式在中国全面上映 。


中国的古代,以人类为饵食的怪兽——饕餮,每六十年便会集结到人类的领地觅食,捍卫领土的人类军团铸造长城的目的也是为了抵御怪兽的入侵。来到中国寻觅黑火药发财的外国雇佣军威廉·加林(马特·达蒙饰)与佩罗· 托瓦尔(佩德罗·帕斯卡饰),因为一次偶然的机会误打误撞进入了长城,认识了对抗饕餮的中国无影禁军,也见证了无影禁军的精锐和勇敢,并被这群战士之间的信任和牺牲所感动,威廉·加林义无反顾地加入到了共同守护人类的战斗当中。然而,在对抗的过程中,他们却发现饕餮大军不断进化,到最后已经能够从长城打进皇宫,一场大战也由此拉开。


电影将背景设在古代中国科技和文化相对发达的时期,除了长城外,还融入了神话怪兽和四大发明之一的火药等中国元素,饕餮的原型来自于中国志怪古籍《山海经》 。

电影《长城》里面英语对白,制作团队也是英语交流,景甜为了很好地演角色,特意在美国训练了半年,按照专业的课程安排,学习了数十套武术招式,掌握十余种兵器的使用技巧,熟悉英文台词 。

《长城》是张艺谋首部与好莱坞主创团队合作的电影,同时也是个人第一部IMAX 3D电影 。

电影里五军根据职能分类,用动物特性象征,颜色也是。不是特别的设计,仅仅是为了战争中好区分 。


《长城》后期特效制作长达15个月,为了制作视觉特效,张艺谋多次前往美国与工业光魔和维塔工作室商讨电影视觉制作,包括设计出首次亮相大银幕的中国神话怪兽饕餮 。


《长城》幕后创作团队,来自37个国家,语言的障碍是最难调度,因此剧组配备了几十名翻译 。

演员威廉·达福,每天只要有戏份他就会第一个来现场,在拍摄被饕餮追逐的那场戏中,威廉·达福就坚持不用替身,即使摔倒了也马上爬起来继续跑,一遍又一遍的重复拍摄 。

影片里无影禁军“五军”的设计构思,灵感都来源于中国传统文化,用五兽作为五支军队的代表,就是沿袭了中国古代以兽命名的传统 。



影片的定位自始至终都非常明确,就是一部典型的商业片,是一部中国风浓郁的电影,传递中国文化和价值,电影主题关乎人的成长与转变,标准的好莱坞故事模板,但难能可贵的是,影片不仅仅在讲主人公威廉自身的成长与转变,也在强调集体的作用,抵御饕餮并非一个人的战斗,互相影响和配合的过程有着重提现,毕竟是发生在中国的故事,中国没有仅仅成为一个地标或背景舞台,威廉仍会受到集体主义文化和五军牺牲精神的洗礼而产生转变。导演在故事上做减法,整体上立求去个人化,没有任何多余的赘述和表达,故事和节奏流畅。 (《凤凰娱乐》评)

《长城》的主题可以用五个词概括:信任、责任、忠诚、热血、牺牲,这与马特-达蒙扮演的欧洲雇佣兵所代表的价值观是有巨大鸿沟的,最终正是凭借这种中国精神,拯救了世界。 除了故事的大背景,影片的多处细节都能体现张艺谋对中国文化传承的坚持。 (《广西新闻网》评)

《长城》从整体上看,依然是一部非常张艺谋的电影,人海战术、全景视觉、雄奇的中国景观、秦腔、大鼓、大红大绿的饱和色系等典型的张艺谋元素在电影里体现得淋漓尽致。金碧辉煌的宫殿、万箭齐发的场景,大批战士以方阵形式出现所呈现的仪式感,也有奥运会开幕式的即视感。大漠孤烟的西北丹霞地貌出现,观众就能感受到张艺谋强烈的个人风格。 (《广州日报》评)

《长城》不会被记作张艺谋最好的电影,但是导演的艺术格调,却在他的全景长镜头和对颜色匠心独运的应用上得到体现。既有历史感又有未来感,视觉奇观托起了这部影片。 (《卫报》评)


《长城》不过是好莱坞无聊打怪片的一次本土化入侵,并无太多原创性的建设。《长城》故事的缘起在好莱坞手里,张艺谋接过导筒,既是美国人觊觎中国市场的结果,也是中国资本入侵好莱坞的作用力。从完成片看,张艺谋的接盘非但没有挽救剧本先天缺陷,甚至连基本的加分也谈不上。在导演所能发力的人物塑造上,同样毫无作为。视觉上,张艺谋依旧是印象长城和奥运会开幕式团体操的那套,属于美学透支,并无任何新投入。 (《京华时报》评)


影片角色没有意义,叙事也很无趣,甚至视觉和声音,看了一阵子后都开始麻木觉得言过其实。 (《好莱坞报道者》评)

Ⅲ 电影长城的简介





该片于2016年12月15日晚19点在中国350家IMAX影院超前上映,16日以3D、IMAX3D、中国巨幕3D、杜比视界、杜比全景声、Auro格式在中国全面上映 。


中国的古代,以人类为饵食的怪兽——饕餮,每六十年便会集结到人类的领地觅食,捍卫领土的人类军团铸造长城的目的也是为了抵御怪兽的入侵。来到中国寻觅黑火药发财的外国雇佣军威廉·加林(马特·达蒙饰)与佩罗· 托瓦尔(佩德罗·帕斯卡饰),因为一次偶然的机会误打误撞进入了长城,认识了对抗饕餮的中国无影禁军,也见证了无影禁军的精锐和勇敢,并被这群战士之间的信任和牺牲所感动,威廉·加林义无反顾地加入到了共同守护人类的战斗当中。然而,在对抗的过程中,他们却发现饕餮大军不断进化,到最后已经能够从长城打进皇宫,一场大战也由此拉开。


电影将背景设在古代中国科技和文化相对发达的时期,除了长城外,还融入了神话怪兽和四大发明之一的火药等中国元素,饕餮的原型来自于中国志怪古籍《山海经》 。


《长城》是张艺谋首部与好莱坞主创团队合作的电影,同时也是个人第一部IMAX 3D电影 。

电影里五军根据职能分类,用动物特性象征,颜色也是。不是特别的设计,仅仅是为了战争中好区分 。


《长城》后期特效制作长达15个月,为了制作视觉特效,张艺谋多次前往美国与工业光魔和维塔工作室商讨电影视觉制作,包括设计出首次亮相大银幕的中国神话怪兽饕餮 。


《长城》幕后创作团队,来自37个国家,语言的障碍是最难调度,因此剧组配备了几十名翻译 。

演员威廉·达福,每天只要有戏份他就会第一个来现场,在拍摄被饕餮追逐的那场戏中,威廉·达福就坚持不用替身,即使摔倒了也马上爬起来继续跑,一遍又一遍的重复拍摄 。

影片里无影禁军“五军”的设计构思,灵感都来源于中国传统文化,用五兽作为五支军队的代表,就是沿袭了中国古代以兽命名的传统 。









该片服装设计由迈耶斯·C·鲁比欧担任服装指导,力图呈现中西融合的主体构想来展现中国工艺,运用中国古代针织技法展现那个时代的服装之美。从将士的盔甲、披风到头盔,设计理念让中国传统服饰显得更具活力。除了中西元素的融合,对色彩的运用也是张艺谋导演极其重视的一个环节,张艺谋让五军分穿不同颜色的盔甲,每位主演的服装都根据自身的性格特点,做出了独特的设计。影片服装设计中最大的挑战是从零开始打造六种军队的服装。设计师在每位将领的服装上精心雕琢每只动物的造型,最复杂的一套服装需要18双手同时操作才得以穿上。服装团队中90%都是中国人 。

Ⅳ 关于长城的英文介绍是什么

The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.It is about 4000 miles long.


The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall" in Chinese.


The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries.


The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side.


It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines.


Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world.


Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying:"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."


The Great Wall is the sign of China. It is the pride of all the Chinese.


Now the Great Wall is a famous building. Many touri

Ⅳ 用英语介绍长城100字左右+汉译

In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture.

Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country. Those that happened ring construction are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnu's story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu's story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall. The story happened ring the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu's bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu's husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the proction of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners.


在中国北部,是一种有6700公里长的( 4161英里长的)古老的墙。现在,众所周知的是中国的长城,它始于嘉峪关甘肃省在西部地区和终点山海关河北省在东部地区。作为一个世界八大奇迹之一,长城已成为中国的象征,中国民族及其文化。

许多神奇美丽的传说和故事,长城之后发生一起施工,并自那时以来,这些故事已蔓延全国各地。那些发生在建筑丰富,如孟姜女的故事和传说嘉峪关关。孟姜女的故事是最有名并广为传播的所有传说长城。这个故事发生在秦( 公元前221 - 公元前206 ) 。它讲述了孟姜女如何痛苦哭了长城。孟姜女的丈夫范其良被抓获的联邦政府官员和发送,以建立长城。孟姜女没有听到他在离职后,她开始寻找他。不幸的是,当她到达了长城,她发现她的丈夫已经死亡。听到坏消息,她哭伤了她的心。她号啕大哭,崩溃造成了长城的一部分。这个故事表明,长城是由成千上万的中国劳动人民建成的。

Ⅵ 关于长城的英语介绍怎么写

The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.It is about 4000 miles long.


The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall" in Chinese.


The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries.


The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side.


It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines.


Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world.


Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying:"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."


The Great Wall is the sign of China. It is the pride of all the Chinese.


Now the Great Wall is a famous building. Many touri

Ⅶ 如何评价电影《长城》(The Great Wall)


Ⅷ 用几句英语介绍长城

  1. The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.It is about 4000 miles long.


  2. The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall" in Chinese.


  3. The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries.


  4. The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side.


  5. It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines.


  6. Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world.


  7. Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying:"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."


  8. The Great Wall is the sign of China. It is the pride of all the Chinese.


  9. Now the Great Wall is a famous building. Many tourists from China or other countries are attracted to visit it. It has been a place of interest.


  10. Now it becomes a miracle and a place of historical interest that people all over the world can appreciate.




    译文: According to legend, when Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall, the labor was heavy, young men and women, Fan Xiliang, Meng Jiangnu married three days, the bridegroom was forced to build the Great Wall, soon died, Meng Jiangnu tried hard to find her husband, but he learned of her husband's death. She cried for three days and nights, and the the Great Wall collapsed. Then Meng Jiangnu threw herself into the sea.

Ⅸ 万里长城英文介绍

Great Wall of China

Chinese Wanli Changcheng

Defensive wall, northern China.

One of the largest building-construction projects ever carried out, it runs (with all its branches) about 4,000 mi (6,400 km) east to west from the Bo Hai (Gulf of Chihli) to a point deep in Central Asia. Parts of the fortification date from the 4th century BC. In 214 BC Shihuangdi connected existing defensive walls into a single system fortified by watchtowers. These served both to guard the rampart and to communicate with the capital, Xianyang (near modern Xi'an) by signal
smoke by day and fire by night. Originally constructed partly of masonry and earth, it was faced with brick in its eastern portion. It was rebuilt in later times, especially in the 15th and 16th centuries. The basic wall is about 30 ft (9 m) high, and the towers rise to about 40 ft (12 m). It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.

亦称万里长城(Wanli Changcheng)。

Ⅹ 用英语介绍长城一句话

1. 关于介绍长城的英语作文4句话
the great wall
the great wall runs across north china like a huge dragon, it winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. it's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the great wall has a history of more than 2000 years. the first part was built ring the spring and autumn period. all the walls were joined up in qin tile work was done by hand. thousands of people died while building the the great wall came into then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. now the great wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. it's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the 长城
2. 介绍长城英语短句 (要句子)
The Great Wall is the name for a 长城是一堵墙的名称
It first comes from the time of the Qin 它最早起源于秦朝
Shihuangdi wanted to protect China's northern 史皇帝想守护中国的北部边疆
So he ordered his soldiers to build walls along the border
Today's Great Wall is different from the old one, it comes from the time of the Ming 现在的长城和原来的那个可不一样,它起源于明代
On that time, the soldiers could march on the top of the 在那个时候,士兵们可以在长城上行军
Now it is a good place to 现在,这是一个旅游的胜地
3. 形容长城美丽的句子(英文)
You should not miss the Great 你不要错过长城。
? The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the 长城是世界七大奇迹之一。
? There is a Chinese saying, “Those who don't reach the Great Wall are not true men.”
4. 介绍长城的英语作文12
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten thousand Ii Great Wall" in Chinese. In fact, it' s more than 6 000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it was built ring the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms. It was ring the Qin Dynasty that the kingdom of Qin united the dif ferent parts into one empire. To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up. Thus, the Great Wall came into Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the the towers as a warning when the enemy was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done by hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of 长城用英语介绍 越短越好
In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country. Those that happened ring construction are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnu's story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu's story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall. The story happened ring the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu's bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu's husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the proction of tens of thousands of Chinese 描写长城长的英语句子
描写长城长的英语句子:Great Wall of China is 8,852 km or 5,500 miles long, it is the only man-made land mark on Earth that can be seen clearly from a satellite up in the space.中国的长城长8852公里或5500英里,它是地球上唯一人造地标,可以从太空上的从卫星清楚看见。
7. 长城简介(英文)十句话即可
The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8, kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical 【求英语简要的介绍长城尽量词汇比较简单,不需要太长100
The Great Wall of China (literally "long city wall") is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in China,built between 5th century BC and the 17th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire ring the rule of successive walls,referred to as the Great Wall of China,were built since the 5th century BC,the most famous being the one built between 220 BC and 200 BC by the first Emperor of China,Qin Shi Huang; this wall was located much further north than the current wall built ring the Ming Dynasty,and little of it Great Wall is one of the existing megastructure and the world's longest man-made structure,stretching over 6,352 km (3,948 miles) from Shanhai Pass in the east to Lop Nur in the west,along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner 长城简介(英文)十句话即可
The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8, kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical 用简单几句话用英文介绍长城
The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8, kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.长城,世界最伟大的奇迹之一,1987年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。
就像一个巨大的龙,长城穿过沙漠,草原、山地和高原,延伸约8851 .8公里(5500英里)从东到西。有2000多年的历史,现在的一些部分废墟或已经消失了。



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