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Main article: History of film

A clip from the Charlie Chaplin silent film, The Bond (1918)Preceding film by thousands of years, plays and dances had elements common to film: scripts, sets, costumes, proction, direction, actors, audiences, storyboards, and scores. Much terminology later used in film theory and criticism applied, such as mise en scene (roughly, the entire visual picture at any one time). Moving visual and aural images were not recorded for replaying as in film.

Near the year 1600, the camera obscura was perfected by della Porta. Light is inverted through a small hole or lens from outside, and projected onto a surface or screen, creating a moving image, but it is not preserved in a recording.

In the 1860s, mechanisms for procing two-dimensional drawings in motion were demonstrated with devices such as the zoetrope, mutoscope and praxinoscope. These machines were outgrowths of simple optical devices (such as magic lanterns) and would display sequences of still pictures at sufficient speed for the images on the pictures to appear to be moving, a phenomenon called persistence of vision. Naturally the images needed to be carefully designed to achieve the desired effect, and the underlying principle became the basis for the development of film animation.

With the development of celluloid film for still photography, it became possible to directly capture objects in motion in real time. An 1878 experiment by Eadweard Muybridge in the United States using 24 cameras proced a series of stereoscopic images of a galloping horse, arguably the first "motion picture," though it was not called by this name. This technology required a person to look into a viewing machine to see the pictures which were separate paper prints attached to a drum turned by a handcrank. The pictures were shown at a variable speed of about 5 to 10 pictures per second, depending on how rapidly the crank was turned. Commercial versions of these machines were coin operated.

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⑧ 有关微电影的外文文献,有吗


⑨ 高分悬赏!求5篇影视后期制作相关的英文参考文献

[1] L.Y. Chen, Z. Ping, G.K. Chuah, S. Jaenicke, G. Simon, A comparison of post-synthesis alumination and sol-gel synthesis of MCM-41 with high framework aluminum content[J], Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1999.2, 27(2-3): 231-242.
[2] Shinae Jun, Ji Man Kim, Ryong Ryoo, Young-Soo Ahn, Moon-Hee Han, Hydrothermal stability of MCM-48 improved by post-synthesis restructuring in salt solution[J],
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2000.12, 41(1-3): 119-127.
[3] A. Corm, a, A. Martínez, P.A. Arroyo, J.L.F. Monteiro, E.F. Sousa-Aguiar, Isobutane/2-butene alkylation on zeolite beta: Influence of post-synthesis treatmentsm[J], Applied Catalysis A: General, 1996.8, 142(1): 139-150.
[4] Wyatt. Hilary, Amyes. Tim, Audio Post Proction for Television and Film[M], Butterworth-Heinemann, London, 2004.10.
[5] Ketan Mayer-Patel, Lawrence A. Rowe, Exploiting temporal parallelism for software-only video effects processing[J], MULTIMEDIA '98 Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, NY, 1998:161-169.

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