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发布时间:2021-07-09 01:55:24

❶ (英语翻译) 我们一起去看电影吧。

let's go to see a movie together
let's go to the cinema together

❷ 在晚上我们一起去看电影。英语怎么翻译。

We are going to watch the movie together at night。

We went to watch the movie together at night

❸ 一起去看电影 英文

Go to watch movie together 或 Go to the cinema together
英语看电视、电影叫 watch,不能用 see。
go to movie 是“去电影”。

❹ 我们一起去看电影好不好用英文怎么翻译急用,谢谢了!

Would you mind watching a movie with me?
Do you want to see a film with me?
How about seeing a film with me?
would you like seeing a film with me?

❺ 我跟朋友一起去看电影了用英语怎么说

看电影的固定词组是go to the cinema
英美人地道的表达法是My friend and I went to the cinema.
如果是写作文可以在后面加上时间如yesterday或者last week,这个句子就完整
中国人一般会翻译成I watch a movie with my friend.这是典型的中国式英语,翻译的痕迹太明显了。以英语为母语的人不会这么说。

❻ 和他一起去看电影的英文

go to see the movie with him together

❼ 我想和他们一起去看电影的英语要用到ING形式

I want to watching movies with them.我想和他们一起看电影
I am going to watch movies with them。我将要和他们一起去看电影

❽ 想邀请朋友一起去看电影,用英语怎么说.(要

I'd like to invite some friends to the movies
邀请invite; request
朋友friend; boy friend; girl friend; amigo; companion
一起去go along with
看电影see a movie

❾ 我们一起去看电影吧。用英语翻译

Let's go to the movies together!

❿ 想请朋友晚上一起去看电影 英语怎么说

I want to invite friends to the cinema at night.



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