⑴ 求一首英文歌貌似是2010年的吧!(mv中有一个穿西装的男人提着手提箱坐在貌似公园的长椅上!副歌部
⑵ 新版《简爱》(就是彩色影片)中最后简和罗切斯特依偎在长椅时所放的背景钢琴曲叫什么在哪下载
⑶ 一路上有你,爱与离别,张智霖唱的英文歌,在那个长椅上给袁咏仪唱的
张国荣的I honestly love you.是智霖哥说最想唱给靓靓听的一首歌。
⑷ 谁知道韩国电影<爱人>前半段中两人在公园长椅上一起戴耳机听的那首曲子呀
⑸ 有一首英文歌 mv的场景是有一个长椅 一个女的在唱歌 曲调很欢快 她的动作就像一个玩偶一样 像是有
lenka - the show
⑹ 英文歌女歌手的 写分手后的悲伤 好像男的要结婚了 mv在河堤旁拍的 有长椅
是不是someone like you
⑺ 一首英文歌 女生唱的 里面大概有一句 i am a fool Mv里面是一个女孩在长椅上坐着 音乐很欢快的 有谁知道
the show
⑻ 一首歌的mv开头是一个女孩坐在长椅上,英文歌
Are you really here or am I dreaming I can't tell dreams from truth For it's been so long since I have seen you I can hardly remember your face anymore When I get really lonely and the distance causes only silence I think of your smiling with pride in your eyes a lover that sighs If you want me satisfy me If you want me satisfy me Are you really sure that you believe me When others say I lie I wonder if you could ever despise me When you know I really try To be a better one to satisfy you for you're everything to me And I do what you ask me If you let me be free If you want me satisfy me If you want me satisfy me If you want me satisfy me If you want me satisfy me satisfy me if you want me satisfy me
⑼ 有一首英文歌。mv.好像在公园有长椅,是开始的时候有一个人拿着录音机
live my life-Far East Movement