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发布时间:2022-12-17 08:04:43

① 驯龙骑士观后感作文400字


② 电影<<龙骑士>>英文简介 请英语好的人帮忙!!


Orphaned farm boy Eragon (Ed Speleers) destiny is sealed forever when a mystic stone chooses him for its keeper, this is no ordinary stone, this is the last surviving egg of the dragon race. Eragon is now the new Dragon Rider, the boy who will be savior to the repressed peoples of the Kingdom ruled by the wicked King Galbatorix (John Malkovich) and his evil wizard Durza (Robert Carlyle). Running, hiding and battling across the lands with his mentor Brom (Jeremy Irons) and the gracious dragon Saphira (voiced by Rachel Weisz), together, with the beautiful Princess Arya (Sienna Guillory), this Band of Brothers learn more about themselves, their responsibilities and their destinies. Who shall succeed toward the end? Shall good overcome evil? Or will all be lost to the dark forces forever? Fly with the adventure.

③ 书虫睡谷的传说读后感(英文)

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 英文总结(353字)
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. With Irving's companion piece "Rip Van Winkle", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today.

The story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, New York, in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball ring "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head". Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related".

The dénouement of the fictional tale is set at the bridge over the Pocantico River in the area of the Old Dutch Church and Burying Ground in Sleepy Hollow. The characters of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel may have been based on local residents known to the author. The character of Katrina is thought to have been based upon Eleanor Van Tassel Brush, in which case her name is derived from that of Eleanor's aunt Catriena Ecker Van Tessel.

Although Irving knew an army colonel named Ichabod Crane from Staten Island, New York (who was also once the Commanding Officer of Lieutenant Stonewall Jackson), the character in "The Legend" may have been patterned after Jesse Merwin, who taught at the local schoolhouse in Kinderhook, further north along the Hudson River, where Irving spent several months in 1809.

④ BROM是什么

全称应该叫Gerald Brom。
插画大师。出生于美国佐治亚州埃尔巴尼的一个军人的家庭里,他的学生时代几乎都是在世界各国的流动中度过的,他住过的地方包括日本、美国的亚拉巴马州、夏威夷州,他高中则是在德国的法兰克福市,因为这些都有美国驻世界各地的空军基地。在他早期的记忆中,一直被奇怪的、怪兽般的或美丽的东西所吸引,他总是为一些视觉效果特别的作品所震动。20岁时,布劳姆就已经开始是一名插图作者了,21岁就为可口可乐、IBM、哥伦比亚电影公司、CNN等著名代理商创作了许多具有影响力的作品。三年后,他终于进入自己一生钟爱的幻想领域。24岁时,著名的TSR公司雇佣他成为一名全职插图作者,接下来的三年中,他就创作了日后畅销的《Darkwerks》系列作品。 1993年,布劳姆成为了自由插图画家,从此,他开始创作自己最感兴趣的主题。 除了幻想作品外,布劳姆还涉足于3D和玩具制作的领域。

⑤ 能给我一下这篇文章The legend of sleepy hollow 的赏析吗(读后感)

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. With Irving's companion piece "Rip Van Winkle", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today.

The story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, New York, in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball ring "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head". Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related".

The dénouement of the fictional tale is set at the bridge over the Pocantico River in the area of the Old Dutch Church and Burying Ground in Sleepy Hollow. The characters of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel may have been based on local residents known to the author. The character of Katrina is thought to have been based upon Eleanor Van Tassel Brush, in which case her name is derived from that of Eleanor's aunt Catriena Ecker Van Tessel.

Although Irving knew an army colonel named Ichabod Crane from Staten Island, New York (who was also once the Commanding Officer of Lieutenant Stonewall Jackson), the character in "The Legend" may have been patterned after Jesse Merwin, who taught at the local schoolhouse in Kinderhook, further north along the Hudson River, where Irving spent several months in 1809.


⑥ 电影《飞越疯人院》扮演酋长的演员叫什么名字

威尔·山姆普逊 Will Sampson出生日期 1933-9-27 出生地 Okmulgee,Oklahoma,USA Will Sampson(1933-9-27 - 1987-6-3)是一位美国本土演员和艺术家。Sampson演艺事业中最受关注的角色就是《飞越疯人院》(1975)中的酋长(Chief Bromden)以及《阴风怒吼》(Poltergeist 2: The Other Side)中的印第安巫师。 Sampson是从参与拍摄《飞越疯人院》开始走上演艺之路的。这部好评如潮并获得第48届奥斯卡奖的电影,揭开了他12年的演艺生涯,直到他1987年去世。 在影片中扮演 齐弗(Chief Bromden) 的威尔·山姆普逊(Will Sampson),原本是公园的一名护林员,就在电影拍摄地点附近的俄勒冈州。他被选中扮演该角色,正是由于他是摄制组能找到的唯一一位与影片中的角色那惊人的身高相符合的美国土著人

⑦ 电影《龙骑士》十句经典台词

经典对白:龙骑士 Eragon(2006)

·Brom: Our beautiful lands have been ravaged by a ruthless king. And our people live under the shadow of tyranny。
·Brom: It wasn''t always like that. There was a time when our people lived in peace. Protected by warriors astride mighty dragons. They are nothing but stories now. All we have is a hope that a dragon will be born and one will rise to lead us to freedom 。
·Brom: There was a time when the land flourished without cruelty and fear. You remember... Men astride magnificent beasts. The time of Dragon Riders. That time will come again. My story was about you!
Eragon: I didn''t ask for any of this!
Brom: You were chosen, nevertheless. A dragon will only hatch if it feels the presence of it''s Rider. Now it''s found you. It will serve you and only you...
没有关系,你是被选中的 。龙只有在真正属于它的骑士出现时才会孵化。现在它找到你了,他将会为你效劳也只为你一个人效忠。
Durza: I will find the boy and kill him before he becomes a man.
Brom: Eragon, you are the next Dragon Rider.
Arya: Be strong, Eragon. They will follow you...
Eragon: We fight as one!
Brom: What was once your life is now your legend.
·Brom: Magic comes from dragons and flows through the Riders who command them.
·Eragon: If you help me, won''t the King kill you too?
Brom: He''ll kill us all if you don''t survive.
·Durza: There is no one left for you to fear, my king.



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