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发布时间:2021-06-30 03:02:48

Ⅰ 《重返十七岁》英文影评

第六代导演也许该算得上是最克制和理性的一代导演了,他们没有像第四代导演那样有着强烈批判现实主义的色彩,也没有第五代那样运用影像最大的功能去喧泄压抑已久的内心的激情。第六代更多是把镜头放在生活的边缘,然后静静的等待,等待生活中如何挣扎的人们,也可以说是如何在轮回中体验生活的真谛。 《青红》导演王小帅正是如此一位导演,之前的《十七岁的单车》似乎还带着些个人的浓重情感在里边,那么在《青红》里便看不见了,而显得更加成熟。很多长镜头和客观镜头的运用恰到好处的说明了这一点。 有的人质疑说既然是青红的爱情梦想和父亲的上海梦发生冲突而导致悲剧,那很显然导演在渲染青红和小根的爱情关系上还不是很突出。这里就是导演不干预生活的体现了,因为生活本来就是如此。农村的爱情绝对不像我们在城里见的那样热烈和奔放,来得早去得也很快。青红和小根的爱情只是一种近乎纯朴的环境下进行。我们只看到小根在等待,而绝看不见青红的出现,然后两人拥抱甚至接吻。甚至在整个片里他们两人单独在一起就只有两三次,其它次的也是通过弟弟来传递信物。刚开始就只能是小根买的红皮鞋放在青红的课桌里,连亲手送出去的机会都没有。青红在看到鞋后也是兴奋与恐惧齐飞的情形。在农村,在八十年代的农村,这样的爱情甚至算有点过份了,像青红好友小珍那样的爱情是绝无仅有的。为什么?很难说得清楚。在影片里至少我们可以这么理解,是父亲的影响,或是更深层次的说因为青红的爱情和父亲的上海梦撞到了一块,青红的未来和父亲眼中青红的未来的不可调和。也许在农村,对未来的渴望能盖过现实中的任何事情,当然包括爱情。在那里,只有通过努力,逃离面朝黄土背朝天的命运,才会有生活的美满。在青红父亲的眼中正是让青红好好学习,考上大学,然后体面的回上海。“上海这几年可真是大变样啊”,在上海才能找到他们失去的一切---尊严和未来。所以青红的爱情在这种重负下显得那样的苍白。偷偷地穿着那双红皮鞋走上几圈就算是最大的满足了。我们在偶然间就明白了导演的镜头为什么那么克制了。这种理性下的克制更能让人在沉默中感受到要爆发的力量。 未来大于一切吧,即使是反抗也只是徒劳。青红和弟弟生于斯长于斯,所有的情感也在这里生根发芽,至于父亲的上海梦在他们看来是那样的虚无飘渺。青红和小根的爱情在受到父亲的监视时,她尝试过反抗。离家逃到好友小珍家里住,她绝食以求得自由,但这些都没能改变什么。在父亲的面前,青红失去了话语权,变成了沉默寡言的女孩。从头到尾我们没有看到青红的笑容,但可以想像她的笑容是多么的灿烂!似乎可以这么怪导演,影片明明是《青红》,为什么我们却看不见高园园有什么太出彩的表演,倒是父亲从头到尾都在喋喋不休,表现得淋漓尽致。《青红》的英文名是《shang dreams》,这是两个绝然不同的名字。为什么会这样?从这点我们就可以看出,这部影片其实更多的,是在阐述六七年代从大城市搬到内陆支援三线的那群人在历史的变迁中的命运。因此父亲的角色显然起到很大的份量。 王小帅在访谈中也是这么说的,这部影片更多的是献给他父母那一代人,算是对历史的一个比较客观的记录。同样从同是第六代导演的贾樟柯的电影也可以看得出来,他的最新作品《世界》也是对当代中国现代化进程中人与人之间关系变迁的记录。这是第六代导演的特质,也是他们的标签。贾樟柯说他是飘的一代,这句话也可以从《青红》中体味出来,不同的是飘的是父母一辈。父母的飘却和他样孩子不飘的一代形成冲突,在这部电影里这种冲突表现得比较客观和温情。于是这就出现了一种悖论,父母为了孩子,千方百计让他们能有更好的生长环境,而他们的孩子却已习惯了本土的生活,不想有什么改变。变与不变形成矛盾,显而易见,孩子毕竟是孩子,他们输了,输给了未来又赢得未来。在赢得的同时又造成了悲剧。青红在改变自已的想法时,虽然还记得她和小根第一次说话的内容,却不能改变被小根强暴的命运,也改变不了由此小根被判刑而带来的,也许是一辈子的恨,她将用什么来救赎呢?用良心吧,用刻骨铭心吧!这就是命运的悖论吧! 也许有人会说王小帅的这部电影失去了当代的意义,我却不这么认为。我始终认为,像我这样从农村来的青年一代还是在时代的变革中充当着飘的角色。从乡村到县城,从县城到城市,我不也是在飘吗?当我们在城市中感到落寞时,唱这样的歌来慰藉自己吧!“多年以后一场大雨惊醒沉睡的我,突然之间都市的霓虹都不再闪烁,天边有颗模糊的星光偷偷探出了头,是你的眼神依旧在远方为我在等候,星星点灯,照亮我的家门,让迷失的孩子找到来时的路,星星点灯,照亮我的前程,用一点光温暖孩子的心……”。








Ⅲ 重返十七岁观后感

人生最重要的 是 青春 . . . .

Ⅳ 翻译<<重返十七岁>>观后感

"Return to seventeen," the story of a boy playing basketball in high school are particularly good, just as he can in the game with good performance can be more than a good university, then there is a better life, his girlfriend see the game in before the start and have a child, he said, he gave up the game, choose a family, after his life is not satisfactory, in the workplace does not go smoothly, so every day, then complain when to give up good opportunities, etc. his wife filed for divorce, his son and his daughter is not good, he even want to re-do a back to the 17th at the age of choice, as he must choose basketball to have a better life. So there is a magical movie character led him back to seventeen years old, and the people around him have not changed, so it leads to a series of funny things, he was back in high school, is good and his son to play with to talk, can focus on her daughter, found her love of a ruffian, to persuade her to choose the right. Experienced a variety, finally solved the problem of the child, and his wife, son, here he is only the identity of the students to see, that really did not pay attention before his wife's work and hobbies. They want the court in a divorce, the wife feeling that he could be his husband, and he has to play the game, and she as a parent to his son and daughter go to the game, when he found when he gestures toward her action, she completely believe that he is "him", she would not be affected by the arrival of her game again to go outside, the historic scene there, he dropped the basketball, left the court, choose a wife, then he turned back now 40 years old.
I think the film would like to tell us: not that we can change the selection back to the past, may go back will make the same choice, so it would not have to regret before the choice, that you can start over What is the difference, in this life the trajectory is such that if there are no regrets how the United States, seems to be interpreted as this is destined.


Ⅳ 电影重返十七岁表达了什么



Ⅵ 重返17岁观后感

[重返17岁观后感]重返17岁观后感2010-12-12 17 again(重返17岁),又一部美国青春喜剧电影,由Zac Efron,美国当红青年演员主演(曾出演过电影歌舞青春,可惜我没看过),是一部浪漫、搞笑、有一定教诲意义的电影,最适合我这种档次的观众收看,在轻松愉快的情况中边练习英语,边接受人生哲理的教诲,重返17岁观后感。故事内容其实不太新颖,基本上以及亚当.桑德勒的神奇遥控器一模一样,讲述一个成年男人由于忍吃不消当下的糊口,期待回到17岁,回到他当初最辉煌的时期,以为特此可以重新来过,拜托现实中的一切悲剧。于是,上帝听见了他的祈祷,让他如愿以偿,只不过不是整个时光倒流,而是他一个人时光倒流,回到了风华正茂的17岁。那时的Mike(Zac Efron饰演)是高中篮球队的绝对名人,他高中毕业后非常有希望被球探选中进入一流的大学篮球队打球,从此走上辉煌的篮球生涯。只不过第一次17岁的时候,他由于女友怀孕而放弃了本身的光明前途,而之后他发现这一举动是导致他今日悲剧的缘故原由,所以他现在回来了,发誓要重新拾起他曾经应该拥有的美好未来。Mike先是在好友Ned(当年黉舍里的可怜虫,现在确实由于软件开发而成为大富翁)的帮忙下,顺利重返了当年的高中,并且顺利加入了黉舍篮球队,成为了球队的主力队员。就当他发现一切都如想象的那样顺利时,他以一个高中生的身份前后与他即将仳离的妻子、儿子以及女儿在不同情况下见面,以一个陌出生的身份呈现在至亲的面前,反而让原本疏远的亲情又拉近了,而且他也是以听见了,以及瞅见了与曾经所见所闻纯粹不一样的事实,妻子极富想象力的园林设计才能,女儿与一个流氓陷于了爱河,儿子成为了黉舍任人欺负的软蛋,这一切让Mike重新认识到,他重新回来的真正目的--重拾他失去的亲人,弥补已往十几年对他们的亏欠,观后感《重返17岁观后感》。于是乎,Mike开始拯救自救的子女,给他们指引人生不错门路,帮他们走出青春的误区,而本身也在极力挽救即将破裂的婚姻。终极,女儿乐成看清了流氓男友的丑陋嘴脸,儿子也自信大增,乐成篮球队主力的同时,也俘获了心仪女孩的芳心,而在终极的仳离听证会上,Mike一段不假思索、发自肺腑的真情,彻底感动了妻子,挽回了那段失去已经的感情。影片很多高校的成分来自于Ned,这个古灵精怪的傻帽,千方百计的追求女校长的过程着实令人捧腹,而最后他用指环王里面的精灵语彻底钓上女校长的桥段,更是雷人寿的雷人。除开喜剧以外,贯穿影片的一条主线我觉得是两个字--责任。影片一开始,Mike为了怀孕的女朋友不惜放弃本身很好的前程,有点可惜,但让人瞅见作为一个男人有责任感的一面。但是结婚十多年之后,他的糊口毫无是处,被公司炒鱿鱼,与家子成员关系破裂,这一切的悲剧让他把责任推卸到了妻子的身上,认为是妻子毁了他的一生。这个时候估计有很多女影迷对Mike鄙视到了极点。但是后来,回到17岁的Mike又重新找回了本身的责任感,重新审视了本身人生失败的缘故原由,并极力去弥补。这种围绕责任感反复演变的情节,是这部影片我认为具有教诲意义的地方。最后补充一点儿,影片中段,Mike安慰女儿Michelle的地方,我个人觉得是个环形的露天剧场,也有人跟我争论说那是个足球场,不知道其他人怎么看。历史上的今天:单车上的后海2010-12-12后弦花甲单车恋人mv下载单车恋人m 2010-12-12在线测算2010年运势2010流年运势测算2010-12-12公路自行车越来越受欢迎年青人越来偏向2010-12-12校草爱上花之帝国威廉2010-12-12〔重返17岁观后感〕随文赠言:【人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。】

Ⅶ 电影重返十七岁英文观后感.一百字.


Ⅷ 关于重返十七岁的英语观后感


Ⅸ 《重回十七岁》这部电影讲了什么道理要快!

迈克是学校里的风云人物,身为篮球运动员的他原本得到奖学金,可以直接保送大学的,但是为了和女友斯嘉丽 (莱斯利·曼恩 (Leslie Mann)饰 ) 在一起,他放弃了这一机会。
20 年过后,已经成为一名中年男子的迈克一事无成。他和妻子斯嘉丽分了手,与孩子们之间也很少共同语言,至于自己在药物公司的工作更是无聊透顶。沮丧的迈克重新回到高中学校,追忆自己曾经的辉煌。在那里他遇到了一个清洁工,两人聊天时,迈克向其倾诉了自己想重回17岁的渴望,如果一切重来,他不再放弃奖学金和进修的机会,那么人生将会非常不同。
此后的迈克在朋友(Ned Freedman)的帮助下重回高中上学,他有许多困难需要解决。比如跟自己不知情的儿女做校友。而就是在学校里的一系列遭遇,让迈克懂得了其实自己当初选择的就是最完美的生活,只不过自己一点都不知道珍惜。如今悔过了的他最要紧的就是恢复原本的模样,重新去赢回妻子和孩子,实际上世上哪有机会会重回自己的少年时代,时光一去不复返。我们唯一能做的是珍惜眼前一切,尽量别给自己留下遗憾,希望可以在老去的时候。豪迈的说我的人生不虚此行,我不后悔活过

Ⅹ 重返十七岁的英文感想

17 Again is one of those half and half films--half of it is good, moral, and entertaining, and half of it is raunchy, mature in nature, and unnecessary. The plot goes something like this: Middle-aged Mike is unhappy with his life and about to get a divorce from his wife. He and his kids are like strangers to each other, even though he genuinely cares for them. One night Mike mysteriously transports to the age of 17 in present times. He decides (with the help of his MAJOR sci-fi freak best friend) to go back to high school and help put his kids on the right path. So Mike (under the name of Mark) goes back to school and spends his time lecturing his kids about who they should date, helping them onto sports teams, or romancing their mom (who is also his wife).

Some of the funniest parts are the most awkward ones. Teenage Mike/Mark dancing with his wife (to his wife, he is just her son's friend) and being found by their son. Mike/Mark's daughter wants to start a relationship with the teenage Mike/Mark, not knowing that he is actually her dad. When he tells her that they can never be together, she at first thinks that he is gay. There is one use of the b-word and some other mild profanities. Mike/Mark's daughter has a pompous, lustful boyfriend. Mike's best friend is seen in bed (fully clothed) with the school principal (at the end of the film, right before the credits).

I was surprised at the amount of good messages in this movie. Mike (when he is actually 17 in high school sometime in the 1980's) gives up his college dreams to marry his pregnant girlfriend. When he is an alt, he strives to spend time with his kids and shows genuine interest in their lives. When he goes back to the age of 17 through the warp thing, he makes it his goal to help his kids get their lives on the right track. He speaks about abstinence to the entire Health class. He does everything he can to get his daughter's messed-up boyfriend away from her.

Without the sexual jokes and overtones, this movie would be great for kids and teens. Unfortunately, the crude humor ruins it, even if kids don't understand all of the "jokes". Zac Efron is at his best in this film and captures a sensible, struggling teenage dad very well. Don't expect it to be any funnier than you see in the previews, though. Most of the funny parts are in the previews. Overall, it was an enjoyable two hours of reliving high school.

hey guys im natasha and i live in new zealand so we got to watch the movie on the 16th

well all i can say is that the movie was AWESOME!

both Zac Efron and Matthew Perry did an awesome job, though matthew was only in the movie for about 5-10 mins and girls get ready to got the shivers as soon as u see Zac transform into the cool kid.

the story basically starts off showing Mike (zac) being the most popular guy in school hes awesome at basketball and is about to be offered a basketball scholarship, however just before the big game starts his girlfriend Scarlet(Leslie Mann) tells zac that she is expecting their child, this confuses mike ring the game and he finally leaves the game and runs after the girl he loves. 20 years later his life is a total disaster, with his wife giving him a divorce , his kids hating him mike(matthew) moves in with his best friend ned a self made billionaire. Then something changes mikes's world he goes back to his school and stares at his championship photos he there meets a janitor with whom he shares his thoughts of going back to high school the janitor suddenly dissapears and while driving home mike sees him jumping off a bridge while mike hurries to go save him he himself falls into the river and gets turned back to 17. Then hilarious events start happening with a light saber fight to a fight with his daughters boyfriend. Also mike helps his son find the girl of his dreams and also gets him into the basketball team. An awkward scenes was where maggie( michelle) his daughter wants to kiss him its an awkward moment but it will surely make u laugh.

I don’t fully understand the desire to return to high school. I actually enjoyed high school, but that doesn’t mean that I want to re-live being a teenager, it’s just so awkward. But films will continue to be made, all with the premise of returning to the past to change something. 17 Again is no different, although the modern twist on an old story doesn’t make it as enjoyable as I remember.

We begin in 1989 with Mike O’Donnell (the young version played by Zac Efron) shooting hoops, getting ready for the big game that could get him a scholarship to college. When he finds out that his high school girlfriend is pregnant, he walks out of the game and we flash-forward to the present-day Mike (Matthew Perry). Now his life is a mess—no job promotion, on the verge of a divorce and no relationship with his kids. Paying homage to It’s a Wonderful Life, Mike runs into an old janitor that magically transforms him into his 17-year-old self. It is then up to Mike to figure out what he needs to do to transform back.

The modern high school is shown as a breeding ground for disrespectful, sexually overactive teenagers. Not to say that this is not what all high schools are like, but 17 Again chooses not to show anything about going back to high school. Mike doesn’t want to relive high school to change his future; instead he realizes that this is the time to reconnect with his kids and to somehow win his wife back.

It is most humorous when young Mike interacts with his wife (Leslie Mann). She swears that he looks like her husband and the flirtation that plays out is almost uncomfortable but it works. Also, for those Zac Efron fans out there, he even dances and plays basketball in the film. I don’t know if he will ever grow out of this High School Musical role.

The fun of movies like this is to see our character react or interact with his new surroundings. The film fails to capture the heart of being a teenager, only making jokes to how fast their metabolism is and how they can exercise easily. Although young Mike does have an inside view into his kid’s lives, their interaction is very sterile and unbelievable. He coaches his youngest son at basketball, while he still gets to take the glory of being a better player and he preaches to his daughter about making bad choices. If he gets to be 17 again to connect with his kids, the relationships seem forced.

When Mike finds himself back where he started, he realizes that he had made the right choices, he was just absent from most of his life. Now he gets the chance to pay attention. Mike’s inside look into the lives of his kid’s and wife is an interesting twist on an old idea. But the fun of watching films like this is missing because our lead actor isn’t having fun. There is no use in re-living high school for that.

If you want to illustrate the acid rain that 20 years can pour down onto a human face, just show Zac Efron and then make us believe that life has turned him into Matthew Perry. Oh, that beautiful boy - oh, that lumpy-faced man. What happened? Failure and disappointment? Self-hatred? Grand-scale spiritual error? We're just scratching the surface here. For Efron to turn into Perry in a mere two decades would require something more drastic, like sitting down every morning to a breakfast of hot, steaming toxic waste.

Yet what better way to make us feel it - the sheer relief of going back in time. In "17 Again," Mike (Perry) is a washed-up pharmaceutical salesman with an estranged wife and two kids who think he's an idiot. But one day, through some movie magic, he transforms back into the 17-year-old he once was - a basketball star who could have had a scholarship if he hadn't married his pregnant girlfriend.

"17 Again" is a variation on the old if-only-I-could-go-back fantasy. In this variation, the hero doesn't go back. Nothing changes, except his body. He's young, he's handsome, the world is before him ... and yet inside, he's still middle-aged. He cares about his kids. He's attracted to his wife. "17 Again" isn't a sophisticated work of art, nor was it intended to be. It's often silly, sometimes fun silly, sometimes too silly. Yet in one area - its honest, unself-conscious exploration of the conflict between a man's physical and psychological age - it goes deeper than the much more ambitious "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."

The credit goes to Efron, a teen idol who has girls shrieking in the theater from his first close-up but who is also an actor and proves it over the course of the picture. He conveys Mike's al nature. It will come as news to none of his young admirers that Efron has good eyes, pale blue and piercing. He can use them, too, for more than cosmetic effect. He brings to the role the sensitive, fretting gaze of the concerned parent - one who finds himself in the same high school as his own kids.

The movie's limits are the limits of the formula. There's only one way "17 Again" can be resolved, but doing so requires a shoehorn. Also, why did Mike's teenage daughter (Michelle Trachtenberg) have to be presented as such a repellent brat? If you believe Hollywood, there's no teenage-girl nastiness, ingratitude or misbehavior that can't be forgiven, even without an apology. That's a great message to be reinforcing in a movie that's going to be seen by every 14-year-old girl in America.



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