『壹』 迪士尼电影《睡美人》英文版带英文字幕的下载地址 ,一定要英文发音,请您也发个地址给我,万分感谢!
『贰』 迪士尼电影《睡美人》英文版带英文字幕的下载地址
『叁』 迪斯尼动画片白雪公主,灰姑娘三部,睡美人,爱丽丝梦游。要中英字幕的。一定要中英字幕的不要只有中文字
『肆』 求睡美人迪士尼动画高清!最好720P,中英双语双字,有了我在给10分
不好意思 迪斯尼睡美人1959年拍摄的 应该没得720P
里面是下载链接 复制到迅雷下载!
我只找到这样了 希望能帮助您!
『伍』 跪求迪士尼电影《睡美人》动画片英文版带英文字幕的下载地址 ,一定要英文发音,请您发个地址,万分感谢
『陆』 电影改编自1959年迪士尼老牌动画《睡美人》,英语翻译
『柒』 谁知道迪士尼动画片《睡美人》里的歌曲
迪斯尼特邀当时极负盛名的女高音 Mary Costa,以其清亮悠扬的歌声帮女主角奥罗拉公主配唱。在本片的配乐方面,是由 George Bruns 负责全片的配乐,他有改编自柴可夫斯基的同名芭蕾舞曲【睡美人】中的旋律,并邀柏林交响乐团以精湛的技巧成就本片动听的配乐,精彩万分!!!
『捌』 睡美人是迪士尼公司出的第几部动画电影
睡美人是法国作家夏尔·佩罗所著的童话故事。故事最先于1697年出版,还有多个改编版本,包括《格林童话》版本。是迪士尼的第16部经典动画片。 【笑 *。* 】
『玖』 跪求迪斯尼动画大片《睡美人》的观后感,用英语写的!!!最好带翻译,谢谢,越快越好。。。。。
In the fairy tale "the sleeping we see more, and fairy tale often lets a person have endless illusion. The fairy tale change ballet again have what feelings? Of course that is the ballet "the sleeping more flavor, this is a plot poignance pantomime.
Ballet in between good and evil actually exist only a gleam of between, if ballet was missing in evil god also cannot show the theme of "the sleeping, and good god and evil the behavior between god made a sharp contrast, make the ballet more fascinating, more beautiful.
The first act: o fu Lola princess misfortune. Ahriman Carla Persian because flores tang king didn't invite him to the princess, the birth of the party, angry is how rascal, and cursed princess will be in was sixteen spindle pierced my finger and died, this is a kind of how shameful behavior. A man should be just relent. Fortunately, have good god west even ni wishes to change the evil curse of god - by death for a hundred years, also to become lethargy after what happened a matting. But in real life more need good god appeared, change the outcome. To princess in the struggle lethargy, everything is doing very incisively and vividly, like personally edifice.
The second act: prince and beauty. In good god west even ni's guidance, the prince coming to the palace kiss wake princess, all like spring near the earth, blooms edifice. This all behave very exciting. The prince's rescue, the princess regaining consciousness, like instant, it is to let a person eye-opening, admiration.
Act iii: happiness be married. This is a happy ending, but also the ballet climax. The prince and princess married, jack shall have Jill, everyone for them happy, this scene really it is to make the finishing point, let this ballet masterpiece "the sleeping more exciting.
"The sleeping after enjoying a ballet, let me see more clearly and world of good and evil, evil god curse, good god's help, life is like a great dance, and repeat performance, we should cherish a happy life and precious time!