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发布时间:2021-07-01 11:37:03

1. 电影《少林寺》


2. 英语电影影评少林寺

Remember, the first to read the film is "Shaolin Temple", a year and a half, in the old towncinema. Ten years have not entered, I heard that now seems to have been converted into adance hall.
My parents every thing, they said I was quite proud of, how to focus, eyes staring at the screen.From the beginning to the end, eyes a blink don't blink. The villagers go baby, did not see a few minutes and then went to sleep. I always doubt whether there are so focused, why it was without a single success, strange.
In the film, was impressive, Tallinn Shaolin Kung Fu, the mountain gate, beautiful melody (later toknow the song "song of shepherd"), three nine winter training dog day of summer practice, etc..Don't want to linger in my mind was to become a long time dream. Serious to junior high school when he and his companions away secretly planning, to look for the teacher, teacher. But for various reasons did not realize it, if the stick, it ran away from home, to learn Shaolin Kung Fu,now also by virtue of the famous overseas, like Jet Li, ha ha, at least we can mix to eat. Can also be evil and promote good ~ ~:)
In fact, later to find the first time to see the movie feeling, watched it several times, but couldn't find the mysterious, worship, imitation, the true feelings. Then the video see more and more, themartial arts film (also called action movie) scenes are more and more exciting grand, full screencharacters fly around, to see people see things in a blur. But there was no real feeling. After looking, forget, not impressed.
Dream is a dream, in the past also farther and farther away. Real and illusive, seems like nearly,indistinct, think of "a dream of Red Mansions" in the poem "false true and false, no non being",perhaps, this is life.

3. 紧急求助: 动作片和少林寺用英语怎么说


4. 英语作文 《 少林寺》电影 简介

The Shaolin Monastery or Shaolin Temple is a Chán Buddhist temple at Song Shan near Zhengzhou City Henan Province in Dengfeng, China. It is led by abbot Venerable abbot Shi Yǒngxìn. Founded in the 5th century, the monastery is long famous for its association with Chinese martial arts and particularly with Shaolin Kung Fu, and it is the Mahayana Buddhist monastery perhaps best known to the Western world.

5. 需要成龙或李连杰主演的功夫电影,少林寺的更好,必须是英文版或者是带英文字幕,高清更好高分急求!


6. 英语电影海报《少林寺》急····


7. 有关少林寺的电影


主演:王群 郭秀云

8. 有没有关于电影少林寺的英语介绍

It is box office idol Jet Li's film debut. Jet Li is a renegade boy adopted and trained by the kung-fu monks at Shaolin Temple. But Li never surrenders his rage to avenge his father's tragic death. When his father's murder finally comes to Shaolin Temple, a brutal fight between Li and his father's killer is inevitable.

9. 这部电影的名字叫做《少林寺》的英语怎么说

The movie name called "shaolin temple"

10. 李连杰电影的英文名

01、【少林寺】 英文片名:The Shaolin Temple 年份:1982

02、【少林小子】 文片名:Kids from Shaolin 年份:1984

03、【中华英雄】 英文片名:Born To Defence 年份:1986

04、【南北少林】 英文片名:Shaolin Temple 3/Martial Arts Of Shaolin 年份:1986

05、【龙在天涯】 英文片名:Dragon Fight/Dragon Kickboxer 年份:1988

06、【黄飞鸿】 英文片名:Once Upon A Time In China 年份:1990

07、【黄飞鸿2之男儿当自强】 英文片名:Once Upon a Time in China II 年份:1991

08、【黄飞鸿92之龙行天下】 英文片名:The Master 年份:1992

09、【黄飞鸿3之狮王争霸】 英文片名:Once Upon A Time In China III 年份:1992

10、【笑傲江湖之东方不败】 英文片名:The Legend of the Swordsman 年份:1992

11、【方世玉】 英文片名:Fong Sai Yuk 别名:功夫皇帝方世玉 年份:1993

12、【方世玉续集】 英文片名:Fong Sai Yuk II 别名:谁与争锋/万夫莫敌 年份:1993

13、【黄飞鸿之铁鸡斗蜈蚣】 英文片名:The Last Hero/Deadly China Hero 年份:1993

14、【倚天屠龙记之魔教教主】 英文片名:The Kung Fu Cult Master 年份:1993

15、【太极张三丰】 英文片名:The Tai-Chi Master 年份:1993

16、【新少林五祖】 英文片名:New Legend of Shaolin 别名:洪熙官 年份:1994

17、【中南海保镖】 英文片名:Body Guard from Beijing 别名:中华保镖 年份:1994

18、【精武英雄】 英文片名:Fist Of Legend 年份:1994

19、【给爸爸的信】 英文片名:My Father is a Hero 别名:父子武状元/赤子威龙 年份:1995

20、【鼠胆龙威】 英文片名:High Risk 年份:1995

21、【冒险王】 英文片名:Dr Wai and the Scripture With No Words 年份:1995

22、【黑侠】 英文片名:Black Mask 年份:1996

23、【黄飞鸿之西域雄狮】 英文片名:Once Upon A Time In China And America 年份:1997

24、【杀手之王】 英文片名:Hitman 别名:杀手之王炽天使 年份:1998

25、【致命武器4】 英文片名:Lethal Weapon 4 别名:轰天炮4 年份:1998

26、【致命罗密欧】 英文片名:Romeo must die 别名:致命英雄 年份:2000

27、【龙之吻】 英文片名:Kiss of the dragon 别名:猛龙战士 年份:2001

28、【救世主】 英文片名:The One 别名:宇宙追击令 年份:2001

29、【英雄】 英文片名:Hero 年份:2002

30、【致命摇篮】 英文片名:Cradle 2 the Grave 别名:出生入死 年份:2003

31、【猛虎出笼】 英文片名:Unleashed 别名:狼犬丹尼/不死狗 年份:2005

32、【霍元甲】 英文片名:Fearless 年份:2006



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