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发布时间:2023-05-10 01:28:20

㈠ 达雷尔-亚瑟观后感200字作文











㈡ 老片《King Arthur》观后感

该电影为我们讲述了一段极富传奇色彩的骑士故事, 其反映出来的思 想也很深刻。影片里,亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士们深深打动并震撼了在 座的我们。通过对影片的反思及相关资料的查询,我对“骑士” ,对 “亚瑟王” ,有了进一步的了解,也对“骑士”产生了别于以往的印 象跟情愫。 在我的印象中, “骑士” ,正如参考资料中所描述的:是欧洲中世 纪时受过正式的军事训练的骑兵,是西欧的一种古老而神秘的职业。 在骑士文学中,他们往往是勇敢、忠诚的象征,每一个骑士都以“谦 卑、荣誉、英勇、牺牲、怜悯、灵性、诚实、公正”的八大精神作为 守则, 并如史诗中的英雄一般,用胳膊为善良的民众效劳,以教会 的名义行侠仗义,保护去东方的朝圣者。 但看过《亚瑟王》这部影片后,我的一些最初的印象被改变了。 影片为大家阐述道:亚瑟与他的六个骑士们效忠罗马,为罗马帝国及 教会打仗,当十五年后,他们的服役期限已经到了,骑士们都开始憧 憬会到家乡后成为一个个德高望重的退伍骑士,加官进爵,和一家人 平平安安地生活在一起,从此幸福美满,再不分离。然而,当勇士们 正兴高采烈地回到自己的家园时, 罗马当权者告诉了亚瑟一个坏消息 ——给他们下达了最后一个任务,一个让他们去送死的任务。一番思 想斗争后,亚瑟不得不答应了教会,从此,他们再次背井离乡,踏上 了死亡的路程。这样的剧情,让我不得不同情他们的遭遇,也为勇敢 的骑士们感到悲哀——骑士原来也只是教会的奴隶, 只是卖命而寻求 自由的人,他们甚至没有任何选择的余地,只能流血,只能战斗,没 有自由。这样,真的,真的很不公平!! ! 虽说影片中骑士们受到了极不平等的待遇, 但骑士的形象依然崇 高,亚瑟王的领袖魅力依然让我折服。亚瑟虽然是个不列颠人,却一 直在为了罗马而战。 即使在最后却被告知自己理想中的罗马早已不存 在,也没有让这为伟大的骑士迷茫,因为他一直为了“自由”而战。 当萨克逊人前来报仇之时, 亚瑟决定自己留了下来, 并让村民们撤离。 就当敌人战鼓喧天的时候,他的圆桌骑士们无法丢下曾经追随的领 袖,于是再次返回,披挂上阵,站回了亚色王的身边。山坡上,他们 的身影如此坚定,让我深受震撼…… 影片还有许多让我回味且感动的画面,我无法一一阐述,只能将 它们留在心里。对骑士,我又多了一份敬佩之情。而骑士精神,将激 励着我更加勇敢的面对困难,接受挑战。

㈢ 大家对电影亚瑟王的评价是

感觉不太好看。 我承认里面的镜头很血腥,很热血,打斗很精彩。同类型的电影有特洛伊和角斗士,但感觉亚瑟王就是缺返基点剧情和大气。 亚瑟王这电影个人感觉就像一个士兵,很厉害,战场上能独当一面,各种任务完成的很漏圆谨出色,但是缺乏大气,缺乏领袖气质。 特洛伊和角斗士就不同,更像是腔穗一名元帅,眼界比较开阔。

㈣ 求一篇《亚瑟王》的观后感,不要百度的,要原创,英文的800字左右,写得好奖10

The film tells the story of a group of Arthur and his fellow soldiers in order to win the freedom to launch story. They are great warrior, but but from the ancestors began as the lost of free for the Roman empire and in the soldiers. The bishop of Rome and to bring the Pope's a task, let them go to the cruelty of Sacramento territory to rescue the Pope's a student, this student is very excellent, may be the future Pope. Arthur led his partner success fully the rescue of the task, in the course of which he was found in the Roman church is not the faith which was as good imagination. When they finished the task won the Rome brought about by the freedom that forgiveness, Mr Sarkozy people prepared to attack had to belong to them additional enemies, now become Allies in the village. When his friends the desire for freedom, ready to leave the battlefield. But Arthur is determined to stick to battlefield, conservative their Allies. At this time he has not only to their own freedom and the partners of liberty, but to the enemy before, now of the friend, for a group of this and he didn't have much of the relationship between people and fight. His friends had already left the battlefield prepared to go to what they desire liberty, but finally back to the battlefield, and Arthur fought together. At last they win over Sacramento, but Arthur's best friend but sacrifice on the battlefield. Arthur become a local king, defending the local people's freedom, to protect their life.

The movie scene is luxuriant, as war movies also be the quadrature. But also only that, and didn't see the film movie is compared to other similar guorenchu. To my mind, and brave heart of lower than up. The film of faith is free and convey love, and revealed the middle ages in the Pope some of the rule of the dark history.

Arthur and his friends in order to obtain personal freedom and war around, but they finally fighting is their itself have freedom. At this time they have not only fighting for their people, they are to the innocent people of the fight, in order to protect them from the enemy's slavery and killing. They the battle fought RenXingAi and mercy reflect the nature. They could have a walk it, because they have gained freedom, can pass what they desire a free life. But they still by these innocent people's life and freedom for sacrificed her life to protect them.

Today we social although no war, but there are still a lot of the dark side of social existence. Although not as described in the film the farmers, the slave owner for them in the territory of the people's of oppression and enslave nonhuman, but also there are many not fair social status. Many take the social resources, the top of the people in the society of poor people, weak population are squeezed.

Freedom is LiShi generations of people's yearning, hope we live a society can have more freedom. Love is the same human history has been constantly praise of human life among the great character. Hope our life can be filled with love, practice love, the love of the side of every person.

㈤ 你好,亚瑟王!

亚瑟王 斗兽争霸2017年5月12日正式上映,8月腾讯开播了。不出大家所料,一勺哥又华丽丽的因为加班错过了上映式。对,大家没听错,是加班!对,大家没看错,是周五加的班。但是,你明白的,这都不是重点!!!



说起亚瑟王,他全名叫亚瑟·潘德拉刚(Arthur Pendragon),是英格兰近乎神话般的传奇国王,还有个别称“凯尔特英雄谱中最受欢迎的圆桌武士骑士首领”。好了,先放下这么长的别称,凯尔特英雄谱是什么?在欧洲,凯尔特神话与希腊神话并称,英雄谱上都有太阳神、冥神等一大众大神,可想一下,能进这其中,而且是骑士的首领,那是相当了得啊。

传说,亚瑟王在罗马帝国土崩后,亲率他的圆桌骑士统一了不列颠群岛后,英格兰民众高呼出了那个口号:King Arthur!(亚瑟王、亚瑟王……)





也许,是上天注定让亚瑟从被诅咒的巨石中拔出那把天命之剑(石中剑铭文“Whoso pulleth out this sword from this stone and anvil is ly born King of all England”,翻译:凡能从此石中拔出此剑者,便是英格兰之王),手握后来的王者之剑报自己嗜亲之仇,解百姓于水火,这可能是亚瑟的宿命,和我们每个人一样,来到这个世界总有上天的宿命一样。




魔(亚瑟王叔叔):I think that sword belongs to me now.

老亚瑟王:Run, Son.

魔:Brother,I think that sword belongs to me now.

老亚瑟王:Whatever price you pay, it will be more than you know.

亚瑟王(心理活动):You don’t need to run anymore.You don’t need to look away.

老亚瑟王:The sword is yours,son. Take it.


You wanted to know what gave me such drive?

It was you.

You put me in the brothel(妓院,亚瑟王成长的地方).

You cut me on the streets.

I am here now, because of you.

You created me.

And, for that, I bless you(亲吻被打败的恶魔).

You make sense of the devil.


甲:While I understand there’s been a change in the leadship of this nation, I am confident that you will still honor the agreement made by your predecessor and my king. We respect leave here with 10,000 young men as agreed(商人的狡诈表现的极好).

亚瑟王:I don’t think so, man.

甲:Excuse me?(轻蔑的)

亚瑟王:Yeah, I don’t think so, mate.

甲:May I remind of you a fleet of 3,000 longships controlling the seas, surrounding your island? It wound be unwise to displease my king.

亚瑟王:I am sorry(依然礼貌有加).

甲:I’m prepared to extend the deadline by a week.


No, I mean I’m sorry.

You’ve made a mistake.

You’re no longer dealing with the man you previously met.

You are addressing England, and all the subjects under her king’s protection.

So you have a choice.

You can now kneel to England or I’ll step off this throne and you can deal with me as the man you previously met.

And we can see how that goes.



Well, now that’s out the way. Let’s eat.

Why have enemies, when you can have friends?


最后,给大家一个 彩蛋 ,看看底下这是谁?还不抓紧去看这个电影?

㈥ 亚瑟王 读后感

是《亚瑟王与圆桌骑士》吗 我在感受到一生中最有名的著作为史诗式传奇《亚瑟王之死》,书中全面收录了亚瑟王圆桌骑士们的传奇故毕坦乱事和追寻圣杯的英雄壮举。于明英宗正统十三年受封为郡领骑士(即现在的议手档员)。



㈦ 亚瑟拔剑称王的读后感



㈧ 电影《亚瑟王》的英文观后感,500字左右,不要复制的,自己写的,加分

Written by David Franzoni (Gladiator) and directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day), this film abandons all premonitions of what Arthur was and what he is in all our memories. They do keep some of the same, more recognizable, legends of the king. The Round Table makes an appearance but is not nearly held with as high regard as in previous legends. Also, Excalibur still sits on the hip of Arthur. But there's a different twist here. Where in other legends, Arthur was the son of a poor man who pulled the sword Excalibur from its stone, therefore establishing Divine Right for King of England; here Excalibur is his father's sword. His father is killed in battle and the young Arthur pulls the sword from his father's dead body and carries the sword since. Fuqua decides to use the same imagery as if Arthur was pulling the sword out of a stone but just the idea that Excalibur was pulled from his father's body and he has carried it ever since, establishes a little more depth to the story. And that's where most of the similarities stop. This story is based on historical finds that have been discovered recently that have not been established in other Arthurian literature or film works. Arthur is a Roman that has to serve out his ty to the Roman Empire until he realizes he is fighting for a Rome that is too idealistic to exist. Lancelot is an amazingly gifted warrior who was recruited from a young age to join the conquering Roman army to serve for 15 years. He has more of a friendship with Arthur than a king/knight relationship. Guinevere is not a princess from the neighboring France but an English born slave who is discovered and rescued by Arthur's knights. And Merlin normally considered the lovable magician is more of a rebel ghost who leads a rag tag group of English fighting the Roman Empire. So no, this is not your typical 'Arthur' movie.

But what truly surprised me were not the entirely new interpretations but how well every aspect of the film was done. The cinematography was unbelievable. Most of the shots look like they could have been taken start from artist renderings of Arthurian literature. Breathtaking establishing shots of the snowy English landscape transport you back into 400 AD where nature was virtually untouched and made you wish you could visit this country on holiday. The script for the film was done very well also. There weren't those blockbuster, crappy lines that one would expect from a Bruckheimer film. There wasn't even the one liner, 'Braveheart-like' war anthem when going into battle but a very stirring speech from Clive Owen (Arthur) that made you think 'They better kick some Saxon ass.' And it was funny. Not in the modern way either but they took humor and situations from that era and made it funny to today's audience, a true accomplishment.

But there are two things that make a blockbuster, period piece like this work…the battle scenes and the acting. First off, the acting was very impressive. Fuqua casted relatively unknown actors, besides Owen and Keira Knightly, to play the other pivotal parts in the film. None of the performances seemed forced and all appear to become their characters which was probably easier because they did not have to play the well known characters. These were all new interpretations of Arthur and his knights, allowing them to play the characters as they see fit. Who was impressive though was Knightly. Although I am a fan, I was even more impressed with the way she handled the role of Guinevere. Guinevere is no longer a princess who watches from the background but a warrior of Merlin who contributes greatly to the battles. Not many young, very young (19), actress today can pull off a role where you have to be a gorgeous potential Queen one minute and then a brutal warrior the next. And it was these battle scenes that made the film stand out just that much more. You have to appreciate it when directors and writers try to find new and innovative ways to have a battle scene that isn't two giant armies running at one another, swinging large weapons. 'Arthur' is one of those movies that made you believe these were how battles of that time should have been fought. And they were fun to watch.

All in all, 'King Arthur' amazed me. Very rarely to I walk into a film with such high expectations that they would never be filled. Yea, 'Arthur' surpassed everything I ever imagined.

㈨ 电影【亚瑟王】观后感~


㈩ 《亚瑟王》你到底看懂了什么呢

凶残的萨克逊大军兵临城下,看着满城手无寸铁的人们殷切的眼神,亚瑟终于明白自己作为一名骑士的使命——此前多年的征战,正是为了此刻能够保卫自己的家园能够不遭受外敌侵害!料定此战必死的亚瑟选择挺身而出并与骑士们道别。当波尔斯与亚瑟隔山相望振臂高喊,都明白这一别很可能就是两个世界!面对族人叛徒的挑衅,亚瑟只身一人出城面对整支萨克逊大军,而萨克逊人首领在与亚瑟简单的会面之后,也终于找到了a man worth killing。撤退路上的骑士们面对萨克逊人隆隆的鼓声最终没有选择离去,而是再一次和亚瑟并肩作战!这个片段一直是个人整部电影最喜欢的几个镜头之一:并肩多年骑士们几个眼神,彼此心领神会。当崔斯坦对自己的宠物鹰说Now you are free的时候,都已抱定了此战必死的决心,此时骑士们脸上流露出的是视死如归的豪情。临战前亚瑟激励骑士们的话,道出了亚瑟心中所领会的自由——The home we seek resides not in some distant lands, it’s in us and in our actions on this day!经过一番激战,最终和黥面人联手的亚瑟击败了入侵的萨克逊人。而兰斯洛和崔斯坦都在此战中牺牲。崔斯坦临死前仰望天空,镜头再次给了那只鹰。也许此时那只鹰确实自由了,但他的主人却已经战死!而这只鹰正如一位离开了战场的骑士——宿命使然。故事回到影片开头,年幼的亚瑟激动地跑向河边向妈妈展示自己制作的贝拉吉乌斯的塑像,洗净转身的时候却发现妈妈已经走远,如此即如母亲一样的至亲,也不能完全理解自己的精神世界。几位骑士决定追随亚瑟最后一战的时候也许并不能完全理解亚瑟心目中的自由世界,但是一路走来,正是由这些诸如梅林、乔斯、Ganis、亚勒多以及他母亲这些现实世界里残存的善良忠直的人们的相互帮助、彼此取暖、并肩作战对抗现实的不公和残忍,才最终保卫了心目中自由的家园!正如影片开头河边贝拉吉乌斯对小亚瑟所说:The world isn’t a perfect place, but perhaps people like you, me and them can make it so.



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