導航:首頁 > 電影排行 > 大追蹤電影1995


發布時間:2024-09-27 19:40:56

A. 劉欣演過什麼電視

1994年《步入輝煌》飾演鳳蘭子 1995年《打左燈 向右轉》飾演碧雲 1996年《離開雷鋒的日子》飾演吳娟 合作演員:劉佩琦 《東方巨人毛澤東》飾演楊開慧 1998年《紅娘》飾演紅娘 《天上人間》飾演阿玉 2000年《啞巴女人 啞巴彈》飾演啞巴女人秀子 2002年《花街》飾演蓮花仙姑 2003年《關東民謠》飾演秦麗璞 《獵鷹》飾演馬琳 《活著並且要記住》飾演喜鳳 《紅色年代》 《父親爸爸》 《楊開慧》飾演向警予 《古都網事》飾演高麗蘋
1990年《情債》 1993年《中方雇員》 1994年《千里難尋》飾演張玲 1995年《無悔追蹤》飾演許小妤 1997年《離婚餐廳》飾演門燕燕 1998年《今生情難還》飾演梁明麗 2000年《白色陷阱》飾演阿麗 合作演員:王亞楠、楊童舒 2001年《真心真情》飾演桑榆 2001年《願望年代》飾演羅琪 2001年《威脅》飾演楊茗莉 2002年《說老公壞話》飾演林娜 2003年《金鎖記》飾演曹七巧 2004年《虎膽雷霆》 2004年《水兵俱樂部》飾軍嫂 《冰雪人生》飾演方溪 《白領紅塵》飾演林可歡 《運河人家》飾演金枝 《藍血》飾演楊燕 《長風鏢局》飾演司馬幫主 《椰城故事》 《渴望激情》飾演戴喬 《九重天》飾演沈佳宜 《天劍群俠》飾演血鳳凰 《2億大追蹤》飾演楊艷 《海南媳婦》 《愛情飛蛾》 《黃河魂》 《戶口》

B. 求:約翰.韋恩的個人詳細資料


Winterset, Iowa, USA


Los Angeles, California, USA. (lung & stomach cancer)

Marion Michael Morrison


Michael Morris|Duke Morrison




演員 cast
1 I'm King Kong!: The Exploits of Merian C. Cooper (2005) ..... Ethan Edwards (archive footage)
2 Rated 'R': Republicans in Hollywood (2004) ..... Himself (archive footage)
3 Bob Hope at 100 (2003) ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
4 Christmas From Hollywood (2003) ..... Himself (archive footage)
5 Go West, Young Man! (2003) ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
6 Remembering 'The Quiet Man' (2002) ..... Himself (archive footage)
7 John Wayne's 'The Alamo' (2001) ..... Davy Crockett (archive footage)
8 Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood (2001) ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
9 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001) ..... Himself (archive footage)
10 Warner Bros. 75th Anniversary: No Guts, No Glory (1998) ..... (archive footage) (uncredited)
11 John Wayne on Film (1998) ..... Himself (archive footage)
12 Playboy: The Story of X (1998) ..... Himself (archive footage)
13 The Best of the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts (1998) ..... Himself - Roaster(Guest) (archive footage)
14 Barbara Walters: 20 Years at ABC (1996) ..... Himself (archive footage)
15 Legends of Entertainment Video (1995) ..... Himself (archive footage)
16 100 Years of the Hollywood Western (1994) ..... Himself (archive footage)
17 Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In: 25th Anniversary Reunion (1993) ..... Himself (archive footage)
18 Laugh-In Past Christmas Present (1993) ..... Himself (archive footage)
19 A Bob Hope Christmas (1993) ..... Himself (archive footage)
20 Classe américaine, La (1993) ..... Georges Abitbol (archive footage)
21 The Making of 'The Quiet Man' (1992) ..... (archive footage)
22 Ca détourne (1992) ..... MC François (archive footage)
23 Oscar's Greatest Moments (1992) ..... Himself (archive footage)
24 Rock Hudson's Home Movies (1992) ..... (archive footage)
25 Here's Looking at You, Warner Bros. (1991) ..... Himself (archive footage)
26 Hollywood on Parade (1990) ..... Himself
27 John Ford (1990) ..... Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
28 We Can Keep You Forever (1988) ..... Himself (at POW homecoming) (archive footage) (uncredited)
29 Cowboys of the Saturday Matinee (1984) .....
30 Margret Dünser, auf der Suche nach den Besonderen (1981) ..... Himself (archive footage)
31 John Wayne the Duke Lives On: A Tribute (1980) ..... Himself (archive footage)
32 "Hollywood" (1980) ..... Himself (archive footage)
33 Fist of Fear, Touch of Death (1980) ..... Himself, at the Academy Awards (archive footage) (uncredited)
34 Ken Murray Shooting Stars (1979) ..... Himself (archive footage)
35 The 51st Annual Academy Awards (1979) ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Picture
36 The American Film Institute Salute to Henry Fonda (1978) ..... Himself
37 General Electric's All-Star Anniversary (1978) ..... Himself/Host
38 Early American Christmas (1978) .....
39 That's Action (1977) ..... Himself (archive footage)
40 CBS Salutes Lucy: The First 25 Years (1976) ..... Himself
41 It's Showtime (1976) ..... (archive footage)
42 Chesty: A Tribute to a Legend (1976) ..... Narrator
43 英雄本色 The Shootist (1976) ..... John Bernard Books
44 America Salutes Richard Rodgers: The Sound of His Music (1976) ..... Himself
45 Backlot USA (1976) ..... Himself
46 America at the Movies (1976) ..... (archive footage)
47 Hooray for Hollywood (1975) ..... (archive footage)
48 The 47th Annual Academy Awards (1975) ..... Himself - Presenter: Honorary Award to Howard Hawks
49 無所遁形 Brannigan (1975) ..... Lt. Jim Brannigan
50 Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? (1975) ..... Himself (archive footage)
51 公雞考格本 Rooster Cogburn (1975) ..... Marshal Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn
52 盜毒 McQ (1974) ..... Det. Lt. Lon McQ
53 John Wayne and Glen Campbell & the Musical West (1974) ..... Himself
54 The American Film Institute Salute to John Ford (1973) ..... Himself
55 父子三英豪 Cahill U.S. Marshal (1973) ..... U.S. Marshal J.D. Cahill
56 列車大盜 The Train Robbers (1973) ..... Lane
57 The 44th Annual Academy Awards (1972) ..... Himself- Presenter
58 The Cowboys (1972) ..... Wil Andersen
59 Cancel My Reservation (1972) ..... John Wayne (uncredited)
60 Directed by John Ford (1971) ..... Himself (uncredited)
61 The Selling of the Pentagon (1971) ..... Himself (archive footage)
62 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Jack Benny But Were Afraid to Ask (1971) ..... Himself
63 鄉下佬 Big Jake (1971) ..... Jacob McCandles
64 The American West of John Ford (1971) ..... Narrator
65 Sehnsucht nach dem wilden Westen (1971) ..... Himself
66 Swing Out, Sweet Land (1970) ..... Himself
67 擒賊擒王 Rio Lobo (1970) ..... Col. Cord McNally
68 The 42nd Annual Academy Awards (1970) ..... Himself - Best Actor Winner/Presenter: Best Cinematography
69 Harry Jackson: A Man and his Art (1970) ..... Narrator (voice)
70 Raquel! (1970) ..... Himself
71 白谷太陽 Chisum (1970) ..... John Simpson Chisum
72 No Substitute for Victory (1970) ..... Narrator
73 大地驚雷 True Grit (1969) ..... Marshall Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn
74 The Undefeated (1969) ..... Col. John Henry Thomas
75 Hellfighters (1968) ..... Chance Buckman
76 綠色貝蕾帽 The Green Berets (1968) ..... Col. Mike Kirby
77 戰車 The War Wagon (1967) ..... Taw Jackson
78 A Nation Builds Under Fire (1967) ..... Narrator
79 血肉長城 Cast a Giant Shadow (1966) ..... Gen. Mike Randolph
80 龍虎盟 El Dorado (1966) ..... Cole Thornton
81 萬世流芳 The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) ..... Centurion at crucifixion
82 In Harm's Way (1965) ..... Capt. Rockwell Torrey
83 The Sons of Katie Elder (1965) ..... John Elder
84 馬戲世界 Circus World (1964) ..... Matt Masters
85 馴妻記 McLintock! (1963) ..... George Washington McLintock
86 珊島樂園 Donovan's Reef (1963) ..... Michael Patrick 'Guns' Donovan
87 Hollywood Without Make-Up (1963) ..... Himself (archive footage)
88 最長的一天 The Longest Day (1962) ..... Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort
89 哈泰利 Hatari! (1962) ..... Sean Mercer
90 西部開拓史 How the West Was Won (1962) ..... Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
91 雙虎屠龍 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) ..... Tom Doniphon
92 'Neath Arizona Skies (1962) ..... John Martin
93 The Challenge of Ideas (1961) ..... Narrator
94 10 del Texas, I (1961) ..... (archive footage)
95 The Comancheros (1961) ..... Ranger Capt. Jake Cutter
96 邊城英烈傳 The Alamo (1960) ..... Col. Davy Crockett
97 The 32nd Annual Academy Awards (1960) ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Director
98 北國淘金記 North to Alaska (1960) ..... Sam McCord
99 騎兵隊 The Horse Soldiers (1959) ..... Col. John Marlowe
100 紅河谷 Rio Bravo (1959) ..... Sheriff John T. Chance
101 The 31st Annual Academy Awards (1959) ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Actor, and in opening greeting
102 The 30th Annual Academy Awards (1958) ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Actress
103 I Married a Woman (1958) ..... John Wayne/Leonard (uncredited)
104 蠻夷與藝妓 The Barbarian and the Geisha (1958) ..... Townsend Harris
105 Jet Pilot (1957) ..... Col. Jim Shannon
106 寶城艷姬 Legend of the Lost (1957) ..... Joe January
107 碧血濺長空 The Wings of Eagles (1957) ..... Frank W. 'Spig' Wead
108 搜索者 The Searchers (1956) ..... Ethan Edwards
109 成吉思汗 The Conqueror (1956) ..... Temujin, later Genghis Khan
110 血巷 Blood Alley (1955) ..... Capt. Tom Wilder
111 Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Cowboy Stars (1955) ..... Himself (archive footage)
112 Screen Snapshots: The Great Al Jolson (1955) ..... Himself
113 海上追逐戰 The Sea Chase (1955) ..... Capt. Karl Ehrlich
114 情天未了緣 The High and the Mighty (1954) ..... Dan Roman
115 Hondo (1953) ..... Hondo Lane
116 Island in the Sky (1953) ..... Capt. Dooley
117 Trouble Along the Way (1953) ..... Steve Aloysius Williams
118 Three Lives (1953) ..... Commentator
119 The 25th Annual Academy Awards (1953) ..... Himself - accepting Best Actor Award for Gary Cooper
120 Big Jim McLain (1952) ..... Jim McLain
121 蓬門今始為君開 The Quiet Man (1952) ..... Sean Thornton
122 Miracle in Motion (1952) ..... Narrator
123 The Screen Director (1951) ..... Himself (staged 'archive' footage) (uncredited)
124 太平洋機動作戰 Operation Pacific (1951) ..... Lt Cmdr. Duke E. Gifford
125 Screen Snapshots: Reno's Silver Spur Awards (1951) ..... Himself
126 Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Awards (1951) ..... Himself
127 Flying Leathernecks (1951) ..... Maj. Daniel Xavier Kirby
128 邊疆鐵騎軍 Rio Grande (1950) ..... Lt. Col. Kirby Yorke
129 騎士與女郎 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) ..... Capt. Nathan Cutting Brittles
130 硫磺島浴血戰 Sands of Iwo Jima (1949) ..... Sgt. John M. Stryker
131 The Fighting Kentuckian (1949) ..... John Breen
132 Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Rodeo (1949) ..... Himself
133 荒漠三雄 3 Godfathers (1948) ..... Robert Marmake Sangster Hightower
134 Wake of the Red Witch (1948) ..... Capt. Ralls
135 紅河 Red River (1948) ..... Thomas Dunson
136 Movies Are Adventure (1948) ..... Clip from 'Stagecoach' (archive footage) (uncredited)
137 要塞風雲 Fort Apache (1948) ..... Capt. Kirby York
138 Tycoon (1947) ..... Johnny Munroe
139 天使與魔鬼 Angel and the Badman (1947) ..... Quirt Evans
140 Without Reservations (1946) ..... Rusty Thomas
141 Desert Command (1946) ..... Tom Wayne
142 反攻班丹島 Back to Bataan (1945) ..... Col. Joseph Madden
143 Dakota (1945) ..... John Devlin
144 Flame of Barbary Coast (1945) ..... Duke Fergus
145 They Were Expendable (1945) ..... Lt. (j.g.) 'Rusty' Ryan
146 豪俠盪寇 Tall in the Saddle (1944) ..... Rocklin
147 The Fighting Seabees (1944) ..... Wedge Donovan
148 A Lady Takes a Chance (1943) ..... Duke Hudkins
149 In Old Oklahoma (1943) ..... Daniel F. Somers
150 Pittsburgh (1942) ..... Charles 'Pittsburgh' Markham/Charles Ellis
151 在古老的加利福尼亞 In Old California (1942) ..... Tom Craig
152 Lady for a Night (1942) ..... Jackson Morgan
153 無敵飛虎將 Flying Tigers (1942) ..... Capt. Jim Gordon
154 The Spoilers (1942) ..... Roy Glennister
155 野風 Reap the Wild Wind (1942) ..... Captain Jack Stuart
156 Reunion in France (1942) ..... Pat Talbot
157 Lady from Louisiana (1941) ..... John Reynolds
158 A Man Betrayed (1941) ..... Lynn Hollister
159 Meet the Stars: Stars Past and Present (1941) ..... Himself
160 The Shepherd of the Hills (1941) ..... Young Matt
161 Dark Command (1940) ..... Bob Seton
162 Three Faces West (1940) ..... John Phillips
163 七梟雄 Seven Sinners (1940) ..... Lt. Dan Brent
164 Meet the Stars: Cowboy Jubilee (1940) ..... Himself
165 天涯路 The Long Voyage Home (1940) ..... Ole Olsen
166 New Frontier (1939) ..... Stony Brooke
167 The Night Riders (1939) ..... Stony Brooke
168 Wyoming Outlaw (1939) ..... Stony Brooke
169 Three Texas Steers (1939) ..... Stony Brooke
170 Allegheny Uprising (1939) ..... James Smith
171 關山飛渡 Stagecoach (1939) ..... The Ringo Kid
172 Santa Fe Stampede (1938) ..... Stony Brooke
173 Red River Range (1938) ..... Stony Brooke
174 Overland Stage Raiders (1938) ..... Stony Brooke
175 Pals of the Saddle (1938) ..... Stony Brooke
176 I Cover the War (1937) ..... Bob Adams
177 Idol of the Crowds (1937) ..... Johnny Hansen
178 Sea Spoilers (1937) ..... 'Bos'n' Bob Randall
179 Born to the West (1937) ..... Dare Rudd
180 Adventure's End (1937) ..... Duke Slade
181 California Straight Ahead! (1937) ..... Biff Smith
182 King of the Pecos (1936) ..... John Clayborn
183 Winds of the Wasteland (1936) ..... John Blair
184 The Lonely Trail (1936) ..... Capt. John Ashley
185 The Lawless Nineties (1936) ..... John Tipton
186 Conflict (1936) ..... Pat Glendon
187 The Oregon Trail (1936) ..... Capt John Delmont
188 Westward Ho (1935) ..... John Wyatt
189 Texas Terror (1935) ..... Sheriff John Higgins
190 The Dawn Rider (1935) ..... John Mason
191 The Desert Trail (1935) ..... John Scott, aka John Jones
192 Lawless Range (1935) ..... John Middleton, aka John Allen
193 Rainbow Valley (1935) ..... John Martin
194 The New Frontier (1935) ..... John Dawson
195 Paradise Canyon (1935) ..... John Wyatt aka John Rogers
196 Randy Rides Alone (1934) ..... Randy Bowers
197 The Star Packer (1934) ..... U.S. Marshal John Travers
198 The Trail Beyond (1934) ..... Rod Drew
199 West of the Divide (1934) ..... Ted Hayden, posing as Gat Ganns
200 The Lucky Texan (1934) ..... Jerry Mason
201 The Man from Utah (1934) ..... John Weston
202 The Lawless Frontier (1934) ..... John Tobin
203 'Neath the Arizona Skies (1934) ..... Chris Morrell
204 Blue Steel (1934) ..... John Carruthers
205 The Telegraph Trail (1933) ..... John Trent
206 The Three Musketeers (1933) ..... Lt. Tom Wayne
207 娃娃臉 Baby Face (1933) ..... Jimmy McCoy Jr.
208 College Coach (1933) ..... Student greeting Phil (uncredited)
209 Central Airport (1933) ..... Co-pilot in Wreck (uncredited)
210 His Private Secretary (1933) ..... Dick Wallace
211 Somewhere in Sonora (1933) ..... John Bishop
212 Riders of Destiny (1933) ..... Singin' Sandy Saunders
213 Sagebrush Trail (1933) ..... John Brant (using alias John Smith)
214 The Man From Monterey (1933) ..... Captain John Holmes
215 The Life of Jimmy Dolan (1933) ..... Smith
216 The Big Stampede (1932) ..... Deputy Sheriff John Steele
217 Haunted Gold (1932) ..... John Mason
218 The Hurricane Express (1932) ..... Larry Baker
219 The Hollywood Handicap (1932) ..... Himself
220 The Voice of Hollywood No. 13 (1932) ..... Announcer
221 Two-Fisted Law (1932) ..... Duke
222 That's My Boy (1932) ..... Football Player
223 Texas Cyclone (1932) ..... Steve Pickett
224 Lady and Gent (1932) ..... Buzz Kinney
225 Running Hollywood (1932) .....
226 The Shadow of the Eagle (1932) ..... Craig McCoy
227 Ride Him, Cowboy (1932) ..... John Drury
228 The Deceiver (1931) ..... Richard Thorpe as a corpse
229 Girls Demand Excitement (1931) ..... Peter Brooks
230 Three Girls Lost (1931) ..... Gordon Wales
231 Range Feud (1931) ..... Clint Turner
232 Maker of Men (1931) ..... Dusty Rhodes
233 Arizona (1931) ..... Lt. Bob Denton
234 Cheer Up and Smile (1930) ..... Bit Part (uncredited)
235 大追蹤 The Big Trail (1930) ..... Breck Coleman
236 Born Reckless (1930) ..... Extra (uncredited)
237 Rough Romance (1930) ..... Lumberjack (uncredited)
238 Men Without Women (1930) ..... Radioman on surface (uncredited)
239 Words and Music (1929) ..... Pete Donahue (as Duke Morrison)
240 Speakeasy (1929) ..... Extra (uncredited)
241 The Black Watch (1929) ..... Extra (uncredited)
242 The Forward Pass (1929) ..... Extra (uncredited)
243 Salute (1929) ..... Bill (midshipman) (uncredited)
244 Four Sons (1928) ..... Extra (uncredited)
245 Hangman's House (1928) ..... Horse Race Spectator/Condemned Man in Flashback (uncredited)
246 Mother Machree (1928) ..... Extra (uncredited)
247 Annie Laurie (1927) ..... Extra (uncredited)
248 The Drop Kick (1927) ..... USC Football Player
249 Bardelys the Magnificent (1926) ..... Guard
250 Brown of Harvard (1926) ..... Yale Football Player (uncredited)
251 The Great K & A Train Robbery (1926) ..... Extra (uncredited)
導演 director
1 鄉下佬 Big Jake (1971) .....
2 綠色貝蕾帽 The Green Berets (1968) .....
3 The Comancheros (1961) .....
4 邊城英烈傳 The Alamo (1960) .....
5 血巷 Blood Alley (1955) .....
製片 procer
1 Hondo and the Apaches (1967) ..... procer
2 邊城英烈傳 The Alamo (1960) ..... procer
3 China Doll (1958) ..... procer
4 Escort West (1958) ..... procer
5 Good-bye, My Lady (1956) ..... procer
6 Gun the Man Down (1956) ..... procer
7 Seven Men from Now (1956) ..... procer
8 Man in the Vault (1956) ..... procer
9 血巷 Blood Alley (1955) ..... procer
10 情天未了緣 The High and the Mighty (1954) ..... procer
11 Ring of Fear (1954) ..... procer
12 Track of the Cat (1954) ..... procer
13 Hondo (1953) ..... procer
14 Island in the Sky (1953) ..... procer
15 Plunder of the Sun (1953) ..... procer
16 Big Jim McLain (1952) ..... procer
17 Bullfighter and the Lady (1951) ..... procer
18 The Dangerous Stranger (1950) ..... procer
19 The Fighting Kentuckian (1949) ..... procer
20 天使與魔鬼 Angel and the Badman (1947) ..... procer
助理導演 assistant director
1 蓬門今始為君開 The Quiet Man (1952) ..... second unit director
藝術指導 art department
1 Cheer Up and Smile (1930) ..... property assistant
2 Rough Romance (1930) ..... props
3 The Black Watch (1929) ..... props
4 Words and Music (1929) ..... property assistant
5 Four Sons (1928) ..... props
6 Mother Machree (1928) ..... props
7 The Great K & A Train Robbery (1926) ..... property boy (uncredited)
特技表演 stunt performer
1 Bardelys the Magnificent (1926) ..... stunts
全體團隊 crewmembers
1 Gone (2003) ..... thanks
2 Directed by John Ford (1971)

C. cctv6 5.1的節目預告


D. 張馳的個人作品

《霹靂貝貝》(1988) 《晶晶行竊大師》(1988) 《大虎》(1981) 《李大虎相見歡》(1961) 《林海雪原》(1960) 《李勇奇小野貓》(1958) 《方少儀俏冤家》(1958) 《李孝良一日千里》(1958) 參與製作過的電影《大追蹤》(1995) 導演《大追蹤》(1995) 編劇《追逐死亡的人》(1993) 導演《追逐死亡的人》(1993) 編劇《大遼太後》(1995) 攝影《肝膽相照》(1999) 攝影《將軍的抉擇》(1984) 攝影《大決戰第3部--平津戰役》(1992) 攝影《血祭黃沙鎮》(1993) 攝影《劫持》(1983) 攝影《風雨下鍾山》(1982) 攝影《女刺客》(1988) 攝影《女明星秘史》(1989) 攝影《怒潮》(1963) 製片人《天邊有一簇聖火》(1990) 攝影《雪狼》(1989)

E. 請大家推薦西部片(200滿分)




血色子午線 (2009)
澳大利亞 (2008)
大西部 (2008)
牛仔之夢 (2008)
阿帕魯薩鎮 (2008)
刺殺神槍俠 (2007)
智取農場 (2007)
老無所依 (2007)
決斗猶馬鎮 (2007)
風雪狼道 (2007)
鬼鎮 (2007)
九月黎明 (2007)
摩托教父 (2007)
俠盜魅影 (2006)
屍地**** (2006)
流入山谷 (2006)
佐羅傳奇 (2005)
朽木第2季 (2005)
命運之土 (2004)
藍莓 (2004)
沙漠騎兵 (2004)
韓國城 (2004)
母牛總動員 (2004)
命運之書 (2003)
天地無限 (2003)
猛鬼重生 (2003)
春天是美好的 (2003)
失蹤 (2003)
局外人 (2002)
德克薩斯巡警 (2001)
塵埃 (2001)
挑戰生死線 (2001)
脫韁野馬 (2000)
上海正午 (2000)
信天游 (2000)
從黃昏到黎明 (2000)
野女郎 (2000)
勇闖精靈城 (1999)
飆風戰警 (1999)
惡魔軍官 (1999)
與魔鬼共騎 (1999)
食人魔 (1999)
鐵面戰警 (1999)
孤膽英雄 (1999)
煉獄之城 (1999)
荒野、黃金、大鏢客 (1998)
蒙面俠佐羅 (1998)
終極獵殺 (1999)
月夜神槍 (1998)
非戀不可 (1998)
牛頓小子 (1998)
赤膽悍將 (1998)
Last Stand at Saber River (1997)
真正的女人 (1997)
The Shooter (1997)
玫瑰山 (1997)
水牛戰將 (1997)
不敗梟雄 (1996)
豪情英雄 (1996)
致命快感 (1995)
追求榮耀 (1995)
離魂異客 (1995)
神兵總動員 (1995)
殺人生涯 (1995)
復仇天使 (1995)
西域槍神 (1995)
新好男人 (1995)
燃情歲月 (1994)
幽冥神話 (1994)
異域奇兵 (1994)
絕命大剋星 (1994)
神槍大盜 (1994)
賭俠馬華利 (1994)
執法悍將 (1994)
惡夜駭客 (1994)
致命女人香 (1994)
荒漠英豪 (1994)
墓碑鎮 (1993)
武裝隊 (1993)
荒野追緝 (1993)
格羅尼默 (1993)
似是故人來 (1993)
殺無赦 (1992)
殺手悲歌 (1992)
城市滑頭 (1991)
幸運星魯克 (1991)
牧羊人之怒 (1991)
美國鼠譚第二集 (1991)
與狼共舞 (1990)
年輕槍手2 (1990)
鐵血金戈 (1900)
霹靂教頭 (1990)
大盜巴巴羅沙 (1990)
光榮戰役 (1989)
比利小子 (1989)
寂寞之鴿 (1989)
落日 (1988)
最後戰士 (1987)
革命 (1986)
蒼白騎士 (1985)
西爾弗拉多 (1985)
浦公英 (1985)
靈異傳奇 (1983)
來自雪河的人 (1982)
灰狐 (1982)
來者不善 (1981)
山野梟雄 (1980)
天國之門 (1980)
野嶺傳奇 (1980)
原野梟雄 (1980)
長騎者 (1980)
拓荒者 (1980)
星際迷航記Ⅰ (1979)
槍手佳人流浪客 (1979)
虎豹小霸王前集 (1979)
瘋狂大鏢客 (1979)
電光騎士 (1979)
牧場風雲 (1978)
飛越溫柔窩 (1978)
不法之徒邁·韋爾斯 (1976)
大峽谷歷險記 (1976)
神槍手 (1976)
貝克的鷹 (1976)
太陽盟續集 (1976)
大俠谷 (1976)
奪命列車 (1976)
老查的故事 (1976)
生死斗 (1976)
大老千與傻大姐 (1976)
西塞英雄譜 (1976)
佐羅 (1975)
咬緊子彈 (1975)
狂人考伯恩 (1975)
大鷹嘯 (1975)
不要傷害白種女人 (1974)
灼熱的馬鞍 (1974)
列車大盜 (1973)
荒野浪子 (1973)
比利小子 (1973)
無名小子 (1973)
孤星俠 (1973)
父子三英豪 (1973)
七好漢 (1972)
壞夥伴 (1972)
羅伊·比恩法官的生平 (1972)
布克與傳教士 (1972)
威震大西部 (1972)
墨西哥英雄 (1972)
約尼爾.波恩納 (1972)
猛虎過山 (1972)
牛仔 (1972)
喬·基德 (1972)
兩條牛仔龍 (1972)
野狼 (1972)
騙中騙 (1971)
危險情人 (1971)
花村 (1971)
盜寶智多星 (1971)
執法者 (1971)
危險人物 (1971)
槍戰 (1971)
革命往事 (1971)
貝德曼之河 (1971)
鄉下佬 (1971)
小巨人 (1970)
荒野黑旋風 (1970)
鬼馬大盜 (1970)
虎膽壯士 (1970)
荒江野渡 (1970)
烈女鏢客 (1970)
霹靂雙虎將 (1970)
虎豹小霸王 (1969)
長征萬寶山 (1969)
麥肯納的黃金 (1969)
追凶三千里 (1969)
雙槍俠 (1969)
野戰群 (1969)
俠盜雙雄 (1969)
雪海深仇 (1969)
赤面煞星 (1969)
大地驚雷 (1969)
百支快槍 (1969)
狂沙十萬里 (1968)
獨行俠殲虎屠龍 (1968)
復仇 (1968)
荒野兩匹狼 (1968)
要命不要錢 (1968)
龍虎山決斗 (1967)
神槍手百戰榮歸 (1967)
關外雙雄 (1967)
牧女戰牛郎 (1967)
歸鄉路遙 (1967)
野狼 (1967)
黃金三鏢客 (1966)
大西部 (1966)
荒野真情 (1966)
西部浪子 (1966)
西部佬 (1966)
金槍人 (1966)
二十九壯士 (1966)
原野豪傑 (1966)
豪勇七蛟龍續集 (1966)
關山飛渡 (1966)
女賊金絲貓 (1965)
獨行俠江湖伏霸 (1965)
鄧迪少校 (1965)
鐵騎盪寇 (1965)
大戰三義河 (1965)
藍色霹靂火 (1965)
江湖女間諜 (1965)
瘋狂女精靈 (1965)
龍城怒漢 (1965)
烽火田園 (1965)
西方羅生門 (1964)
神槍鏢客 (1964)
號角震天 (1964)
郵寄新娘 (1964)
戰邊城 (1964)
荒野大鏢客 (1964)
原野鐵漢 (1963)
雙雄生死斗 (1963)
午後槍聲 (1962)
西部開拓史 (1962)
雙虎屠龍 (1962)
獨眼龍 (1961)
蠻山野俠 (1960)
西馬龍 (1960)
手足英雄 (1960)
恩怨情天 (1960)
邊城英烈傳 (1960)
十三戰士 (1960)
七俠盪寇志 (1960)
赤膽屠龍 (1959)
原 糊塗劫車案 (1959)
騎兵隊 (1959)
錦綉大地 (1958)
金國爭霸戰 (1958)
驕傲的叛徒 (1958)
森林之光 (1958)
西部人 (1958)
OK鎮大決斗 (1957)
決斗尤瑪鎖 (1957)
荒漠神槍 (1956)
荒山大賊王 (1956)
蓬車浴血戰 (1956)
最後的狩獵 (1956)
門外不速客 (1956)
七寇伏屍記 (1956)
環球旅行80天 (1956)
原野藏龍 (1955)
坎塔基豪俠 (1955)
狐火 (1955)
邊城俠盜 (1955)
過關斬將 (1955)
從拉萊米來的人 (1955)
槍手 (1955)
落鳩河之戰 (1954)
大江東去 (1954)
萬里關山 (1954)
七對佳偶 (1954)
荒漠怪客 (1954)
草莽雄風 (1954)
血戰勇士堡 (1954)
龍虎干戈 (1954)
雪山恨 (1954)
喋血丹盟 (1953)
情關鐵騎 (1953)
珍妮的遭遇 (1953)
玉女龍駒 (1953)
血灑鳳凰谷 (1953)
血泊飛車 (1953)
野奇俠 (1953)
荒漠餘生 (1953)
蠻國戰笳聲 (1953)
絕嶺三雄 (1953)
脂粉雙槍俠之子 (1952)
正午 (1952)
面對面 (1952)
惡人牧場 (1952)
致命英雄 (1952)
血戰葫蘆谷 (1952)
雙槍魔王 (1952)
娘子軍征西 (1951)
戰鼓動天 (1951)
蠻山血戰 (1951)
木蘭遠征 (1951)
生擒白額 (1951)
折箭為盟 (1950)
俠骨茲航 (1950)
黑天鵝 (1950)
八虎將 (1950)
無敵連環槍 (1950)
邊疆鐵騎軍 (1950)
紅河 (1948)
飛燕金槍 (1948)
晚上在內華達州計時 (1948)
要塞風雲 (1948)
天使與魔鬼 (1947)
哈維女郎 (1946)
陽光下的決斗 (1946)
俠骨柔情 (1946)
單刀赴會 (1945)
豪俠盪寇 (1944)
龍城風雲 (1943)
無賴漢 (1943)
在古老的加利福尼亞 (1942)
神槍游俠 (1942)
比利小子 (1941)
佐羅的面具 (1940)
西部人 (1940)
維城血戰 (1940)
戴斯屈出馬 (1939)
關山飛渡 (1939)
牧童與貴婦 (1938)
幽靈帝國 (1935)
自由萬歲 (1934)
九十歲的美女 (1934)
壯志千秋 (1931)
大追蹤 (1930)
亞利桑納奇俠 (1928)
一個國家的誕生 (1915)
火車大劫案 (1903)
左手持槍 (1900)
牧馬人之戀 (1900)
尤物對決 (1900)
佐羅的記號 (1900)
未來世界 (1900)
回到未來3 (1990)
將軍的子彈 (1900)
鼴鼠 (1900)
藍衣騎兵隊 (1900)
他們是神 (1900)
太陽盟 (1900)
馴妻記 (1900)
紅矮星號第2季 (1990)
The Hunting Party (1900)
捍衛游俠 (1900)
原野遊俠 (1990)
牧馬人之戀 (1900)
鐵騎 (1900)
布雷斯塔警長 (1900)
亂點鴛鴦譜 (1900)
游俠傳奇 (1900)
薛安勇士 (1900)
亂世英傑 (1900)
The Lone Ranger (1900)
The Last Frontier (1900)
蛇江風雲 (1900)
槍神 (1900)

F. 求楊麗菁的動作電影

1987年 《厲鬼纏身》
《烽火佳人》 《黑道兄弟》 1988年 《皇家師姐III之雌雄大盜》 《三頭魔王》(霹靂小子斗魔王) 1989年 《皇家師姐IV之直擊證人》(險惡時刻) 1990年 《皇家師姐之中間人》(跨海懲凶、小蝦米對響尾蛇) 《洗黑錢》 (又名:初到貴地) 1991年 《花街神女》(抓鬼霸王花)
打女 楊麗菁(20張)《皇家師姐6地下兵工廠》 《皇家師姐7海狼》(海霸王) 《紅粉至尊》 《富貴吉祥》 客串 1992年 《獨孤九劍》(俠女傳奇、新俠女)
2010年楊麗菁(20張)《霸王花4》(霸王花之重出江湖、92霸王花與霸王花》 《超級女警》(超級女警察、狂風密令) 飾 聶玲 《飛女正傳》 《武林聖鬥士》(東瀛游俠、英雄無敵) 1993年 《92末路狂花》 《城市女獵人》 《一刀傾城》(神州第一刀) 《蠍子之滅殺行動》(又名:蠍子之滅絕行動)(客串) 《天山玉女劍》(玉女劍) 《霸海紅英》 《人生得意衰盡歡》(粉紅兵團) 《葵花聖女》 《新冷血十三鷹》 《五鼠鬧東京》(七俠五義之五鼠鬧東京、無極天下) 楊麗菁2011微博圖
1994年 《非洲超人》(上帝三度來瘋狂、飛躍長城) 1995年 《怒海威龍》 《雷霆行動》(洗劫葡京) 《師姐也瘋狂》 (小蛟龍鬧東京、皇家天使) 《喋血柔情》(大追蹤、黑道世家) 1996年 《危情追蹤》(聯合出擊) 1997年 《雌虎威龍》(雙妹屠龍) 楊麗菁劇照
《伙頭大將軍》 (又名:火頭軍傳奇) 1998年 《重振精武門》 1999年 《駭動1999》 2000年 《護法奇兵》 《雷霆特警》 2002年 《力王之血色擂台》 2003年 《致命情網》(殺機重重) 《黑客尖兵》 《麻辣警花》(跨海擒凶、擒凶記) 《子彈狂飆》(駭客尖兵) 《極端份子》 2004年 《生死卧底》 2006年 《陸小鳳傳奇之陸小鳳前傳》 飾 無艷 2010年 《大玩家》 2012年 《海神密碼》



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