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发布时间:2021-07-01 13:03:34

1. 求关于新闻界的英语电影

中文名: 解密福克斯: 默多克的新闻界战争

英文名: Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism

发行时间: 2005年

地区: 美国

语言: 英语



《解密福克斯:默多克的新闻界战争》(Outfoxed:Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism)

由传媒大亨默多克倾力打造的“新闻旗舰”——美国福克斯新闻频道(Fox News Channel)自1996年创立以来,经过短短数年,便发展成为与美国三大电视网(美国全国广播公司、美国广播公司、哥伦比亚广播公司)和美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)抗衡的一支生力军。然而,最近却有人向默多克的这个“得意之作”发起了挑战。与好莱坞着名另类导演迈克尔·摩尔一样“喜欢找麻烦”的美国纪录片导演罗伯特·格林沃德(Robert Greenwald)在7月21日推出了他的最新纪录片《解密福克斯:默多克的新闻界战争》(Outfoxed:Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism)。《纽约时报》评论说:“这是第一次有人利用纪录片向默多克开战”。




2. 请教各位老师帮我找关于第十三届北京大学生电影节的英文新闻稿

The 13th Beijing Student Film Festival showcases the latest Chinese films.
It is spring, 1993, and six teachers and five students belonging to the newly founded film and TV department of Beijing Normal University are going to great efforts to hold a low key student film festival. Every spring since, the Beijing Student Film Festival has grown in size, successfully sating the thirst of Chinese cinema fans. The festival will celebrate its 13th birthday this month on April 8. Open to the public, the twenty-day festival features everything from the latest Chinese films to foreign classics, as well as a variety of short films by students.

In the first portion, audiences will get a heavy dose of the finest in Chinese cinema with 28 new films being screened. The works of internationally revered directors will be played alongside those of first-time filmmakers. Audiences have the chance to catch up on a number of award-winning movies including Shanghai Dreams, Little Red Flowers, You and Me, Silent Holy Stone and more. Movies such as Mongolia Pingpong and Anayi will be premiered at the festival. Most screenings will be concluded with a talk from the directors and/or actors from each respective movie. Students will then have a chance to vote for Best Movie, Best Actor and Best Actress. This year the "Peacock Lady," Zhang Jingchu, is the spokesperson for the film festival and her latest movie, The Road, is also up for consideration.

The foreign film section will begin on April 22, and sixteen movies from France, America, Mexico, Australia, Greece and South Korea will be shown, including the classics Au Revoir Les Enfants, Diva, and newer works such as Mullet and My Mother Frank, as well as big budget Hollywood proctions, including The Legend of Zorro and Mona Lisa Smile.

The annual student film festival is regarded as an important bridge between audiences and filmmakers, as well as providing a good opportunity for people to gain an understanding of the broad range of movies China has to offer. "Since the bigger Chinese film festivals will now be held every two years [the Hundred Flowers and Golden Rooster Film Festivals will only take place annually until 2007 and 2009 respectively], according to the official document from the China Broadcast Bureau, this festival has now become the only large-scale festival this year. It's a precious opportunity for film fans," says Yao Sijiang, the organizer from Beijing Normal University. "The festival is held for public interest, not for earning money, so the ticket price is low."

The Student Film Festival will be held at China Film Archives, China Digital Cinema and Beiguo Theater at Beijing Normal University, from April 8 to April 28. Tickets available at the cinemas. For more information, please visit www.filmfestival.com.cn and www.cfa.com.cn. See Cinema Events on p52 for the schele.

3. 求推荐:内容大多为影视相关的,喜欢报道电影、娱乐、音乐相关文章的英文或双语杂志

英语广场 很多外国明星

4. 为什么现在的报道喜欢报道电影明星英语作文


5. 在找一首英文歌 女生唱的 记得好像是中国电影报道里的一小段高潮

Rolling In the Deep,不知道是不是,反正我觉得不错

6. 介绍与新闻专业有关的电影 英语作文

Movies have become popular in modern world. They are one of the most important components of entertainment instry.
Movies can satisfy most people's creation need and serve as meanful approach for learning more about the society. For instance, they can introce other culture by bringing movies into one country. Nowadays, movies play an important role in transmitting culture. The influnce of Hollywood is widespread all over the world.
Movies are usually proced by professional company and actors or actresses. Most of movies reflect certain culture or try to introce certain idea. Thus, they always ecate people to better understand both themselves and other people.
In general, it is necessary to choose high quality movie to enlarge our horizio

7. 电影杂志有没有只报道欧美影坛的杂志,英文版的最好

paused and then went on," I remember

8. 《盗梦空间》折桂2010年好莱坞电影奖,原版英文报道

哥们!直接到网上搜就行啦 我不知道咋复制网址

9. 送一片关于中国女排胜利的,英语新闻报道。最简短的。

Beijing time at 9:15 on the morning of August 19th, the Olympic Games women's volleyball second semi-final in Brazil Maracana stadium, group phase had to defeat the opponent China, 23-25, 29-27 and 27-25's 25-23, 3-1 to win the game, enter the Olympic women's volleyball finals. This is since the 2004 Athens Olympic gold medal, China women's volleyball final return after a lapse of 12 years, back to the center stage of the Olympic match ups.
Earlier in the semi-final, Serbia fight five win over top Team USA. China VS Serbia women's volleyball gold medal of the war in Beijing time at 9:15 on the morning of August 21st season.
The Olympic Games, women's volleyball team B group semi-finals in 1/4 finals "kill" A group four, therefore, the top four teams have played in the group phase. China women's volleyball team and the Holland women's volleyball team had played in the group phase, the opener at the time, Holland women's volleyball team 3-2 victory over the China women's volleyball team, Holland women's volleyball strength No. 10 Sloate Jess scored outstanding performance.
Beijing time in August 19th, the Rio Olympic women's volleyball semi-final, the Chinese women's volleyball team 3:1 victory over the Holland women's volleyball team, after a lapse of 12 years to return to the Olympic finals.
The first upset loss to Holland, and the group phase with 2 wins and 3 negative results ranked fourth, ahead of the defending champion Brazil team encounter...... But the average age of less than 25 years old Chinese hold on the women's volleyball. The semi-final against Holland again, Chinese women's volleyball team 3 than 1 opponents, after a lapse of 12 years after the return to the Olympic women's volleyball final, and we in the final opponent is the Serbia women's volleyball team.

10. 麻烦给我一片简单的英语新闻报道

A new research found that the Internet has increased people's service demands and is eroding the classic British trait of patience as more than half admitted they lose their temper quicker than ever before.People have become so used to the speed and convenience of the internet that more than seven in 10 get angry if forced to wait longer than one minute for a web page to download.Being kept on hold made Brits see red more than anything else, with the average person reaching their impatience threshold after five minutes and four seconds.In today's fast food culture, restaurant rage kicks in after only eight minutes, 38 seconds, when the average diner will start to wonder whether the meal they have ordered will ever arrive.People running late to meet a friend should not leave it any longer than 10 minutes, one second if they do not want to face their wrath.Mark Schmid, of telecom giant TalkTalk, which commissioned the research, said: The speed of the online world is making us less prepared to wait for things to happen in the offline world.一项最新调发现,互联网增加了人们对服务的要求,使得英国人逐渐失去了其有耐性的传统品质,超过一半的英国人承认他们比以前更容易发脾气。人们已经习惯于互联网的速度和便利,如果一个网页打开的时间超过一分钟,十人中有七人以上会冒火。打电话时被要求等待是最让英国人恼火的事情,平均忍耐极限为5分4秒。受如今快餐文化的影响,英国人等餐时间超过8分38秒就会开始冒火,此时用餐者通常会开始怀疑他们点的食物到底还会不会上。和朋友见面迟到最好不要超过10分零1秒,否则就要看对方的脸色。委托开展该调查的电信业巨头TalkTalk公司的马克



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