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发布时间:2022-12-26 06:09:40


《The pursuit of happyness》当幸福来敲门

After watching it i learned that catch every chance what i meet and be activly to the life.And god will never miss us or give us upLike the actor, he can be such a life in the bottom of society commitment-phobe deced, at least, I was really touched. In order to pay the rent and looked at his son to send the kindergarten fees, looking at his envy ground to looking at a securities broker's figure, looked at him with a securities broker to win the opportunity to communicate with time, sit on the same car, looking at him and they are expecting to speak, he wants to become a securities broker. At last, he finally out of the crowd

㈡ 英语观后感,有翻译的,最好是儿童电影

蜘蛛侠 Plotsummary: .Byaccident,heisbittedbyagenetically-alteredspiderandafterthat,.Therefore,heuseshispowertofightcrime.However,-man,GreenGoblin.Spider-,.Ontheotherhand,. Myopinions: -manisimpressive,especiallythepartofSpider-manflyinginthesky,itlooksrealistic.ThemusicinSpider-manmademefeelexcited.However,.Besides,Ilikethestoryofthefilm,itisoutstandingandteachesme“.”,myresponsibilityistoworkhard. 剧情简介: 彼得帕克是一个高中生。偶然的,他是bitted由一个转基因蜘蛛和在此之后,他发现,他赢得了奇怪的力量蜘蛛。因此,他却利用他的权力,打击犯罪。然而,诺曼奥斯本的新能源已成为一个敌人,蜘蛛侠,绿哥布林。蜘蛛侠需要绿色哥布林斗争,但他混淆作为诺曼奥斯本的父亲是他最好的朋友。另一方面,彼得帕克斗争爱上玛丽简。 我的意见: 我喜欢这部电影,因为它的打斗场面是巨大的和动画蜘蛛侠令人印象深刻,特别是部分蜘蛛侠飞行在天空中,它看起来现实。中的音乐蜘蛛人让我感到兴奋。然而,部分之间的爱情彼得帕克和玛丽简是很无聊。此外,我喜欢这个故事的电影,这是杰出的,并教我“在大国意味着巨大的责任。”我们有我们自己的责任在我们的生活和现在,我的责任是努力工作。 《功夫熊猫》(《KungFuPanda》)的: Thismovieisveryfunny! Isawthismovielastweek,anditwassoterrfic.ThisfilmmakesmelovingKungFu! ,? Itoldherit',anditonlylivesinChina. Inthismovie,,, , Irecommendthisfilmtoyou.! ThefilmstartsapandanamedPo(voiceofJackBlack),.Heworksforhisfather,Mr.Ping(JamesHong)inanoodleshop,whichfeaturesPing'slegendarySecretIngredient.HowPing,,fatheredapandaisamystery,notleasttoPo,'. ,upzillionsofsteps,whichthepudgyPocanbarelyclimb.Butclimbthemhedoes,dragginganoodlewagon,heDragonWarrior,(IanMcShane)inkung-fucombat.,the"FuriousFive":Monkey(JackieChan),Tigress(AngelinaJolie),Mantis(SethRogen),Viper(LucyLiu)andCrane(DavidCross).,.,tops.Allfivehavebeentrained(fornearlyforever,Igather)bythewiseShifu,whowithDustinHoffman''tgivetheothersalotofdepth.Anyway,it'suptothetemplemasterOogway(RandallDukKim),anancientturtle,tomakethefinalselection,andhechooses--yes,hechoosesthehaplessandpudgyPo. ,,.There'(haven'tweseenthatbefore?),hand-to-hand-to-tailcombatwithPoandTaiLung,anpstagingeverything,. "KungFuPanda".Thestoryiswaytoopredictable,andtruthtotell,Pohimselfdidn'toverwhelmmewithhischarisma.Butit'selegantlydrawn,,andit'.Forthekids,ofcourse,allthisstuffismuchofamuchness,andheretheygoagain. 英文电影:阿甘正传观后感(中英文对照) 阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUSTRUNS.他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。影片中还有一位主要人物是上校丹。他在越南战争中失去了双腿。他说他的命运就是战死。然而阿甘却救他,让他活了下来。失去双腿后他开始憎恨生活,生活得很颓废,责怪阿甘当初救了他。然而当他调整心态,去和阿甘一起捕鱼生活,有了收获后,开始感觉到生活的美好。感谢阿甘当初就了他。影片试图通过这个角色告诉观者生活总是美好的。乌云后有彩虹,绝境后有重生。关键是看我们给不给自己一个好心态,一个机会去改变不好的现状。影片试图向观者传达这样一个信息:或许做好我们该做的每一件事,生活就会给我们一个好的回馈。只要有一种坚持就会出现一个奇迹。 Mr.AGanhashisownperseverance,,JUSTRUNS.Hesaid:“Manhastlookforward,andneverencumberedbyforetime.Ithankthat'sthemeaningofmyrunning.”Saygoodbyetoforetimeanddon'tstayin-place.ktoonething,Mr.AGandoesandbecomes“GOD”..DanlosthislegsinVietnarmWar.Hesaidthathisfateisdeathinwar.However,Mr.AGansavedhimandlethimbealive.Afterlosinglegs,,complainingthatA Ganshouldn'tsavehim.Whenheadjustedhismind,livingonfishingwithAGan,'shelp..Rainbowisalwaysaftercloud.angebadsituation.:dowellwhatweshoulddo,andlifewillreturnuswell.. 电影《飘》观后感中英文对照版 04级房地产营销班张清 看完电影《gongwiththewind》,我很为瑞德这个人物形象所感动。瑞德倜傥潇洒,魅力无穷,而且幽默风趣,坚强勇敢,他富有,又尊重女性,对爱情矢志不渝。他又是一位独具慧眼,又敏锐洞察力和自制力的人,而且有自己的行事准则。他就象无边的大海,就象茂密的森林,可以让女性依偎。斯佳丽结识瑞德后结过两次婚,瑞德对她的初衷却一直没有丝毫改变,这样的恋爱态度令受我感到吃惊。米切尔给了瑞德博大的胸怀,他宽容别人的错误,始终尊重别人的权利。在他心里,男女是完全平等的。我不知道还有什么样的男性比这个形象更加完美了。 Seetheovermovie《gongwiththewind》,.,themagicpowerisendless,humorandwit,thestrengthisbrave,heisrich,respectingagainfemale,tolovefaithful.'t,-controldint,andhavetodothestandardownly.Heislimitlessoceaninelephant,thickforestinelephant,andcanmakefemaledependenton.,however,,.,hetolerateotherpeople'smistake,respectingotherpeople'srightalways.Inhisinthemind,menandwomenarecompleteequal.. 动画喜剧海底总动员 Somewhere,underthesea,weak-finnedclownfishNemo(AlexanderGould)liveswithhisfretfulfather,Marlin(AlbertBrooks).Smotheredbypop'sparanoia,heventuresawayfromthereef,buthisdad'. TakentoatankinaSydneydentists,NemomeetsGill(WillemDafoe)andco-.Meanwhile,(EllenDeGeneres),andsetsouttosavehisson... ptandstars.'sswornoffkilling(Remember,fisharefriends,notfood!),,whoseshort- 喜剧动物片101真狗 mypersonalfavorite"101D"mediumisDisney's"101Dalmatians:theSeries".(DodieSmithbook,1961and1996movies).Butstilldoesitsownthings,too. OurmainpupsincludebraveLucky,,lovableRolly,thegourmandofthepups,andsweetlittleCadpig,whoisthetrueruntofthelitter.AlsothereisSpotthechicken,wholongstobeadog..TheyareusuallyfoilingCruella'sschemesfortheirland,oroutwittingLt.Pug(I'llgettohimlater),orsneakingintoGrutely,or...justhavingfun,makingaverylikableshow.

㈢ 我需要两篇关于电影的观后感,要英语的大概150-200左右


The movie tells the story of Forrest Gump, who was born with some disabilities, but he has overcome them and somehow seems to be present at a lot of historical moments. He's in love with his childhood friend Jenny, who constantly eludes him.

Tom Hanks gave us an unforgettable performance that goes down in history as one of the greatest. He is lost in this character and Gump takes a life of it's own. Probably one of the most lovable characters in the history of cinema. Jenny, the woman of his affections is played by Robin Wright Penn, her performance is almost saddening. Her life is constantly spiraling out of control and you can do nothing to stop it. Gary Sinise is hilarious as Lt. Dan, the hard ass in the army who loses his legs. We love to hate it at the beginning, then we come around, much like his character.

Forrest Gump is an everyman film. Meaning the almost everyone will like it. Some political messages may turn people the other way, but the overall feel of the film is something that a lot of people share. Every once in a while there is one film that touches a lot of people, I think Forrest Gump is one of those films.

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman star in The Buket List. A film that was a ton better than I expected. Freeman plays Carter, an engineer and Nicholson plays Edward, a miserable rich man. Both of them have cancer. Both of them had or has a family, of course. While in the hospital, Carter comes up with a list, he calls it The Bucket List. It's a list of all of the things you want to do before you die. For instance, witness something majestic, laugh until I cry, and kiss the most beautiful girl. Edward thinks those are lame, so he adds a few.

When Edward and Carter get out of the hospital and do cooler things. They go skydiving, to France, to Africa and many other places .Sean Hayes from Will & Grace stars as Tom, Edward's assistant. Though his name's not Tom, it's Matthew. Edward thinks it's too Biblical. That's pretty funny.

The Bucket List is a fun film to watch. I don't know why so many critics around the world bashed it. It's also very funny. I think the part that makes it funny is Jack Nicholson. The film is also a drama, Nicholson's character is having problems with his daughter. The Bucket List is truly a great film. Put it on your list to watch.

㈣ 求三篇英文电影的观后感 用英语写(30词)

Impression on "Forrest Gump"
Last night,I saw a great film,Forrest Gump.I am greatly impressed by this film,by the stories of Forrest Gump.Forrest Gump was born in a small village.He was born mentally retarded,and he was discriminated by others.But his mother is a strong female who encourages Gump to be strong and live the same as normal people.

㈤ 英语原版电影观后感


阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。









㈥ 5篇100字左右的英文电影的观后感,要用英语啊

I honestly don't know where to start with this movie. I will say however, that - like many other people - this is the film I've been waiting 20 years to see.
I suppose it's sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - the script. It's cheesy, cliché-ridden, and poorly-structured. Characterisation (especially of the Autobots/Decepticons) is non-existent. Optimus Prime uttering the words "My bad" must go down in history as one of the worst moments in movie history. Actually scratch that - the "lubricating" scene is definitely worse. The writing of human characters is lazy at best, sticking with stereotypes such as the beautiful code-breaker, fat computer whizz, bumbling government agent etc etc. The performances (Shia aside) are instantly forgettable, but a great deal of that comes down to the script and direction. Megan Fox may be a great actress for all I know, but she may as well be a stripper for the purposes of this movie.
The effects are incredible (although not helped by Bay's erratic editing style), but when you've no reason to care about them it results in an empty experience. Effects DON'T MAKE A MOVIE.
With Spielberg as part of this project I allowed myself a little optimism, but it's patently clear that Bay and Co. had no understanding or respect for the Transformers franchise. GIANT "FLIPPING" ROBOTS BLOWING "STUFF" UP this may be, but it is most certainly not Transformers.

㈦ 英语电影5篇观后感60~80字

Today I am sharing a movie with the name XXXXX. This is a movie with a very simple story structure that is very thought-provoking. The content of the story is (此处需要简要描述一下故事内容,约1-2句话即可). I feel very touched. (假设是一部讲亲情的文艺片) Anyone, be it a small person or a big person, be it a good person or a wicked person, can get a sublimation of the soul in the face of the strongest love of his loved ones. Everything in the world is mortal.(最后的部分用一两句话来表达下感想即可)

㈧ 英语电影观后感(100字)




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