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『壹』 急求一段經典英語電影對白…

不是對話,是經典電影對白賞析 希望能對你也有所幫助吧
Shawshank Redemption《肖申克的救贖》 關鍵詞:自由

1、It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.

2.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

3.some birds aren』t meant to be caged, that』s all. Their feathers are just too bright...

4.I find I』m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.

5.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another.

6.These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get u sed to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institution alized.

7.There`s not a day goes by I don`t feel regret. Not because I`m in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. Then a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can`t. That kid`s long gone and this old man is all that`s left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It`s just a bull...word. So you go on and stamp your form, sorry, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don`t give a ...

8.I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying.

Lion King 《獅子王》 關鍵詞:成長

1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.

2.I laugh in the face of danger.

3.I』m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn』t mean you go looking for trouble.

4.When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.

5.It』s like you are back from the dead.

6.You can』t change the past.

7.Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.

8.This is my kingdom. If I don』t fight for it, who will?

9.Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.

10.I』ll make it up to you, I promise.

Gone with The Wind 《亂世佳人》 關鍵詞:堅強

1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it』s the only thing that lasts.

2.Whatever comes, I』ll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.

3.I think it』s hard winning a war with words.

4. Sir, you』re no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.

5.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.

6.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.

7.I love you more than I』ve ever loved any woman. And I』ve waited longer for you than I』ve waited for any woman.

8.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I』ll never be hungry again!

9.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me.

10.You』re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.

11.Home. I』ll go home. And I』ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.

『貳』 初中英語過去分詞和現在分詞的用法

surprising 使人感到驚訝的(主動)
surprised 自己感到驚訝的(被動,即被驚訝的)
an exciting story 一個令人興奮的故事(主動)
excited spectators 激動的觀眾(被動,即被引起激動的)
a moving film 一部感動人的影片。
A moved audience 受感動的觀眾
A tiring journey 累人的旅行
A tired football player 累了的足球運動員
He told us many interesting things last night.他昨夜告訴我們許多有趣的事情。
She is interested in astronomy. 她對天文學有興趣。
the risen sun 升起的太陽
fallen leaves 落葉
the exploded bomb 已爆炸了的炸彈
a retired miner 退休礦工
returned students 歸國留學生
the changing world 正在變化著的世界
the changed world 已經起了變化的世界
boiling water 正在開的水
boiled water 已經煮開過的水(可能是涼開水)
developing countries 發展中國家
developed countries 發達國家
1) 作定語作定語用的分詞如果是單詞,一般放在它所修飾的名詞之前。如:
I』m reading a very interesting book.我在讀一本很有趣的書。
He likes to drink cold boiled water. 他喜歡喝涼開水。
China is a developing socialist country belonging to the Third world.中國是一個發展中的社會主義國家,屬於第三世界。
(= which belongs to the Third World)
The man sitting it the corner is my brother.坐在角落裡的那個人是我的兄弟。(= who is sitting in the comer)
Most of the people invited to the party did not come.被邀請參加晚會的人多數沒有來。(= who were invited to the party.)
The opera is very moving and instructive. 這個歌劇很動人,且有教育意義。
The cups are broken. 這些杯子是破的。
He is married.他已經結婚了。
[注] 分詞作表語用時,相當於形容詞,不可與進行時態和被動語態中的分詞混淆起來。它們的形式相似,但可以從意義上加以辨別。試比較:
Lei Feng』s spirit is inspiring the people all over the country. 雷鋒的精神鼓舞著全國人民。(現在進行時)
His report is inspiring. 他的報告令人鼓舞。(現在分詞作表語)
The road was completed by the PLA men.這條路是解放軍戰士修成的。(被動語態)
The road is completed.這條路已經築成。(過去分詞作表語)
Looking out of the window,I saw groups of children passing by the house.我從窗口望出去,看見成群的孩子們從房子前面走過。(= When I locked out of the window)
Heated,the metal expands.這種金屬加熱後即膨脹。(= When it is healed)
Opening the drawer he took out a dictionary.他打開抽屜,拿出一本詞典。(= He opened the drawer and took...這兩個動作是一個接著一個)
While working in the factory (= While I was working in the factory),I learnt a lot from the workers.我在工廠工作期間,從工人那裡學到了很多東西。
When heated,the metal expands.這種金屬加熱後即膨脹。
Feeling tired, I telephoned and said I couldn』t come to a hospital of Chinese medicine.我感到
累,打電話說我不能去。(= Since I felt tired)
Thinking that Chinese medicine might help,he went to a hospital of Chinese medicine.他想中醫也許有效,於是到一家中醫醫院去治病。(= As he thought that...)
Inspired by the excellent situation they worked even harder.在太好形勢的鼓舞下,他們更加努力工作。(= Since they are inspired by...)
He came running back to tell us the news.他跑著回來告訴我們這個消息。(方式)
She stood there waiting for the bus.她站在那兒等公共汽車。(伴隨情況或方式)
The child fell,striking head against the door and cutting it.小孩摔了一跤,頭在門上碰破了。(結果)
He went out slamming the door.他走出去砰地一聲把門關上。(伴隨情況)
The lichens came borne by storms.這些地衣是由暴風雨帶來的。(方式)

Not knowing what to do,she went to the teacher for help.她不知道該怎麼辦,就去請老師幫助。
I left at noon,not staying for lunch.我是中午走的,沒有留下來吃午飯。
The boy was left uncared for.那孩子無人照管。

We saw them walking across the road.我們看見他們穿過那條馬路。
We heard the children singing 「I Love Beijing』s Tian An Men」我們聽見孩子們唱《我愛北京天安門》。
I found my hometown almost completely rebuilt.我發現故鄉幾乎全部改建過了。
We must get the television set repaired.我們必須把電視機修好。(請別人修)
I had my watch mended in town.我在城裡修的表。(叫別人修的)
If we have shortcomings,we are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized.我們如果有缺點,就不怕別人批評指出。(請別人指出)
He had his arm broken.他把手臂折斷了。(不是別人給弄折的,而是自己弄折的)
They were seen walking across the road.
The children were heard singing「I Love Beijing Tian An Men」。
I saw him go upstairs.我看見他上樓去了。(看見他上樓整個過程,只說明他上樓這件事)
I saw him going upstairs.我看見他走上樓的。(只看見他上樓這個動作的一部分,說明他上樓的情景)
I was working in the room all morning" I heard somebody All knock at the next door.我整個上午在房間工作,聽見有人敲隔壁房間的門。(聽見敲門整個過程)
When I went back to the room,I heard her practicing singing in the next room.我回房間時聽見她在隔壁房間練歌。(只聽見一部分,回房間前她已開始唱了)
完成式having written
Working together with Dr. Bethune,we learnt a lot from him.
Knowing that they were going abroad next week ,they began to make preparations.他們知道他們下星期要出國,所以都開始作準備。(knowing發生在began之前)
He came up to me,saying「Glad to see you again.」他來到我跟前說道,「很高興又見到你。」(saying發生在came之後)
Having done his homework,the schoolboy began to write his diary.這個小學生做完作業後,開始寫日記。(having done his homework發生在began之前,表示時間。)
Not haying done it right, I tried again.沒有做對,我就又試。
(not having done發生在 tried之前,表示原因。)

『叄』 英語分詞表主動,被動是什麼意思 exciting 令人興奮的 excited感動興奮的

excited 與 exciting 都是形容詞,並且都是從 excite 變化而來的

excite, 這個動詞的用法是 , sth excite sb,某事使人興奮
exciting ,令人興奮的,它的常用用法,
The film is exciting, 這裡面沒有提到人物,但是在理解時就理解為:這個電影令人感 到興奮的。 這里並不是被動語態,這個exciting修飾的主體是物,只是一個形容詞已,表示物的性質和狀態。
excited ,興奮的,激動的, He is excited 。 這里也是形容詞的用法,表示人的感受
有被動語態的用法,前面說 sth excite sb,某事使人興奮, 那麼某人對某事感到興奮
就被動的用法,比如 he is excited by the film. 電影讓他很興奮。

interest → interested/interesting (感興趣的/有趣的)
excite → excited / exciting (興奮的/令人興奮的)
move → moved/moving (感動的/令人感動的)
surprise → surprised / surprising (感到驚奇的/使人驚奇的)
please → pleased/pleasing (高興的/令人高興的)
bore → bored/boring (厭煩的/令人厭煩的)
tire → tired / tiring (厭倦的/令人厭倦的)
amaze → amazed / amazing (驚奇的/令人驚奇的)
frighten → frightened/frightening (受驚恐的/令人驚恐的)
puzzle → puzzled/puzzling (迷惑的/令人迷惑的)

『肆』 一部激動人心的電影 英語翻譯

an exciting movie

『伍』 「多麼激動人心的電影呀」用英語怎麼說,謝謝。

What an exciting movie

『陸』 多麼激動人心的電影啊!翻譯成英語

What an exciting movie is !
結構:What +a/an +形容詞+主語+謂語

『柒』 這部電影比我想像的令人激動英語

This movie is more exciting than I thought.

『捌』 "我十分興奮看了這個令人激動的電影"的翻譯

I'm very excited to see the exciting film.



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