"The Butterfly Effect" evokes a weird, lasting feeling of shock when the credits roll. It's a powerful and complete movie that will mess with your head in all the right ways.
The character development here is superb, having the viewer take a trip through the most important moments in the life of the main characters (even in their childhood) while maintaining these scenes crucial to the main plot. Which is the greatest aspect of this movie by far.
The licensed music fits perfectly in the movie (I also found out quite some bands / songs I enjoy through this movie!) and the original compositions are just amazing. The visual effects are top notch, without ever feeling like too much or too little, it's just right, just how it should be. Photography is a wonder to look at, showing amazingly well when a scene is in the present or the past, without distracting too much from the whole experience.
Acting is also superb in here, with every actor delivering their characters like they should - even the younger ones! Impressed!
This movie is for you if you enjoy a haunting and bone-chilling mystery thriller that will mess with your head and keep you glued to the screen until the very end. A classic, for me.
B. 谁会写法国电影<<蝴蝶>> 的英文观后感...
Julien (Michel Serrault) is a bitter old man in the midst of an emotional desert. His collection of butterflies constitutes his sole passion. One day, he makes his new little neighbor's acquaintance, Elsa (Claire Bouanich), visibly neglected by her mother but looks unfavorably on her intrusion in his life. One day, he's going to the Alps to try to find a rare species of butterfly, the Isabelle and for his greatest pleasure, Elsa invited herself to the trip...
If you ever want to spend an evening in front of a DVD and if you search for originality, then this Philippe Muyl's flick hasn't your name on it. How many times have we seen the eternal recipe of a friendship story between a grumpy old man and a little girl as fresh as a daisy? Making Julien and Elsa go into the Alps to try to discover the Isabelle is a pretext to bring them together and make them know each other. At first, it's hostility. At the end, complicity prevails. Between the two poles, a scheled psychological evolution. In short, on the surface "the Butterfly" (2002) smells the reheated. However, although Muyl has limited talents as a film-maker (the success of "Cooking and Dependences" 1993 is to be attributed to the tandem Jean-Pierre Bacri/Agnès Jaoui), there's something warm in his work. The presence of the little Claire Bouanich is partly responsible of it. She's so gorgeous of freshness and spontaneity that it would take a heart of stone to resist her. Definitely no Shirley Temple. She sees in Julien, the grandfather she would have liked to have and especially an experienced person to take care of her. Getting in contact with him, she learns life with its joys and sorrows and her hill-walking is rich in learning lessons so that it's nearly an initiatory travel for her. Beside her, Michel Serrault is excellent as usual.
Tenderness for his two main characters, preposterous explications but adapted to a child's faculties of understanding to bring touches of humor (did you know that shooting stars are locks of hair God loses?). Philippe Muyl mixes these two things and by letting oneself slip into this touching story, one just has to be charmed along the way and the work is done. And it works rather well. There's a feel-good factor that dominates our minds throughout the projection and sometimes it's comforting to feel this. Moreover, the wild beauty of the Alpin countryside is highlighted to add a decent amount of poetry.
But probably to avoid a break of tone, the director erased as much as possible dramatic sides of the story, particularly the hateful misunderstanding according which Julien is suspected to have kidnapped Elsa when she left of her own free will. During the time the two protagonists are in the mountains, this point is taken to the back seat and after Elsa fell into the hole and help rescue her, Julien is taken to the police station but we can watch him leaving it rather freely without any trouble. Philippe Muyl glossed over this point. Fortunately, that doesn't muck up the bliss of the projection but beware Mr Muyl! You came close to disaster! At the end of the road, the most cynical ones will only probably see a simpering flick without any real depth and tailor made to furnish an evening in front of the telly. As for the others: if you are sick of watching violent or bloody movies à la "Kill Bill" (2003/2004), why not having a break with this certainly stereotyped proct but so cute which surfs on the wave of unexpected popular movies like "une hirondelle a fait le printemps" (2001) through the simple philosophy it brings out: earth connection, a return to the basic pleasures of life.
C. 《蝴蝶效应1》 英文介绍与感受
We can't play God, unless we sacrifice ourselves.
We can't change the past.
What we will have tomorrow, all depends on what happened yesterday.
D. 法国电影 蝴蝶的影评
E. 电影(蝴蝶效应),(再生门)观影感。用英语写,字数不用太多,分开写,求各位看过的英语大神们帮帮忙
The Butterfly Effect
There is a plot in the movieThe Butterfly Effect —— We can't play God, unless we sacrifice ourselves.
Who says, anything is better than nothing.
Who knows, the price of that anything.We can't change the past.Then how can we change the future?Coz what we will have tomorrow, all depends on what happened yesterday.I think it is so deep a thought.
This movie really can be called a masterpiece!
F. 求《蝴蝶效应》的英文影评
The film, great, after reading a person look just like to transfixed.
There are many fragments, they have become part of the memory, we will try to forget about these clips, just because we can not return to that moment, to change them. If you give me this possibility, let me return to the old crossroads, if I can know in advance that moment brought me a choice and do not want to place the results, I received stopped, turned to another step direction, my history, would not this be more perfect?
The film not only out of such assumptions may even try to give an unexpected answer:
Yes, if the butterfly in that moment, no fly away, but just shake a bit wings and the end of the chain in time, will be more of a hurricane out of thin air, worse, no one knows where the wind is blowing to.
When everything is unknown, we can only console themselves like assumptions we have experienced and participated in the actual change in the world is a result of the best so far, of course, if you think that the worst would feel better if also wish me it. There is an assumption, which is provided in the film that assumption, I might can think of the most frustrating of a kind, and Ji, Wu Lun Genggailishi on any link to cause the Yichang not Yuliao to the disaster, (film only two exceptions, the hero of the match in order to get the prison roommate, while the return to the past, with the nails hurt his hand, and in order to destroy the history of the bomb, but picked up the knife, which After two, the hero went back to the established time and space, not only did not bring a major cataclysmic change, even this benefit). Parole you have the ability to see a better world without their own (as the movie last three minutes of the lens) for as who should feel the loss deeply.
The tragic hero is hereditary in nature, but unfortunately the end of this seemingly endless era of progress because you can use video to record the process of baby born to an end, even if this life is not aborted, expect the After he grew up, in that their ability to post this, only to be locked in a lunatic asylum or a self-breaking of two paths. Maybe not in this earthly appearance, is the best he can think of outcomes, but, even so, still have a mother for his early departure painful.
In other words, if a person was able to reverse the historical ability to either wait for his disaster in history, or is their tragedy. The two have the capability, power to the fate of the inevitable, namely, regret and greed - either for their own ever done regretting, either of which is the life of the state is actually dissatisfied with desire change, it is these two emotions so that we proce from time to time to back the urge to change history, but also makes it different from the God of the two emotions.
The hero of the movie has done covertly a religious proposition, since I brought the existence of only the unfortunate people of the world, then, What happened to the water? Hands nails hero, vaguely suggesting a martyr-like distress. Everyone can proce back in a moment the desire to change history, this is the inevitable human nature. However, this desire can never be reached, so people were able to present the status and relations are known to the world. People busy, or happiness, or hardship, they look forward to the arrival of new life, but knew nothing of the tied to, they could only console themselves one by one like the answer for all the development, generation after generation abide by the order of infinity multiply endlessly down safely.
Person exists, because people are not God!
G. 蝴蝶效应1 英文版影评
Now normally I tend to prefer movies that let the writer/director tell the story that they want to without having to water it down for mass consumption. In this case I have to say that the ending they they were forced to re-shoot for the theatrical release of this movie is a much more emotional, resonant and appropriate ending than the bleak, cold and grotesque finale they had originally planned. On the US DVDs you get the choice of which version to see (foreign editions only have the less compelling director's version)... so North American viewers can make up their own mind about which ending they prefer. I would suggest watching the theatrical cut first... and then check out the director's cut... which would you prefer to think of as the "real" ending?
As for the movie itself... don't be put off by the idea of Ashton Kutcher in the lead role. He does quite a good job in a serious part quite different from his usual TV persona. He plays a college student who, having been plagued by mental blackouts all his life, devotes himself to the study of human memory. Eventually he finds that by re-reading old journal entries he can will himself back in time to experience the events he had blacked out... and even CHANGE THEM using the knowledge that his older self possesses. Unfortunately one small change in the past causes some HUGE ramifications in his present day world. Can't say too much more about the plot without giving away the many fun surprises. Believable performances and a basic seriousness give the film an urgency that is sometimes missing in modern fantasy films of this type.
H. 写一篇看法国《蝴蝶》的观后感
这是一部关于亲情的法国电影,一个老人和一个10 岁女孩共同去寻找一种阿尔卑斯山脉中的稀有蝴蝶“伊莎贝拉”,老人为了死去儿子的遗愿,女孩为了寻找失去的母爱,走在同一条寻找的路上。整部片子以寻找来一步步梳理出电影本身要体现的内容,寻找并不是意义本身,寻找的动力和根源——人与人之间的沟通、对亲情的寄托才是这部电影最终要表达的内容,也是要传达给观众的意义。
不过最后我们还是等待到了伊莎贝拉,就在两人兜兜转转一圈之后,在老人的温室里,一只邮寄来的伊莎贝拉诞生了,两个人的心愿都得到了实现,女孩的妈妈也告诉她“她爱她”。我看到这里,也才赫然明白,这部片子所要表达的意义原来就是,不要忽视身边的爱。当身边的亲人和爱人都还在的时候,要懂得珍惜,不要等到亲人失去了才通过实现当初未能实现的愿望来回忆和遗憾,这是老人给我的启示;要懂得珍惜,不要因为最亲的人在身边就以为他知道自己的心,爱是需要沟通的,也是需要表达出来的,不要让身边的人受到冷落,这是那对母女的启示。爱身边的人和事吧,它会让我们的心里永远驻留着那遍寻不着的最稀有美丽的蝴蝶,让我们不会有遗憾。参考资料: http://shineapril.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!6cd94bac6e27511c!905.entry
I. 法国电影蝴蝶观后感
这部影片 轻松,幽默,温馨,洋溢着浓浓的亲情,既没有跌宕的情节,也没有精彩的动作,但却揭示了很深刻的哲理:“有时候爱就在我们身边,却常常被我们忽略” !
朱利安是一位丧妻丧子的孤独老人,多年前儿子抑郁症自杀,他为了实现对儿子许下的诺言,执着地寻找一只叫做伊莎贝拉的蝴蝶。一个单亲家庭的小女孩丽莎,偶然闯进老人寻找蝴蝶的旅程,而女孩的妈妈也叫伊莎贝拉,16岁时怀孕生下来丽莎,妈妈忙于工作,似乎又不懂得如何爱她,女孩受到冷落。女孩在这次旅行中实际上是在寻找母爱。 短短的旅程,老人完成了儿子的遗愿,女孩找到了母爱,他(她)们都找到了自己心中的伊莎贝拉。
他告诉丽莎的妈妈,要去爱抚、亲吻自己的女儿并告诉她“我爱你”….因为老人有切身的体会,亲情对一个人有多重要、有多珍贵. 老人也为始终没对儿子说出“我爱你”这三个字而愧疚 。
看完电影后,那位孤独,善良,充满沧桑却智慧的蝴蝶老人,那位聪明伶俐,又孤独敏感,清澈蓝眼睛里的忧伤,羞怯迷人的笑容,精灵般的小女孩, 以及亲情,友情,美丽的大自然,充满生命哲理的对话,生动而立体,久久的的展现在眼前,那种精彩难以言表!
J. 蝴蝶效应3英文观后感