❶ 神秘博士中有一个什么天使,只要你一眨眼就会出现在你面前是哪一部
❷ 哭泣的天使的介绍
神秘博士第3季第十集和第五季第四集、第五集;以及第七季第五集,第九季第十二集。神秘博士第3季中提到的外星生物,里面提到哭泣天使(The Weeping Angels)是专门偷时间的一种古老的能和宇宙相提并论的完美生物。它们被称为“孤独的刺客”,没人知道它们来自何方,它们跟宇宙一样古老,或者差不多,他们能活那么长。因为它们有完美的防御系统,它们是量子锁定的,它们被任何生物看到时都会变成雕塑,那是它们的生理特征,而你无法杀死雕塑,当然它也无法伤害我们,但当你转头时,眨眼时,它们就可以动了!在一般情况下哭泣天使的“杀人”方式就是在碰到人之后把人送到过去的某个时间某个地点,所以哭泣天使并不是真正意义上的杀人,而是把人们带到它们自己的时间线之外。Don't Blink 就是由哭泣天使而来的。
❸ 哭泣天使的介绍
神秘博士第3季中提到的外星生物,里面提到哭泣天使(The Weeping Angels)是专门偷时间的一种古老的能和宇宙相提并论的完美生物。他们被称为“孤独的刺客”,没人知道他们来自何方,他们跟宇宙一样古老,或者差不多,他们能活那么长。
❹ doctor who 哭泣天使有什么特异功能
❺ 哭泣天使的基本信息
哭泣的天使(The Weeping Angels)是专门偷时间的一种古老的能和宇宙相提并论的完美生物。他们是量子锁定的,当他们被观察时他们并不存在,他们被任何生物看到时都会变成石头,天使的石头,那是他们的生理特征,而你无法杀死石头,当然石头也无法伤害我们,但当你转头时,眨眼时,他们就可以动了!在一般情况下哭泣天使的“杀人”方式就是在碰到人之后把人送到过去的某个时间某个地点,所以哭泣天使并不是真正意义上的杀人,而是把人们带到他们自己的时间线之外。Don't Blink 就是由哭泣天使而来的。
❻ 《神秘博士》中的哭泣天使遇到一群寂静,会不会撑死
❼ 哭泣天使为什么
❽ 神秘博士 哭泣的天使 第三季第十集 doctor 经典台词 别眨眼别回头那段 还有时间线的解释 英文 高分急求 .
Yep,that's me
Yes,I do
Yep,and this
Are you going to read the whole thing
I'm a time traveller
Or I was ,I'm stuck in 1969
Quite possibly
afraid so
Yeah,People don't understand time
It's not what you think it is
Very complicated
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect but actually to a non-linear ,non-subjective viewpoint,it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly ,timey-wimey stuff.
It got away from me ,yeah
Well I can hear you
Well ,not hear you exactly ,but I know everything you will gonig to say.
Look to your left
I've got a of the finished transcript .So it's on my autocue.
I told you I am a time traveller ,I got it in the future.
Yeah,yeah ,wibbly-wobbly ,timey-wimey.
What matter is we can communicate.We have got big problems now.They have taken the blue box ,haven't they?The angels have the phone box.
Creatures from another world
only when you see them
Lonely assassins , they were called
No-one knows where they came from ,they are as old as the universe ,or very nearly.
They've survived this long as they have the most perfect defence system ever evolved.
They are quantum-locked.Thety don't exsist when being observed.The moment they are seen by any other living creatures ,they freeze into rock.It's a fact of their biology in the sight of any living thing they literally turn into s stone,and you can't kill stone.
Of course ,a stone can't kill you,either .But then you turn your head away ,then you blink and ,oh yes ,it can .Thas's why they cover their eyes.They are not weeping ,they are just can't risk looking at each other.Their greatest asset is their greatest cures.They can never be seen.The lonelist creatures in the universe.And I'm sorry .I'm very very sorry ,It's up to you now.
The blue box ,it's my time machine.There is a world of time energy in there they could feast on forever.But the damage they can do can switch off the sun.You have to sent it back to me.
And that's it .I'm afraid ,There is no more from you on the transcript ,that's all I've got. I don't know what stopped you talking ,but ,I can guess they are coming .The angels are coming for you,but listen ,you life depends on this ,don't blink ,don't even blink,blink and you are dead.They are fast ,faster than you can believe,Don't turn your back,don't look away,and don't blink .Good luck .
Ok this is all the doctor said in S03E10,hope can help you~~
❾ 有一部电影讲两个偶尔相识的女人,与叫做哭泣天使的石膏像的事。