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发布时间:2021-07-05 12:32:52

1. 《龙猫》谁能给我他的简介,这个是电影!

中文名: 龙猫
外文名: となりのトトロ
其它译名: 邻家的豆豆龙 / 隔壁的特特罗 / Tonari no Totoro
制片地区: 日本
导演: 宫崎骏
编剧: 宫崎骏
类型: 动画,奇幻,冒险
主演: 日高法子,坂本千夏,糸井重里
片长: 86分钟
上映时间: 1988年4月16日
分级: Hong Kong:I ;USA:G
对白语言: 日语
色彩: 彩色
imdb编码: tt0096283
英文译名: My Neighbor Totoro
音乐: 久石让
色彩设计: 保田道世
美术: 男鹿和雄
和爸爸一起搬到乡下的两姐妹,在家旁的一棵大树下发现了只有好孩子才能看见的TOTORO。其间发生了很多不可思议而有趣的故事。一天,妹妹小梅和姐姐吵了架之后,便独自出走去找自己生病住院的妈妈。途中却迷了路。姐姐在四处寻找无果的情况下,只好求助于TOTORO。善良而温和的TOTORO唤来龙猫电车,载着姐姐找到 了迷路的妹妹,乘着龙猫电车,妹妹把亲手摘的玉米送给了
电影龙猫剧照(15张)妈妈,希望她早日康复。 有一天小梅独自在院子玩耍寻找橡树子的时候,意外的看到了憨憨的小龙猫,小龙猫慌忙的想甩掉小梅,却把小梅引到了正在睡觉的大大的龙猫身边,这个秘密让小月和小梅姊妹兴奋不已,小月也梦想着有一天也能见到龙猫精灵,这个梦想很快就实现了,有一天下雨的傍晚,小月姊妹等在爸爸下班回来的车站旁时,大龙猫出现了,小月借给它一把伞却被它当作非常有趣的玩具,夏天快过去的时候小月姊妹收到医院的电报,妈妈身体不舒服,拖延了回家的时间,姊妹俩非常的担心妈妈的情况,而小梅又抱怨姐姐不管自己,姐姐怪小梅不懂事,小梅大哭着喊着姐姐是个笨蛋跑远了,那一天,小梅失踪了,原来她想自己走到医院看望妈妈,小月四处寻找小梅的时候,想到了龙猫,就这样,龙猫唤来了猫巴士车,终于找到了迷路的小梅,后来,猫巴士车又带着姊妹俩来到了妈妈的病房窗前,远远的看到一切平安的妈妈,姊妹俩不知道有多么快乐,小梅抱着送给妈妈的玉米走失在去看往生病的妈妈的路上时,一种曾被忘记的温暖回到了身边。 在宁静的乡间夜晚吹着陶埙的トト口,没有华丽的色彩,一切都是淡淡的自然的,有一丝感伤,她们种下的每一棵橡树子的发芽都是对未来生活的美好梦想,在这部宫崎骏1988年导演的《邻家的龙猫》(となりのトト口)中,没有一句台词甚至没有出现过几场的龙猫,成为我们永远的至爱,当然忘不了还有猫巴士车,那些玩具永远有人要抱回家。觉得完美的家庭是要有兄弟姐妹的,相信每一个看过《龙猫》的20世纪70年代生人一定会对那种单纯深切的姐妹深情感到无比亲切,每次看到这部电影总是回想起童年里总也甩不掉的远远跟在身后哭着跑的弟弟妹妹们,小梅在那一刻成为每一个观众自家的妹妹,所以每个人都在那一刻焦急的寻找着走失的小梅……

2. 龙猫的英文简介,急需!!!

He is a lovely Japanese cat~~

刚才去找了一下,没找到英文的,以下是中文information ,你了解一下,然后可以自己用语言组织一下写成英文的.

《龙猫》My Neighbor Totoro

《龙猫》是宫崎骏的在STUDIO GHIBLI的第三部电影,因为这部平静而温馨的电影使得龙猫这个可爱的生物在全世界都家喻户晓。《龙猫》十分适合一家老小齐齐观看的。









“澄清的小河、森林、田地,住在其中 的人、鸟、兽、昆虫,夏天的闷热、大雨、突然挂起的劲风、恐怖的黑夜…… 这些东西全都显出日本的美态。我觉得保护这些可以让生物蓬勃地生长的自然环境很重要。



3. 宫崎骏 龙猫 的英文介绍,不要翻译器翻译的。

My Neighbor TOTORO(1998)


Logo: this strange creature, perhaps still living in Japan.



Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother.

Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is in habited by magical creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro).


They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures.


The film is full of fairy tale colour and the warmth of family, the success of the audience into a fantastic fairy tale world, it is a rare and excellent work.






影片获得1988年 《电影旬报》 十佳电影的榜首









4. 各位男神,女神们,请用英语说一下宫崎骏的《龙猫》这部电影的感受,谢谢,真的很急,谢谢大家了!一定是

sry i watch but forget
u can give me ur idea in chinese
then i can translate it for u

5. 【求】宫崎骏电影里的英文名!!!~

《天空之城》 男:派舒 (PASU) 女:希达(SHEETA) 图:http://img2.mtime.com/up/601/840601/17dbd4ff-d27a-471c-8c3e-0ff7d5830695_500.jpg 《风之谷》 男:阿斯贝鲁 女:娜乌西卡 (nausicaa) 图:(男主的找不到,这里面蒙着面)https://gss0..com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/ke/pic/item/774855364c0aafcaa3cc2b9a.jpg 《幽灵公主》 男:阿席达卡(Ashitaka) 女:小珊(人称“幽灵公主”)(san) 图:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/13774334296/pic/item/f20d8c8b7d36e305c8fc7a3e.jpg
《红猪》 男:罗素·波哥(意大利语“红猪”的译音)(Porco Rosso) 女:豆丁 图:http://www.haotuku.com/katong/hongzhu/003c.jpg 《魔女宅急便》 男:蜻蜓 女:琪琪 (kiki) 图:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/慕容四夕/pic/item/8c61c94ce11ab4e0d72afcad.jpg
《萤火虫之墓》 男:清太 女:节子 图:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/半岛铁盒之界/pic/item/d4de82a77b287e83d0435849.jpg
《侧耳倾听》 男:天泽圣司 女:月岛霞 图:http://www.zkr.cn/Group/UploadFile/2008/6/21/20086212232262517068.jpg 《猫的报恩》 男:猫公爵 女:小春 图:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/jaychou911/pic/item/bd53d808b47a9a29e92488bd.jpg
《龙猫》 男:无(难道是龙猫??)(totoro是龙猫) 女:小梅 图:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/tira_526/pic/item/b50769ca9d75b005bf09e678.jpg
《哈尔的移动城堡》(这个我最喜欢了) 男:哈尔 (howl) 女:苏菲 (sophie) 图:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/mariah_y/pic/item/5dd5df3e651cc6da7d1e719b.jpg
《千与千寻》 男:小白 (haku) 女:千寻 (chihiro) 图:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/13774334296/pic/item/a133f908a41e4527e924883f.jpg
《悬崖上的金鱼公主》 男:宗介 女:波妞 (Ponyo) 图:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/蔚蓝天上的海雪/pic/item/11f65a38a20aa1e9b311c774.jpg
没标的就不知道了…… 可能没有英文音译吧……

6. 龙猫英文介绍!

It is a very passive pet,very tameble,it is not too many in the world,even in danger in some period,it has the strong curiosity which is look like fairly cute.and it is very easy to feed

7. 以电影《龙猫》为题的英语作文初中水平

"My Neighbor Totoro" is Studio Ghibli and Tokuma launched in 1988 an animated film by Hayao Miyazaki directed. Film is a description of the height of Japan's economic development before the existence of the natural beauty, the only child to see the magical world and rich imagination. Satsuki film about the hero after his mother is ill in hospital, with her father and year-old sister Ada to live countryside. They feel for where the environment is very strange, also we found some interesting things.

8. 求《风之谷》和《龙猫》的英文介绍

龙猫 My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ, Tonari no Totoro?), is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and proced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The movie won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1988. The movie was originally released in the U.S. in VHS format with the title, My Friend Totoro. Streamline Pictures proced an exclusive b for Japan Airlines' trans-Pacific flights in 1988. Troma Films, under their 50th St. Films banner, distibuted the b of the film co-proced by Jerry Beck. It was released on VHS and DVD by Fox Video. Troma's and Fox's rights to this version expired in 2004. The film was re-released by Disney on March 7, 2006. It features a new b cast. This DVD release is the first version of the film in the United States to include both Japanese and English language tracks, as Fox did not have the rights to the Japanese audio track for their version. In 1958, the Kusakabe family reunites when a university professor and his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei, move into an old house in rural Japan to be closer to the hospital where his wife is recovering from an illness. The daughters find that the house is inhabited by tiny animated st creatures called soot sprites—small house spirits seen when moving from light to dark places. When the girls become comfortable in their new house and laugh with their father, the soot spirits leave. While she is playing outside one day, the younger daughter, Mei, sees two white, rabbit-like ears in the grass. She follows the ears under the house where she discovers two small magical creatures, who lead her through a briar patch, and into the hollow of a large Camphor Laurel tree. She meets and befriends a larger version of the same kind of spirit, which identifies itself by a series of roars she interprets as "Totoro" (in the original Japanese b, it stems from Mei's mispronunciation of the Japanese pronunciation of the word "troll"). Her father later tells her that this is the "keeper of the forest". One rainy night the girls are waiting for their father's bus and grow worried when he does not arrive on the bus they expect him on. As they wait, Mei eventually falls asleep on Satsuki's back and Totoro appears beside them, allowing Satsuki to see him for the first time. He only has a leaf on his head for protection against the rain, so Satsuki offers him the umbrella she had taken along for her father. Totoro is delighted at both the shelter and the sounds made upon it by falling raindrops. In return he gives her a bundle of nuts and seeds. A bus-shaped giant cat halts at the stop, and Totoro boards it, taking the umbrella. Shortly after, their father’s bus arrives. The girls plant the seeds. A few days later they awaken at midnight to find Totoro and his two miniature colleagues engaged in a ritual dance around the planted nuts and seeds. The girls join in, whereupon the seeds sprout and then grow into an enormous tree. Totoro takes his colleagues and the girls for a ride on a magical flying top. In the morning, the tree is gone, but the seeds have indeed sprouted. Mei, believing her mother's condition has worsened, sets off on foot to the hospital and gets lost. Desperate to find her sister, Satsuki returns to the camphor laurel tree and pleads for Totoro's help. Delighted to be of assistance, he summons the Catbus, which rescues Mei, then whisks her and Satsuki over the countryside to see their mother in the hospital. The girls perch in a tree outside of the hospital to discover that she is doing well. They deliver an ear of corn that Mei believes will speed her mother's recovery, and then return home on the Catbus. When the Catbus departs, it fades away from the girls' sight. The closing credits show Mei and Satsuki's mother returning home and feature scenes of Satsuki and Mei playing with other human children, with Totoro and his friends as unseen observers. 风之谷 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (风の谷のナウシカ, Kaze no Tani no Naushika?) is a 1984 post-apocalyptic Japanese animated film, written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, based on his manga of the same name. The film has environmentalist undertones and was presented by the World Wide Fund for Nature when it was released in 1984. While created before Studio Ghibli was founded, the film is considered to be the beginning of the studio, and is often included as part of the Studio's works, including the Studio Ghibli Collection DVDs. Among its numerous awards, it won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1984. The story takes place 1,000 years after the "Seven Days of Fire", an event which destroyed human civilization and most of the Earth's original ecosystem. Scattered human settlements survive, isolated from one another by the Sea of Decay (腐海, fukai?). Literally translated as the Rotting Sea, Sea of Fungus, Sea of Corruption or Toxic jungle in the English version, the Sea of Decay is a jungle of giant plants and fungi swarming with giant insects, which seem to come together only to wage war. Everything in the Sea of Decay, including the air, is lethally toxic. The main protagonist, Nausicaä, is a charismatic young princess of the peaceful Valley of the Wind. Although a skillful fighter, Miyazaki's Nausicaä is humane and peace-loving. She has an unusual gift for communicating with the giant insects (particularly with the Ohmu, gigantic, armored, caterpillar- or isopod-like insects who are the most intelligent creatures in the Sea of Decay. Their eyes turn red with rage and blue when calm). She is also noted for her empathy toward animals, humans, and other beings. An intelligent girl, and inspired by the mentor figure Yupa, a wandering samurai type possessed of great wisdom, Nausicaä frequently explores the Sea of Decay and concts scientific experiments in an attempt to define the true nature and origins of the toxic world in which she lives. Her explorations are facilitated by her skill at "windriding"; flying with an advanced jet assisted glider craft. Yupa is searching for the mythological man in blue who, according to the legend, will appear surrounded by a sea of gold and reunite the people and nature. One day, an airship crashes onto the cliffs near the Valley of the Wind. Nausicaä tries to rescue a shackled girl of her age from the burning wreck, but the girl dies after revealing that she is Princess Lastelle from the kingdom Pejite and that the cargo of the airship must be destroyed. The airship is from Tolmekia and the cargo turns out to be the embryo of a kyoshinhei (Giant Warrior in the English version), one of the lethal, giant biological weapons used in the ancient war. It is later revealed that the Warrior embryo was unearthed by Pejite, but it was stolen by the more powerful state of Tolmekia (Torumekia in the manga). While transporting the Warrior and Lastelle (as a hostage) back to their realm, the Tolmekians were attacked by insects and later crash-land in the Valley. The next day, the Tolmekians, under the leadership of princess Kushana, invade the Valley to kill the Valley king and to secure and revive the Warrior. Kushana explains that the God Warrior will be used to burn the Sea of Decay, although Obaba, a blind elder Valley woman, warns that attempting so will only anger the Ohmu and lead to more deaths and turn the valley into part of the Sea of Decay. Kushana attempts to return to Tolmekia, with Nausicaä and several others as hostages. Before their departure, Nausicaä reveals to Yupa a hidden garden of jungle plants which are not toxic because they are growing in sand and water from a deep, untainted well. Nausicaä explains that the jungle is only toxic e to the toxic soil that covers the surface of the earth, even in the Valley; she has been trying to find the cause and a possible cure for her people, including her now-dead father. Since she has to depart, however, she has shut down the water flows which keep the plants alive. The airships are attacked by a Pejitan gunship and several of the ships are destroyed. Nausicaä and another hostage make their way to a gunship that the Tolmekians took, but before they can leave, Kushana joins them. They are forced to make an emergency landing in the Sea of Decay. There, Nausicaä communicates with several Ohmus and discovers that the pilot of the Pejitan gunship is still alive. With the help of her glider, Nausicaä rescues the pilot from a swarm of enraged insects. However, the plane crashes and, along with Nausicaä and the Pegitan pilot, ends up in a strange, non-toxic world that is below the Sea of Decay. Nausicaä realizes the plants in the Sea of Decay purify the polluted topsoil, procing clean water and sand which remains hidden in the undergro

9. 120字龙猫电影的英语六级作文

oh you, fuck you, you son of a bitch!

10. 急求 《龙猫》【中英 字幕】 高清




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