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发布时间:2021-07-03 21:18:14

Ⅰ 一些电影的英文名称

<House Alone>小鬼当家

Ⅱ 介绍几部有关吸血鬼的英文电影























1921 诺斯费拉图

1992 吸血惊情四百年
1994 夜访吸血鬼

1998 V字特工队

1998 刀锋战士
2002 刀锋战士2

1999 吸血鬼2000


2000 小吸血鬼


2002 吸血鬼女王


2003 黑夜传说 (共两部)





Ⅲ 好看的恐怖英文电影推荐

日本的:世界第一恐怖片《咒怨》 《午夜凶铃》 《鬼来电》3部,《下水道的美人鱼》《恶魔实验》《花之血肉 》《他不会死》《圣母机器人》《恶魔女医生》《鬼娃娃花子》《狐狸阶梯》2.韩国的:《两个人》《血的期中考试》《粉红高跟鞋》《解刨学教室》《女高怪谈》《寄宿者》《抽象画中的越南少女》《灰姑娘 》《突然有一天第四层》《1303大厦》《突然有一天D-day 》《突然有一天黑暗森林》《恶魔在身后》《笔仙》《与鬼同桌》《突然有一天2月29日》
3.泰国的:《恶魔的艺术》3部《在吃之前,请先切块Meat Grinder》《死神的十字路口》《鬼影》《鬼肢解》,《连体阴》《13骇人游戏》 《灵虐鬼债》《生还者》《骇人手机》《死亡信条》《血猴》《无主孤魂》《卡到阴》《午夜塔罗牌》《幽闭空间》《不死儿魂》《活鬼胎》《女魔》 《鬼宿舍》《鳄鱼魔女》《鬼妻》《厉鬼将映》
4.港台的:卫斯理之《老猫》《蝶变》《灵气迫人》《怪谈协会》《凶榜》《半夜一点钟》《小姐撞到鬼》《七月十四》《目露凶光》《幽灵人间1、2》《阴阳路》系列《乡村老尸》 《古镜怪谈》《美容尸》看大图《裸体红唇》《拜错神》《午夜上网》《弟切草》《枕边凶灵》《我左眼见到鬼》《office有鬼》《三更》《鬼书》《见鬼》《双瞳》
5.欧美的:《网络杀机》《恐怖蜡像馆》《死亡繁殖》《电锯惊魂》《猛鬼街》看大图《死寂》《闪灵》《 婴灵恶泣 》《边域之城》《剥皮行者》《死亡之舞》《恐怖杀人医院》《游客止步》《卢浮魅影》《黑暗侵袭The Descent》《死亡之雪》《血腥数字》《唤醒死亡》《雪山惊魂》2部《惊变28周》《午夜食人列车》看大图《夺命狂呼》系列《杀出个黎明》《活死人的黎明》《驱魔人》《美国版咒怨》3部《死神来了》3部《午夜凶铃美国版》3部《死亡湖》《死亡空间》


Ⅳ 急求“鬼妈妈”电影的英语介绍(简介)和英语读后感

Coraline Jones moves from Pontiac, Michigan with her mother and father to the Pink Palace Apartments in Oregon, an old house subdivided into three residences. The other two apartments are inhabited by retired actresses Misses Spink and Forcible, and the eccentric Russian acrobat Mr. Bobinsky. With her parents frantically preparing a gardening catalog, and paying little attention to her, Coraline begins to feel neglected. While exploring the grounds, she meets Wybie Lovat, the talkative grandson of the landlady. Back in the house, Coraline finds a oddly small door that has been wallpapered over. She gets her mother to unlock it, only to find a brick wall behind it.

That night, Coraline is awakened by the sound of a mouse and follows it to the small door. She discovers that the brick wall has disappeared, replaced by a long corridor to another door. At the other end, Coraline finds herself in the "Other World," which is inhabited by her "Other Mother" and "Other Father", doppelgängers of her parents except for having black buttons in place of eyes. In sharp contrast to her real parents, the Others are attentive to Coraline. She decides to stay the night in the Other World, but when she awakes the next morning, she finds herself back in her bed in the real world.

Coraline continues to go to the Other World at night, and is entertained by Other versions of her neighbors, including the Other Wybie, who has been rendered mute by the Other Mother. During one visit, Coraline encounters the black cat from her own world. Having the ability to talk in the Other World, it warns Coraline of the dangers of the place, but Coraline pays him no mind.

That evening, the Other Mother invites Coraline to stay in the Other World forever. Coraline is eager to accept until she is told she must have buttons sewn on her eyes. She refuses and tries to return home. This angers the Other Mother, who thrusts Coraline through a mirror into a small room. There, she encounters the ghosts of children who had lost their eyes and souls to the Other Mother. The Other Wybie helps Coraline escape home, but she finds her parents have disappeared. Armed with the seeing stone provided by Spink and Forcible, Coraline sets out to free the ghosts and rescue her parents.

On the advice of the cat, Coraline challenges the Other Mother to a game. If she can find her parents and the eyes of the ghost children, everyone goes free; if she loses, she will stay in the Other World forever. With the help of her seeing stone, the black cat, and the Other Father, Coraline outwits the inhabitants who guard the eyes of the children. Forewarned that the Other Mother will never let her leave regardless of the game’s outcome, Coraline tricks her foe into opening the door to the real world while she grabs a snow globe which contains her parents. Coraline eludes the Other Mother and barely escapes, closing the door to the Other World on the Other Mother's now mechanical hand and severing it. Coraline locks the door in the real world and finds her parents safe and sound, with no memory of the experience.

The next night, Coraline is visited by the ghost children one last time. They tell her she is still in danger while she has the door key. To keep the Other Mother from ever kidnapping another child, Coraline decides to drop the key down a well located on the property. The Other Mother's severed hand, which has made its way into the real world, stalks and attacks Coraline, but with the help of Wybie, the hand is destroyed. The pieces are dropped down the well with the key.

With their catalog complete, Coraline's parents are finally able to spend time with her. They hold a garden party for her and the neighbors, including Wybie’s elderly grandmother (whose twin sister was one of the ghost children), to whom Coraline has much to tell.

Ⅳ 谁有英文名的那种鬼片

office有鬼 用中文翻译就是 办公室有鬼
没错 就是这个 很经典的一部

Ⅵ 恐怖的英文电影

我个人认为,活死人黎明I 和II 很精彩,关键是结局很让人意外。
比较老一点的片子,就是 猛鬼街,还有, 人玩鬼。

Ⅶ 寻求一英语 惊悚 鬼片



智利导演亚利山德罗·亚曼巴(Alejandro Amenabar)这部风格迥异的首部英语片,是过去几年以来关于鬼屋影片中比较好的一部。亚曼巴不仅是这部影片的编剧和导演,同时他还精心制作了这部影片中的恐怖音乐。妮可尔·基德曼在片中饰演那位小心呵护、一直试图尽力挽救她孩子的母亲,其表演可圈可点。菲奥纳拉·弗拉纳根(Fionnula Flanagan)在片中饰演一位黑暗中神秘兮兮的保姆,演来也十分抢眼。这是一部出色的恐怖片,亚曼巴把它演绎得是尽善尽美。


Ⅷ 关于吸血鬼电影的英文资料

Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles is a 1994 film, based on the 1976 novel Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. The film was directed by Neil Jordan, and stars Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, and Kirsten Dunst. It was a box office hit, generating a little over $100 million in domestic receipts.

In present time, San Francisco reporter Daniel (Christian Slater), is sitting in a room with a man named Louis (Brad Pitt), who claims to be a vampire. Daniel is unconvinced until Louis turns on the light and instantly appears in front of him, moving extremely fast. Daniel agrees to interview Louis, who recalls his previous life and his turn to darkness.

It is 1791, and Louis is struggling to cope with the loss of his wife and child, not caring if he lives or dies. The vampire Lestat (Tom Cruise) attacks him but also offers him a chance to be reborn. Louis decides to take him up on the offer and Lestat proceeds to transform him into a vampire. Lestat begins showing Louis how to live the life of a vampire: sleeping in coffins by day and preying on unsuspecting mortals by night. Louis is not comfortable bringing harm to humans however, and opts for draining the blood of animals instead. Louis continues to defy every attempt that Lestat makes to turn Louis to the vampire lifestyle, having retained his conscience. A fed up Louis finally succumbs and bites his maid and then kills her. He burns down his estate and he and Lestat flee, now homeless.

While wandering the streets of New Orleans, the two continue to terrorize the public with Louis still trying to refuse Lestat's ways. Again Louis gives in to his blood lust and bites a young girl, Claudia (Kirsten Dunst). Lestat arrives at the scene and congratulates him but Louis takes off, disgusted by his actions. However, Lestat later takes him to the girl, who has become ill from the blood loss. With a promise to make her better Lestat transforms her too, as part of his plan to make her his and Louis's daughter to prevent Louis from leaving. Louis reluctantly accepts her but his scorn for Lestat grows.

Claudia, under Lestat, soon turns into a merciless killer, draining everyone around her of their blood, while all the time developing a strong bond with Louis as father and daughter. Thirty years pass and Claudia is left wondering why she is stuck in the body of an eternal child. Lestat explains that she can never grow up e to the effects of the transformation, which she resents him for. She asks Louis how she came to be and Louis takes her to the place where he bit her 30 years before. Outraged, Claudia expresses her hate for him too and walks away, leaving Louis by himself in tears. However, Claudia forgives him for the deed, citing him as "my love, my maker", showing their close bond. She wishes that they leave New Orleans but Louis knows Lestat would never allow them to leave. With that in mind, Claudia tricks Lestat into drinking blood from two dead children. Weakened, she slashes his throat and she and Louis mp his body in a swamp but he later returns, having drained the energy from crocodiles and other swamp life to survive. He attacks the two but Louis sets him on fire and flees to Paris with Claudia, leaving Lestat for dead.

In Paris, Louis and Claudia live in perfect harmony but he is still bothered by the question of how vampires and such an evil came to be. While walking the streets, he is met by a vampire called Armand (Antonio Banderas), who tells him that there are other vampires in Paris and tells him he knows the answers he has been searching for. With that in mind, Louis takes Claudia to see the vampires' show at the Theater. Armand later takes him to their lair and offers him a place by his side while telling him Claudia must leave him. Louis refuses to leave his beloved daughter and turns to leave. Armand warns him that the vampires know about Lestat's murder and that it is forbidden for vampires to kill another vampire. Louis leaves.

Back at his residence he finds that Claudia has brought home a woman, intent on making the woman, named Madeline, her mother, realizing that Louis may leave her to join Armand. Claudia demands that he transform Madeline but Louis is reluctant to do so. He gives her what she wants and tells her they are finally even, having breathed his last breath of mortality still within him by turning Madeline into a vampire. Soon after the Parisian vampires abct all three of them, imprisoning Louis in a metal coffin meant for all eternity and exposing Claudia and Madeline to sunlight, destroying them. Armand frees Louis, who searches for Claudia and is horrified and grief-stricken to find that the vampires have killed her and Madeline. He later takes revenge upon them all, save for Armand, and burns them alive in their own theater as they sleep. Armand arrives in time to help him escape and once again offers him a place by his side. Louis once again refuses, knowing that Armand did nothing to prevent the vampires from murdering Claudia, and leaves him for good.

Decades pass with Louis exploring the world by himself, alone. He later finds Lestat, still alive but forever traumatized. He asks Louis to rejoin him, like old times, but Louis rejects him and leaves. At this point Louis concludes the interview, which Daniel, the interviewer, cannot accept. He asks Louis to transform him so he can see what is truly like to be like him, but Louis grasps him in a fit of rage and vanishes. Daniel hurriedly runs out of the hotel room into his parked car and drives away, feeling happy with his interview as he plays it through the cassette player. Just then, Lestat attacks him and takes control of the car. He then offers Daniel "the choice [he] never had."

Ⅸ 英文鬼片,4个字的,忘记叫什么名字了 4个字的,应该挺出名的,忘记叫什么名字了。英语鬼片,



Ⅹ 英国电影鬼片名

我也觉得是 the others。不过,这个片不是英国的,是美国的。下面有些资料,你看看是不是:

英文名:The Others
主演:尼科尔·基德曼 克勒斯托弗·埃克里斯顿 菲奥纳拉·弗拉纳根 凯兹·艾伦 Renee Asherson
类型:剧情 恐怖 惊怵
地区:美国 法国 西班牙 对白:英语
颜色:彩色 声音:DTS Dolby Digital SDDS
时长:101 分钟
分级:瑞典:15 西班牙:13 阿根廷:13




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