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发布时间:2023-02-10 22:23:02

A. 求纳尼亚传奇英语影评

Let me have a try.
English version:

The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels for children written by C. S. Lewis. It is considered a classic of children's literature and is the author's best-known work, having sold over 120 million copies in 41 languages. Written by Lewis between 1949 and 1954 and illustrated by Pauline Baynes, The Chronicles of Narnia have been adapted several times, complete or in part, for radio, television, stage, and cinema. In addition to numerous traditional Christian themes, the series borrows characters and ideas from Greek and Roman mythology, as well as from traditional British and Irish fairy tales.

The Chronicles of Narnia present the adventures of children who play central roles in the unfolding history of the fictional realm of Narnia, a place where animals talk, magic is common, and good battles evil. Each of the books (with the exception of The Horse and His Boy) features as its protagonists children from our world who are magically transported to Narnia, where they are called upon to help the Lion Aslan save Narnia.


《纳尼亚传奇》(The Chronicles of Narnia)是一套七册的奇幻儿童文学,由英国作家C·S·路易斯在1950年代所著,为英美儿童文学经典之一。



B. 《纳尼亚传奇》英文读后感!急!!!

With the "1 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" unlimited aftertaste, holds a movie ticket, I entered the cinema, once again with four brothers and sisters went to the Magic Chronicles Adventures of David the world. Film in a dark castle in the beginning, from the beginning that human beings are born son. Judging from the tone of the film, a representative of the castle to see the evil. However, because the first one is from the beginning of the real world, and because the first one did not in the world of Narnia human. So, I guess the one hand while watching this is the reality of the world. Prince fled the process, the film shows the first best picture and sound spectacular. Atmosphere full of music that sounds totally enjoy. This is what I choose to go to the cinema, rather than look at downloaded films or dispatch reason. But personally feel that, in such a wonderful time to put subtitles on the film proction staff do not respect work. Although I love the story of a strong sense of rhythm, but I also admire and respect the heart, the efforts of filmmakers. 其他部分: http://translate.google.cn/translate_t#

C. 急求《纳尼亚传奇》300词的英语读后感

Last " receive by Buddhist nun legend inferior " for the first time,from sighing over with feeling to: Only fill childlike innocence, could take so wonderful and strange a film; Only full of childlike innocence, could appreciate that there is not evil and simple world so. First of all, this piece about magic magnificent story of country, background but cruel fierce World War II, therefore much motives of the author's, it be able to be in the happy and auspicious, quiet countryside atmosphere to hope, the flames of war far away from real world, military service, wandering about as a refugee and launching air raids. Certainly, magic country there is evilness too, fight too, this is realistic reflection and refraction too.
Secondly,open fairy tale the worlds door, protagonist in hide-and-seek game at unintentionally inside wardrobe find, such a plot very apt cater to we childhood memory,too suffused with have in mind have in childhood about fairy tale imagination of the world, it is novel to be full of, is full of yearning for. Who have fantasies of, pass beautiful fairyland never? Who never wants to have animal's friend? Who have fantasies of oneself become and save the world hero never? We can say, so pure Meng Tong, owned by everyone.
Moreover, the plot of the story establishes and fully reveals much motives written and directed too. It is likewise magic slice, the darker and uncannier " Harry and Potter " becomes more and more; And theme and content of " lord of rings ", have, suited to epic property that alt appreciate. " receive Buddhist nun inferior legend ", plot it is prominent and evil to set against for development to have, the theme is to help justice to overcome evilness, accord with children world of eyes, have only a simple one good and broken to distinguish the fact. This children inmature lovely at the same time. On the visual effect, the more outstanding one lies in the specially good effect scene that the computer makes, shake regret and stimulate at the conspicuous battle field, accord with to appreciate interesting child too.
Pat" receive Buddhist nun's inferior legend ", need childlike innocence; See " receive Buddhist nun's inferior legend ", need a childlike innocence too. Because,all of us once have dream -like child.


D. 谁能帮我写篇纳尼亚传奇的观后感英语作文~150字左右

(1)晚上去正佳看了《纳尼亚传奇》,发现不得不佩服C.S.LEWIS的创作... 故事大纲是这样的: 彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露西四兄妹,在二战中为躲避战火,到了乡下一位老教授的家。在一连串偶然的机会中,四兄妹通过教授家里的衣橱,进入一个名叫纳尼亚的世界。在那里,动物会说话。 他们随后卷入了一场战争。战争在以冰天雪地统治这个世界达一百年之久的女巫,与这个世界真正的王──狮王阿斯兰──之间展开。然而,因为爱德蒙的背叛,狮王最后只好以自己的生命,来承担本该由爱德蒙承担的死亡刑罚,以换取爱德蒙的新生。 但是,因为一件“更大的魔术"──以无罪者代替有罪者──阿斯兰最后从死里复活,带领动物们赢得战争,消灭了女巫。 .... 如果把隐喻带进故事,其实很简单,彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露西每个人身上都有人的一些软弱:胆怯、悖逆、装聪明、不愿意相信他人...狮王阿斯兰相反。但是我不希望那么简单地去阅读这样一个故事。 在网上也看了很久关于这个片子的评论,赞者有之,弹者也有。对我而言,却是一种别样的经历——很多人提到狮王阿斯兰就是基督的象征,我也这样认为,但是我更钦佩的,是这个童话背后的作者:C.S.LEWIS。 我最为钦佩他的地方,就在于他用童话,打破了人为的巨大的“宗教距离”,再次拉近了人和神之间的关系,用一种很轻松的方式。 不知道从什么时候起,基督教信仰在人们心目中就成立白袍牧师,庄重严肃的样子。我不止一次思考过这个问题:难道神真的让我们这些基督徒活在一个“同一”的世界里吗?难道只有所谓的“积极投身教会事工”才是真正的“好的”基督徒吗? 然而感谢神,我慢慢发现不是这样的,至少,有些是无需争议的事实。 毕竟,没有人说LEWIS不是一个很好的基督徒——尽管他不是一个牧师。 毕竟,没有人说《纳尼亚传奇》不是一本好书——尽管它不是一本灵修读物,更不是神学典籍。 毕竟,没有人可以剥夺神给予我们的自由意志——尽管不是每一个人,都活在一个自由的国度.... (2) 赶着星期二电影院作特价活动的时候,拉上同学去观看了《纳尼亚传奇》。没看之前,通过相关介绍和电影截图,对他的期望值比较高,以为是一部可以跟《指环王》、《哈利波特》相媲美的电影,但是看完之后,大呼不值,我的20元钱啊,花的可真冤枉。首先,人物造型不美形。记得第一次看哈利波特的时候,觉得里面的波特带着一幅黑色框架眼镜,给人的第一感觉非常好,小女孩看起来也是聪明机灵,就连那个坏坏的、金色头发的小男孩也是一脸的帅气(虽然到第四部的时候,已经严重走样),但是他们勇敢,有智慧。但是这部片子里面,除了最小的那个小女孩给我最真实地感觉外,她的姐姐和哥哥们有时所表现出来的懦弱、以自我为中心,让我对这部片子的一次印象就已经大大的打了个折扣。其次,魔幻世界不够神奇。整部片子除了电脑特技做出来的狮子、水獭、小白马给我的感觉就像真的一样,特别是狮子身上的毛,感觉迎着风的时候还在飘。但是其余的魔幻世界里面的人物带给人奇特之中的平常,没有特别大的震撼。最后,故事的构造实在是一部儿童片。台词设计、故事情节给人一种低龄化的感觉,看了前面可以猜到后面要讲什么 (3)童心看到的世界 ——《纳尼亚传奇》观后感 初看《纳尼亚传奇》,不由地感叹到:只有充满童心,才能拍出如此美妙而奇异的影片;只有充满童心,才能欣赏如此无邪而单纯的世界。 首先,这个有关魔法国度的灿烂故事,背景却是残酷激烈的二战,由此可见作者的良苦用心,即希望能够在祥和、宁静的乡下氛围中,远离现实世界的战火、兵役、流离和空袭。当然,魔法国度中也有邪恶,也有战斗,这也是现实的反映与折射。 其次,开启童话世界之门,是主人公在捉迷藏游戏时无意中在衣橱里面发现的,这样的情节很容易就迎合了我们儿时的记忆,同样泛上心头的还有孩童时关于童话世界的想象,充满了新奇,充满了向往。谁不曾幻想过美丽的仙境?谁不曾想拥有动物朋友?谁不曾幻想自己成为拯救世界的英雄?可以说,这样纯粹的童梦,人皆有之。 再次,故事的情节设定也充分流露出编导的良苦用心。同样是魔幻片,《哈利波特》越来越趋于黑暗和诡异;而《指环王》的主题与内容,则具有更适合于成人欣赏的史诗性质。《纳尼亚传奇》,情节发展上凸显正邪对立,主题是帮助正义战胜邪恶,符合了儿童眼里的世界,即只有简单的好与坏区分。这既是儿童幼稚的一面,同时也是可爱的一面。视觉效果上,更突出的是在于电脑制作的特效场景,并不突显战场上的震憾与刺激,也符合小朋友们的欣赏趣味。 拍《纳尼亚传奇》,是需要童心的;看《纳尼亚传奇》,同样需要一颗童心。因为,我们都曾经是拥有类似梦想的孩子。 Last " receive by Buddhist nun legend inferior " for the first time,from sighing over with feeling to: Only fill childlike innocence, could take so wonderful and strange a film; Only full of childlike innocence, could appreciate that there is not evil and simple world so. First of all, this piece about magic magnificent story of country, background but cruel fierce World War II, therefore much motives of the author's, it be able to be in the happy and auspicious, quiet countryside atmosphere to hope, the flames of war far away from real world, military service, wandering about as a refugee and launching air raids. Certainly, magic country there is evilness too, fight too, this is realistic reflection and refraction too. Secondly,open fairy tale the worlds door, protagonist in hide-and-seek game at unintentionally inside wardrobe find, such a plot very apt cater to we childhood memory,too suffused with have in mind have in childhood about fairy tale imagination of the world, it is novel to be full of, is full of yearning for. Who have fantasies of, pass beautiful fairyland never? Who never wants to have animal's friend? Who have fantasies of oneself become and save the world hero never? We can say, so pure Meng Tong, owned by everyone. Moreover, the plot of the story establishes and fully reveals much motives written and directed too. It is likewise magic slice, the darker and uncannier " Harry and Potter " becomes more and more; And theme and content of " lord of rings ", have, suited to epic property that alt appreciate. " receive Buddhist nun inferior legend ", plot it is prominent and evil to set against for development to have, the theme is to help justice to overcome evilness, accord with children world of eyes, have only a simple one good and broken to distinguish the fact. This children inmature lovely at the same time. On the visual effect, the more outstanding one lies in the specially good effect scene that the computer makes, shake regret and stimulate at the conspicuous battle field, accord with to appreciate interesting child too. Pat" receive Buddhist nun's inferior legend ", need childlike innocence; See " receive Buddhist nun's inferior legend ", need a childlike innocence too. Because,all of us once have dream -like child. 我翻译的是(3)。应该够你用的了。

E. 纳尼亚传奇2英语影评

《纳尼亚2之凯斯宾王子》:迷途知返,史诗再现 史诗片的伟大在于它往往可以吸纳文学与戏剧中史诗的精华,外加发挥了电影作为影像艺术和场面艺术的特长,从而使其更具有重大的历史、传奇和美学意义。当然,这也需要一种恰到好处的融合。 ——基督山伯爵 进入21世纪后的第一个年头,《魔戒》的横空出世把好莱坞的史诗电影推向了一个全新的时代,它在复制传统史诗片磅礴大气的特点的同时,加入了全新的魔幻元素,继而出现了集历史、战争、宗教、传奇、爱情、奇幻等多种特色于一身的全新片种——魔幻史诗。 《魔戒》系列在很大程度上把观众带进了一个前所未有的视觉时代。魔幻小说中那个离奇夸张的神奇世界被完美地呈现在了大荧幕之上,大量的全景镜头与空中航拍所勾勒出的美丽画面无疑是最夺人眼球的,对于看惯了90年代由飞机与汽车组合而成的硬派动作片影迷来说,如此全新的冲击所产生的“肾上腺素井喷事件”就像注射毒品一样令他们飘飘然忘乎现实。对魔幻史诗片的追捧成为了21世纪前5年的最大特色。 然而就像所有的东西一样,看多了总归会有腻烦的时候,魔戒之后的《亚瑟王》、《亚历山大大帝》、《天国王朝》都雄心勃勃地相继问世,横扫了票房后却都离不开昙花一现的悲惨命运。的确,如果回顾一下奥斯卡的获奖史,我们不难发现奥斯卡的这帮评委向来是对于史诗片情有独钟的,像《壮志千秋》、《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》、《乱世佳人》、《宾虚》、《角斗士》、《勇敢的心》等等,随便扫一眼获奖名单就可抽出N部,《魔戒》三部曲的连续提名以及获奖更是助长了电影人拍摄史诗片的冲动。 迪士尼公司作为美国电影界的大头之一,自然也不会放过这样的机会大赚一笔,在2005年推出了一部另类的魔幻史诗片——《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫、魔衣橱》,目标直指CS刘易斯笔下的奇幻世界。但是很遗憾,评论界对于这部电影的口碑普遍不高,更有甚者用弱智儿童电影来形容这部影片,令迪士尼相当难堪。 在如此残酷的窘境下为一部烂片拍摄续集,这无疑需要十分惊人的勇气。续集电影很少能超越影片的第一部,这早已是一个公认的事实。除了《教父》与《魔戒》,优秀的并且已被公认成功的续集电影实在是屈指可数。但是迪士尼这次做到了,很难想象《纳尼亚传奇2之凯斯宾王子》居然是一部如此糟糕的前作的续集,影片中所反映出来的那种大气与精彩的特效制作完全与第一部大相径庭。《凯斯宾王子》为纳尼亚系列打了一个漂亮的翻身仗。 说第二部比第一部好主要是由于制片方吸取了第一部“弱智儿童片”的教训,剔除了大量的呆滞情节,还原了史诗片“人本”的王道。 《纳尼亚1》中大量的怪物作为战斗的主角实在是让观众不敢恭维,乍一看简直就是变异版的动物世界,这样的情节起初的确是让观众感到新鲜,但是新鲜过后是否能够留下深刻的记忆也需要打上一个大大的问号。史诗之所以称其为史诗,他必须有着强大的历史与传奇上的美学意义,大量的怪兽混战,虽然场面宏大,但也终究难以扣上史诗2字,只能在魔幻片中用大场面勉强骗来个“魔幻史诗”的头衔。 《纳尼亚2之凯斯宾王子》的情节就要比第一部出色不少,或许CS刘易斯在《狮子、女巫、魔衣橱》中只是埋下了一个序曲,第二部开始才算步入正轨。《凯斯宾王子》的情节基本上可以被看作魔幻版的“王子复仇记”。这样的故事情节一来吸纳了文学与戏剧的精华这样一个特点,二来加上电影独特的影像艺术,称呼它为“史诗片”自然也就是情理之中的事。如何把各类史诗元素融合好才是影片下一步要考虑的关键,值得欣喜的是,《凯斯宾王子》在多元素的融合上表现得十分令人满意。 影片的故事情节与第一部几乎没有太大的关联,作为续集电影,《凯斯宾王子》对于第一部故事情节的承接做的非常到位。第一部中遗留下来的号角成为了第二部故事开始的关键,期间第一部中的白女巫也在第二部中得以再次现身。第二部的故事情节发生在第一部的1300年后,纳尼亚在台尔玛人的入侵下已经成为了一个蛮荒之地,雄狮亚斯兰也不知去向,纳尼亚人民的信仰面临着严峻的考验。四个小主人公被召回之后立刻就开始了他们的救世之旅,并且在这个过程中逐渐成熟,逐渐长大。 高调的开头使影片在一开始的时候就有别于第一部中的那种安逸平淡。取而代之的政治、夺权、谋杀这些黑暗元素在一开始就把《凯斯宾王子》定位在了阴谋论的基础之上,使影片具有十分典型的戏剧特点。继而逐渐展开的王子沦落与逃亡也是文学与戏剧史上永恒的经典,并且不论被演绎多少次,这类情节终究都会是经典。大量的夜间戏也是一改第一部中绿色阳光的特点,为这片时隔1300年的纳尼亚大陆增添了一份物是人非,也使战争氛围变得更加的残酷。 《纳尼亚1》犯下的一个重大错误就是战争场面时间不够充分,2小时22分的片子里只有最后半小时是比较大规模的战斗场面,并且制作的十分混乱,除了面对面的全景冲锋外实在没有别的深刻印象,之后则是毫无条例地乱砍乱杀,这个杀戮过程中间还穿插了节奏缓慢的其他内容,致使其高潮部分不够连贯流畅。 《凯斯宾王子》的迷途知返在这里值得称赞。同样也是将近2小时30分的时长,片中除去前50分钟的承接内容后,基本上全部都是战争场面,高潮不断。这对于时长本身就“拖”的史诗片能否吸引观众继续看下去非常关键。这些战争场面一共包括如下内容:凯斯宾被人追杀逃亡,纳尼亚夜袭台尔玛,双王单挑,以及最后的大规模攻城战。这四个高潮的时长安排也十分合理,基本上是按着“短-长-中-长”的节奏来进行安排的,使影片的层次感变得十分清晰,每一个高潮都不会觉得拖沓,也不会觉得时间过短。恰到好处的融合让人感到十分舒坦,绝对不会出现《魔戒2》那种争斗场面令人看的疲惫,但有倍感精彩的矛盾情况。

F. 纳尼亚传奇1的英文观后感,急求啊!要自己写的,80个词以上,我随时在线的!!!!!

A tale of narnia. If we were to read it, maybe more easily into the magic kingdom. However, people grow up, whether can forget this fairy tale? It depends on everybody's understanding. Actually, the fairy tales are not too naive, children's eyes, and saw the pure truth is often the most close to the truth. Aslan and it's magical kingdom, maybe it will only exists in memory, but, if one day, can also go to narnia, whether can you believe, there are talking beasts, could move trees?

G. 电影《纳尼亚传奇》观后感 就前面的几个字英语怎么说无语法错误!

The Review of the Movie The Chronicles of Narnia
关于电影的感想一般都用review这个词,the chronicles of narnia是纳尼亚传奇的标准译名.希望可以帮到你.

H. 紧急啊!小弟跪求纳尼亚传奇1的英语观后感(50个单词左右)

Although the film is adapted from the fairy tale, the film continues to be a great success. In the world was 7.3 billion box office.


It has also won the Academy Award for best make-up and three nominations.It has gone beyond the <King Kong>, <The Lord of the Rings>and other large.







I. 纳尼亚传奇观后感 英文小作文 80到100字 帮我写一篇吧


Today, I bosom abnormality the mood of the excitement arrived at movie theater and watch movie:《The Na Ni second legend 》.

It related in the play:During the period of World War II, the region children drive urgent the evacuation go to each region, skin text Si a four kid drive arrangement reside temporarily in a house with big countryside.In the big house, the kid sister Lucy camed across an evil wardrobe, it is exactly the sorcery Kingdom Na Ni second entrance, the skin text Si house of four kid all got into Na Ni second, the Na Ni that is at this time's being second be cover with by the influence of improbity, is deathless for thousand years of white witch rule the whole Kingdom, she used scheme Dian Fu lion a king of rule, is second the Na Ni to become whole year round cold of ice snow world, children decision help lion the king take back scepter, hence, they launched second in the sorcery Kingdom Na Ni of adventure.

Classic in the world Zhao 《the Na Ni second legend 》take us into the sorcery world of different fantasy sort, for 《the Na Ni second legend 》receive top the 1 F mysterious veil.There is half deer person's soup Mr. Ma3 Si, thousand years and deathless white witch, Kingdom in sorcery world originally of four kid of the ruler lion king, and the skin text Si house and the wild beast of various each kind.

《The Na Ni second legend 》tell us:Regardless be still in the vain evil Huan world in now of the reality the life, will have true, kind, the United States, with the genuine feeling of the human life existence, be all of true, kind, the United States and when the genuine feeling of the human life coagulate into a kind of strength for solidify, justice of a square meet for great battle to win forever improbity of influence.



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