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发布时间:2021-07-08 11:50:42

⑴ 《撞车》观后感结局好看吗








⑵ 求写电影《撞车》英文影评,,谢谢各位了

The message at the heart of Paul Haggis' "Crash" is admirable and true: as human beings, we are all afflicted with racial biases and a tendency to stereotype those who are different from us, consciously or unconsciously, and this demeans and distorts a great many of our relationships. Thus, we are always ennobled by overcoming our prejudices. I whole-heartedly agree with this message and I believe it is worthy of respect. Unfortunately, in art, no matter how good a message is, it doesn't justify mangling the means used to express it.

The means of a story are character and plot. Strong characters can sometimes save a weak plot, and a compelling plot can sometimes support weak characters, but no story can succeed when both of these elements are dysfunctional. In "Crash," the characters are little more than collections of cultural attitudes: more character types than real human beings. They interact in a highly contrived plot made up of preposterously unlikely coincidences. These coincidences converge in various dramatic scenes which are well performed by excellent actors, and occasionally they even have some good dialogue to work with. But since the characters aren't fully developed, and many of the situations are so pat and improbable, there is no verisimilitude in many of the critical scenes, and thus, no sympathy for the characters, and so, no real drama.

"Crash" has good intentions. In this case, they paved the road to, if not mediocrity, then a more fashionable suburb close by.

⑶ 求一篇电影《撞车》的读后感,英语的

After seeing this movie, I was able to really understand what "Six Degrees of Separation" means. There is a thread that weaves its way through the landscape of life connecting, influencing, and defining all. This movie is certainly thought-provoking, one cannot watch it without feeling either privileged to have become part of the fabric, or like a fly on the wall - seeing, yet unable to influence or guide. There is almost a sense of frustration at ones inability to be no more than an observer in this movie since it compels you to want to shout in warning, gasp in shock, cry in sorrow, and hold in comfort. "Crash" is definitely not a movie to use as a venue to escape life for a couple of hours, but it is a movie that certainly makes you take a second and third look at who you are within yourself. The actors are surprising not only for their depth of performance, but also because they do not play characters you think you know. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes drama, action, comedic relief, or just an appreciation for a well-thought out movie.

⑷ 《crash》观后感英文版

In Paul Haggis' Crash, an array of characters live in Los Angeles. Their lives intersect with each other, and they go through an unbearably straightforward series of melodramatic incidents, mainly e to a car crash. The movie as a whole is executed in a pretend-mythical style—astoundingly overused, absurdly glossy spiritual symbols, artificial, inlgent melodramatics instead of genuine humanity and insight. The characters are portrayed as either victimized angels or bigoted demons that repent to become victimized angels.

The movie itself is so clean, manufactured and mass-proced that it feels like a plastic shell. The characters are nothing more than pop abstractions that begin with little-to-none dimension and, paradoxically, lose dimension as they progress. The social and cultural tidbits portrayed here are illustrated in straight, bold, plain lines. Crash's formality feels so out-of-place, so uncomfortable, that even with any redeeming values, it's impossible to forgive.

Now, technically speaking, it's not the worst movie ever made, and it's not the worst of the decade, either. In fact, based on technical guidelines, it's not even the worst movie of 2005. However, in applying the Joe Queenan theory-—that the truly worst movies ever made are the ones that shot for the moon and offshooted; the movies that bugged you; the ones that stuck with you for a long, long time - Crash is really the worst of its year. It is also one of the worst of the decade (only The Village, The Passion of the Christ, Hancock and a few others fare worse). It's wildly visionary approach simply felt like a mammoth-scale failure. It got to me. It bugged me. The whimper this movie got out of such a fruitful idea was simply sad to watch. Any faint merits or respectable attempts for greatness made it seem all the more heartbreakingly terrible—this pretentious, cheap disaster seems so wasted.

The movie is a deformed pastiche of political blindness, soullessness and emptiness. It appeared to me as a lifeless, rushed scam - a movie that feeds off mass consensus of opinion without trying anything revolutionary itself.

Crash is a movie that gives itself the undeserved assertion that it really is revolutionary-—yet it pathetically follows the crowd while it obnoxiously assumes it is leading. This movie could have been so much more—something modest, something in-touch, something relevant--or, at the very least, something tolerable.

⑸ 关于电影《撞车》的影评 以及反映出的美国文化







一个人呆在杂货店里,女儿多莉回来都不知道。老板对着女儿说: 我碰到仙女了,她是天使。是啊,确实是个善良的小天使。其实他不知道,他的女儿才是他的天使,女儿在买枪的时候,就买了一盒空弹。






⑹ 撞车的英文影评



⑺ 看完安全撞车教育电影后写的读后感怎么写


⑻ 求电影撞车英语观后感120字。谢谢



⑼ 问电影撞车的影评和经典台词,没认真看不懂


⑽ 求电影撞车的英文观后感 300字 谢谢

Crash is one of the best movies that I have ever seen. It is so powerful and very well executed. It is a film that I believe all indivials should take the time out to watch just once. This movie intertwines the lives of many unrelated people living together in the city of Los Angeles, California. It all takes place within a 36 hour time period. It focuses on the social and racial tensions that people face every day and it uncovers the negative truths of our shared humanity.

Life moves fast and this is something that all viewers can relate to. As citizens, we are often walking around in our 'own little worlds.' The theme of this film is to take a look at all the different walks of life and it allows us to see things from all points of view, not just our own. Our actions cause reactions. Too often people do not stop to think about how their proceedings will affect others. This film takes things to the extreme and it shows us the consequences that may result.

A tag line for this film is: We crash into each other just so that we can feel something. This is in relation to the fact that we are somewhat robotic in our daily lives. We have to work, some indivials even have to pick up second jobs, many of us are parents, and some of us are still furthering our ecations. The hustle and bustle of daily life can cause us to slowly build resentments we are not even aware of. In addition to the theme of how we can affect others; there is also a piece of this film that shows how many of us are brought to our breaking points.

In some ways this movie did show similarities to the movie American History X. Crash is much broader. However, both of these films address the 'elephant in the room.' They cover topics that people do not like to talk about, but topics that are very real. They are both racially related. They both teach some sort of life lesson and show us things that truly make life meaningful: Love, family, the power of relationships, and respect for others.

There is phenomenal technique within the editing of this film. They weave together the lives of strangers and the transitions are extremely smooth. It can be hard when jumping from one unrelated scene to another and I give the editor of this film a lot of credit. Many of the scenes were filmed multi-camera. There was quite a bit of rearranging that had to be done and I found the editing to be flawless.

The sound effects and soundtrack are also very important elements used in this film. The end of this movie is quite a long 'aha moment.' The events all come full circle and everything that had been unpredictable throughout the film now makes perfect sense. Sounds help to heighten the intense moments in film. They have done an outstanding job here.

In summary, we live in a society where we must behave in a politically correct manner. But at the end of the day, we all see the world from our own perspectives. This is the reality. I found this film to be very real. As a viewer, I can really appreciate this. These are necessary issues to uncover. I feel as though these discoveries can only help us to become better people and better members of society.



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