导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 这部电影没有我想象的好看怎么翻译英文


发布时间:2022-09-18 11:39:40

1. 英语翻译 你认为这部电影怎么样What do you think

你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you think of this film / movie?
我和她年龄一样大. I am the same age as her. /I am as old as her.
比起去商店购物,我更喜欢网上购物。I prefer to do shopping on the Internet rather than go to the shop.
线上线下 : OTO/offline and online
我为你们感到骄傲。I'm proud of you.

2. 电影好看吗 英文怎么说

Is good? (这是一般情况下我们在谈及一个电影的时候,知道所指)
Is the movie good?(一般就是问对方看的电视怎么样?)

3. 翻译这部电影很有趣,我从来没有看到更好的

This movie is very interesting, I have never seen anything better.

4. 你感觉这部电影怎么样翻译成英语怎么说

1、How do you like this movie?
2、How do you feel about this movie?
3、What do you think of this movie?

5. 你觉得这部电影怎么样 这个句子怎么用三种方式翻译成英文

What do you think of this movie?
How do you like this movie?
What's your opinion about this movie?

6. 因为我们认为这部电影非常好看 英语翻译

因为我们认为这部电影非常好看 英语翻译
Because we all think this movie is very nice.

7. 你觉得这电影怎么样,翻译成英语

How do you feel about the film?

8. 这部电影没有那不有趣 英语翻译 急!

The movie isn't more interesting than that.
Our school is one of the best in our town
He jumps higher than any others boys in our class.
Today's homework is less than yesterday's.

9. 英语翻译:1.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣 2.这本字典不如你想像的那样有用 3.她看起来和以前一样漂亮

1this film is as funny as that one 2this dictionary is not as useful as you think.
3she looks as pretty as before
4my life style is very different from hers
5the two brothers looks the same

10. 你认为这部电影怎么样翻译成英文

What do you think of this movie?
How do you like this movie?

what do you think of = how do you like 你认为.....怎么样




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