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发布时间:2022-09-16 19:19:38

① 我想要一个关于美国发展历史的英文介绍,谢谢了,最好要中英对照!急啊!多谢!!

美国 [United States]正式名称美利坚合众国。

北美洲联邦共和国。领土包括美洲大陆中纬度地区48个连成一片的州、北美洲西北端的阿拉斯加州,以及太平洋中部的岛州夏威夷。面积:(包括五大湖)9,529,063平方千米。人口:约286,067,000(2001)。首都:华盛顿特区。人口包括白人、非洲裔美国人、西班牙裔美国人、亚洲人、太平洋岛民、美洲印第安人(美洲土著)、爱斯基摩人及阿留申人。语言:英语(主要语言)、西班牙语。宗教:新教、天主教、犹太教和伊斯兰教。货币:美元。地形由山脉、平原、低地和沙漠构成。山脉包括阿巴拉契亚山脉、欧扎克山、落基山脉、喀斯喀特山脉和内华达山脉。最低点是加利福尼亚州的死谷。最高点是阿拉斯加山脉的麦金利山,而在美国本土,最高点则是惠特尼山。主要河流是密西西比河系、科罗拉多河、哥伦比亚河和格兰德河。五大湖、大盐湖和奥基乔比湖为几个最大的湖。美国是世界某些矿产的主要生产国,包括铜、银、锌、金、煤、石油和天然气;也是食品的主要输出国。制造业包括钢铁产品、化学制品、电子产品和纺织品。其他重要行业为旅游业、奶制品业、畜牧业、渔业和木材加工业。美国是两院制共和国。总统为国家元首和政府首脑。数千年以前已有一些美洲印第安人定居在这块领土,他们可能是来自亚洲。16世纪欧洲人来此探险和定居,开始取代印第安人。第一个欧洲人永久居民点是由西班牙人于1565年在佛罗里达州建立的圣奥古斯丁,后来英国人在弗吉尼亚州詹姆斯敦(1607)、马萨诸塞州普里茅斯(1620)、马里兰州(1634)和宾夕法尼亚州(1681)建立定居点。在卡罗来纳被授予英国贵族一年后,1664年英国人从荷兰人手中夺走纽约、新泽西和德拉瓦。英国人于1763年击败法国人(参阅法英北美殖民地争夺战[French and Indian War]),在政治上控制了13个殖民地。英国殖民政策引起的政治动乱,以美国独立战争(1775~1783)和《独立宣言》(1776)而告结束。美国在《邦联条例》(1781)下首次组织起来,终于通过宪法(1787)成为联邦共和国。随后确认了西至密西西比河的美国疆界,但并不包括西班牙的属地佛罗里达。通过1803年的路易斯安那购地,美国从法国人手中购得的土地使美国领土几乎增加一倍。美国在1812年战争中与英国开战,1819年从西班牙人手中夺得佛罗里达。1830年通过立法手段将美洲印第安人迁移到密西西比河以西的土地。19世纪中叶开始向西部扩张,特别是1848年在加利福尼亚州发现金矿以后(参阅淘金热[gold rush])。美国在墨西哥战争(1846~1848)中取得的胜利,使后来的7个州(包括加利福尼亚和得克萨斯)的部分或全部领土并入美国。1846年美国与英国签订条约确立其西北部疆界,在1853年加兹登购地中又获得亚利桑那州南部的土地。后来南方蓄奴的种植园经济和北方自由的工业与农业经济之间存在的矛盾冲突使美国分裂,爆发了南北战争(1861~1865,参阅美国南北战争[American Civil War])。第十三条宪法修正案废除了奴隶制。重建时期(1865~1877)以后,美国经历了快速发展、都市化、工业开发和欧洲移民。1877年美国准许把印第安人保留地的土地分给个别部落成员,致使大片土地落入白人手中。到19世纪末,美国的外贸得到发展并获得海外领土,包括阿拉斯加、中途岛、夏威夷群岛、菲律宾群岛、波多黎各、关岛、威克岛、美属萨摩亚、巴拿马运河区和维尔京群岛。1917~1918年美国参加了第一次世界大战。1920年给予妇女选举权;1924年给予美洲印第安人公民权。1929年的股市崩溃导致大萧条。日本人偷袭珍珠港(1941-12-07)之后美国加入第二次世界大战。美国在日本广岛投下第一颗原子弹(1945-08-06),在长崎投下第二颗原子弹(1945-08-09),导致这场战争结束,并使美国成为西方世界的领袖。美国参与了欧洲和日本的战后重建工作,但却陷入与苏联长达40年的冷战对抗。美国参加了朝鲜战争。1952年给予波多黎各自治地位。1954年宣布在美国学校中实行的种族隔离违反了美国宪法。1959年阿拉斯加和夏威夷成为美国的两个州。1964年国会通过《民权法》,并授权全面干预越南战争。20世纪60年代中至末期美国国内各地发生骚乱,包括种族暴乱和反战示威。1969年美国完成首次人类登陆月球。1973年美军全部撤出越南。在波斯湾战争(1991)中,美国领导联军攻打伊拉克。1992年派兵到索马里救援饥民。1995年和1999年加入北大西洋公约组织空袭前南斯拉夫的塞尔维亚军队。1998年W.J.克林顿总统成为第二个要被美国众议院弹劾的总统;1999年他被参议院宣布无罪。1999年巴拿马运河的管理移交给了巴拿马。2000年G.W.布什成为1888年以来尽管获得的选票略低于对手A.戈尔,但仍被总统选举团选为总统的第一人。2001年9月11日恐怖分子的攻击摧毁了世界贸易中心和五角大楼的部分建筑以后,美国以藏匿并拒绝引渡此次恐怖活动的策划嫌疑本·拉登为由,派兵向阿富汗的塔利班政府发动进攻。

United States
officially United States of America
Federal republic, North America.
It comprises 48 contiguous states occupying the mid-continent, Alaska at the northwestern extreme of North America, and the island state of Hawaii in the mid-Pacific Ocean. Area, including the U.S. share of the Great Lakes: 3,675,031 sq mi (9,518,287 sq km). Population (2002 est.): 287,602,000. Capital: Washington, D.C. The population includes people of European and Middle Eastern ancestry, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders, American Indians (Native Americans), and Alaska Natives. Languages: English (predominant), Spanish. Religions: Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Islam. Currency: U.S. dollar. The country's regions encompass mountains, plains, lowlands, and deserts. Mountain ranges include the Appalachians, Ozarks, Rockies, Cascades, and Sierra Nevada. The lowest point is Death Valley, Calif. The highest point is Alaska's Mount McKinley; within the coterminous U.S. it is Mount Whitney, Calif. Chief rivers are the Mississippi system, the Colorado, the Columbia, and the Rio Grande. The Great Lakes, the Great Salt Lake, and Lake Okeechobee are the largest lakes. The U.S. is among the world's leading procers of several minerals, including copper, silver, zinc, gold, coal, petroleum, and natural gas; it is the chief exporter of food. Its manufactures include iron and steel, chemicals, electronic equipment, and textiles. Other important instries are tourism, dairying, livestock raising, fishing, and lumbering. The U.S. is a republic with two legislative houses; its head of state and government is the president. The territory was originally inhabited for several thousand years by numerous American Indian peoples who had probably emigrated from Asia. European exploration and settlement from the 16th century began displacement of the Indians. The first permanent European settlement, by the Spanish, was at Saint Augustine, Fla., in 1565; the British settled Jamestown, Va. (1607); Plymouth, Mass. (1620); Maryland (1634); and Pennsylvania (1681). The British took New York, New Jersey, and Delaware from the Dutch in 1664, a year after the Carolinas had been granted to British noblemen. The British defeat of the French in 1763 (see French and Indian War) assured British political control over its 13 colonies. Political unrest caused by British colonial policy culminated in the American Revolution (1775–83) and the Declaration of Independence (1776). The U.S. was first organized under the Articles of Confederation (1781), then finally under the Constitution (1787) as a federal republic. Boundaries extended west to the Mississippi River, excluding Spanish Florida. Land acquired from France by the Louisiana Purchase (1803) nearly doubled the country's territory. The U.S. fought the War of 1812 against the British and acquired Florida from Spain in 1819. In 1830 it legalized removal of American Indians to lands west of the Mississippi River. Settlement expanded into the Far West in the mid-19th century, especially after the discovery of gold in California in 1848 (see gold rush). Victory in the Mexican War (1846–48) brought the territory of seven more future states (including California and Texas) into U.S. hands. The northwestern boundary was established by treaty with Great Britain in 1846. The U.S. acquired southern Arizona by the Gadsden Purchase (1853). It suffered disunity ring the conflict between the slavery-based plantation economy in the South and the free instrial and agricultural economy in the North, culminating in the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery under the 13th Amendment. After Reconstruction (1865–77) the U.S. experienced rapid growth, urbanization, instrial development, and European immigration. In 1877 it authorized allotment of American Indian reservation land to indivial tribesmen, resulting in widespread loss of land to whites. By the end of the 19th century, it had developed foreign trade and acquired outlying territories, including Alaska, Midway Island, the Hawaiian Islands, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, Wake Island, American Samoa, the Panama Canal Zone, and the Virgin Islands. The U.S. participated in World War I in 1917–18. It granted suffrage to women in 1920 and citizenship to American Indians in 1924. The stock market crash of 1929 led to the Great Depression. The U.S. entered World War II after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941). The explosion by the U.S. of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima (Aug. 6, 1945) and another on Nagasaki (Aug. 9, 1945), Japan, brought about Japan's surrender. Thereafter the U.S. was the military and economic leader of the Western world. In the first decade after the war, it aided the reconstruction of Europe and Japan and became embroiled in a rivalry with the Soviet Union known as the Cold War. It participated in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. In 1952 it granted autonomous commonwealth status to Puerto Rico. Racial segregation in schools was declared unconstitutional in 1954. Alaska and Hawaii were made states in 1959. In 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and authorized U.S. entry into the Vietnam War. The mid-to late 1960s were marked by widespread civil disorder, including race riots and antiwar demonstrations. The U.S. accomplished the first manned lunar landing in 1969. All U.S. troops were withdrawn from Vietnam in 1973. The U.S. led a coalition of forces against Iraq in the First Persian Gulf War (1991), sent troops to Somalia (1992) to aid starving populations, and participated in NATO air strikes against Serbian forces in the former Yugoslavia in 1995 and 1999. In 1998 Pres. Bill Clinton became only the second president to be impeached by the House of Representatives; he was acquitted by the Senate in 1999. Administration of the Panama Canal was turned over to Panama in 1999. In 2000 George W. Bush became the first person since 1888 to be elected president by the electoral college despite having won fewer popular votes than his opponent, Al Gore. After the September 11 attacks on the U.S. in 2001 destroyed the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon, the U.S. attacked Afghanistan's Taliban government for harbouring and refusing to extradite the mastermind of the terrorism, Osama bin Laden.

② 我要做一个英文的PPT谁能介绍一部【比较有深度的电影】

阿甘正传 Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a 1994 American drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom and the name of the title character of both. The film was a huge commercial success, earning US$677 million worldwide ring its theatrical run making it the top grossing film in North America released that year. The film garnered a total of 13 Academy Award nominations, of which it won six, including Best Picture, Best Visual Effects, Best Director (Robert Zemeckis), and Best Actor (Tom Hanks).

The film tells the story of a man with an IQ of 75 and his epic journey through life, meeting historical figures, influencing popular culture and experiencing first-hand historic events while being largely unaware of their significance, e to his lower than average intelligence. The film differs substantially from the book on which it was based.

The film begins with a feather falling to the feet of Forrest Gump who is sitting at a bus stop in Savannah, Georgia. Forrest picks up the feather and puts it in the book Curious George, then tells the story of his life to a woman seated next to him. The listeners at the bus stop change regularly throughout his narration, each showing a different attitude ranging from disbelief and indifference to rapt veneration.

On his first day of school, his mother had sex with the principal to get him into the school despite his low I.Q., and he meets a girl named Jenny, whose life is followed in parallel to Forrest's at times. Having discarded his leg braces, his ability to run at lightning speed gets him into college on a football scholarship, where he plays for legendary Alabama head coach Paul "Bear" Bryant; ring this time, he was also chosen as a member of the All-American Football Team and he was invited to meet President Kennedy at the White House. After his college graation, he enlists in the army and is sent to Vietnam, where he makes fast friends with a man named Bubba, who convinces Forrest to go into the shrimping business with him when the war is over. After a ferocious Vietnamese attack, however, Forrest ends up saving much of his platoon from the Viet Cong, including his platoon leader, Lt. Dan Taylor, a career military officer who felt his destiny was to die in battle like his ancestors did who fought in every major war that America fought since the Revolution. Bubba is killed in action. Lt. Dan is unwillingly saved by Forrest but loses his legs. Forrest is awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism by President Lyndon Johnson.

At an anti-war rally in Washington, D.C. Forrest reunites with Jenny, who has been living a hippie counterculture lifestyle.

While Forrest is in recovery for a bullet shot to his "butt-tox", he discovers his uncanny ability for ping-pong, eventually gaining popularity and rising to celebrity status, later playing ping-pong competitively against Chinese teams. He is later invited to the White House and is given an award from President Nixon. That evening he calls security when he sees flashlights in an office building across from his hotel room at the Watergate Hotel; this leads to the Watergate scandal and the subsequent resignation of Richard Nixon.

He appears on the Dick Cavett show in 1971 and inspires John Lennon to write the song "Imagine." After the broadcast, he briefly reunites with his old commanding officer Lieutenant Dan in New York. Dan, after losing both legs in war, has become extremely pessimistic, and has resorted to debauchery.

Returning home, Forrest endorses a company that makes ping-pong paddles, earning himself $25,000 which he uses to buy a shrimping boat, fulfilling his promise to Bubba. Eventually, Lieutenant Dan joins him. Though initially Forrest has little success, after finding his boat, the only surviving boat in the area after Hurricane Carmen in the fall of 1974, he begins to pull in huge amounts of shrimp and uses it to buy an entire fleet of shrimp boats. Lieutenant Dan invests the money in Apple Computer and Forrest is financially secure for the rest of his life. He returns home to see his mother's last days as she is dying of cancer circa 1975.

One day, Jenny returns to visit Forrest and he proposes marriage to her. She declines, though feels obliged to prove her love to him by sleeping with him. She leaves early the next morning. On a whim, Forrest elects to go for a run. Seemingly capricious at first, he decides to keep running across the country several times, over some three and a half years, becoming famous.

In the present-day (the early 1980s in the film), Forrest reveals that he is waiting at the bus stop because he received a letter from Jenny who, having seen him run on television, asks him to visit her. Once he is reunited with Jenny, Forrest discovers she has a young son, of whom Forrest is the father. Jenny tells Forrest she is suffering from a virus (probably HIV, though this is never definitively stated).[1][2][3] Together the three move back to Greenbow, Alabama. Jenny and Forrest finally marry. Jenny dies soon afterward.

The film ends with father and son waiting for the school bus on little Forrest's first day of school. Opening the book his son is taking to school, the white feather from the beginning of the movie is seen to fall from within the pages. As the bus pulls away, the white feather is caught on a breeze and drifts skyward.

[edit] Themes
Though superficially Gump might not seem to understand all that goes on around him, the viewer gets the sense that he knows enough, the rest being superfluous detail. Roger Ebert offers the example of Jenny telling Forrest, "You don't know what love is."[4]

Also explored in the film are the opposing ideas that in life we either follow a set plan, or that we float about randomly like a feather in the wind. Relevant to this idea is the now famous quotation from the film, "life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get."

It has been noted that while Forrest follows a very conservative lifestyle, Jenny's life is full of countercultural embrace, replete with drug usage and antiwar rallies, and that their eventual marriage might be a kind of tongue-in-cheek reconciliation. However, the nature of Jenny's death has lead others to conclude that the movie is looking down on counterculture lifestyles, considering them to be the wrong type of path to choose.

Other commentators believe that the film forecasted the 1994 Republican Revolution and used the image of Forrest Gump to promote traditional, conservative values adhered by Gump's character.[5]

[edit] Proction details
Ken Ralston and his team at Instrial Light & Magic were responsible for the film's visual effects. Using CGI-techniques it was possible to depict Gump meeting now-deceased presidents and shaking their hands.

Archival footage was used and with the help of techniques like chroma key, warping, morphing and rotoscoping, Tom Hanks was integrated into it. This feat was honored with an Oscar for Best Visual Effects.

The CGI removal of actor Gary Sinise's legs, after his character had them amputated, was achieved by wrapping his legs with a blue fabric, which later facilitated the work of the "roto-paint"-team to paint out his legs from every single frame. At one point, while hoisting himself into his wheelchair, his "missing" legs are used for support.

Dick Cavett played himself in the 1970s with make-up applied to make it appear that he was much younger than the commentator was ring the filming. Consequently, Cavett is the only well-known figure in the film to actually play himself for the feature, rather than via archive footage.

Differences from novel
Forrest Gump is based on the 1986 novel by Winston Groom. Both center around the character of Forrest Gump. However, the film primarily focuses on the first eleven chapters of the novel, before skipping ahead to the end of the novel with the founding of Bubba Gump Shrimp and the meeting with Forrest Jr. In addition to skipping some parts of the novel, the film adds several aspects to Forrest's life that do not occur in the novel, such as his needing leg braces as a child and his run across the country.

Forrest's core character and personality are also changed from the novel, and it has been reported that Groom was annoyed by the changes.[6] For example, in the book Forrest is crude, curses regularly, joins a band with Jenny, has a prolonged sexual relationship with Jenny, smokes dope, becomes a professional wrestler, and an astronaut. What is impossible in the book is made plausible in the movie.

[edit] Reception
In Tom Hanks' words, "The film is non-political and thus non-judgmental". Nevertheless, in 1994, CNN's Crossfire debated whether the film had a left- or right-wing bias. Filmmaker Lloyd Kaufman has noted that Gump's successes result from doing what he is told by others, and never showing any initiative of his own, in contrast to Jenny's more forthright and independent character who is shown descending into drugs, prostitution, and death.[7]

The film received mostly positive critical reviews at the time of its release, with Roger Ebert saying, "The screenplay by Eric Roth has the complexity of modern fiction....[Hanks'] performance is a breathtaking balancing act between comedy and sadness, in a story rich in big laughs and quiet truths....what a magical movie."[8] The film received notable pans from several major reviewers, however, including The New Yorker and Entertainment Weekly, which said that the movie "reces the tumult of the last few decades to a virtual-reality theme park: a baby-boomer version of Disney's America."[9] As of June 2008, the film garners a 72% "Fresh" rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes.[10]

However, the film is commonly seen as a polarizing one for audiences, with Entertainment Weekly writing in 2004, "Nearly a decade after it earned gazillions and swept the Oscars, Robert Zemeckis' ode to 20th-century America still represents one of cinema's most clearly drawn lines in the sand. One half of folks see it as an artificial piece of pop melodrama, while everyone else raves that it's sweet as a box of chocolates."[11] The film also came in at #76 on AFI's Top-100 American movies of all time list in 2007.

[edit] Cast
Actor Role
Tom Hanks Forrest Gump
Robin Wright Penn Jenny Curran
Gary Sinise Lieutenant Dan Taylor
Mykelti Williamson Benjamin Buford "Bubba" Blue
Sally Field Forrest's mother
Michael Conner Humphreys Young Forrest Gump
Hanna R. Hall Young Jenny Curran
Haley Joel Osment Forrest Gump Jr.
Sam Anderson Principal Hancock
Geoffrey Blake Wesley, SDS Organizer
David Brisbin Newscaster
Peter Dobson Elvis Presley
Siobhan Fallon Dorothy Harris, School Bus Driver
Osmar Olivo Drill Sergeant
Brett Rice High School Football Coach
Sonny Shroyer Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
Kurt Russell Voice of Elvis Presley
Harold G. Herthum Doctor

Main articles: Forrest Gump (soundtrack) and Forrest Gump - Original Motion Picture Score
The soundtrack from Forrest Gump had a variety of music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and early 80s performed by American artists. It went on to sell 12 million copies, and is one of the top selling albums in the United States.

1994 Academy Awards (Oscars)

Won - Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role — Tom Hanks
Won - Best Director — Robert Zemeckis
Won - Best Film Editing — Arthur Schmidt
Won - Best Picture — Wendy Finerman, Steve Starkey, Steve Tisch
Won - Best Visual Effects — Ken Ralston, George Murphy, Stephen Rosenbaum, Allen Hall
Won - Best Adapted Screenplay — Eric Roth
Nominated - Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role — Gary Sinise (as Lieutenant Dan Taylor)
Nominated - Best Achievement in Art Direction — Rick Carter, Nancy Haigh
Nominated - Best Achievement in Cinematography — Don Burgess
Nominated - Best Makeup — Daniel C. Striepeke, Hallie D'Amore
Nominated - Best Original Score — Alan Silvestri
Nominated - Best Sound Mixing — Randy Thom, Tom Johnson, Dennis S. Sands, William B. Kaplan
Nominated - Best Sound Editing — Gloria S. Borders, Randy Thom
1995 Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films (Saturn Awards)

Won - Best Supporting Actor (Film) — Gary Sinise
Won - Best Fantasy Film
Nominated - Best Actor (Film) — Tom Hanks
Nominated - Best Music — Alan Silvestri
Nominated - Best Special Effects — Ken Ralston
Nominated - Best Writing — Eric Roth
1995 Amanda Awards

Won - Best Film (International)
1995 American Cinema Editors (Eddies)

Won - Best Edited Feature Film — Arthur Schmidt
1995 American Comedy Awards

Won - Funniest Actor in a Motion Picture (Leading Role) — Tom Hanks
1995 American Society of Cinematographers

Nominated - Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Theatrical Releases — Don Burgess
1995 BAFTA Film Awards

Won - Outstanding Achievement in Special Visual Effects — Ken Ralston, George Murphy, Stephen Rosenbaum, Doug Chiang, Allen Hall
Nominated - Best Actor in a Leading Role — Tom Hanks
Nominated - Best Actress in a Supporting Role — Sally Field
Nominated - Best Film — Wendy Finerman, Steve Tisch, Steve Starkey, Robert Zemeckis
Nominated - Best Cinematography — Don Burgess
Nominated - David Lean Award for Direction — Robert Zemeckis
Nominated - Best Editing — Aurthur Schmidt
Nominated - Best Adapted Screenplay — Eric Roth
1995 Casting Society of America (Artios)

Nominated - Best Casting for Feature Film, Drama — Ellen Lewis
1995 Chicago Film Critics Association Awards

Won - Best Actor — Tom Hanks
1995 Directors Guild of America

Won - Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures — Robert Zemeckis, Charles Newirth, Bruce Moriarity, Cherylanne Martin, Dana J. Kuznetzkoff
1995 Golden Globe Awards

Won - Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama — Tom Hanks
Won - Best Director - Motion Picture — Robert Zemeckis
Won - Best Motion Picture - Drama
Nominated - Best Supporting Actor - Motion Picture — Gary Sinise
Nominated - Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture — Robin Wright Penn
Nominated - Best Original Score — Alan Silvestri
Nominated - Best Screenplay - Motion Picture — Eric Roth
1995 Heartland Film Festival

Won - Studio Crystal Heart Award — Winston Groom
1995 MTV Movie Awards

Nominated - Best Breakthrough Performance — Mykelti Williamson
Nominated - Best Male Performance — Tom Hanks
Nominated - Best Movie
1995 Motion Picture Sound Editors (Golden Reel Award)

Won - Best Sound Editing
1994 National Board of Review of Motion Pictures

Nominated - Best Actor — Tom Hanks
Nominated - Best Supporting Actor — Gary Sinise
Nominated - Best Picture
1995 PGA Golden Laurel Awards

Won - Motion Picture Procer of the Year Award — Wendy Finerman, Steve Tisch, Steve Starkey, Charles Newirth
1995 People's Choice Awards

Won - Favorite All-Around Motion Picture
Won - Favorite Dramatic Motion Picture
1995 Screen Actors Guild Awards

Won - Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role — Tom Hanks
Nominated - Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role — Gary Sinise
Nominated - Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role — Sally Field & Robin Wright Penn
1995 Writers Guild of America Awards

Won - Best Screenplay Adapted from Another Medium — Eric Roth
1995 Young Artist Awards

Won - Best Performance in a Feature Film - Young Actor 10 or Younger — Haley Joel Osment
Won - Best Performance in a Feature Film - Young Actress 10 or Younger — Hanna R. Hall
Nominated - Best Performance in a Feature Film - Young Actor Co-Starring — Michael Conner Humphreys

[edit] Sequel
A screenplay based on the original novel's sequel, Gump and Co., was written by Eric Roth in 2001. Due to a legal dispute between Winston Groom and Paramount Pictures over the first movie, the sequel was never put into proction. In March 2007, however, it was reported that the dispute has been resolved and that Paramount procers are now taking another look at the screenplay.

③ 美国历史简介英文版

美国人民是个勇敢而爱好自由的民族. 他们原本来自世界各地, 是许多不同的文化、种族和宗教, 经过长时期的共存结合而形成的, 渐渐他们以身为美国人而自豪.

17世纪以前, 北美广大原野仅有印第安人和爱斯基摩人居住, 但经过百余年的移民, 这里已成为欧洲国家人民的新家园, 而其中最主要为英国人所建立的13州殖民地, 这13州殖民地宣布脱离英国而独立. 几经协商与改革, 联邦体制的美国, 于法国大革命前夕, 正式登上世界舞台. 早期的美国很欢迎外来的移民, 这些移民使她迅速地成长. 美国人口, 在1776 年只有300万人, 而现在则超过2亿. 在人口迅速增加的过程中, 新的生存空间, 也跟着不断开拓, 而方向则由东向西, 拓疆的先驱们不但从事农耕畜牧, 也寻找矿产及其它资源. 到了20世纪,美国不但已成为世界强国, 并且也是科学、技术、医药及军事力量的先进国家.


在两万多年前, 有一批来自亚洲的流浪者, 经由北美到中南美洲, 这些人就是印第安人的祖先. 当哥伦布发现新大陆时, 居住在美洲的印第安人, 约有2,000万, 其中有大约100万人住在现在的加拿大和美国中北部, 其余绝大部分住在现在的墨西哥和美国南部. 大约1万年前, 又有另一批亚洲人, 移居到北美北部, 这是后来的爱斯基摩人. 而最早到美洲的白种人大概是维京人, 他们是一群喜好冒险的捕渔人, 有人认为他们在1,000年前,曾到过北美东海岸. 殖民时期(1607~1753) 1607年, 一个约一百人的殖民团体, 在乞沙比克海滩建立了詹姆士镇, 这是英国在北美所建的第一个永久性殖民地. 在以后150年中, 陆续涌来了许多的殖民者, 定居于沿岸地区, 其中大部分来自英国, 也有一部分来自法国、德国、荷兰、爱尔兰和其他国家. 18世纪中叶, 13个英国殖民地逐渐形成, 他们在英国的最高主权下有各自的政府和议会. 这13个殖民区因气候和地理环境的差异, 造成了各地经济形态、政治制度与观念上的差别.


18世纪中叶, 英国在美洲的殖民地与英国之间, 已有了裂痕. 殖民地的扩张, 使他们产生某种自觉, 自觉到英国的迫害, 而萌生独立的念头. 1774年, 来自12州的代表, 聚集在费城, 召开所谓第一次大陆会议, 希望能寻出一条合理的途径, 与英国和平解决问题, 然而英王却坚持殖民地必须无条件臣服于英王, 并接受处分. 1775年, 在麻州点燃战火, 5月, 召开第二次大陆会议, 坚定了战争与独立的决心, 并发表有名的独立宣言, 提出充分的理由来打这场仗, 这也是最后致胜的要素. 1781年, 美军赢得了决定性的胜利, 1783年, 美英签定巴黎条约, 结束了独立战争.


革命的成功, 使美国人民有了以立法形式表达他们政治观念的机会. 1787年, 在费城举行联邦会议, 会中华盛顿被推为主席, 他们采取一项原则, 即中央的权力是一般性的, 但必须有审慎的规定和说明, 同时, 他们也接受一项事实, 那就是全国性政府必须有税收、铸造货币、调整商业、宣战及缔结条约的权力. 此外, 为了防止中央权力过大, 而采取孟德斯鸠的均权政治学说, 即政府中设置三个平等合作与制衡的部门, 即立法、行 政、司法三种权力相互调和, 制衡而不使任何一权占控制地位.


19世纪初期, 数以千计的人, 越过阿帕拉契山, 向西移动, 有些开拓者, 移居到美国的边界, 甚至深入属于墨西哥的领地、以及介于阿拉斯加与加利福尼亚的俄勒冈. 开拓者勇敢、勤奋地向西寻求更好的生活.


引起内战的原因, 不单是经济上、政治上、军事上的问题, 还包括了思想上的冲突. 内战暴露了美国的弱点. 对这个国家的存在, 作了一番考验. 经过了这次考验, 美国才步向一个中央集权化之现代国家的坦途. 南北之间, 为奴隶问题而起争执, 南方在全国政治上的主要方针, 就在保护和扩大"棉花与奴隶"制度所代表的利益;而北部各州, 主要是制造业、商业和 金融的中心, 这些生产无需依赖奴隶, 这种经济上和政治上的冲突都是由来已久的. 1860年代初期, 11个南方的州脱离联邦, 另组政府, 北方则表示, 为了统一将不惜付出任何代价. 1861年, 内战爆发了, 这场美国人面对面的流血战, 打了四年, 南方遭到严重的破坏, 而且留下深深的伤痕. 1865年, 北方战胜了, 这项胜利不但显示美国回复统一, 而且, 从此全国各地不再施行奴隶制度.


19世纪初期, 美国开始工业化, 而内战之后, 则步入成熟阶段. 在从内战至第一次世界大战的不到50年时间内, 她从一个农村化的共和国变成了城市化的国家. 机器代替了手工,产品大量增加. 全国性的铁道网, 增进了货品流通. 应大众的需要, 许多新发明应市了. 银行业提供贷款, 促成工商业经营的扩大. 故从1890到1917年的近30年间被称为所谓"进步时期", 1914 年, 世界大战爆发, 1917年,美国终于被卷入大战漩涡中, 并且在世界上尝试扮演新的角色.


在战后的10年间, 美国的社会与文化可说是个无生气、无感情, 属于商人阶级的10年. 据1929年统计, 居城 与居乡的比率是56%∶44%, 这时举凡现代生活的特色, 诸如汽车、电话、收音机、洗衣机, 已成为生活的必需品. 战后经济呈现极度的繁荣, 原因有二, 一为政府不再干涉私营企业且有立法保护之, 二为新技术的带 动. 虽然经济成长很快, 但是基础不稳.


经济大恐慌, 影响的不只是美国, 世界各国都受到它的打击, 经济大恐慌, 使上百万的工人失业, 大批的农人被迫放弃耕地, 工厂商店关门, 银行倒闭…… 一片萧条. 1932年, 罗斯福当选总统, 他主张政府应拿出行动来结束经济大恐慌, 新政府虽然解决了许多的困难, 但美国的经济还是要到二次大战, 才苏醒起来. 第二次世界大战之后, 美苏两国, 关系日趋恶化, 分别在军事、政治、经济、宣传各方面, 加紧准备, 一如战时, 这种状态, 被称为"冷战".


美国历史自1960以来, 许多方面仍是战后发展的延续. 经济方面, 除了周期性的不景气, 则仍不断膨胀;从 城市移居到郊区的人口, 继续增加, 1970年, 居郊人口超过了居城人口. 1960年初期, 黑人问题成为美国内部最主要的问题.

1960年代中期, 许多美国人开始不满政府的对外政策. 此外, 由于工业的发展, 人口的集中, 60年代后期, 生态环境的污染广受注意. 70年代初期, 由于能源危机而导致的经济萧条, 是大恐慌以来, 最严重的一次.

70年代中期, 经济一度复苏, 但到70年代未期, 又出现通货膨胀. 1976年, 美国建国200周年, 全国举行各项庆祝活动. 1981年4月12日, 美国成功地发射"哥伦比亚号"航天飞机, 将人类又带入另一个太空新纪元. 1985年, 里根连任总统, 在日新月异的人类发展史中,美国将展开新的一页.

④ 美国电影史英文版

英译:For a long time, the United States only to the film as a means of entertainment to Hollywood as a story and fantasy proction factories, so first of all note that the movie business value. However, after 70 years, the American film has been great development in academic research. In 1967, both in Washington and Los Angeles have established the American Film Institute (AFI). Film Archive, throughout the United States, including important ones are the New York Museum of Modern Art, Rochester's Eastman Film Archive, the Library of Congress, Washington, Berkeley Pacific Film Archive. 8 large film company has disintegrated or converting 60 years after the
A large number of film and archives donated to the museum and the University Film Studies Center, the study of national film traditions, protect their heritage plays a significant role in the film.

By 1900, Hollywood has a post office, a newspaper, a hotel and two markets, its residents number 500. 100,000 population in Los Angeles in the city, 11 kilometers east. In Hollywood and Los Angeles have only a single-track tram. 1902 Hollywood hotel, now known as the first part of the opening. In 1903, here upgraded to the city's 177 voting residents of the right to vote unanimously endorsed by the "Hollywood," named after whom. That year under the two commands are: In addition to pharmacies in other stores outside the prohibition, and no amount of driving in the streets more than 200 cattle. 1904
A new so-called Hollywood Avenue streetcar opened, so that between the Hollywood and Los Angeles round-trip time significantly shortened. In 1910, Hollywood residents voted to join the Los Angeles. The reason is so that they can be in Los Angeles drinking water and access to adequate drainage facilities.
In 1907, director Francis Burgess led his crew arrived in Los Angeles, filming "Count of Monte Cristo." They found that, where beautiful natural scenery, plenty of light and suitable climate is the natural place for filming. The early 1910s, director David Griffith Biograph company was sent to the West Coast to make a film, he took Lillian Gish, Mary-bi g-fu and other actors came to Los Angeles. They were then looking for a new site, so proceed north, came a warm small town, and that is Hollywood. Biograph company found here in good condition
So back to New York before they filmed several movies. Graally many people in the instry know that invaluable piece of land, to the increasing number of Hollywood movie crew, the U.S. film instry moved to Hollywood's big movement started, Hollywood movies have to be forward.
October 1911, a group from New Jersey to film-makers on the ground that under the leadership of the photographer came to a small Inn called Bu Lang, they will rent the inn converted into a studio look. In this way, they created Hollywood's first film studio - Ernest Pictures.
Since then, many film companies settled in Hollywood, the famous film companies: MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer, called MGM), Paramount Pictures (Paramount Pictures, Inc.), Twentieth Century Fox (20th Century Fox), Warner Bros. (Warner Brothers), RKO (Radio Keith Orpheum, referred to as RKO), Universal (Universal), United Artists Corporation (United Artists), Columbia Pictures (Columbia Pictures).


从那以后,许多电影公司在好莱坞落户,著名的电影公司有:米高梅电影公司(Metro Goldwyn Mayer,简称MGM)、派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Pictures, Inc.)、二十世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)、华纳兄弟公司(Warner Brothers)、雷电华公司(Radio Keith Orpheum,简称RKO)、环球公司(Universal)、联美公司(United Artists)、哥伦比亚影业公司(Columbia Pictures)。

⑤ 美国电影的发展历史

19世纪末20世纪初,美国的城市工业经济和中下层居民数量迅速增长,美国电影成为适应城市平民需要的一种大众娱乐。它起先在歌舞游乐场内,随后进入小剧场,在剧目演出之后放映。1905年在匹兹堡出现的镍币影院(入场券为 5美分镍币)很快遍及美国所有城镇,到1910年每周的电影观众多达3600万人次。这些影片都是单本一部的,当时的产量是每月400部,主要的制片基地在纽约,如爱迪生公司、比沃格拉夫公司和维太格拉夫公司。1903年鲍特,E.S.的《一个美国消防员的生活》和《火车大劫案》使电影从一种新奇的玩艺儿发展为一门艺术。影片中使用了剪辑技巧,鲍特成为用交叉剪辑手法来造成戏剧效果的第一位导演。
独立制片商为摆脱专利公司的垄断,相继到远离纽约和芝加哥的洛杉矶郊外小镇好莱坞去拍片,这里的自然条件得天独厚,远离专利公司的控制,又临近墨西哥边境,一旦专利公司提出诉讼便可逃离。格里菲斯此时开始了他的电影生涯,他于1907年加入比沃格拉夫公司,1908年导演了第一部影片《陶丽历险记》。至1912年,他已为该公司摄制了近 400部影片,把拍片重心逐渐移向好莱坞,并发现和培养了许多后来的名演员,如塞纳-马恩省特,M.、璧克馥,M.和吉许,L.姐妹等。

⑥ 100分求一关于英文经典电影的PPT(急用)

My Favorite Movie - Star Wars

My Favorite Movie - Titanic

⑦ 急~求美国动画发展历史英文介绍,最好有图片!!

Cartload : You are American, the U.S. and Asia Animation exchange of Principal Adviser to the United States in the development of track position is very well, Can you talk about the United States is how track instries from small to large and from weak to strong, ZTE access road? Zhang Xiaoji Security : The United States is a very attention to the protection of their cultural country. For example, the Christian culture is the backbone of an umbrella, other cultures around the trunk, the same as the umbrella bone unfolded. No matter how doing something unorthodox, it is inseparable from the mainstream culture. American culture is in the hands of the Americans, especially treasure of American culture, all pay attention to the protection of cultural, This can metaphor : the United States used the metaphor of a culture vessel, the American people are on board sailors, struggling in the water not dropped my boat. This is the first point. The second point that Americans have to track the spending habits of procts, so they have two characteristics : one is a universal consumption, Whether you are a child or young alts, and even the elderly, have different levels of animation consumption, for example, an elderly birthday, the movie received a lot of cards, the elderly are very pleased, and some of his relatives no matter what age, what good thing to encounter, such as birthday, wedding With what, He sent some gifts at the same time, yeah, right, and such gifts may be derived from the animation. He is also to release this gift cards to send out animation, which is a characteristic. Another feature of life animation consumption. Especially from the 0 to 12 age group, in the United States, statistical, in this age of the crowd, They average 71 toys, and some have more. I can cite an example, a young girl, especially hyperactive and not concentrate on learning. Mother leading her to see psychological doctors, psychologists say, can you draw me to your house to see, child psychologists came to the room, only one, shut the door, told her mother, Please put your child's toys to less 5%. According to the mother the doctors made, and the children are learning a lot really good. There's a reason children are toys much of the excess (approximately 400), comes to an end with this, um, how she can concentrate on their studies? This is a characteristic. The second characteristic is that in the United States, animation extension almost infiltrate into the corner of each, for example, sell drugs, Not only sell drugs, also sell small articles of daily use, these small articles of daily use, there is a considerable amount of animation procts, such as sick children. If you give him medicine at the same time, he could also proposed charges as just such as Mickey Mouse shirt. For instance, the stores sell glasses, glasses on the shelves, glasses are linked in some cartoon characters face, Reren cartoon characters are popular, and people passing through will not help more enjoyable, looking at the same time, they saw the glasses. In addition, spectacles store also placed many cartoon toys, glasses you bought at the same time, perhaps bought a playmate. In short, in the United States and merchants to provide consumers with all the consumer convenience, sometimes, you do not think of businessmen have you thought of everything. For instance, the cards seem very cheap, sometimes only 1,2 U.S. dollars, as your wife for a friend or a gift on the card write a few words, I will feel very warm, between classmates send a small gift as a gift card. According to what is said, the United States annual card sales volume reached 3 billion each year Americans spend almost 10 dollars, Therefore, the Americans animation consumption habits from the fundamental guarantee for the development track, it is a problem. Another key issue is, the United States domestic proction of animation Its basic principle is : the lower the better proction costs. and the greater efficiency is the better course. For example, when the company had the theme track design and screenplay, it may local proction in the United States, The United States may not have local proction, in Asia it can use half the cost of proction completed, he will never in their proction. Therefore, their procts are completely animation market, according to the laws of the market economy. Meanwhile, they paid great attention to protecting its cultural track, while minimizing foreign, such as Europe, Japan's invasion, I said yes to less than one is not allowed to import, but the introction of the quantity is very small. In short, they make full use of their proction animation procts. This is like one with its own seed, its own fertilizer, to hire cheap labor for them. He is the last of the harvest, said that the United States is an animated cartoon instry as a major power, it is not a coincidence. and I of the above mentioned enjoyed a close relationship, the problem is sporadic, I will discuss here. Zhang Xiao An Introction : USA, the U.S. and Asia Animation exchange organizations Principal Consultant. 1982 graated from the Beijing Film Academy (animation professional, college), in Beijing Branch shadow, Chinese television proction center, and the Central Television unit. He is the first Chinese animation instry in the television cartoon creation one of the young directors. A distinctive style, with a rich culture of color. USA, the United States and Asia as cartoon bodies Principal Adviser, perform for the Chinese animation instry to provide professional consulting services and the promotion of Sino-U.S. cooperation animation project. His cartoon "I lost," was the first in 1989 China Television Animation Honor Award; animated short film "Jiapanweidi" is the 1994 National cartoon humor pieces sweetheart Award; Karaoke animation "Grandpa Deng meters of trees" in 1998 was China's first television program karaoke outstanding design award OK OK .

⑧ 英语课要用ppt介绍一部电影,要怎么做













⑨ 英文电影发展史


⑩ 用英文介绍美国历史

Native Americans and European settlers
The indigenous peoples of the U.S. mainland, including Alaska Natives, are believed to have migrated from Asia, beginning between 12,000 and 40,000 years ago.Some, such as the pre-Columbian Mississippian culture, developed advanced agriculture, grand architecture, and state-level societies. After Europeans began settling the Americas, many millions of indigenous Americans died from epidemics of imported diseases such as smallpox.

In 1492, Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus, under contract to the Spanish crown, reached several Caribbean islands, making first contact with the indigenous people. On April 2, 1513, Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León landed on what he called "La Florida"—the first documented European arrival on what would become the U.S. mainland. Spanish settlements in the region were followed by ones in the present-day southwestern United States that drew thousands through Mexico. French fur traders established outposts of New France around the Great Lakes; France eventually claimed much of the North American interior, down to the Gulf of Mexico. The first successful English settlements were the Virginia Colony in Jamestown in 1607 and the Pilgrims' Plymouth Colony in 1620. The 1628 chartering of the Massachusetts Bay Colony resulted in a wave of migration; by 1634, New England had been settled by some 10,000 Puritans. Between the late 1610s and the American Revolution, about 50,000 convicts were shipped to Britain's American colonies. Beginning in 1614, the Dutch settled along the lower Hudson River, including New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island.
In 1674, the Dutch ceded their American territory to England; the province of New Netherland was renamed New York. Many new immigrants, especially to the South, were indentured servants—some two-thirds of all Virginia immigrants between 1630 and 1680.By the turn of the 18th century, African slaves were becoming the primary source of bonded labor. With the 1729 division of the Carolinas and the 1732 colonization of Georgia, the thirteen British colonies that would become the United States of America were established. All had local governments with elections open to most free men, with a growing devotion to the ancient rights of Englishmen and a sense of self-government stimulating support for republicanism. All legalized the African slave trade. With high birth rates, low death rates, and steady immigration, the colonial population grew rapidly. The Christian revivalist movement of the 1730s and 1740s known as the Great Awakening fueled interest in both religion and religious liberty. In the French and Indian War, British forces seized Canada from the French, but the francophone population remained politically isolated from the southern colonies. Excluding the Native Americans (popularly known as "American Indians"), who were being displaced, those thirteen colonies had a population of 2.6 million in 1770, about one-third that of Britain; nearly one in five Americans were black slaves. Though subject to British taxation, the American colonials had no representation in the Parliament of Great Britain.



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