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发布时间:2021-07-03 12:56:53

❶ 发布影片的 发布的英文

come up

❷ 电影的发行 用英语怎么说


❸ (书、电影等)出版英语翻译

书的出版 = Publish
电影的首映 = Movie premiere 电影发布/上映 = Movie releases, Movie showing

❹ "电影发行放映"用英语怎么说

film issued screen

❺ 用英语写一篇关于电影制作的文章

In today's commercial film business to the United States several of the most successful films do. In contemporary film how many countries have commercial atmosphere.

American film proction process is this:
1, select the script, which is the most important, is generally chosen by the procer of the script, but not the lack of directors to choose the script, but director in the choice of the script after a good company, as well as to persuade the procers to his investment, but now the director of the film adaptation of the script is not right, if he wanted to change the script before shooting on the upper companies must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
2, capital. Each film can not have a lot of funds, as <-war world> that the film, more than 200 million dollars, and then have to find a very powerful company to film investment.
3, choose a director, actor. Chinese film directors will not have a choice of this argument, in a movie that the director is, which means that they should not only be responsible for the quality of the film to the studio responsible for other aspects, and international film proction director need only responsible for the task of good filming. in the international film proction is the script's choice, rather than the script's choice. procer in the film when preparations for the actor to assume the task of choice, These are from the Chinese mainland, deputy director to complete.
4, in a successful film, not only a great script and a good story, good directing. Most important thing is that the big star participation. Shining star in the film is the focus of the film is the protection of the box office .
5, set up crew, photography.
6, film editing in the United States in the commercial film director is no editing rights, are carried out by the studios editing, but if the front line is the director, then there would be different.
7, distributors, commercial film distributors and procers is not an issue to be achieved through competition distribution rights, a film is good or bad can also look at the past performance of distributors.
8, issuing posters, advertising. Take <-war world>, early in the film exhibition of the film four months ago, the advertising and promotional posters have been released.
9, the international film distribution and payment of film bbing right for the right to shear
10, participate in the film festival

❻ 电影发行公司英文怎么写

Film distribution company

❼ [英语翻译]电影放映时间,游戏发布时间

release date
deliver date

❽ 电影“上映”用英语怎么说

film show或flim come out。

come out

读音:英 [kʌm aʊt] 美 [kʌm aʊt]




come out 用法

出来,出现 (芽)生出来,(花)开 出版 暴露,传出 初次露面,初次登台,初入社会 发展,进展,结局 (考试、比赛等)结果是,名列第,表露,呈现 (污点等)被去掉,(颜色)褪去 (题目, 公式等)被解出来公开自己是同性恋者。

come out against 出来反对; 反抗

come out at (总数、平均数等) 达, 共计

come out flat-footed [美口]打开天窗说亮话

come out for 声明支持; 表示同意, 赞同; 出去(散步, 野餐, 远足等)

come out in (部分皮肤)发出(红斑, 丘疹等)

come out of 出自, 生自; (冲破...)出来; 脱离, 摆脱

C-out of that! [俚] 走开! 滚蛋! 住手

come out with 被伴随着; 透露; 说出; 公布

❾ 英文影片的英文简介


Directed by Anthony mingra, the English patient is adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael ondaj.

The film is co starred by Ralph Fiennes, Christine Scott Thomas and Juliet Binoche. The film was released in the United States on November 6, 1996.

The movie takes the war and desert as the background, decing a love tragedy across time and space.

During World War II, a British plane was shot down by the German army while flying over the Sahara desert.

The pilot on the plane was completely burned on the face. The local people rescued him and sent him to the Allied field hospital.

Because of the injury, the pilot lost his memory and could not remember who he was, so he could only be called "English Patient".


该片由拉尔夫·费因斯、克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯、朱丽叶·比诺什等联袂主演。影片于1996年11月6日在美国上映 。





❿ 翻译一段英文对话,是电影发布会的格式,要求口语化一点,谢谢!

-- ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to the "Miss Rose" -- the film's release conference scene -- the first time in many days, the audience the long-awaited "Miss Rose" in today and we meet formally at last.
-- it is, everybody has lost heart excitement.
-- don't worry, take it easy, first of all, let's enjoy a stills
-- standing in the library actor holding the roses, the warmth of the sun out the window as in, give people the feeling of palpitating with excitement eager to do sth.
-- a look that is a warm heart and out of the ordinary love story
-- hey, girl, you talked about love you
-- well, not
-- too bad, before the age of 18 have not talked about the love of life is not complete.
-- you know, I regret it, oh, no, how to pull my body.
-- well, well, back to the topic, continue.
-- e to various reasons, the hero and the heroine xxx xxx can't come to the scene
-- sorry, but fortunately, we have the general director of the film Mr. Li
-- welcome guide Li Li, please guide speech
As in the past -- Li Daozhen is handsome ah
-- believe guide Li elegant hairstyle will cause a new round of unrest
-- so here we introce the film proced by:
-- and is responsible for the pre translation staff
-- yes, yes, is us, XXX, XXX

-- our foreign teacher is also special thanks to: Amber, thanks to her correct guidance
- well, I believe we are unable to hold oneself back to see this film, so let......
-- and so on, wait a minute, we Is it right? Missed what
-- oh, gosh, there is also a heavyweight forget introction
-- Jerry letters! Jesus Christ, forgive me, please movie stage manager Jerry - letter to say hello.

The movie "Miss Rose" --, please enjoy!



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