㈠ 由獅子兩只北極熊鱷魚組成的動畫片叫什麼
《麥酷獅歷險記》劇情簡介:麥酷獅是明星獅子,這次麥酷獅化身動畫主角帶著它的小夥伴們組成冒險團去對戰暗影魔王。 麥酷獅要挑戰叢林中最強者,只要比各族首領中傳遞接力棒更快到達終點,就能成為叢林中最強者。雖然途中碰到各種困難,但麥酷獅堅持不放棄,最終取得勝利,成為叢林之王。教授交給麥酷獅護身符,並告訴他護身符的故事。
㈡ 求蛇、鱷魚、鯊魚、昆蟲、水怪、獅子、老虎、恐龍、巨蜥/的歐美恐怖科幻片,越多越好,最好是2000年以上的
一艘快艇在南海上馳騁,船長費尼根及全體船員被雇傭兵僱傭幫助他們執行一個任務。任務是當天不斷在南海游弋觀察,所以船長和船員都不清楚他們此行是執行什麼冒險任務。航行的所有費用均由一位幕後人物支付。機械師喬伊意外地在艙內發現8-9枚魚雷,他立刻意識到事態的嚴重性。 與此同時,在他們的下游,堪稱世界第一的豪華客輪「亞哥號」正在進行首航,船上滿載腰纏萬貫、珠光寶氣的貴婦富翁。因為郵輪過於豪華,運行的費用遠遠高於建造費用,所以郵輪的建造者為了使自己不至陷入負債境地而把郵輪交給銀行,所以就暗中破壞了郵輪的所有操作系統,包括緊急呼救,這樣輪船就會在毫無監測的情況下航行,最終結果就是觸礁沉沒,而按照原定計劃24小時後就會有事先准備好的救援船趕來營救,從而在最少的傷亡的情況下騙取巨額保險費。 就在這時,巨型多頭兩棲海怪襲擊了郵輪,吃了船上的大部分遊客只有極少數的倖存者(包括船長)倖存。等約翰他們趕到時,「亞哥號」已陷入一片血水之中,船上僅剩下幾名倖存者,其中包括崔林和建造「亞哥號」的工程師西蒙。就在這個時候費尼根明白了雇傭兵的任務,他們的任務是搶劫豪華巨輪,如果失敗他們將炸掉巨輪。 起初,約翰並不相信倖存者講述的「亞哥號」遭到了所謂「深海魔鬼」的浩劫,直到他發現船員和雇傭兵一個接一個地死去後,他才明白自己已被放到九死一生的危險境地。在走投無路的情況下,他只能與崔林和雇傭兵聯手共同對付嗜血無度的「深海魔鬼」。 最後,在一番激烈的較量下,崔林、費尼根和喬伊聯手殺死了深海怪獸,也只有他們倖免於難。
㈢ 獅子王1-3情節 越詳細越好
The Lion King---01
The Lion King
The film tells the incredible story of the love between the proud lion ruler Mufasa and his son Simba, a naïve and curious cub who struggles to find his place in nature』s great Circle of life. Set in an emotionally colorful bsckground , Simba experiences some of life』s most glorious moments and toughest challenges. His devious uncle Scar has his mind set in denying Simba his rightful place as ruler of Pride Rock. To this end a pact is forged with the cowardly hyenas, the lion』s sworn enemies. In order to seat Simba』s fate Scar and his hyena allies excute a sly plan which forces Simba to flee from the kingdom after his father』s death. But behind him, the pact is lost and the kingdom is destined to statve under Scar』s incompetent rule. Before he can reclaim his rightful title as king of the Pride Lands, Simba must overcome great fear and contempt, climaxed by a roaring battle with his adversaries.
*Cast and Credits
Director: Roger Allens, Rob Minkoff
Procer: Don Hahn
Composer and Singer: Elton John
Lyricist: Tim Rice
*Academy Award
Academy Award Nominations: 4, including 3 for Best Original Song.
Academy Awards: 2, including Best Original Score and Best Original Song(Eton John and Tim Rice: 「Can You Feel the Love Tonight」)
1. Circle of Life
2. The Adventure of Innocence
3. The Elephant』s Graveyard
4. The Conspiracy
5. The Death of Mufasa
6. Hakuna Matata
7. Can You Feel the Love Tonight
8. Sense of Responsibility
9. The Challenge
*The Cast
In alphabetical order, with translations of the names where applicable:
Banzai [Skulk, Lurk] : Most quick-tempered of the Hyenas. Best with comebacks. Offsets Shenzi and Ed quite well.
(Cheech Marin)
Chaka : Simba's and Nala's cub. He completes the Circle.
Ed : The stupidest Hyena. Has a Bill the Cat stare.
Noted by warts on the tongue. Too stupid or slow to lie at the
right time.
(Jim Cummings)
Mufasa : Current King of the Pride Lands. Well-built lion. Thick mane.Brown eyes. Biiig kitty.