1. 欧美大片预告片上的背景音乐,是那些团队制作的多多益善
约翰·威廉姆斯 曾为90多部影片创作音乐并担任音乐总监:《星战前传》、《拯救大兵瑞恩》(获格莱美奖)、《安吉拉的骨灰》(获格莱美奖)、《辛德勒的名单》(获奥斯卡与格莱美奖)、《侏罗纪公园》、《印第安纳-琼斯》三部曲(获格莱美奖)、《外星人》(获奥斯卡奖、金球奖与格莱美奖)、《超人》(格莱美奖)、《第三类接触》(格莱美奖)、《星球大战》三部曲(获奥斯卡奖、金球奖与格莱美奖)、《大白鲨》(获奥斯卡奖、金球奖与格莱美奖)、《屋顶上的小提琴手》(获奥斯卡奖)、《人工智能》等……
詹姆斯·霍纳 :《勇敢的心》、《泰坦尼克号》、《阿凡达》、《功夫梦》等...
扬·提尔森(Yann Tiersen):《野兽的华尔兹》、《天使爱美丽》、《再见,列宁》等...
约翰·巴里(John Barry ): 《桃色交易》、《随心所欲》、《007》、《炸弹专家/炮弹专家》、《终极密码战》、《马达加斯加》等...
埃尼奥·莫里康(Ennio Morricone):《火线狙击》、《海上钢琴师》、《G型神探》、《火星任务》、《杀死比尔》、《无耻混蛋》等...
盖布瑞·雅德(Gabriel Yared):《英国病人》、《天使之城》、《木马屠城》、《窃听风暴》、《1408幻影凶间》、《斗牛士》等....
电影音乐作曲家Alan Silvestri :《回到未来》系列、《阿甘正传》、《荒岛余生》、《超时空接触》等...
巨浪乐队(Rogue Wave):《实习医生风云》、《整形春秋》、《蜘蛛侠3》等...
迈克尔·凯曼(Michael Kamen):《致命武器》系列、《侠盗罗宾汉》、《终极警探》系列、《最后的魔鬼英雄》等...
2. 寻找一部关于足球的喜剧电影
3. 法国电影 《随心所欲》
4. 美国电影随心所欲/漫游(2012)里的插曲是哪几首歌啊
不知你说的是不是这个 What I Want To Do-主题曲 片尾曲《every thing's so right》
5. 求随心所欲的主题曲和片尾曲
主题曲:oh 必胜奉顺英
6. 谁能帮我找到What I Want To Do~郑斌辉-[随心所欲]主题曲 和《随心所欲》的片尾曲《every thing's so righ
What I Want To Do~郑斌辉-[随心所欲]主题曲
There`s only so much we can talk about.
My world, your hopes and what is happening now.
You send a signal, I go round and around.
My mind`s not working time`s running out.
You know I want you to feel as I do.
Just can`t decide what is right for you.
It`s not so easy, to figure you out.
My heart, My soul, My mind is so unsound.
I need your whispers to speak out now.
I like my music clear and loud.
I`m waiting to show my emotions to you.
Create a world you`ve never knew.
Don`t need any justifications or reasons to do.
What I want to do.
I`m trying to tell you I`ll change with your moods.
You bring on the sun closer than you should.
I want to share a night of dreams with you.
That`s what I want to do.
I`m just a guy who likes to go with the flow.
There is no sense when your heart takes control.
I need your whispers to speak out now.
I like my music clear and load.
《随心所欲》的片尾曲《every thing's so right》
7. 求《随心所欲》2016年在线免费播放百度云资源,兰维尔·辛格主演的
链接: https://pan..com/s/1vzi7o1AlHwgO-D9x5tso1g
8. 请问港台电视剧集《随心所欲》里的片头曲和片尾曲的歌曲名是什么啊
郑斌辉《what i want to do》片头曲
郑斌辉《everything's so right》片尾曲
9. 求随心所欲网盘
影片讲述了女主人公娜娜(安娜·卡里娜 Anna Karina饰)如何从一名普通售货员走上卖淫道路的悲情一生。娜娜厌倦了售货员的生活,想要成为一名演员,可命运却让她陷入了出卖肉体的色情深渊。她越是深入生命的深刻意义,越是怀疑生活的本来面目。命运辗转,就在她终于遇见她的爱人 时,命运又再一次跟她开了场玩笑,死在了皮条客的枪下。看似凌乱毫无关联的章节,充满哲理如呓语般的台词,为了“拯救灵魂而出卖肉体”么?影片抛掷给我们的又岂止是这一个问题。
10. 谁有《随心所欲》的主题曲和片尾曲的歌词
What I Want To Do~郑斌辉-[随心所欲]主题曲
There`s only so much we can talk about.
My world, your hopes and what is happening now.
You send a signal, I go round and around.
My mind`s not working time`s running out.
You know I want you to feel as I do.
Just can`t decide what is right for you.
It`s not so easy, to figure you out.
My heart, My soul, My mind is so unsound.
I need your whispers to speak out now.
I like my music clear and loud.
I`m waiting to show my emotions to you.
Create a world you`ve never knew.
Don`t need any justifications or reasons to do.
What I want to do.
I`m trying to tell you I`ll change with your moods.
You bring on the sun closer than you should.
I want to share a night of dreams with you.
That`s what I want to do.
I`m just a guy who likes to go with the flow.
There is no sense when your heart takes control.
I need your whispers to speak out now.
I like my music clear and load.
《随心所欲》的片尾曲《every thing's so right》