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发布时间:2021-07-20 23:58:50

① 求《悲惨世界》电影的影评

《悲惨世界》——一部闻名遐迩的影片,它把惨淡荒芜世界中人性的种种改变尽收眼底,让我不禁感叹人性的微妙。 当出狱后的冉阿让背负着囚犯的身份,饱受嫌弃鄙视。社会的不公与排斥,消弭了他重新做人,改过向善的信心。是宽大为怀的主教伸出慷慨的援助之手收容了走投无路的冉阿让,他不仅不计较冉阿让偷他的银器具,反而将一对银制烛台送给了他并嘱咐道:“答应我一定要把这些钱用到好的地方。把这些银器卖掉,用这些钱让自己过得好一些。” 我终于相信,人是可以改变人的,正如主教以宽大、仁慈深深感化了冉阿让,给了他无限的希望,使他彻底悔悟,开始新的生活。乐于助人,见义勇为得到人民的爱戴,摇身一变成了受人尊敬的市长。 这一切使我既感动又欣喜。然而欣喜之余却又陷入了深深的思绪之中。从囚犯到市长,简直是天壤之别,这无疑是人性的巨大转变。面对着穷困潦倒,世态炎凉,将会产生两种人:第一种是卑微的人。他们丑陋、自私、贪婪的本性再也无法隐藏。就如书中的德纳第,他为了钱财不惜一切进行诈骗,一会声称是演员,一会儿又变成了画家,但他再高明也掩盖不住他丑陋的本性。其实在当今社会也不乏有一些为了眼前利益而不择手段的卑鄙小人。如一些凭借职权贪污受贿者;在重大赛事中为得到好成绩而服用兴奋剂者;还有小到考试作弊者……任何刻意的伪装都将被识破,虚伪不可能永久。另一种则无论什么情况都能永保光明、善良、宽容的高尚情操的人。洗新革面后的冉阿让变得宽大、善良因而感化了冷酷、固执,曾一味追捕他的警长沙威。 我再一次被人性的巨大力量震憾。愿我们身边多一些主教般光明的使者,有更多人能加入到助人为乐、见义勇为的队伍中来。社会需要这样的人,世界需要这样的人,只有这样我们才能创造我们的生活,创造出一个善良、和睦、光明的世界

② 急需英语电影观后感

喜剧动物片 101真狗

my personal favorite "101D" medium is Disney's "101 Dalmatians: the Series". It combines many themes of the existing material (Dodie Smith book, 1961 and 1996 movies). But still does its own things, too.

Our main pups include brave Lucky, who gets a strong personality mirroring his character in the book, lovable Rolly, the gourmand of the pups, and sweet little Cadpig, who is the true runt of the litter. Also there is Spot the chicken, who longs to be a dog. I find them all extremely amiable and enjoyable to watch. They are usually foiling Cruella's schemes for their land, or outwitting Lt. Pug (I'll get to him later), or sneaking into Grutely, or...just having fun, making a very likable show.

③ 电影《摇滚校园》观后感


美国的教育一向是以自由开发为基本特征,它们要求的是个性的发展,于是任何一部校园题材的影片中都有一个变态式的传统教育学校,一个勇于改革的老师和一群才华横溢但被学校和家庭压制的学生.从早期的修女也疯狂2中的唱诗班,到死亡诗社中的诗作小组以及这部摇滚学园追求的都对自身的解放。然而,摇滚学园与其它不同的是这群孩子真的只是孩子,他们没有太多自己的想法,只是听从老师家长的训教,不像以往那些影片中的孩子那样叛逆有个性,大多数都很安静,不爱说话。例如Lawrence尽管钢琴弹的很好却认为自己不够COOL;Tomika觉得自己太胖所以非常自卑,险些失去了唱歌的机会而去做Equipment Job;Zack尽管是乐队的第一吉他手在展示自己的歌时仍然表现得很不自信。Dewey老师因此就有了机会来现实他长期未能实现的梦想。尽管这些孩子是被利用的,但最后他们终于也有机会展现自己的才华和得到家长的认可。或者说,恐怕最后的喝彩并不是给Dewey 的,而是给孩子们的。而那些并不擅长音乐的孩子却也从中发挥自己的特长,比如负责服装设计的Billy,电脑灯光的Gordon,以及非常喜欢扮演重要角色的班长Summer (Dewey给她安排了乐队经理的位置)。在最后的家长会上,Dewey也忍不住表达出自己的心声他为这些孩子的才华个性感到骄傲,当然,这些都是在他正确的引导下才得以展现。不难看出来的另外一点就是一个人必须学会自荐,不能总坐在那里等待别人来发现自己的闪光之处。在影片中,有几个明显的例子传达了此观点:Dewey对Tomika说的:“I can't let you be a singer if you can't sing 如果你不能唱出来我就不能让你充当唱歌的角色。”从未打过鼓的Freddy主动要求当鼓手;Billy提出不要做保安而要做服装设计,以及Summer总是非常自负,无处不展现自己的重要性。从这点看来,东方的自谦信条是绝对行不通的。这一切都显示美国教育的特点。而这些方法在东方是行不通的,中国的孩子无时不刻地在被扼杀创造力与个性,也许中国的教育体制比任何一部美国中变态式的传统学校都要变态。中国的孩子都被引上相同的发展道路。


任何人都可以从他的疯狂痴迷的状态中看出Dewey真的热爱摇滚,同时他也把摇滚的真谛传达给大家:Stick to the Man.发泄心中的不满与愤恨,抒发自己的希望与渴求。

对于摇滚,你还有多少热情,多少期待。一直热爱着摇滚,过去现在未来。今天看了一部老电影,是JACK BLACK的《摇滚学校》。在影片中,一个对摇滚无比热爱的吉他手意外成为一群孩子的代课老师。就此开始了摇滚的振兴。剧情无非于此,开始我还以为是一部夸张的喜剧片。看到后来,也让我振奋了一下。一直相信摇滚是最能打动人的音乐。一群活在规矩管制之下的孩子们,已经对生活麻木,似乎在他们的生活中只有拿到几个A,如何取得好成绩。但每个人内心都是叛逆的,没有人天生愿意服从管制。每个人都渴望摇滚。直到杜威"费恩以一个教师的身份出现在他们面前。对摇滚近乎狂热的热情打动了孩子们,也打动了所有的观众。想跟着他们一起呐喊,唱出对世界的不满。为什么我们要听从别人摆布,为什么我们要放弃我们所热爱的东西,为什么我们要做不想做的事情,少管我,少管我,少管我! 谁知道摇滚精神是什么?追女孩?醉酒?不,是对抗。如果想摇滚,就必须有打破规矩的勇气。还记得摇滚学校里那个小吉他手写的歌“我们的成绩是全校最好,但我们对世界却一无所知。牢记你的谎言并不困难,我感觉仿佛被催眠。如果你想做老师的宠物,劝你最好打消这念头,摇滚才是真理!摇滚才有意义。”摇滚就是这样迷人,一直这样迷人。因此,才有一代又一代的人们,为了摇滚,献出自己的青春。也许有一天,我们累了,会慢慢冷下来,但摇滚精神是不会熄灭的。让我们记住,“摇滚不是为了赚钱,也不是为了出风头。这是一个非常严肃的事业,我们是有使命的。一场出色的表演,可以改变世界。”改变世界,也许胖杜威赋予摇滚的使命有些艰巨。但只要相信摇滚的人,都要相信,摇滚精神。不是摆姿势,不是糟践自己。而是抗争,告诉世界,你活着。告诉世界,我摇滚,所以我存在。





最后代表着美国中产阶级的家长们跟着rock fans一起大叫school of rock的时候,我振奋了一下,感动了,我看着舞台上风光无限才华横溢的孩子们,有种很强烈的想要流泪的冲动。摇滚就是具有如此魔幻般的蛊惑力,让我们为此疯狂为此着迷。我不会成为像杜威费恩这样终其一生追求摇滚的人,但摇滚在心中却同样有不可磨灭的印记。

摇滚从来就不只是一种音乐,它是一种精神一种生活方式一种世界观,它覆盖的可能很多很多,并不仅局限于音乐的形式。影片中的杜威教会了孩子们对老大 ---“the man”说NO,学会自己思考、自己选择、坚持自己的喜好、展现自己的才华,这才是摇滚乐带给保守模式束缚下的孩子的真正改变,这也是杰克布莱克作为一名真正摇滚乐迷用表演赋予了这样一部喜剧电影不一般的东西。

我喜欢的是60、70、80年代的摇滚,正是杜威所喜欢的如“the door”、“Pink Floyd”、“Led Zeppelin”、“Black Sabbath”、“Kiss”、“AC\DC”…… 在影片里你能随处听到Kiss、AC\DC的音乐。当看到杰克布莱克这个迷人的小胖子拼尽全力唱着AC\DC的《It’s a long way to the top》时,被撼动得无以复加,It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock ’n’ roll。虽然我只是停留在那个年代的摇滚世界,但那个远离的世界带给我的影响却是弥衡久远的。这个充满激情的电影能让灵魂中的某些东西复苏,我很是感谢同是乐迷的电影人们。



我想说的是这部电影带给我较大的震动,因为这部电影给我带来了更多是我们对教育的思考,这几天在看一个我弟(10岁)暑假的作业,一篇小说《窗边的小豆豆》,我从我的角度看到的是现代教育的一些观察点。我看这个电影,怀着一种“不可能”的思想和看法来看,因为在现阶段的小学或者说是现阶段的学校来说,都不可能存在摇滚,不可能出现在课堂上,孩子们每天只能面对的是很功利的东西,好好学习,赢得小红花,小星星,小旗子,我们谁又敢说我们曾经没有为使光荣榜中自己那一栏的光荣标志更加多一点呢,只怕是希望越多越好,多多益善,但是在杜威的课上我们看到的是我们儿时不曾想过的一片大好的景象,可以“不务正业 ”,可以瞎胡闹,可以爆粗口,让我们玩转音乐,enjoy摇滚,深深体会摇滚的精神—勇于正视恶势力,强实力,不要使自己被迫完成自己不喜欢的任务,要敢于对他们说出自己的心中的感受,让他们知道我们的感受,知道我们的思想,我们愿意干什么,厌恶干什么。只有真正的自信了,才能通过摇滚爆破出自己的感情。也正是看了这部影片,才让我有机会思考这个问题,考虑到我们的未来,如何变得更加自信,现在社会上的很多不和谐景象是这种应试化的教育所造成的,我想那么孩子们的父母就应该发挥更加重要的角色,鼓励自己的孩子多多看看自己身后所处社会的一些元素,即便是老师教的能让他们完成学业,但是孩子们真正喜欢的是什么,不可而知,难道非要等到一个懵懂的毕业生在社会上处处碰壁的时候才思考尝试自己的兴趣和爱好吗?
最后想呼吁:Let’s rock! We will rock you!

④ 音乐之声电影 中英文 读后感

The film focuses on a named Maria Teresa's convent in the performance too unusual and other al-evaluate some of the nuns, she said, sometimes funny, but sometimes get into trouble from time to time. Finally, the president or her assigned to a naval captain名叫特拉普home for a family of teachers.
When she came to the singing and dancing to the captain of the home, everything seems to be not so smooth, by the captain, to see End face seven children, the children do not like her, with her housekeeper in the room , A frog from his clothes inside out spring that they are doing mischief. So Maria on her old bedroom curtains to the seven children have done a service game to climb trees with them, Zuo Maju, a picnic, and did many fun things, she learned how to teach children to sing, and learned many Songs, when they ship Hua Zhao's home, the captain happened to meet, because they are over-excited and fell into the water, this is not a bad end, they want to usher in their new mother - baroness, This is a deep, this time for Maria are forced by circumstances away, the children become very unhappy. When Maria returned to the monastery, she does not think the president is a good thing for her to come back, because, after all, not a monastery to escape from the reality of a wall, Maria must face the reality of their own.
As a result, she has once again returned to the home captain, and seven children to see him after all very happy, however, the Baroness and the captain had been engaged. Maria do not know what to do, but in the near future, the captain of the Baroness seems very satisfied with the result on the lifting of the marriage, Baroness returned to Vienna. At this time, Maria and the captain of the average family between the teachers with sparks of love, after allowing the other side, they held a grand wedding, Maria has also become a mother of seven children. When the two men in the honeymoon, the captain has been the appointment of Nazi Germany, but the captain is a very patriotic person, he does not want the Nazis for the service, so they prepared to escape, they go in, the Germans were Found, so they had no choice but to the original arrangements for the task, but the captain did not agree with the Festival Chorus, take advantage of the presentation of the machine fled to the monastery, but also failed to escape the raid, the housekeeper was reported.
In the final borders were closed, the captain for the whole family's safety and dignity, toward the mountains on foreign soil ... ...

⑤ 关于电影观后感的一篇英语作文,模板也可以,字数在1000字以上,谢谢

The Scar of History- Nanking

Frankly speaking, I almost have no idea about what a movie truly described, even though, I really like watching movies. I watched lots movies, but I remembered rarely. Some people may say that’s all right or that’s happened, yes, that’s happened. What should I care? If you are totally impressed by a movie, I think the movie will deeply insert in your heart and touch your spirit with a strange magic which will give you some different feelings, just like happiness, sweet, free, or even some pain, depressed, anger, and crazy. Just because those feelings you got, how can you forget them?

Iris Chang--The Rape of Nanking is such a documentary film that impressed me so deeply. I don’t know whether you have been watched it? Just like me. I don’t know whether you have the feelings just like I have. Iris Chang--The Rape of Nanking, this movie was based on a book named The Rape of Nanking written by Zhang Chunru, a Chinese American, who was the first person written the rape of Nanking in English. In other words, we can say that this movie is talking about Zhang Chunru and how can she finished her book The Rape of Nanking. This was a road with lots incredible experiences and made me really depressed with shaking.

At the beginning of this film, the sea waved beat the beach again and again, as like the story of history knock on our mind and want tell us her sadness, blood, tears, and remind us some things. As Iris Chang said, people all around the world knew massacre made by Nazi, in the contrast, human rarely knew that a merciless massacre took place in Nanking, China made by Japanese. At the very start, Iris Chang knew a few about this terrible event. With the passage of time, she grew up and she realized she had no choice that she must do something to let people know this event. Some old movies, old pictures appeared crossed with the modern society, which make you feel brightly shock to your eyes. With the old picture and the modern picture crossed that makes me feel like I was close with the event. With some different kinds of materials appeared before my eyes, it made the event more reality, I realized that Iris Chang suffered a lot of pain.

During she collected materials about the rape of Nanking, she worked hard. Given this circumstance, a lot times she couldn’t help crying, was almost breakdown. Even though, she didn’t stop, she kept going. With a journey to Nanking city, she felt it is an emergency thing which she should do as quickly as she can to show the Nanking massacre around the world. In Nanking, she visited a lot people who were survivals in the Nanking massacre. The survival’s telling was an extremely shocking, from their eyes, from the dearest relatives who were killed by the Japanese soldiers, and from the merciless scar on their flawed body that you couldn’t imagine how horrible humiliations they suffered. This was the eternal scar and pain branded in their hearts.

With this in mind, sometimes I had a badly feeling that I was depressed, I breathe hardly, I almost throw up, and I’m in totally anger. During that moment, there were several heroes who gave some Nanking citizens a hand. Even though, the Japanese soldiers without humanistic, they made an array of terrible activities treat Chinese people. The beast killed Chinese people as recreational activities. They raped Chinese women (from 14 years old to 80 years old) and killed them with some unbelievable ways. Japanese soldiers killed little babies with their bayonet, and throw them away. They are just little babies, can you imagine that? Iris Chang said, sometimes she supposed that if she was born in that time, in the Nanking city, she maybe one of the dead people lay on the road where was filled with blood and dead bodies. In the night, when she was settling with the evidences, she sometimes appeared with convulsion and hardly stopped it, just shaking. Graally, when she combed her hairs, her hair dropped piece by piece. At that time, she was in a dark mood with heavy stress. Her parents asked her “should you continuous to write this book?” She replied, “Contrast with the survivals go through, mine undergo is nothing. I had to finish this book.” What were really bitterly disappointed to Iris were the people who pass up the facts. In the modern society there are still many Japanese Who deny the Nanking massacre. They want to wipe out this history. Furthermore, they do not want to charge with their guilt. Those ridiculous thoughts hit Iris Chang’s faith which was “human’s nature is virtuous”. When I watch the period which filmed a modern Japanese citizen who denied the Nanking massacre was made by Japan, in contrast, he thought that this entire event was totally played by the Chinese government. The unbelievable cruel pictures and the foreigners’ evidences was not real, they just arranged by Chinese government. How ridiculous he was! How can he think like this? Such an asshole! Go to hell! You are such a beast! History father will break you down! I was abusing those people who were dare not express the fact—out of fear, out of anxiety, out of their nation. I cried, what does the tear mean? The tears meant what? Meaning Nanking Massacre, meaning the dead people, meaning Iris Chang, or meaning the pain of the history?

“Just a little child, they took it all away, your blood, your life, your trust, your faith, you died, reborn in pain….” This song appeared when Iris Chang was in badly sadness ring she read or meat the actual distressed things. Iris Chang cried with her twittered body, she took the pain as her own. When I heard this song, my nose twitched and I began to weep. With a long silence, I dry my tears. This song really moved me, “I’ll give voice to the voiceless (silenced for too long), crying out for justice (silenced for too long), trust me with your pain, I’ll take it as my own, I’ll fight to get the truth told, my weapon is my word.” Iris Chang was such a young lady in her most glorious age with artistic talent. She can have an amazing future, she can have more children, she can stroll around the park with her husband, and she can be happier, but all of this just can be with her left. After she finished the book Iris Chang – the Rape of Nanking, she was completely succeeded. She brought a large effect among the North America. But several years later, after a depressive episode resulting from a nervous breakdown, she took her own life. I think she was completely put herself into suffer. She was stranded by the miserable stories. With the deepest she sank into and the unbelievable pain she faced, how can she stand it? Only when a person who really cared about a thing, they will took it as their own part, just like Iris Chang. If it works, I hope that Iris Chang was still alive, and use her words to let more people know the truth of history, bring the real justice to the world.

With time goes on, a lot of changes emerge in the modern society. The scar of history doesn’t disappear, they are just there, and to remind human beings doesn’t repeat the tragic event. Only when people realized it, they will not let these things happened in their country, their area, and their city. We need the real justice and we need more voice to the voiceless. Just like the lyrics sing “it’s done, the page’s filled, with blood and tears, not in vain, the world will finally hear, I gave voice to the voiceless, now I’m silencing my own, what I’ve left behind, remember, in you, my spirit lives on, find my light, pass it on.” I hope tomorrow will be better!

你可以把电影名字(Iris Chang – the Rape of Nanking)改一改,再加上自己的想法。祝你好运

⑥ 音乐之声电影英文的观后感 不要太多

Music and singing is a kind of emotional catharsis, a joyous time of singing, the pain, they also sing. "The Sound of Music" is a musical to Mary, in the non-stop singing, it was her longing for a bell of freedom, right, is free, though at first she did not realize it.
Freedom, this film is one of the themes to be expressed, I think.
Abbey is a place of self-cultivation, a bit similar to China's Taoist temples and monasteries, but it is essentially a restraint on human nature, many rules. Mary is clearly not the kind of place, her love of freedom, like running on a broad lawn, like, like to sing like birds. Her behavior is not that people understand the monastery, so she is confused, I thought I done something wrong, you should repent to God, but fortunately is a sensible president who is worthy of respect, we see that she singing, very nice. If the president is not the enlightened, Mary is likely the same as the other nuns lived in a monastery plain boring and monotonous days, and then as the years went by, singing graally forget any openings.
Mary Dean is likely to see in the shadow of his youth, so I hope she does not repeat it.
From the traditional sense, a happy person must have a happy family, especially for a woman, so pure, warm, beautiful Maria became the wife of the captain. Videos in order to show the love between Maria and the captain to arrange for the role of the countess. Of course, the countess is also beautiful, understanding, and very rich, the wife appears to be the best person to captain, but the captain ultimately chose Mary.

Musical "The Sound of Music" is a writer, composer Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II's 1959 collaboration.

"Sound of Music" in the form of a musical group created a clear personality characteristics, each with fresh characters, the story of a rich life both rich and lively atmosphere, and understanding and realistic people and love story. And other prominent film style is different: it not only has a strong dramatic plot, and has a beautiful sweet voice and a lot of natural dialogue and wonderful characters. Compared with similar videos, the language unique: both the words concise, tidy rhythm, rhythm norms, artistic and elegant poetic lyrics and strong, there are a large number of simple, natural, and quite witty dialogue daily life. Mostly because the hero or the identity of an ecated person, even though the dialogue is colloquial, many of which omit the sentence, but the overall standard of comparison on the dialog language, suitable to imitate and learn. The listener can be in a relaxed entertainment enjoy the beauty, but also by the influence of native English listening and speaking situations.

Premiere in New York in 1959, and in 1960 received the fourteenth session of the Tony Award for Best Musical, Actress, Supporting Actress Award on five, this is the musical master of Richard. Rogers (music) and Oscar. Langhammer Stein (word) co-created the last work. The film version in 1965 also won five Oscars. Audience after the performance greatly. A film adaptation of the same name in 1965, the same year, the film won Academy Awards. It is considered the most outstanding eternal share. This timeless new movie, always seize the hearts of children, all studying music, listening to music, are invariably impressed by the film.

The film mainly about a nun named Maria is too abnormal performance in the convent nuns and a number double by other evaluation, said she sometimes funny, but sometimes get into trouble from time to time. Finally, she was sent to the President or the naval captain named Trapp family home to be a teacher. Actress Maria vivacity and frank, out of the monastery to join the secular life, bold pursuit of true love, the innocence, love to care for seven children lost their mother too early, filling the living truth; story of tolerance and affection of interpersonal harmony , Colonel von Tripp Nazi henchmen, a high fear of righteousness, would rather not do conquered people's patriotic feelings in exile, all clear will of human goodness; story of the Alpine foothills of the lake scene, music, town Salzburg (Mo Mozart's hometown) in the artistic atmosphere, especially through the whole movie's pretty dance song (from the hands of musicians, Richard Rodgers), after nearly half a century, is still sung as ever, people to fully experience the arts and natural beauty. Among them, the most widely circulated a few piece of classical music: the expression of love for Mary, the theme song of nature, "Sound of Music"; relaxed and happy "Lonely Shepherd"; Bi Tuopu unlimited soulful singing the famous "Edelweiss "; joy and generosity of" Duolaimi "; and the lovely children in the game and the living room singing" Good night, good-bye! "And so on, have become the most cherished and memorable artwork thin.

The struggle of freedom and tyranny, love and evil battle, the history of human civilization is always the most heroic scene. A Sound of Music, is the cry freedom over tyranny, love to conquer evil mantra.

Freedom and love, comes from nature, from the mind, is the oldest man and the most eternal pursuit. But the tyranny and evil, human beings always want to see freedom and love, bathed in light, and do not want to allow people the freedom to love, fear people who love freedom, they want to do everything possible to stifle the freedom, love destruction! But the great love of freedom and are afraid of any pressure on them, afraid of any threat, fear no evil. Because of love and freedom from the heart, from nature, from God for the infinite power of human, therefore, love and freedom will ultimately prevail over tyranny, overcome evil, but also overcome its own to a new glory. Ever, every totalitarian oppression of freedom, love, evil every insult, the result is a higher realm of freedom is even more beautiful expression of love. But we must dare to face the tyranny and evil, tyranny and evil and must dare to say no!
Free to love, love of freedom, we will be invincible!

We often because of a song, a piece of music and feel the wonderful classic film. Years later, maybe we plot those films, the content is no longer holding a clear memory, but think of some excellent pieces of them, always made in people's recollection of reciprocating.
Similar or exactly the same as the feelings of many people, the film "Sound of Music" when I was most excited, and after a memorable view, and it is one of several first and Tones Qing Yang, brilliant words of songs, such as light jumping "The Lonely Goatherd" , lovely playful "Good night, Good bye", and full of affection and attachment to the motherland, the "Edelweiss", which particularly witty "DO RE MI" is the most. In the film, Mary holding the guitar, with seven children delighted in the blue sky green, the behind the quiet Hemu Alps. This alone is enough to cause a scene intoxicated Moreover, there is that period of innocence Yiqu memorable songs, but the audience into a similar situation has been hit by the Magic Man: sometime in the long gone, we are also understanding of their own to explain everything, we are also infected with their own feelings surrounding the beautiful people and things. "DO RE MI" the greatest charm is that it provides or the expression of a way of understanding the world, but also told people to describe things is actually a simple but full of beauty and the unknown.
From April 2008, the United States Broadway original classical musical "The Sound of Music" tour began in China, July 26 to 31, it came to the seventh station in Guangzhou. Just that time of the summer I traveled in half a month in Guangdong, although I know they are full of music a blind, but the existing bow every chance event, of course, but to the pleasure. I'm sure, come to appreciate this musical, the audience, most of it must have seen the movie. Now people usually watch the movie after the download to complete before the computer screen, but compared to the beauty of the musical seems more marked in live performances.
In my opinion, whether from the utilitarian point of view or approach some other according to proceed beyond doubt that nourish human needs and save the music. Music can record and depict any kind of emotion, and directed at the human heart, which is the art of outstanding character. And precisely because such features, when and where we can use music to express temperament. However, the most noble spirit of the music does not stop there, with the beauty of life to guide people to search, explore life, hope it is indicative of a more profound place.
"The Sound of Music," the story is not complicated, nor the so-called grand and spectacular, but more into people's hearts. Listening watch on the scene, I deeply feel the love they have been surrounded by so many. Poetic music, musical language, talk and display at those who come from a distant land seventy years ago, people in the expression of love: the elderly on the younger generation, children of parents, people of the country, human nature, thinking of all the words and deeds which have included the harmony of love. In the play, Mrs. Schneider stated that generous: the classic of love, all that time to face the difficulties without fear. Virtually all of the love of all that, facing the danger of hard power can easily show the spirit of love and life purpose meaning. In fact, touched me the most is that Mary soon came to the house of Colonel Trapp to the seven children of a valuable but also respectable showing motherly love. Although they like to joke, and each with varying degrees of disadvantage, but the soul like music with a love of the beautiful Mary was accepted, inclusive, into everything, and let the Captain Trapp was not found to their children the impression that he is not tame and playful. This makes me think of Tagore naturally in the "Justice" wrote: "You want to enjoy what he say \ but I know my child's weaknesses \ I did not love him because he is good \ only because He is my little baby ... ... "
Perhaps we will eventually forget those who have the soul-stirring, eventually abandoned the humiliation of those who had the glory, but in the depths of each person's memory, the total number of bear to let go of the light waves Ripples, which we always fish out taste. This time we will find that they still are full of spirit and quality of music. Immensely so, the music carries our life, our life's record.


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