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发布时间:2022-09-18 13:27:44

Ⅰ 寻找好听的欧美影视歌曲|插曲|主题曲|片尾曲等

好莱坞经典电影英文歌曲 1DontCryForMe,Argentina阿根廷,别为我哭泣电影《贝隆夫人》主题歌 2TheSoundOfSilence寂静之声电影《毕业生》主题歌 3IJUSRCALLEDTOSAYILOVEYOU电话诉衷肠电影《红衣女郎》主题歌 4OnlyYou只有你电影《罗马假日》主题歌 5Casablanca卡萨布兰卡电影《北非谍影》主题歌 6BEAUTYANDTHEBEAST美女与野兽动画片《美女与野兽》主题歌 7UnchainedMelody奔放的旋律电影《人鬼情未了》主题歌 8MoonRiver月亮河电影《第凡内的早餐》主题歌 9MYOWNTRUELOVE我之真爱《乱世佳人》主题曲 10Canyoufeelthelovetonight今夜你能否感觉到爱?动画片《狮子王》主题歌 11SMOKEGETSINYOUREYES烟迷你的眼电影《罗贝塔》插曲 12SealedWithAKiss以吻封缄电影《保镖》插曲 HighSchoolMusical 01.TroyandGabriella--StartOfSomethingNew 02.Troy--Get'chaHeadInTheGame 03.RyanandSharpay--WhatI'veBeenLookingFor 04.TroyandGabriella--WhatI'veBeenLookingFor(Reprise) 05.HighSchoolMusicalCast--StickToTheStatusQuo 06.Gabriella--WhenThereWasMeAndYou 07.RyanandSharpay--BopToTheTop 08.TroyandGabriella--BreakingFree 09.HighSchoolMusicalCast--We'reAllInThisTogether 10.Troy,Gabriella,Ryan,andSharpay--ICan'tTakeMyEyesOffYou HighSchoolMusical2 1.WhatTimeIsIt 2.Fabulous 3.WorkThisOut 4.YouAretheMusicinMe 5.IDon'tDance 6.YouAretheMusicinMe(SharpayVersion) 7.GottaGoMyOwnWay 8.BetOnIt 9.Everyday 10.AllForOne 11.BONUSTRACK:Humuhumunukunukuapua'a HighSchoolMusical3:SeniorYear 01.HighSchoolMusical3Cast-NowOrNever 02.Troy&Gabriella-RightHere,RightNow 03.Sharpay&Ryan-IWantItAll 04.Troy&Gabriella-CanIHaveThisDance 05.HighSchoolMusical3Cast-ANightToRemember 06.Ryan,Kelsi,Troy&Gabriella-JustWannaBeWithYou 07.Troy&Chad-TheBoysAreBack 08.Gabriella-WalkAway 09.Troy-Scream 10.Kelsi&Ryan-SeniorYearSpringMusical 11.HighSchoolMusical3Cast-We'reAllInThisTogether (GraationMix) 12.HighSchoolMusical3Cast-HighSchoolMusical 奥斯卡获奖电影金曲 cd1 01-Don'tCryForMeArgentina 《贝隆夫人》主题曲 02-Casablanca 《北非谍影》主题曲 03-You'velostThatlovingFeeling 《壮志凌云》主题曲 04-RightHereWaiting 《终有一天感动你》主题曲 05-UpWhereWeBelong 《警察与绅士》主题曲 06-WhenAManLovesAWoman 《当男人爱上女人》主题曲 07-WhenIFallINLove 《西亚图未眠夜》主题曲 08-ToLoveSomebody 《雨小无情》主题曲 09-He'sMyBrother 《第一滴血》主题曲 10_ItMayBeYou 《杜丝先生》主题曲 11_ScarboroughFair 《斯卡波罗集市》主题曲 12_TheSounOfSilence 《毕业生》主题曲 13_SharpOfMyHeart 《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲 14_someday 《钟楼舵侠》主题曲 15-TakeMybreathAway 《壮志凌云》插曲 cd2 01_Unchanedmelody 《人鬼情未了》主题曲 02_BeautyAndBest 《美女与野兽》主题曲 03_LoveStory 《爱情故事`》主题曲 04_SayYouSayMe 《白夜》主题曲 05_MyWay 《白夜》主题曲 06_MoonRiver 《迪凡内早餐》主题曲 07_IWillAlwaysLoveYou 《保镖》主题曲 08_WhenSChildIsBorn 《人狼之恋》主题曲 09_Do-Re-Mi 《仙乐飘飘》主题曲 10_AWholeNewWorld 《阿拉丁》主题曲 11_IJustCallToSayLoveYou 《红衣女郎》主题曲 12_CanIFeelTheLoveTonight 《狮子王》主题曲 13_LoveMeTender 《铁血柔情》主题曲 14_PrettyWoman 《风月俏佳人》主题曲 15-MyHeartWillGoOn 《泰坦尼克号》主题曲 cd3 01_AuldLongSyno 《魂断蓝桥》主题曲 02_IfGodWillSedndHisAngels 《天使多情》主题曲 03_speakSoftlyLove 《教父》主题曲 04-TheLastOfWaltz 《_最后的华尔兹》主题曲 05_TheTimeForUs 《罗米欧与朱丽叶》主题曲 06_EverythingIDo 《罗宾汉》主题曲 07_FallingIntoyou 《本能》主题曲 08_MyOwnTrueLove 《瓢》主题曲 09_ThreeCoinInTheFountian 《罗马之恋》主题曲 10_UnbreakMyHeart 《致命恋人》主题曲 11_PrettyWoman 《风月俏佳人》主题曲 12_TheWayWeWere 《俏郎君》主题曲 13_I'mAlwaysDreamingOfyou 《白宫奇缘》主题曲 14_RunToYou 《保镖》主题曲 15-NothingToLost 《女人香》主题 cd4 01_Schsindler'List 《辛特勒名单》主题曲 02_Edelweiss 《音乐之声》主题曲 03_Exhale 《当代女人心》主题曲 04-LaVieRose 《一切从失恋开始》主题曲 05_YouMustLoveMe 《贝隆夫人》主题曲 06_ThisMasquerade 《情人》主题曲 07_HaveYouEverSeenRain 《费城故事》主题曲 08_Dyingyoung 《主题音乐》主题曲 09_NothingCanChangMyLoveForYou 《廊桥遗梦》主题曲 10_Sanfacisco 《阿甘正传》主题曲 11_WatzingBack 《沉默的羔羊》主题曲 12_Le'sTalkAboutLove 《理智与感情》主题曲 13_Teminator 《未来战士》主题曲 cd5 01-IWillAlwaysLoveYou 我将永远爱你 02-UnchainedMelody 人鬼情未了 03-WhenIFallInLove 当我坠入爱河 04-yesterdayOnceMore 昨日重现 05-TheMusicOfTheNight 音乐之夜 06-EverybodySaysDon't 每人说不 07-Sailing 扬帆 08-Hero 英雄 09-I'dLoveYouWantMe 想你爱我 10-YouNeededMe 你需要我 11-WhenAManLovesAWoman 当男女相爱时 12-Sukiyaki 苏基雅基 13-MoreThanICanSay 爱你在心口南开 14-Onlyyou 只有你 15-AllOutOfLove 失落的爱 cd6 01-MyHeartWillGoon 爱无止境 02-RightHereWaiting 此情可待 03-SmokesGetsInYourEyes 眼中的迷雾 04-DevotedToYou 全心的爱你 05-TheGreatLoveOfAll 至爱 06-WithoutYou 没有你 07-Tonight,ICelebrateMyLove 今夜倾诉我的爱 08-Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡 09-BecauseILoveYou 因为我爱你 10-Memory 记忆 11-CarelessWhispere 梦幻拥抱 12-IDoItForYou 对你倾情 13-UpWhereWeBelong 属于我们的地方 14-EndlessLove 无尽的爱 cd7 01-CandleInWind'97 风中之烛 02-ThePowerOfLove 爱的力量 03-KillMeSoftly 温柔的死去 04-IJustCan'ntStopLovingYou 我无法停止不爱你 05-Longer 悠久 06-TopOfTheWord 世界之颠 07-SayYouSayMe 说你说我 08-Sing 唱 09-AllOutofLove 爱的一切 10- 无雨的加利福尼亚 11-WhenAChildBorn 当孩子出生时 12-AlwaysOnMyMind 柔情长在我心中 13-Helo 你好 14-BeautyAndTheBeast 美女与野兽 15-feeling 爱的感觉 cd8 01-ShaLaLa 莎啦啦 02-LovingYou 爱你 03-HotelCalifornia 加州酒店 04-That'sWhy 所以你要离去 05-ScarboroughFair 斯卡波罗集市 06-TheSoundOfSilence 寂寞之声 07-Don'tCryForMeArgentina 阿根廷不要为我哭涕 08-Stoies 故事 09-SealedWithAKiss 以吻封箴 10-NothingCan'tChangeMyLoveForYou 无法改变的爱 11-If 如果 12-Yesterday 昨日 13-IhaveNothing 一无所有 14-HealTheWord 拯救人类 15-LemonTree 柠檬树

Ⅱ 有什么好听的电影里的英文歌

Angela Ammons: [always getting over you] Blue: [best in me] Britney Spears: [autumn goodbye], [girl in the mirror][walk on by], [when I found you] Britt Nicole: [say it] Brooke Fraser: [faithful] Carpenters: [(they long to be) close to you] Carrie Underwood: [jesus,take the wheel] Cascada: [truly,madly,deeply] Corinne Bailey Rae: [put your records on] Craig David: [unbelievable], [you don't miss your water], [rise and fall], [kinda girl for me] Daniel Powter: [bad day], [love you lately] Daughtry: [home] Dixie Chicks: [not ready to make nice] Eminem: [lose yourself], [rock bottom] Evanescence: [taking over me], [bring me to life] Fefe Dobson: [everything] Fergie: [big girls don't cry], [fergalicious] Fort Minor: [believe me] Gareth Gates: [anyone of us] Hanson: [I will come to you] Hilary Duff: [the getaway], [so yesterday], [last christmas], [someones watching over me] Hoobastank: [the reason] Jamelia: [superstar] James Blunt: [you're beautiful] Jason Mraz: [geek in the pink] Jesse Mccartney: [take your sweet time], [why is love so hard to find], [just so you know], [invincible] Jet: [look what you've done] Jewel: [fragile heart], [deep water], [down so long] JoJo: [exceptional], [leave(get out)], [never say goodbye] Jordan Pruitt: [outside looking in], [when I pretend] Katharine Mcphee: [over it] Kelly Clarkson: [because of you] KT Tunstall: [other side of the world] Lene Marlin: [It's true], [sitting down here] Lillix: [It's about time], [promises] Lindsay Lohan: [something I never had] Linkin Park: [in the end] Lionel Richie: [I call it love] Mandy Moore: [walk me home] Maria Arredondo: [burning], [that day] Mariah Carey: [hero] Marie Picasso: [this moment], [out of my hands] Marion Raven: [end of me] Micheal Jackson: [you are not alone] Mutya Buena: [real girl] Natasha Bedingfield: [unwritten] Ne-Yo: [so sick], [because of you] Nick Lachey: [what's left of me], [where you are(&Jessica Simpson)] Pink: [who knew], [I'm not dead] Rascal Flatts: [my wish] RBD: [tu amor] Rob Thomas: [ever the same] Ronan Keating: [all over again] Sarah Connor: [just one last dance] Savage Garden: [truly madly deeply], [I know I love you], [living the dream] Shakira: [underneath your clothes] Shayne Ward: [that's my goal] Sheryl Crow: [good is good], [always on your side] Spice Girls: [goodbye], [too much], [viva forever] Sweetbox: [after the lights], [life is cool], [crown of thorns], [every step] T.A.T.U: [all about us], [gomenasai] Tata Young: [I think of you] Taylor Swift: [the outside] All-American Rejects: [stab my back], [straightjacket feeling] The Pussycat Dolls: [stickwitu] The Veronicas: [when it all falls apart] The Rasmus: [in the shadows], [guilty] Venke Knutson: [scared], [panic], [in2u] Vitamin C:[graation(friends forever)] Westlife: [if your heart's not in it], [bop bop baby] High School Musical: [you are the music in me], [gotta go my own way], [everyday], [start of someting new], [when there was me and you],[breaking free] 以上是我多年听英文歌所总结出来的所有精华,有主流和非主流的,绝对好听,希望楼主喜欢!!! …………本人原创回答,发现抄袭一律投诉…………

Ⅲ 求一首英文歌曲的名字,是李连杰电影《致命罗密欧》1小时28分钟左右在夜场的音乐

Come Back In One Piece - Aaliyah/DMX
Try Again - Aaliyah
Rose In A Concrete World - Joe (J Dub remix)
Rollin' Raw - BG From Cash Money
We At It Again - Timbaland/Magoo
Are You Feelin' Me? - Aaliyah
Perfect Man - Destiny's Child
Simply Irresistible - Ginuwine
It Really Don't Matter - Confidential
Thugz - Mack 10/The Comrades
I Don't Wanna - Aaliyah
Somebody Gonna Die Tonight - Dave Bing/Lil' Mo
Woozy - Playa
Pump The Brakes - Dave Hollister
This Is A Test - Chante Moore
Revival - Non-A-Miss
Come On - Blade
Swung On - Stanley Clarke/Politix

Ⅳ 电影中的英文歌

应该是“摇滚夏令营”,Demi Lovato的this is me ,Shane Gray的Gotta Find You 混合吧

Ⅳ 跪求一些节奏感很强很嗨的英文歌!

很嗨的英文歌有《only my railgun》、《what about love》、《wrecking ball》、《Hard out here》、《treasure》、《mirrors》、《moves like a jagger》、《we are young》、《I Am Electric》、《eifersucht》、《she in my sin》。


《WeAreYoung》是一首充满正能量和积极意义的励志歌曲。也难怪它常常被许多美剧拿来做配乐歌曲,它高昂的情调和戏剧化的张力,也让这首歌曲既有丰富的听觉震撼力,也有许多独立乐团最为缺乏的精气神。听这首歌曲,就像当年听Queen的《We WillRockYou》或者《We Are the Champions》。

这首歌曲同时也向滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱Mick Jagger致敬。歌曲节奏明快,具有魔力红一贯的风格,却又不像舞厅里的歌一样俗套。歌曲后段的女声更是雄健有力,非常带感。

Ⅵ 电影里的好听的英文歌。 插曲,主题曲之类。

1.make you feel my love- adele
1.spell-marie digby

1.some one like you-adele
1.the last kiss-Taylor Swift
4.we don't eat-james vincent mcmorrow
5.up in flames-coldplay
6.tonight-lykke li
7.there is a light that never goes out-sara lov
8.the weepies-living in twilight
9.gotta havae you-the weepies
10.the new diana-black box recorder
11.the day i died-just jack
12.take your time-cary brothers


Ⅶ 电影中好听的英文歌


Ⅷ 世界著名电影插曲的歌名有哪些(你觉得经典得都写上)


Ⅸ 有什么好听的电影里的英文歌

Angela Ammons: [always getting over you]

Blue: [best in me]

Britney Spears: [autumn goodbye], [girl in the mirror][walk on by], [when I found you]

Britt Nicole: [say it]

Brooke Fraser: [faithful]

Carpenters: [(they long to be) close to you]

Carrie Underwood: [jesus,take the wheel]

Cascada: [truly,madly,deeply]

Corinne Bailey Rae: [put your records on]

Craig David: [unbelievable], [you don't miss your water], [rise and fall], [kinda girl for me]

Daniel Powter: [bad day], [love you lately]

Daughtry: [home]

Dixie Chicks: [not ready to make nice]

Eminem: [lose yourself], [rock bottom]

Evanescence: [taking over me], [bring me to life]

Fefe Dobson: [everything]

Fergie: [big girls don't cry], [fergalicious]

Fort Minor: [believe me]

Gareth Gates: [anyone of us]

Hanson: [I will come to you]

Hilary Duff: [the getaway], [so yesterday], [last christmas], [someones watching over me]

Hoobastank: [the reason]

Jamelia: [superstar]

James Blunt: [you're beautiful]

Jason Mraz: [geek in the pink]

Jesse Mccartney: [take your sweet time], [why is love so hard to find], [just so you know], [invincible]

Jet: [look what you've done]

Jewel: [fragile heart], [deep water], [down so long]

JoJo: [exceptional], [leave(get out)], [never say goodbye]

Jordan Pruitt: [outside looking in], [when I pretend]

Katharine Mcphee: [over it]

Kelly Clarkson: [because of you]

KT Tunstall: [other side of the world]

Lene Marlin: [It's true], [sitting down here]

Lillix: [It's about time], [promises]

Lindsay Lohan: [something I never had]

Linkin Park: [in the end]

Lionel Richie: [I call it love]

Mandy Moore: [walk me home]

Maria Arredondo: [burning], [that day]

Mariah Carey: [hero]

Marie Picasso: [this moment], [out of my hands]

Marion Raven: [end of me]

Micheal Jackson: [you are not alone]

Mutya Buena: [real girl]

Natasha Bedingfield: [unwritten]

Ne-Yo: [so sick], [because of you]

Nick Lachey: [what's left of me], [where you are(&Jessica Simpson)]

Pink: [who knew], [I'm not dead]

Rascal Flatts: [my wish]

RBD: [tu amor]

Rob Thomas: [ever the same]

Ronan Keating: [all over again]

Sarah Connor: [just one last dance]

Savage Garden: [truly madly deeply], [I know I love you], [living the dream]

Shakira: [underneath your clothes]

Shayne Ward: [that's my goal]

Sheryl Crow: [good is good], [always on your side]

Spice Girls: [goodbye], [too much], [viva forever]

Sweetbox: [after the lights], [life is cool], [crown of thorns], [every step]

T.A.T.U: [all about us], [gomenasai]

Tata Young: [I think of you]

Taylor Swift: [the outside]

All-American Rejects: [stab my back], [straightjacket feeling]

The Pussycat Dolls: [stickwitu]

The Veronicas: [when it all falls apart]

The Rasmus: [in the shadows], [guilty]

Venke Knutson: [scared], [panic], [in2u]

Vitamin C:[graation(friends forever)]

Westlife: [if your heart's not in it], [bop bop baby]

High School Musical: [you are the music in me], [gotta go my own way], [everyday], [start of someting new], [when there was me and you],[breaking free]



Ⅹ 美国电影中好听的英文歌、

《the sound of silence》,电影《守望者》的插曲,很好听

L'Appuntamento (十二罗汉片头)
By the Boab Tree(澳大利亚)
Flowers On The Wall(低俗小说)
Gran Torino(老爷车)
Unchained Melody(人鬼情未了)
the wrestler(摔跤手)
St Elmo's Fire (man In Motion)(七个毕业生)
How Do I Live(空中监狱)Trisha Yearwood演唱
angel - 天使之城主题曲 sarah mclachlan演唱
Maybe I'm Amazed(橘子郡男孩插曲,Jem演唱)
Delta Dawn(老友记插曲)



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