① 最佳出价 THE BEST OFFER怎么样
② 銆愮數褰便<Darkest Hour>鑷虫殫鏃跺埢2017 锛堝墽閫+绗旇帮級2
鐢靛奖 锛氥婅嚦鏆楁椂鍒汇2017
绫诲瀷 锛氫汉鐗╀紶璁般屼簩鎴樸
涓昏 锛氭俯鏂椤柯蜂笜鍚夊皵- 鑻卞浗棣栫浉
浜虹墿鐩鏍 锛氳存湇鍥戒細鎴樻枟
闃荤嶏細 鍥界帇涓嶇湅濂戒笜鍚夊皵鍋氶栫浉锛涘厷鍐呬富甯鍙婇噸瑕佹垚鍛樹富寮犲拰璋堛
鍔鍔 锛氶噸寤鸿仈鍚堟斂搴滐紝缁勫缓鎴樻椂鍐呴榿锛涘皾璇曡存湇鍥戒細鎴樻枟锛涘皾璇曢紦鑸炴硶鍥藉弽鍑伙紱灏濊瘯璇存湇缇庡浗甯鍔╋紱灏濊瘯瀹堜綇Calais鍜孌unkirk
缁撴灉 锛氶兘澶辫触浜嗐傚厷鍐呭规墜Chamberlain鍜孒alifax浠ラ鍑哄唴闃佽佹専涓樺悏灏斿拰璋堛
杞鎶 锛氬浗鐜嬬殑鏀鎸佷笌浜烘皯鐨勬剰瑙併
缁撳眬 锛氳浼氭敮鎸佷笜鍚夊皵鍧氬喅鎴樻枟鐨勫喅蹇冦傝嫳鍥藉嬭捣鍙嶅嚮寰峰浗娉曡タ鏂銆
1944骞5鏈9鏃 鍒嗚傜殑璁浼氾細淇濆畧鍏歏S鍙嶅瑰厷
1944骞5鏈10鏃 寮犱集浼︿笅鍙帮紱涓樺悏灏斾笂鍙
1944骞5鏈13鏃 涓樺悏灏斿叆鑱屽h█锛岃浼氬槝澹颁竴鐗
Dear speaker
On Friday evening lost , I received his Majesty鈥檚 commission to form a new administration.
It was the evident wish and will of parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis. And that it should include all parties A war cabinet has been convened. No correction has been formed.
A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the opposition parties , the unity of the nation. The three party leaders have agreed to serve either in the war cabinet or in high executive office.
With this agreement in place, I now invite the house by the resolution which stands in my name to record is approval and to declare its confidence in the new government.
It must be remembered that we are in the preliminary stage of one of the greatest battles in history . And that many preparations have to be made here at home.
Sir, I take up my task with the buoyancy and hope and to say to the House, as I have said to those who have joined the government. I have nothing to offer but blood , toil , tears and sweat.
We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many many long months of struggling and of suffering. You ask 鈥渨hat is our policy ?鈥 I say it is to wage war by sea ,land and air with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us. To wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime .
That is our policy.
Or you ask 鈥渨hat is our aim ?鈥
I can answer in one word -Victory.
Victory at all costs .
Victory in spite of all terror .
Victory however long and hard the road maybe .
For without Victory ,
There can be no survival.
1944骞5鏈19鏃 鍥戒簨瀹朵簨-Cicero锛氶潰瀵归嗗
涓樺悏灏 瀵规皯浼楁紨璁
I speak to you for the first time as Prime Minister in the solemn hour for the life of our country , of our empire, of all of our allies. And above all , of the cause of freedom.
A tremendous battle is raging in France and the Flanders. The Germans by a remarkable combination of air bombing and heavily armored tanks have broken through the French defenses, north of the Maginot line.
And strong columns of their armored vehicles are ravaging the open country which for the first day or two was without the defenders
However I have confidence in the French army and its leaders. Only a very small part of that splendid army have yet been heavily engaged and only a very small part of France has been invaded .
Side-by-side, the British and French peoples have advanced. To rescue not only Europe but mankind from the foulest and most soul-destroying tyranny which has ever darkened and stained of the pages of history.
But now one bond unites us all to wage war until victory is won and never to surrender ourselves to servitude and shame.
Whatever the cost and agony maybe,
Conquer we must as conquer we shall!
鍜岃皥锛無r not锛熻揩鍦ㄧ湁鐫锛
Will you give up? No Never.
Then Out spake brave Horatius,
captain of the gate:
鈥淭o every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late
And how can man die better
Then facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his father
And the temples of his Gods鈥
1.To Outer Cabinet
This afternoon, I shall address the House on the matter of our nations security.
At this very moment, the war cabinet is drafting papers that lay out a willingness to enter into peace talks with Herr Hitler. Via his lackey Mussolini.
I have thought very carefully in these last days. Whether it was part of my ty to consider entering into negotiations with that man.
But then I spoke with Oliver Wilson, Mrs. Jesse Sutton, Mrs. Abigail Walker, Marcus Peters, Maurice Baker, Alice Simpson and Miss Margaret Jerome.
Brave , good, true citizens of this kingdom.
And they argue strongly that it was idle to think if we tried to make peace now we should get better terms than if we thought it out. The Germans , Mr. Baker felt , would demand in the name of disarmament our naval bases and much else. And I think he鈥檚 right.
Jessie Sutton, speaking for money , believes we would then become a slave state. A British government which would be Hitler鈥榮 puppet. A government set up under Mosley or some such person.
And I join with them in asking a further question. A question I now put to you
Where should we be at the end of all that?
Some may benefit. I mean the powerful might be able to parlay good terms. Preserve in their country redoubts, out of sight of the swastika flying over. Over Buckingham palace ! Over Windsor鈥檚!And draped on these very buildings
So I come to you
I come to you to learn your minds in this grave hour.
You see it was pointed out to me by my new friends that you might even rise up and tear me down. Were I for one moment to contemplate parlay or surrender.
Were they wrong?
Were they wrong?
Were they wrong?
(No no....)
And then I have heard you
It appears to be your will also that if this long island story of ours is to end at last, then let it end only when each one of us Lies choking in his own blood upon the ground.
2 To Parliament
Turning once again to the question of invasion, I would observe that there has never been a period in all these long centuries of which we boast. When an absolute guarantee against invasion could have been given to our people.
Hear hear...
And I have myself full confidence that
if all do their ty
if nothing is neglected
And the best arrangements are made as they are being made
we shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our island home
to ride out the storm of war and to outlive the menace of tyranny
if necessary for years
if necessary alone
At any rate, that is what we are all going to try to do
That is the resolve of His Majesty鈥榮 government. Every man of them that is the will of parliament in the nation
Hear hear...
The British Empire and the French republic linked together in their cause and in their need. Will defend to the death their native soil
Hear hear...
Aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength
Hear hear...
Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of the Nazi rule.
We shall not flag or fail
we shall go on to the end
we shall fight in France
we shall fight on the seas and the oceans
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strengths in the air
Hear hear...
We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be
Hear hear...
We shall fight on the beaches
We shall fight on the landing grounds
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets
We shall fight in the hills
We shall never surrender
And if...
And if which I do not for a moment believe , this island or large part of it were subjugated and starving.
Then our empire beyond the seas armed and guarded by the British feet
Would carry on the struggle
until in God鈥檚 good time
the New World with all its power and Might steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old!