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发布时间:2021-07-03 19:20:10

1. 适合《飘》的英文歌曲 电影乱世佳人

《飘》(GONE WITH THE WIND)有,叫斯佳丽.由琼·沃莉·克尔默 , 提莫西·达尔顿主


2. 想找一下《飘》的英文版电影


3. 影评电影《飘》,英语的怎么写

注意看了:gone with the wind

Scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war, Atlanta burning, the Union Army carrying off everything from her beloved Tara, the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war. Scarlett is beautiful. She has vitality. But Ashley, the man she has wanted for so long, is going to marry his placid cousin, Melanie. Mammy warns Scarlett to behave herself at the party at Twelve Oaks. There is a new man there that day, the day the Civil War begins. Rhett Butler. Scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with Ashley to choose her instead of Melanie.

Gone With the Wind, an all-time best-seller by Margaret
Mitchell, is a legendary recollection of the last brilliance of the Old South. The writer's debut novel was an instant success. And the story has been bestowed an even further reaching popularity since Vivian Leigh presented a vivid translation to the screen of Katie Scarlett O'Hara, a southern belle raised in her father's white-pillared plantation Tara. A climax of Hollywood, from Director Victor Fleming for MGM, Gone with the Wind is more than a vicissitude, it is also an old, lost culture revisited.

It is Old South, which today is no more than a dream remembered. People were once there, living with the high strong slaves' songs in the quarters, in security, peace and eternity. Here, Scarlett spends her young maiden years. She is well disciplined by her mother, but her blazing green eyes always betray her covert capricious self; the one who enjoys parties and the surrounding ofbeaus. She dreams to marry the noble Ashley Wilkes. The impending war shatters the golden peace of the South, and leaves many lives permanently changed. Plantations, treasures, and honor are ruined. Scarlett is made a most peculiar widow by the war, and then compelled into a second marriage in continuation of her struggle for the salvation of Tara. And her third marriage to Rhett Butler is also jeopardized because of her secret, stubborn ardency for Ashley.

4. 飘(乱世佳人)英文电影剧本,中英对照

我也非常想要,[email protected]

5. <<飘>>的英文名是啥,它的续拍成电影了吗

gone with the wind




6. 求电影飘的所有英文台词


7. 电影飘英文作文


   “Gone With the Wind” is quite famous. The story happens ring Civil War. Scarlet, the daughter of a farmer was beautiful and attractive. Before the war, her life was placid. But when the war broke out, her life changed totally. Her husband died because of disease, and she became a widow. However, she was different from other women. She couldn’t bear wearing dark clothes and staying at home all the time. Just at that time, Captain Butler came into her life. They were very similar, both treacherous and avaricious, so they soon became friends. Scarlet had to be feed the whole family, and this made her marble. Later on, Scarlet had her own factory, and was graally disliked by many people because of her arrogance.
     Captain Butler was very wealthy and charming as well. He loved Scarlet, and before long, they got married.
On the other hand, Scarlet had been loving a man called Ashley for a long time, but Ashley had a wife, Melanie, who was respected by everyone, except Scarlet. Even after she got married with Butler, she still wanted Ashley.
     Some time later, Scarlet and Captain Butler had a daughter. This made Butler become a kind father. But their daughter died. From then on, Scarlet and Butler quarreled much oftener than before. Otherwise, when Scarlet met Ashley on his birthday at the factory, people saw them hugging, and this made Butler fly into a rage.
     Melanie fell sick and she was about to die. Scarlet talked with her beside her bed, and she suddenly realized that Melanie was her only female friend, and she loved her very much. She also realized she didn’t really love Ashley. But everything was too late. When she came back home, Captain Butler was leaving. Her tears couldn’t do any help, and she could only watch him leave.
     This story figured a lady who was fortitudinous. But the society made her play hard, and her personality distorted. She only cared for money, and she didn’t care about other people’s feeling. When she finally re

8. 为什么电影版的《飘》翻译过来却叫《乱世佳人》

其次作者给书起名《Gone with The Wind》,名字着重点是在故事的主线,即战争年代人门的生活随波逐流,居无定所!



当然如果能同时兼备音译和意译再吸引一下眼球的命名就最好了,当然几乎不可能,就我所知就只有一部:<魂断蓝桥>-----原名<waterloo bridge>真的同时具备以上三点,神一般的译名!!!





9. 乱世佳人《飘》英文版电影的下载地址


10. 谁有《乱世佳人》(飘)英文版带字幕的电影视频




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