导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 你想去看电影吗的英文


发布时间:2021-06-29 09:25:25

⑴ 你想和我去看电影吗 英语怎么写

Do you want to go to the movie with me?

⑵ 你想去看电影吗 用英语怎么说

Do you want to see a film?

⑶ 你想去看电影吗用英语怎么讲

Do you want to go to the movie with me?你想去看电影吗

⑷ 你想去看电影吗英语怎样写

1,Do you wanna see movie?
2, Would you like to see movie with me ?
3,Do you like to see movie with me ?
4,Are you interested in seeing movie with me ?
5,Do you have interests to see movie with me ?
6,How about seeing movie together?
choose your favourite one . good luck !!!

⑸ 你想去电影院吗的英文

Do you want to go to the cinema

Do you want to go to the cinema

⑹ 你想去看电影吗用英语咋说呢

Would you like to see a film?

⑺ 你们想去看电影吗翻译成英语

Would you like to watch the movie?

⑻ 你想去看电影吗我想去看动作片(英语)

Do you want to go to see a movie? I want to see an action movie

⑼ 你想和我们去看电影吗用英语怎么说

Would you like to watch a movie with us?
Would you like to join us to watch a movie?

⑽ 你想去看电影吗怎么用英语说

Do you want to go to a movie /go to movies/go to see a movie?



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